Your theory is very interesting...

Ling Xiao appeared in the Divine Company.

Lord Ling Xiao, it's all thanks to you that you really destroyed the magic array and prevented the elemental nanorobots from being arranged, so they were captured by us.

The president of the Divine Descendants was extremely excited. The ancient man in front of them was the god sent to them by heaven to save the universe.

Without the help of his particles, they would not be able to crack the magic circle no matter what.

Hey, where are the researchers from the Special Academy?

Someone couldn't help but make a sound.

She's here...

In Ling Xiao's palm, a spinning bomber appeared.

This is... spatial ability.

someone exclaimed.


The bomber got bigger and bigger, and finally restored its size one by one, and landed on the open ground.

Ling Xiao teleported in and took out the storage device that saved Zhao Yicheng's body.

Her soul fell into the universe attacking our dimension.

Ling Xiao didn't want to say anything more to them now.

He must go now.


The divine descendant president had just said one word, and with a twist of hum, the latter disappeared.

It's amazing. This kind of ability can actually ignore the distance between dimensions? Can he really travel at will wherever he steps?

The researchers couldn't help but marvel.

It seems that we have always underestimated his ability.

The divine descendant president nodded.

However, the focus of our research now is still on the breakthrough of civilization and our own breakthrough. Only when we become stronger can we be truly powerful.

The president is right. No matter how powerful Mr. Ling Xiao is, he is still a survivor of the last era. He is not from the same generation as us. There will always be a gap.

Well, we can't completely rely on him. We have to walk the road ahead on our own. Let's start with these nano-element robots. These small robots can bring us unlimited inspiration and knowledge.


Ling Xiao returned to this dimension, and his soul suddenly became hot, and his other self seemed to be reviving.

Suppress me!

He growled.

However, this reaction was too intense, and his body and soul became as hot as fire, as if they were about to burn.


Ling Xiao couldn't help but growl, a little unable to bear it.

Why, I want to find him, you are so angry, why do you want to stop me?

Today's intensity is so crazy that it can even be said to be too exaggerated.


He can't disappear, he can't be revived.

He must save Zhao Yicheng!

This thought made him endure.

After a while, Ling Xiao was panting, and the hot feeling in his body and soul slowly disappeared. He was sweating profusely. Just for a moment, the feeling was too terrifying, as if everything in the world contained a kind of destructive power. The energy, once exploded, can destroy everything here.

That self was so powerful that it made him feel like he had seen a ghost. He couldn't even mention it.

He wiped the cold sweat from his forehead.

Now, he had to find Zhao Yicheng's soul. Any second delay would be dangerous.

Space teleportation!

Ling Xiao took a deep breath, gritted his teeth, and used his ability.

He shouldn't use it now, it's too dangerous just after resuscitation.

However, it must be used.


He disappeared here, following the path of Zhao Yicheng's soul falling.

In there, Zhao Yicheng's soul is contained!

After using his ability three times, Ling Xiao saw a huge star city in front of him.

However, the strong resurgence reaction came again.

His body buzzed and vibrated, and his body and soul suddenly became as hot as fire. But this time he was prepared, barely holding on, and even if he couldn't hold on, he would be rescued.

The enemy is coming!

In the blur before his eyes, he seemed to hear someone shouting.

However, now he has almost turned into a white sun, and the vibration of his soul is like a bunch of faint white light being released. This light envelopes everything, and everything nearby has undergone incredible changes.

Those meteorites, stars, everything, slowly rose up, the magic in the universe fluctuated, flickering on and off, and there was fire from the sky, stretching suddenly, burning crazily, making a whooshing sound.

Everything is glowing white!


Finally, Ling Xiao couldn't help but scream.


This is an incredible scene. Everything is broken down into countless particles in this white light!

These particles are divided into two colors: black and white.

The white particles slowly sank, causing the bottom to become completely white, while the black particles slowly rose to the top.

This is a wonderful sight!

Endless particles compose a magnificent piece of music, with black and white slowly blending together.

In the process of blending, countless magic blasts were fired from the huge star city, but it was useless. They were vibrating, standing upright, or being stretched, and then slowly began to decompose and disappear. In the end, regardless of Whether it was a star, something else, or magic, they all disappeared from here completely like magic.

This place has become an absolute vacuum!

I don’t know how long it took...

Ling Xiao suddenly opened his eyes, he woke up, and then gasped for breath. He felt very tired, as if he had been exercising for a long time.

But I can't remember anything clearly.

The last scene of memory was that he was about to revive, and he suppressed it with all his strength. During the confrontation, something was squeezed out of his body, and then he lost consciousness in a vast white space.


He was shocked. Although there was an absolute vacuum around him, there were obvious signs of objects disappearing.

Was that star city melted by him?

A terrifying thought arose in Ling Xiao's heart.


He let out a loud cry and shuddered, as if suddenly awakened from sleep.

Could it be that……

Was Zhao Yicheng's soul melted by him?

It's you, it's all you, it's you who are stopping me, so she will die!

Ling Xiao looked up to the sky and roared, now there was nothing, nothing, Zhao Yicheng was gone, he didn't want to live anymore.


At this moment, he saw another magical scene. In a place that was originally empty, particles were vibrating very violently.

Then, they quickly reorganized and condensed together, swish, swish, swish coming out of focus like light.

Just like that, in front of Ling Xiao, Zhao Yicheng's soul reorganized and appeared!

what happened?

She slowly opened her eyes, not knowing why, but when she looked at herself, she was still blue and in a soul state.


Ling Xiao was so surprised that he wanted to pounce on him.

It's just that he can't do it now.

Every contact was a torment. After the leak of his power, it was almost impossible to suppress it.


There is also a secret in Zhao Yicheng.

Otherwise, it would be impossible to reorganize the soul under such an impact. This is unbelievable.

He saw it, it was a force field arc with huge potential of mysterious power.

Zhao Yicheng is not as fragile as she appears. Inside her body, there is a power even more terrifying than his.

Ling Xiao!

Zhao Yicheng was extremely surprised: Did you come to save me? By the way, I was hit by the shadow giant hand, and my soul was blown away. Then I was caught by the life of this dimension and transported to a magic city. I was just about to While I was being studied, I heard them shouting that the enemy was coming...and then, I didn’t know anything else.”

Don't come any closer!

Ling Xiao reached out to stop him and shook his head: I can't suppress him. When he touches you, he will revive.

How can it be?

Zhao Yicheng seemed unable to believe it and insisted on getting closer.

I'll send you away!

Ling Xiao stretched out his arm and grabbed it with his right hand. The space was distorted and Zhao Yicheng's soul disappeared directly.

This was when he used his ability to send it back into her body.

But doing so is undoubtedly another fluctuation.


As soon as he calmed down, he yelled.


A force of decomposition that destroyed the world erupted from him and spread out like ripples. This was so terrifying. Everything this force encountered was being decomposed and melted, and nothing existed anymore.

Bang bang bang!

Explosion, explosion, collapse, death, despair... any weapon is completely useless in front of it.

This is no longer a question of lethality, but that countless substances have been broken down into particles and then disappeared.

The particle will also disappear, just as it was before it was born, as if it never appeared.

This magical dimension fragment suffered an irresistible disaster. It began to collapse from the middle of the universe and spread rapidly, almost visible to the naked eye.

This, this, this, this, this...

Everyone in the Goddess Company that had just been positioned opened their mouths wide, looking at the unbelievable feedback data in front of them.

The magical dimensional fragment that attacked us has disappeared.

These words were like falling into an ice cellar, making everyone's scalp numb and chills running down their spines.

It's so terrifying, it's just a matter of a moment, constantly destroyed, disappearing, and collapsing.

Yes, yes, Lord Ling Xiao did it...

Their mouths twitched.

What kind of power does it represent to destroy a universe easily?

The ultimate power of God!

Their expressions were dull.

President...this cannot be described as underestimating.

Some people stuttered and made sounds.

Those data are disappearing, and the universe is finished like this, as if it had never appeared.

They are also thinking about how to fight back, win, and survive.

The results of it?

Within a few minutes, the entire civilization was gone, really gone, all dead, no one left!

The energy control technology mastered by the alien civilization, regardless of other technologies, is far twice as high as theirs!

That is an eighth-level civilization!

They have just colonized the interstellar space, so there is no comparison!

The results of it?

Gone, missing, even the data is being broken down and penetrated through dimensions.

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