This is the first time that Ling Xiao has used such a large-scale spatial ability, and he still doesn't know if he can succeed.

He had seen the space compressor from the Goddess Company before, and it impressed him the most, so he imitated it to see if it would work.

Sure enough, this hand immediately formed space fragments around it, condensing into a unique space that included all these 'batteries'.

In the end, no one was left. They were uprooted. After the space shrunk, they became as big as a fist and came to Ling Xiao's palm.

If you look carefully, you will see that there are immeasurable 'Arch Demon Towers' neatly arranged inside.

It actually succeeded?

Zhao Yicheng said in surprise.

Leave here and go to the source of the magic circle. You should be there soon.

Ling Xiao put the object away and nodded slightly.


The bomber drew a long track trace in the void and disappeared here.

Thank me? Haha, I am a human being after all, we are the same race.

Fen Tian smiled.

There are too many unresolved mysteries in this paradise. Although he is an ancient god, he still has the power to reach high-level ancient gods.

At this moment, a middle-aged man in black with a pair of swords in his waist and a gentleman holding a red wine glass came over.

Musashi, Nikolai, you came just in time. Now we need the Trinity to help me break through.

Fentian said immediately.

Musashi and Nikolai have gained a lot of benefits in the Mythical Paradise, and their strength has greatly increased.

This was very beneficial to him.

Then you start.

Chen Ya nodded and left here.

She was not surprised, nor was she sad or happy, as if she was used to it.

After all, twenty thousand years have passed, times have changed, and too many things have happened.

Has there been any results from Director Wu?

She turned around and asked.

Next to her, there was a slim girl with long black hair reaching her waist. She was wearing high heels and looked very elegant.

Sister Chen, they are waiting for you to go.

Dong Minmin responded.


When Chen Ya entered the laboratory, a group of people were extremely excited.

It's a super new discovery. It's true. The mysterious substance used by the Emperor of the Starry Sky at that time has finally been dissected by us. It is dark matter!

Director Wu danced excitedly. Even though he was already very old and had patches all over his body, he could not hide his excitement.

The power used by the Star Emperor is dark matter?

Chen Ya was surprised. She waved her hand and the scene of the decisive battle appeared in front of her eyes.

This is the scene of their system recovery, when the Emperor of the Starry Sky faced off against Adam...

The sound of Roar!! in this scene is the scene where Adam is roaring and his body crosses to the gate of heaven.

Start here…


Zhang Ziran used the invincible magic weapon and flew out, a replica of the Donghuang Bell.


The East Emperor Bell collided with Adam, and there was a devastating collision. The bell vibrated, the void was disillusioned, and ripples surged out.

Everything is normal here.

Dr. Xiao said next to him.

Let's keep watching.

Director Wu nodded.

Screen continues...

Bang bang!!

Yang Wanjin shot out the two swords of the Godless Soldiers, and the divine swords swept through everything. The sight was terrifying and entangled Adam outside the light curtain.


However, in an instant, the golden clock exploded, and the fragments flew, as if splitting the sky and distorting the universe.

This imitation, the Godless Soldier Donghuang Bell, was completely destroyed. The pieces fell into the mortal world and disappeared into the darkness.


The green and red swords that split the sky, and burned like the sun, were also destroyed by Adam, and were all broken.

Adam rushed over, and the four super string kings rushed to stop him, turning into fire and thunder, and even the entire space collapsed.

Pay attention to the Starry Sky Emperor, starting from here!

Director Wu said quickly.

at this moment

The Emperor of the Starry Sky suddenly raised a hand, and some civilized runes vibrated in his body. A brilliant twisted light was very fast, and directly hit Adam who was entangled in the superstring, instantly making the whole world quiet.

What kind of technological rune is the emperor using?

After the three pillars saw Adam being hit by the Star Emperor, he disappeared out of thin air, as if he had seen a ghost.

It's incredible. If there is such a powerful power, why not use it earlier.

Emperor, has he finally found that kind of substance? It actually exists and is not just a fiction?

In the picture, Ji Zizai actually knew it and trembled all over.

He has worked under the Emperor of the Starry Sky for so many years and knows a little bit about it.

The real purpose of the Starry Sky Emperor's departure was actually to find this substance.

From ancient times to the present, it is called the universe, and the four directions, up and down, are called the universe!

I have been imagining it since the ancient universe, that kind of material that does not exist but can be felt. Was it finally found by the emperor after it was born in this world?

What exactly is it?

The speaker was the leader of Chaos Zuma.

These mythical beings only know how to cultivate and strengthen themselves. In terms of knowledge, they are also the experience of enlightenment, which is related to the way of heaven.

I don’t know much about the entropy body, especially at a high level. I can’t understand it and can’t explain it with myths.

Including the ancient Qi masters, they only know the basics, some basic aspects.

The entropy body can use the developed system to estimate the age of the ancient universe, which is tens of billions of years.

According to their mythology calculations, the investigation cannot go back that far.

Not even the God Emperor.

I can't say. Anyway, this kind of substance can't kill Adam yet. I guess Adam fell into other dimensions. Such a powerful existence will be able to break through soon.

Ji Zizai shook his head.


Dr. Xiao clapped his hands, attracted everyone's attention, and said: Ji Zizai is the leader of the empire and has stored a huge amount of knowledge. He said at this moment that the anti-universe is actually expanding. Of course, he does not refer to the realm of suffering and destruction. These two realms are well protected in the World Tree and the Enlightenment Tree.

He is referring to the dark universe outside, the fragments of the ancient universe. In fact, they are still growing and there are signs of being connected together.

The empire's scientific research indicates that the dark universe has been expanding, but the 'container' is too small. The anti-universe created by an abittropic body is only that large and cannot exceed a diameter of 100 billion light-years.

Every era, the fallen dark universe of the ancient universe will expand to this number, and then be destroyed directly with a 'bang'!

This is the Big Bang, a scene we didn't see after entering the mythical paradise.

It was once the empire's top-secret scientific research information, which brought despair and destruction.

As he got closer, Director Wu said: At this time, all the races in the galaxy in the sea of ​​colorful trees heard the sound of 'ka-ka-ka' outside the world.

With the arrival of the Red Dust Angels, the expansion rate of the dark universe has accelerated, exceeding the number of 100 billion light-years in diameter. This is the same as a balloon. When it expands to a certain extent, the balloon will explode.

And the universe will exist in the form of another kind of life, and then continue like this over and over again, expanding and destroying, expanding and destroying again.

This is the anti-universe. If it is the positive universe, if the universe is expanding, it will definitely collapse inward. There is no need to worry at all.

Director Wu in the picture said the same thing as Director Wu in the Shinhwa Paradise now.

He was very sorry. He didn't know if he could live to that time and see the true positive universe.

Anyway, the emperor succeeded.

Using the celestial sphere of all realms as a seesaw to activate the power of miracles, until now, they understood.

Excuse me, what does the expansion of the universe have to do with dark matter?

At this moment, someone who had just come from outside raised their hands to ask questions.

Let's keep watching, let's get started.

Dr. Xiao said.

The screen moved again...

Ji Zizai, what exactly does this mean? What substance and power does the Emperor of the Starry Sky possess that makes you so scared?

In the video, Wanxiang Wuchang's deep voice sounded.

Now, after Adam was hit by the emperor, he disappeared. The power of this material is too unbelievable.

But it seems incomplete, the void there has begun to twist and break, and it is obvious that Adam is about to appear again.

That is the substance that drives the expansion of the universe. It is invisible and intangible. The Emperor of the Starry Sky used some miraculous means to obtain it.

Ji Zizi responded.


When he said this, the screen paused again.

Did you hear that? The matter that drives the expansion of the universe is invisible and intangible. This is dark matter!

Director Wu was extremely excited at the moment and said: It's the Gate of Heaven. We had no choice but to let the Emperor of Starry Sky expose this substance in advance. He must have wanted to open the Gate of Heaven during this time, otherwise Adam would rush over and they wouldn't be able to. If you continue to export your original power to Ye Jue, the gate to heaven will shrink back and your efforts will fall short.

Then what a divine object the Great Mo is in the End of the World. As one of the totem treasures of the Celestial Clan, it must be driven by the power of the God Emperor.

When the screen starts again...

The scene of Ye Jue appeared.

At this moment, he was in the center of the vortex. The Gate of Heaven was constantly converting from matter to energy, and from energy to matter. Various elements were stirring, and the great wisdom runes of the entropic body continued to emerge.

The Gate of Heaven will appear completely soon!

Look at the power of matter!

Dr. Xiao quickly reminded.


At this moment, the void where the Star Emperor hit Adam became even more distorted.

Then, as if he was swallowing something, a red crack immediately formed.

This crack in the void was a long line, buzzing and vibrating, and then a pair of sharp claws suddenly tore open up and down, revealing the scarlet vertical pupils inside.


Didn't you expect it to be so fast?

The voice of the Emperor of the Starry Sky resounded, and he looked motionless into the depths of the endless red light.

From his palm, a steady stream of magical substances spurted out.


Dr. Xiao pointed here and said seriously: This is dark matter. It's a pity that the substance obtained by the emperor has not fully grown yet. It only has this little power, so if it continues to be used, Adam will be on guard against it, and it will be a threat to the mortal angels. , the move must never be used a second time, this is recognized.”

We know that the Emperor of the Starry Sky is the ultimate body of mythical avenues and technological runes. He obtained dark matter through miraculous means, but we did not expect...

Dark matter is everywhere in the mythical paradise!

Her voice resounded, shocking everyone.

The so-called dark matter refers to a substance smaller than electrons and photons. It is an important part of this mythical paradise. The density is very small, but the quantity is huge and the total mass is very large. They represent 84.5% of the matter in the paradise. The visible content only accounts for less than 10% of the total material mass here.

According to theory, the shape of the Paradise depends on its mass. After all, the Mythical Paradise is also a completely enclosed space.

If this is the case, the average density of matter in the mythical paradise must reach 5 × 10 minus 30 grams per cubic centimeter. However, the density of the paradise that can be observed so far is 100 times smaller than this value. In other words, Most of the matter in the mythical paradise is missing, and we call this missing matter dark matter.

Is there any scientific basis for this...

Chen Ya hesitated for a moment before asking. Their views were so unreasonable that she couldn't get used to them for a while.

Based on current research, it can be determined that the invisible dark matter is the main component of the Paradise. We believe that 84.5% of the entire mythical orchestra is composed of dark matter!

And we have a huge discovery!

Director Wu's eyes flashed and he said: That is the soul, our spiritual body. Dark matter has actually been there for a long time. It is our soul. It does not mean that most of our components are actually made of Made of this material?

They were not surprised when they saw Chen Ya's shock. They just continued: The truth is always unbelievable sometimes. According to current research, it is likely to be even more amazing than what we knew before. We can't see it. The dark matter probably accounts for 95% of the total matter in Paradise, and the matter we can see only accounts for 5%.

When it comes to the similarities between dark matter and soul...for example, they cannot be captured normally. For example, they can travel through matter that we can recognize at will. When it comes to dark matter, of course we have to talk about dark energy.

Between the stars in the Mythical Paradise, and even any of our movements, are inseparable from universal gravity. Yes, there is also universal gravity here. Of course, dark energy is also added to this fact.

The so-called dark energy refers to an energy with negative pressure that fills the space. According to the theory of relativity, this negative pressure is equivalent to an anti-gravity force. Just like dark matter corresponds to matter, dark energy corresponds to universal gravity.


Chen Ya frowned, feeling as if she was listening to a relatively unfamiliar physics lesson.

She is in charge, not a researcher.

It's normal not to understand this.

So that's it. The dialogue between the ancient gods in the picture is a metaphor for the existence of this dark energy. It is also the most suitable explanation for the expansion and explosion of our past universe.

Director Wu said.

You mean that the Big Bang of our universe was driven by this dark energy, and that the Emperor of the Starry Sky had mastered this energy in advance?

Chen Ya responded, then frowned: So, can this energy be used by us?


Suddenly, a voice came from the door. Chen Ya turned around and saw Ye Jue in black uniform walking in.

On the surface of his body, mythical power floated, and he grabbed the void with his right hand.


The water glass on the table in front suddenly flew up, fell into his hand, and floated in the air. Then with another hiss, it flew back to the table and slowly landed on the table.

The so-called peak of mythical power is the transformation of dark energy. Why can I control this water glass from the void? You have also seen that I did not use any power. This is entirely the function of dark energy.

There is dark energy in the body of the third corpse Ye Jue. After all, it is the second true self created by Ye Jue. It is normal for it to have magical qualities.

What do you own?

But Chen Ya didn't know that her eyes were sharp.

This Ye Jue actually conceals her dangerous power?

She also always believed that San Zhi Ye Jue only had pure combat power and was easy to control.

But now, he can actually use this dark energy?

Still hiding it until now?


Her face was extremely sharp.

Don't, don't, don't, I just woke up recently. I can only accept this power after we leave those mushroom umbrellas and are no longer oppressed by the indigenous people.

The expression shown by Sanzhiye Jue didn't seem fake.

However, Chen Ya still stared at him coldly, making the latter furious.

It's true. We studied him immediately and did not report it to you in time. After all, we have experienced a war recently and we want you to rest.

Dong Minmin stood up and explained.

Then let's talk about dark matter.

Director Wu didn't say anything when he saw Chen Ya, and continued: Sanzhi Ye Jue has just demonstrated that our soul is invisible 'dark matter'. In fact, in history, it has been noticed that the soul is matter. This view, for example, was once a popular saying that after we die, the weight of the body will be 21 grams lighter, and it is believed that the weight of the soul is 21 grams.

In fact, according to our current calculations, the mass of dark matter equivalent to the size of a normal life is about 21 grams, because the density of dark matter is very small, which corresponds to the soul mass of 21 grams. Therefore, As incredible as it is, we have to agree that what we call soul is what we mean by dark matter.

The soul is dark matter.

When Chen Ya saw Director Wu citing so many examples, she had to believe that soul was another name for dark matter.

The soul is dark matter, so let's start talking about dark energy and gravity.

Dr. Xiao said: Like gravity, dark energy is also ubiquitous in the mythical paradise.

She stretched out her hand, pointed to the table in front of her, and said: For example, this table, this tea cup, this spaceship, this space... all have dark energy in them. These energies interact with each other and form a strange balance with gravity. Boundaries.”

Just like the positive and negative sides of this hand, in theology, there is a trinity. In fact, it can be called two sides, matter and dark matter, gravity and anti-gravity, soul and body...

The body represents matter, and the soul represents dark matter. Only when the body and soul are united can a normal life be achieved. This is also a manifestation of balance.

At this point, most people understand.

No wonder, since the beginning of mythology, the soul and the body need to be cultivated simultaneously. One cannot exist without the other. It turns out that they are complementary, balanced, dark energy and dark matter.

However, if this balance is broken, for example, our soul has been pulled out of the body. Although our soul has returned to the body later, it is like a mirror. After it is broken, even if it is barely put back together, the above The cracks still exist, and it is impossible to restore the flawless appearance once again, and the same is true for the balance of our body and soul. Once broken, this balance will no longer exist.

Chen Ya didn't speak, but listened quietly, thoughtfully.

So, our soul, which is the spiritual body, has never left the body after cultivating to such a powerful state. It only increases the range of spiritual consciousness and unique abilities.

For example, the Holy Infant transformed into a giant demon, or Tai Mogu stabbed the sky. After the body dies, the soul can leave the body and be captured and refined.

But it is possible now, because in the Mythical Paradise, the soul can leave the body at any time. We have a person with this ability, Wang Yanyan. Her current soul body can almost completely leave the body.

Like dominoes, if this balance is disturbed, it will trigger a series of chain effects.

There was once a view that God placed a kind of 'no-go zone' in our bodies, which we called the 'God-no-go zone,' and of course, that was our original view.

And now, here, this kind of forbidden area of ​​​​God has appeared again, and we named it the code of life!

Many beneficial genes with special effects in our body are sealed in the gene warehouse in the body, and the genes we can use only account for less than one percent of them.

Another example is that the utilization rate of our brains is only a few percent, or that our bodies are programmed with aging genes. At a certain age, this aging gene will be activated, causing us to age and eventually die, just like The alarm clock we set will sound when the time comes to wake us up.”

It's hard for us to believe that all of this is the result of natural evolution. Many people believe that this is God's intentional setting in our bodies to limit the evolution of our lives. In the past, this could only be regarded as a view, but now we The existence of it can be said to confirm this speculation.

Why demons devour souls and eat human flesh raw is because demons need dark energy and dark matter to maintain their own cell genes, etc.

Compared to dark matter, the most important thing is the soul. Dark energy is a valuable product. We will eventually come into contact with the realm of God. The soul can be said to be a life code lock. This life code lock is both a lock and a lock. To achieve balance, it is unable to access this higher realm and will always live outside the restricted area.”

Now, we can say that we have obtained the key to unlocking this realm of God, the code of life.

Our soul can leave the body. As long as the space is immortal, the soul will not be destroyed and will exist in the world forever!

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