Do you know the meaning of this eternal existence in the world? It is the immortal soul that once appeared in our universe, but we have not studied what the immortal soul is. We think it is a kind of mythical energy... Now this secret Finally cracked, it’s dark energy!”

Director Wu's hands trembled with excitement as he continued: Now, in the Mythical Paradise, this dark energy can be absorbed, which means that our souls can become countless times more powerful than the immortal soul!

Soul and body, coexisting in harmony, are who we are.

The existence of the soul is equivalent to a lock, locking our future.

So, if we want to win this 'battlefield', we must make sacrifices!


Chen Ya frowned.

Yes, a small sacrifice. Our body is equivalent to a seal, more like a prison. It not only protects the soul, but also traps the soul...

Director Wu sighed and said: Until our bodies are in trouble, seriously injured or dead, the prison is broken, and the seal disappears, the soul can be pulled out of the body. This is the case with immortal souls, but it is a pity that they live in In the suffering state, you cannot continue to become stronger because the dark energy in the suffering state is too scarce, even though the Emperor of the Starry Sky managed to get some in some places.

Our souls are harvested by the demon. Why does the demon become stronger and stronger? It's not because it absorbs more dark energy, so it naturally becomes stronger.

Now the truth about the demon devouring souls is clear...

Chen Ya didn't catch a cold, the devil and hell were a thing of the past.

Although Prince Yama is not in this mythical paradise.

When they leave here, they will definitely bump into each other.

At that time, they will either die or die in hell.

Before that, dark energy and dark matter must be completely mastered!

Chen Ya said immediately.

No problem, we have started the latest research, a total of one hundred and twenty directions!

Dr. Xiao leaned against the table, smoking the e-cigarette bag in his mouth, and spitting out circles while talking.

Then I'll leave this matter to you, Ye Jue, follow me.

Chen Ya glanced at the latter.


The third corpse, Ye Jue, shrugged his shoulders and followed her out.


After the giant metal door closed, he and Chen Ya were alone.

Ahem, if you want to say what happened just now, I really didn't lie to you.

When Ye Jue, the third corpse, saw the latter's sharp face, he was so frightened that he could not help but tremble all over.

Although he is the second self, he can use some magical dark energy.

However, the main body did not succeed in slaying the path, and space, time, and freedom did not come to him.

Now he is just a weakling.

How could it possibly be compared to the ancient god-level Chen Ya?

After entering this mythical paradise, Chen Ya's strength has been skyrocketing, and now she is almost touching the intermediate level.

No, it's not that.

Chen Ya looked at him surprisingly, with a strange look in her eyes.


The third corpse, Ye Jue, couldn't help but swallow his saliva.


Chen Ya walked over on high heels and came face to face with sharp eyes.

Miss Chen Ya.

The third corpse, Ye Jue, responded awkwardly, feeling his scalp numb.

What happened to Chen Ya today?

Why do you look at him so strangely?

Could it be that……

Suddenly, an idea occurred in his mind.

His hands automatically hugged him.

This was a bold move, which could lead to serious injury or death.

But right away.

He knew that he had made the right bet.

Chen Ya didn't resist!

His idea was established.


Just as he was about to say something, his expression changed.


The whole person was kicked away and stuck into the metal wall behind.

You are not him.

Chen Ya's body trembled slightly and her voice was trembling.

Yes, I am indeed not him, but I can also be him.

The third corpse, Ye Jue, walked out of the wall with a smile on his face: Miss Chen Ya, can't all the tribes guess what you are thinking? You and Ye Jue have walked all the way from the wasteland and gone through a lot of hardships. It's a pity that Or someone else’s…”

do not talk!

Chen Ya's long hair suddenly rolled up, and she looked fierce and powerful.

No, I want to say, why can't you live for yourself? From the beginning to the end, you have devoted your whole life to the guild, but what did you get in exchange for it in the end?

Ye Jue, the third corpse, opened his mouth and said: There is nothing, it is simply nothing, rights? Is that what you want? For all races? Does their life and death really have anything to do with you? What you want in your heart is What, it’s actually very simple, right?”

I told you to stop talking!

Chen Ya's face was gloomy, and a mythical weapon appeared in her hand. It was extremely sharp, as sharp as a sword.

No problem, until then, I can be Ye Jue.

The three corpses, Ye Jue, smiled and said: I am originally the kindest part of the three corpses.


Chen Ya put down her momentum and became frighteningly quiet.

go out.

After that, she said coldly.

As commanded.

The third corpse, Ye Jue, turned around and left with a respectful attitude.

Looking at his back...

Chen Ya turned around slowly and fell into distress.

Ahead is a continent of nothingness, a mythical paradise.

They have just touched the realm of God and received the news of the code of life, and everything is developing in an orderly manner.

But, as he said, is this really what she wants?

Whether it is the survival of the race or the right to do...

She felt very tired.

Originally it wouldn't be possible, but how many thousands of years has it been?

She has lived for so long that a speck of dust can be magnified into a planet.


The metal door closed, Chen Ya's figure disappeared, and it was extremely quiet.

Goddess Corporation.

We tried, but all failed...

This has also been a direction of our research over the years. We still can't figure out which link caused the problem.

In other words, maybe our soul must be stimulated by those elemental nanometers.

In other words, the life code lock of our soul itself must rely on the power of advanced civilization to destroy the first lock. If it is created artificially, we do not have the power of this magic circle.

“When the code of life is solved from the fifth level to the first level, God’s realm truly begins.”

Those researchers are discussing hotly and have a new research direction on the magic circle.

They captured some elemental nanorobots, and after using them for a second time, they discovered that they could unlock the life code lock!

The so-called life is the soul and the body.

One of the locks locks the two and cannot be separated.

If we unlock the first lock, we might be able to leave our bodies and travel around the world without dying. Doesn't it sound familiar? Yes, traveling around the world can actually forcefully strip off our souls and enter the world of souls. , although we still don’t know who created it, it’s still a mystery.”

said a senior researcher.

It seems that the invasion of other dimension fragments will bring not only disasters, but also new powers!

The president nodded and said: Although we cannot develop elemental nanorobots, the energy composition equation must be studied clearly. This way, even if we cannot make such small robots, we can become more powerful.

When the life code lock reaches the fourth level, our physical body can break through. After all, there are more and more descendants of the first level.

Okay, it seems that our dimension fragments are going to become more powerful?


how so?

Zhao Yicheng was stunned.

She looked at the world in front of her in disbelief.

This dimension fragment is almost exactly the same as ours!

After Ling Xiao and her passed through the tunnel, they entered the exact same universe.

Even the stars are the same, there is no sense of strangeness at all, they seem to have the same origin.

However, their magical power is two levels stronger than ours, an eighth-level civilization!

He felt that although the universe was the same, there were many magic runes secretly embedded in the cold void. From this perspective, it surpassed their dimensional fragments.

What should we do now?

Zhao Yicheng looked at the universe and had no idea where to start. It was so huge that the two of them simply couldn't defeat it.

This time, we are just here to explore the enemy's situation.

Ling Xiao said.

They have to turn back.

Yeah, that's right. Let's go back quickly. The aircraft has already mapped out the route map. There's no need to circle next time.

Zhao Yicheng nodded.

This is a war in the Magic Dimension Fragment Universe. It cannot be controlled by one person or two people.

not good!

At this moment, Ling Xiao suddenly felt danger. He opened his hand and grabbed it, erasing the space around him and no longer existed.

That is…

However, his expression changed and he saw the strange giant hand again, photographed from a distance.

This time he was on guard again, so it was naturally impossible for him to be photographed out of his soul.



Ling Xiao suddenly looked at Zhao Yicheng, and the giant shadow hand passed through him and hit Zhao Yicheng hard.

Ah...Ling Xiao...

Almost instantly, Zhao Yicheng's 'body' was photographed in front of his eyes. The speed was too fast and it was difficult to stop it.

No space ability can block the giant hand of shadow, and it seems to be attacking the soul directly.

That was her soul screaming. In fact, nothing happened to her physical body, and her spatial ability still maintained its effect.

'boom! ’

In an instant, this soul entered among the stars.

Zhao Yicheng, who had lost his soul, was physically dead and lifeless.

Damn it!

Ling Xiao roared, he had such magical abilities, but he couldn't even save his own woman.

What is this giant shadow hand?


He lunged forward.

However, the giant hand of shadow dispersed and disappeared without a trace.

The entire universe returned to peace again.

It seemed like nothing happened just now.

Only Zhao Yicheng, who had lost his soul, was floating aimlessly.


Ling Xiao sealed the body in the aircraft, pinched it with his right hand, and sealed the aircraft in the space ability. Then in an instant, it completely disappeared from the entire dimension.

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