
When he finished speaking, Ling Xiao seemed to be looking down at the entire empty world, gradually fading away.


Suddenly, he opened his eyes because he was hit by a meteorite that was sliding at a high speed, and the rolling flames were burning his skin.

came back?

Ling Xiao saw the familiar arrangement of stars, which were fragments of his magic dimension.

Don't know when it will return.

My inner world.

He touched his heart. Now, with just one thought, he could go back to that world to search for memories.

However, he also had to admit that the more memories he gained, the more dangerous he became.

This is most likely another conspiracy of my own.

Use this method to assimilate him.


The temptation of those memories is so great!

A month later, he returned to the headquarters of the Goddess Company.

You're finally back!

Zhao Yicheng saw him again. Her beautiful face was white and crystal clear, and her eyes were clear and lively. She was usually cold and charming, but now she smiled, which was exceptionally bright and charming.


When Ling Xiao saw her, he had a strange feeling.

This woman still gives people the feeling of youthfulness. She has accumulated a lot of terrifying power in her body, which is not trivial.

And, most importantly, she looks exactly like the Su Yan in her memory.

What's wrong?

Zhao Yicheng didn't see him showing any joy. For a moment, he even felt that it was difficult for the latter to look directly at her, and she felt a little strange and distant.

A woman's sixth sense is very powerful, even though we haven't been together for more than a month.

But that should never be the case.

Tell me what happened.

Zhao Yicheng stared at him, she had to figure it out. This feeling of alienation and strangeness was hard for her to accept.

After all, faith and hope for so many days resulted in this kind of attitude.

I... will talk to you later.

Ling Xiao needs to calm down. His memory is still difficult to understand and needs to be digested.

Okay, I'm waiting for you. The president and the others are also waiting for you. Let's go quickly.

Zhao Yicheng nodded slightly and led the way.

Staring at this back, Ling Xiao secretly sighed.

Su Yan in the memory world, Ye Jue in the memory world.

What's going on with him and Zhao Yicheng now?

Is he, Ling Xiao, the real person?

That self is so powerful, but what is the purpose of letting him control the body?

It seems that there is a great relationship between me, Su Yan, and Zhao Yicheng.

Ling Xiao shook his head.

It seems that if you want to find out, you must continue to explore the world of memory.

Lord Ling Xiao, welcome back!

Wow! !

The senior executives of the divine company bowed one after another, with upright attitudes, as pious as they wanted, without any acting skills, showing their true feelings.

Nothing else, scared!

Who is not afraid now?

The existence that can easily destroy a dimensional world is standing in front of them. This feeling of oppression cannot be concealed. A normal person would be scared and his legs would tremble, right?

Are you afraid of me?

Ling Xiao frowned.

What's going on here?

Although their attitude was very respectful before, but now it has changed from respectful to pious, a qualitative leap, something happened.

Don't you know?

The Goddess Guild President said with some horror.

what do you know?

Ling Xiao responded.

It seems something really happened!

Just now, the magic dimension fragment that attacked us disappeared forever from our queen system.

The secretary was still calm and said this.


Ling Xiao hasn't reacted yet.

We infer that it was you who caused it.

The god-born president added cautiously.

I don't remember, maybe I didn't do it.

Ling Xiao frowned.

If he really destroyed a universe...

So, how many lives have died in his hands, and what's even more strange is that he doesn't feel any guilt at all.

Since there is no guilt, that means it wasn't him who did it...

It's not wrong. When you teleported over, that universe disappeared. There is a 99.99% probability.

The secretary had a stronger heart and said it directly.


Ling Xiao nodded.

If so, then Ye Jue must have done it, so he didn't feel guilty, and it made sense.


Hearing a simple word 'oh', the senior executives all swallowed their saliva.

What kind of person is this? He regards a universe as nothing.

The reaction to hearing about the destruction was so bland.

This is enough to prove one thing, the great road is ruthless, and the strong are even more ruthless!

You can't offend, let alone provoke, you have to be extremely flattering, there can't be any falsehood, treat it sincerely!

This is their response to this perfect creature.

President, if you have anything to do, please tell me immediately!

Zhao Yicheng said from the side.

Yes, yes, let's talk about important things. Ahem, that's it. Now our research has reached a bottleneck. We need you to stay at the company headquarters for a while to help us break through the life code. You see...

The divine descendant president said quickly.

I know, I'm going to rest.

Ling Xiao nodded slightly, teleported away, and disappeared.

Have you noticed that he has changed!

Just after he left, someone couldn't help but said.

It has indeed changed. It has become more gloomy.

Fart, he is cold and calm. He is not as curious as before.

In the end what happened?

Ling Xiao needed to sleep, he had to catch up on his sleep and forget everything.

Ling Xiao.

At this time, Zhao Yicheng's voice sounded outside the door.

However, Ling Xiao felt obvious irritability and ignored it.

I'm in!

However, Zhao Yicheng has system permissions and can enter and leave the entire base at will, and a metal door cannot stop her.

Say it.

She tapped her legs, her sexy and slender legs overlapped together, very dazzling.

But Ling Xiao was not in the mood and said: Chengcheng, you said that there is another person in your body. Maybe I know her name.


Zhao Yicheng was suddenly startled and asked quickly: It seems that you have discovered something, right? The person in my body, who is she, what is her name, and what is her background?

Her name is... Su Yan.

Ling Xiao said it and added: You are exactly the same in my memory world.

Your memory world? Don't you have no memory?

Zhao Yicheng was extremely confused.

I didn't have it before, but now I have found my heart and can enter it at any time... The first stop is 'him' and 'her'

Ling Xiao responded.

Do you know who you are in your body?

Zhao Yicheng was surprised.

Yes, his name is Ye Jue.

Ling Xiao nodded.

Ye Jue? Wait, this name is so familiar. You know, I study ancient documents and ancient inscriptions, and a god was mentioned many times. I finally found out after I finally cracked his name that it was Ye Jue. Character.

Zhao Yicheng's heart skipped a beat. He originally thought those ancient documents were of little use, but he didn't expect them to be of great use.

That's right. This Ye Jue is a powerful man who once managed Yuan Dynasty, and he is also an extremely powerful god.

Ling Xiao looked at his hands and said: Didn't you infer that the universe went through the Big Bang and reached the seventh era? Only the most powerful god survived and his body was preserved until the seventh era. That is I’ll do it.”

The God of the Sixth Age.

Zhao Yicheng said 'hmm'. The metal ball protecting Ling Xiao was actually a metal robot. It may be that under its protection, the god of the Sixth Age could survive the end of everything being reduced to a soup of particles. Seventh Age.

But it is obvious that after tens of thousands of years, something went wrong with this god. Either his personality split, or his body gave birth to a new will, which led to Ling Xiao.

Therefore, that god, who has been sleeping in Ling Xiao's body, has now revived and received his true name.

I will investigate carefully about Ye Jue. In addition... I will also investigate the name Su Yan.

Zhao Yicheng nodded.

What does the person in her body have to do with Ye Jue, and what does it have to do with her?

All this will take time to verify and find ways to verify.

Of course, she can't get close to Ling Xiao anymore.

After the man named Ye Jue wakes up, he may tell everything, but in that case, Ling Xiao will undoubtedly disappear.

You, me, we have to find a way.

Ling Xiao looked at Zhao Yicheng.

He felt that he and Zhao Yicheng were actually arranged to be involved in a secret storm between Ye Jue and Su Yan.

One week later.

The Goddess Company has made great progress, successfully breaking through to the ninth level of civilization, and developing many new era weapons from interstellar travel.

In addition, the soul and body are also liberated, and the life code leaps to the fourth level.

They can leave the body at the next level, but they have not yet understood the composition equation of the soul and have entered the bottleneck period again.

Those scientific researchers speculated that as long as they find the universe with the seventh-level magical dimension fragments, they can obtain data and break through the bottleneck period.

But the seventh-level magic dimension fragments are a force that they dare not invade. It would be a good thing if they don't reduce the dimensionality to attack them. Instead, going to other people's lair to steal things now feels a bit like seeking death.


Ling Xiao has been exploring the world of inner memory, transforming into Ye Jue and experiencing everything he has to offer.

At this moment, he has figured out that this memory world is called the wasteland, and it lives up to its name. The regime has been overthrown, the army has been disbanded, the law has been abolished, and the faith has been subverted.

The living environment of the race called humans has been severely damaged, and the survivors are struggling to survive in the cruel environment.

What they faced was a creature called a demon, which could swallow souls, eat skin and flesh, was extremely ferocious, and was invincible in numbers.


The president of the Divine Descendants whispered: To tell you the truth, in fact, at a certain time in the seventh era, ten thousand years ago, such monsters appeared, but only for a while, and then disappeared. This is the video ...a precious thing left behind by a once powerful civilization.”

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