When the super laser energy beam was fired and bombarded the ground, Ling Xiao also exited this memory point.

He suffered severe mental backlash because the attack was too powerful, and something awakened under the Antarctic.

The last howl made a name appear in his mind...

Black Winged Demon.

Definitely the devil he is looking for!

Ling Xiao, how's it going?

Zhao Yicheng rushed over. In the memory scene just now, Ling Xiao completely turned into Ye Jue and lost his will.

What she could feel most was that Ling Xiao was about to disappear.

At the end, he exited the memory point.

I'm fine, I just need to take a rest. Did you see that?

Ling Xiao asked them back.

At the last moment, was it the black-winged demon from the seventh era?

This... ended so quickly, we didn't even see it.

The divine descendant president shook his head.

The howling was indeed heard, but not seen.

Looks like I have to go in again.

Now that the memory point was found, Ling Xiao decided to work hard to determine whether it was the black-winged demon.

Then be careful, don't invest anymore, you will disappear!

Zhao Yicheng said quickly.

Well, I was infected by emotions just now. I saw my people being slaughtered, so... forget it, I will restrain myself.

In the world of memory, Ling Xiao must always remind himself that he is Ling Xiao, not Ye Jue.


Immediately, the memory scene unfolded again.

Eye, a huge eye!

This is the Black Winged Demon, that's it. The video we saved in the seventh era, that's it!

The senior executives of the Divine Company were trembling all over and felt like they were sweating.

Is it really a demon left over from the last era?

The devil who is not yet dead?

Still one survives?

How do they cope?

Boom boom boom...

At this moment, the ground cracked, and the black-winged demon climbed up from the ground.

Everyone felt their scalps were numb.

Oh no!

In the super battleship in the sky, the leader of the clan looked stupid.

The huge energy generated by the super matter reactor will be swallowed by this mysterious creature and become the condition for its awakening.


There was another sharp roar, and the ground cracked.

The huge black shadow gradually emerged, becoming more and more clear.

Wake up, Leviathan, the ancient demon god who once bathed in the blood of fallen angels!


The huge black shadow spread its wings and seemed to cover the entire Antarctic.

It's true, it's the devil that ran out of the hole!

Someone from the Divine Company sat down on the ground.

This image was so shocking, they underestimated the power of this demon.


The memory scene is gone!


Ling Xiao had a splitting headache and fell to the ground. He continued to enter his inner world, and he didn't know what backlash caused him to react like this.

After a while, he calmed down.

Lord Ling Xiao, there is precious wealth in your memory, which allows us to know who the enemy is.

The Goddess President bowed respectfully, and all the high-level researchers were pious.

If it weren't for Ling Xiao, they wouldn't have known that there was a terrifying demon still lurking in their magical dimension fragments.

From now on, the Goddess Company will do its best to search for information about this demon.

The secretary calmly directed.

She could feel that under the calm universe, there was actually an undercurrent surging.

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