where is this place?

Ling Xiao's consciousness was groggy, and with a bang, he was hit with stars in his eyes, and a big swelling suddenly appeared on his head. He groaned, unable to steady his body, and seemed to have fallen down from somewhere. He had to grit his teeth and grin, and his bones almost fell apart.

What does it feel like?

Hehe suddenly stepped on a spring with huge elasticity, and there was another force pulling him from above.

Why is it all black? A dark world?

He rubbed his head. Fortunately, his body's recovery ability was amazing, and the bag on his head was gone.

Moreover, the pain disappeared quickly.

Immediately afterwards, the spring-like force appeared again, this time with experience. He raised his hands to support the impact at the moment when his head was about to hit.

He seemed to have touched something, and he pulled it with both hands, and he went up.


Suddenly, everything went white.

Ling Xiao's eyes suddenly hurt. Although he couldn't open them, he could see that in this white world, there was a figure standing in a distant place with his back turned.

It's you!

He was shocked and looked around hurriedly.

Why is it so familiar!

This is his inner world, the scene of recovery he often sees.

What's going on? How did I get here...

Ling Xiao thought about the last moment when he sent Zhao Yicheng back to his own dimension, and then he didn't know anything anymore.

Ling Xiao.

At this moment, the figure seemed to have turned around, but it was far away, and the white color was too dazzling, and the face was blurred.

However, even so, one can clearly see the outline, which is obviously his appearance.

Ling Xiao was stunned when he heard another person calling him.


That guy has woken up and you can still talk to him.

A complete recovery is not far away.

Soon he will take his place and become the master of the body.

At that point, he will disappear.

My name is...Ye Jue.

When the other self spoke like this, his voice vibrated in this white space, and an inexplicable terrifying will shrouded him.


Ling Xiao even felt like he couldn't breathe anymore.

This pressure is so powerful that it is completely irresistible!

How strong is the other him?


Jean even felt that it would only take a matter of minutes for this self to replace him.

Because compared to it, his will is like floating compared to an elephant.

He suddenly realized a problem!

That's another him, with such a strong willpower, why not replace him early?

Could it be that he was really suppressed by his own willpower?

Now he doesn't quite believe it!

This is your first time coming here, because I called you to come.

Ye Jue was far away, with soft light curtains all over his body, intertwining lines, everything became clear, it was no longer covered by clouds and mists, and it was no longer a white world.

This is a world filled with smoke, and the scene reflected in the fire of civilization is so distant and ancient that Ling Xiao has never seen it before.

In that world, the picture expanded, it was extremely clear and comprehensive. The unfamiliar words and strange patterns all pointed to the past era.

The other him is showing himself the world of a certain era?


Coming into this world, Ling Xiao's head seemed to have been hit hard, and he became dizzy again.

When he opened his eyes and saw clearly, he found that he had changed drastically and became a teenager.

There is nothing special about this teenager except for his narrow eyes.

He rubbed his face vigorously but felt no pain.

A hallucination?

He was surprised and thought that there was a possibility that what they saw was just an illusion, and their minds were deceived by him.

This is most likely the prison where I am being held.

Ling Xiao frowned.

The other self probably made a world for him and let his will be imprisoned in this world.

If he couldn't find a way out, a breakthrough, he might have to live here for the rest of his life.

Hmph, although you are powerful, you are me and I am you. The more powerful you are, the more powerful I am.

Ling Xiao decided to read the secrets of this world.

However, this world has been around for too long, and civilization has left many traces. He needs to follow him, and maybe he can find other people in the spiritual world.

After all, this is a magnificent spiritual world.

But what era is this?

Ling Xiao was thinking wildly. No matter what, he had to find a way to get out now.

However, how can I survive in this world without the strength to restrain myself?

What era? Ye Jue, are you stupid? Haha, this is the 21st century, April 3, 2025, 15:20:10!

A sarcastic voice sounded next to him, and Ling Xiao was surprised to find that this was also a teenager. Why he ended up living here has long been impossible to verify, but it didn't matter anymore.

Because there are too many people like this in this space. They are crowded together, talking and laughing, and discussing words that he does not understand. It is too difficult to understand and very obscure.

Ling Xiao decided to explore the way out of the spiritual world from this starting point, and take a look at whether there were any good things in his spiritual arsenal.

As long as it's strength, he won't refuse anyone who comes.

Hey, what are you looking at? Have you never seen a beautiful woman?

At this time, a very familiar voice fell into his ears.


This made Ling Xiao's heart thump, and he immediately turned his head to locate the source of the sound wave.

Zhao Yicheng, why are you here?

He was dumbfounded!

That's right, even though the beautiful girl in front of him was a smaller version, he still recognized it at a glance. Who else could it be if it wasn't Zhao Yicheng?

In order to imprison him in this spiritual world cage, the other self actually reincarnated Zhao Yicheng into it?

What Zhao Yicheng? Is there anyone named Zhao Yicheng in our class?

This Zhao Yicheng frowned, very confused.

What's going on? Aren't you Zhao Yicheng?

Ling Xiao said quickly.

Hey, hey, Ye Jue, what kind of trick are you doing? In order to attract Su Yan's attention, you don't have to do this, just make up a random name?

The people next to him sneered.

Su Yan? Who is that?

Ling Xiao was a little stupid.

You're still pretending. Don't leave after school. It's his fault. If I don't teach you a lesson, it seems like your brain won't be bright!

The man said to him fiercely.

Ye Jue, are you sleeping stupidly?

Su Yan was speechless for a moment.

She thought Ye Jue had fallen asleep.

I haven’t realized what I was dreaming about yet.

This sentence... seems so familiar.

Ling Xiao opened his mouth, and his memories overlapped. This was his memory, blending into this illusory world.

He was confused now.

The girl in front of me obviously looks like Zhao Yicheng, but she is called Su Yan?

He is clearly Ling Xiao, but he is called Ye Jue.

Could it be that this is not an illusion, but a world of memories that really happened?

The one who opened up the dusty memories for him?

Ling Xiao himself is a person without memory. He was born from a metal ball and only had memory when he turned into wood.

He didn't even feel like a living being.


This is a memory that belongs to him, which makes him extremely excited!

With memory, life is complete!

What is his purpose?

Hey, the final exam is coming soon, what should I do? Ye Jue, you have always been so good at studying, can you take the time to teach me?

Su Yan looked depressed, raised her head, held her chin in her hands, stared at the latter and said.


Ling Xiao looked at the girl and knew that this was not Empress Zhao Yicheng, so she didn't know how to answer.

In my memory, this scene seems not to have appeared.

Why don't you speak?

Su Yan let go of the hand holding her chin and waved it in front of Ye Jue's eyes.

I just don't know what to say.

Ling Xiao couldn't answer what the final exam was. He didn't even know what the final exam was, so how could he teach it to others?

What era is this era?

Is it the sixth era?

His eyes looked around, it was so unfamiliar that he had never seen it before.

Is that a cement wall?

So ancient?

I heard that in the tribal period, cement walls were used.

There were also those furnishings, these tables, chairs, etc., a lot of strange objects, which short-circuited his brain.

What are these and what?

You are good at everything, but you are too honest. Do you know that nowadays honest people can't get along? Don't you know that no matter how good you are at studying, there are people outside the world, and the involution is too serious.

Su Yan raised a slender finger and said while shaking it: There is nothing wrong with studying being the best way out, but Tiezi, please don't study for the sake of studying, thereby ignoring some essential problems. You know, after life is born, You know how to suck milk. Apart from this, anything else, knowledge is the result of later learning. Why? Because of survival...

What is she talking about?

Ling Xiao opened his mouth, as if he was a newborn calf. He didn't know how to express himself, so he made up sentences at will, without beginning or ending, and he used his words as he pleased.

She is indeed a girl, and girls are like children, just like older children.

What is that!

At this moment, there was an explosion. The sound was so deafening that it could almost make people faint.


Ling Xiao only felt that the ground beneath his feet cracked, as if something terrifying broke out of the ground and headed straight for the sky.

His vision went black, and then his mind went blank. For a moment, he felt like he was dead!


When he woke up again, he was back in that white world. It was extremely dazzling and he still couldn't fully open his eyes.

Memory, give me memory, I want more!

Ling Xiao came back to his senses and was extremely excited. That was his memory. Only with memory can he connect the past and the present. Only with memory can he be called a human being.

Ling Xiao, this is our inner world, we can explore it at any time.

In the vast white world, Ye Jue opened his mouth and told this.

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