
Ling Xiao was frightened when he heard this, and uncontrollable fear surged in his heart.

Is there... no other way?

Zhao Yicheng flew the bomber in a spin and flew towards the light city. She wanted to see what kind of ethnic group it was.

Anyway, they can't be hit now, just like cheating, running rampant.

Boo boo!

The light city in the passage spread out a light curtain, but it was ignored and penetrated directly.

Not even a single ripple was made.

Obviously, these mysterious people were anxious and kept intercepting them, but all in vain.


The two of them arrived in the sky above Light City.

This is……

Zhao Yicheng was extremely surprised. These high-rise buildings were indeed materialized energy. When he saw an enemy breaking in, he immediately began to deform and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

But it doesn't disappear in the true sense, but it turns into an energy liquid, and you can materialize it anytime you want.

It is indeed a civilization more powerful than ours.

Ling Xiao saw countless micro-detectors spinning around them, detecting their vital signs.

However, apparently everything is gained.

Wherever I scanned, there was nothingness.

¥% # ¥%!

At this time, he heard a sound, like a frog croaking, and he couldn't understand the language.

Apparently, he was very shocked.


Then, more and more voices sounded.

What are they talking about? Huh, it has nothing to do with us, just because they just attacked us for no reason, it shows that they are the enemy, and they are probably the creators of the magic circle.

Zhao Yicheng snorted coldly and said: We still have some particle bombs, let's shoot them and destroy this city!


Ling Xiao nodded slightly.

Indeed, they had just been attacked.

There is no reason not to fight back.

Boom boom boom!

The next second, the remaining ammunition of the bomber was released, with huge lethality. In an instant, it hit Guangcheng like the end of the world, with thick smoke billowing everywhere and fire spraying out.

%¥ # % # !

Those mysterious people were even more anxious, and the first thing they did was to stop them.

But they were shocked to find that they could only be beaten and there was no possibility of fighting back.

While attacking, is it still in a state where it cannot be locked?

Isn't this a perversion?

Bang bang bang!

There were explosions everywhere in Light City. It seemed like something had exploded again, and many mushroom clouds rose up.

Seeing the fire rolling and the mysterious man buzzing like a fly, Zhao Yicheng became excited.

Okay, okay, this is right. This is the anger of our descendants.

Her eyes suddenly lit up, and she continued to fly the bomber into the distance. Maybe there was such a city of light.

We're running out of bullets.

Ling Xiao shook his head and said: Chengcheng, you are too excited. Calm down. We are still in the passage and have not really reached other dimensional fragments. We need to reserve some ammunition.


Zhao Yicheng took a deep breath and responded: Sorry, I was too excited.


Ling Xiao was sitting in the upper position of the bomber, while Zhao Yicheng was in the lower position.

At this moment, Zhao Yicheng, who had calmed down, turned around and brought his face closer. With a gust of fragrance, Ling Xiao suddenly became energetic and his mind was buzzing.

No, it's time to resuscitate!

Ling Xiao was impatient and suddenly shouted and pushed her away.

Doesn't Zhao Yicheng know that if he gets close to him, that version of himself will revive?

Sorry, I couldn't hold it back, I didn't mean it.

Zhao Yicheng was startled and apologized quickly.


Ling Xiao broke into a cold sweat. If he hadn't pushed Zhao Yicheng away immediately, he might have died.

I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to, I...

Zhao Yicheng almost cried.

I don't blame you. This is a problem with my own body.

Ling Xiao took a deep breath.

Why do you have to stop me every time?

What's the purpose?

Zhao Yicheng and I are true love!

Didn't you see it?

We share weal and woe!

Damn it!

Say something!

What does that mean?


Don't believe her?

you tell me! !

He screamed inwardly, but still couldn't get any response.

Ling Xiao, I want to tell you a secret, I can't control myself.

Suddenly, Zhao Yicheng said this.


Ling Xiao seemed to hear something incomprehensible.

What does it mean to not be able to control yourself?

It's true, when I'm with you, I can't control it. At first, I thought it was something I took for granted, but... you have a physical problem, but I still can't control it. This is a big deal. problem, just like just now, I unconsciously...

Zhao Yicheng covered his forehead with one hand, his expression was so sweet that it was hard to express in words.

Such a thing actually exists.

Ling Xiao opened his mouth.

Could it be that it's not just her, but Zhao Yicheng also has a physical problem?

I always feel like there's another person in my body lately.

Zhao Yicheng looked into Ling Xiao's eyes. At this point, his voice became indifferent and seemed to no longer contain emotion.

It was as if he really turned into another heartless and emotionless person at that moment.

Touching the coldness in those eyes, Ling Xiao shivered all over.

He believed it.

Zhao Yicheng is actually the same as him?

However, I am not a person with memory loss. I have a relatively primitive family, parents, and a younger sister. I remember everything from childhood to the present very clearly.

Zhao Yicheng said.

I can't answer that.

Ling Xiao let out a long sigh and said, It seems that we must deliberately keep a distance, otherwise, both of us will be in danger.


Zhao Yicheng nodded: If I can't control myself, you beat me and wake me up.

How does this work?

Ling Xiao shook his head and said: There is definitely a way, but I haven't found it yet.


Now, the mist of light is steaming, and the matter in it is indescribable. The deeper they travel, various abnormal phenomena appear that are difficult to explain.

The power device of this aircraft uses the energy of its own particles. As long as it is here, it will not run out of energy.

Avoiding a large number of focused beams, they finally came to a relatively gentle place.


After the narrow exit opened, it was not a new world, but a huge space with many strange materials.

These materials...if recycled, Goddess Company can create tens of thousands of top-level technological flying swords.

Zhao Yicheng saw that those materials were surrounded by colorful colors, accompanied by metals of different colors.

She had never seen these before, and her heart surged with excitement.

Then recycle some.

Ling Xiao nodded. If he wanted to dissect these materials, he would have to use something harder than them, and that would be his particles.

We don’t know what his particles are called yet, but they possess the most magical power in the universe.

Bop boom...

He stretched out his hand, and a ball of light appeared in his palm. The light focused instantly, and magical energy surged, wrapping part of the material.


The cyan metal on the outside of the material was immediately melted and dripped down.

Immediately afterwards, it was recovered by the super robot arm and sealed in a small metal box.

As long as there is an arrangement of matter, it can be copied. This piece is enough.

However, Ling Xiao was not satisfied yet, so he followed the same example and took some accompanying metal.

Until finally, the wonders disappeared, and the materials seemed to be alive, no longer bright, but dim.

Magic runes?

Only then did he see the arrangement clearly. They were all colorful striped runes. He could tell at a glance that they had magical power.

It seems that this is also a place controlled by other dimensions.

Zhao Yicheng said.

The aircraft drove slowly, extremely silently, shuttled among these colorful runes.

These magic runes cannot be removed at will, otherwise the entire space may collapse due to imbalance.

Ling Xiao's gaze was cast in the distance.

There is a tall tower there. I never expected this to appear.

That is?

Only then did Zhao Yicheng see that it was a magic tower with more colorful seal patterns and a sharp aura.

More than one.

Ling Xiao looked around and saw many, arranged neatly and orderly.

Looks like...a power tower?

Zhao Yicheng thought of old inventions in his own universe.

If this really powered him, it should be renamed the Arch Demon Tower.

Although I don't know what their use is, destroying them is easy.

I still have some ammunition now, that's enough.

Wait a minute.

Ling Xiao suddenly said.

Because these Arch Demonic Towers suddenly vibrated and buzzed, as if they were activated.

From the top of each tower, appeared the elements arc, fire, ice, darkness, light and so on.

Then, these energies gathered together to form a sea of ​​light floating on it.

Zhao Yicheng was already stunned. After the strange scene appeared, she saw that the sea of ​​​​light suddenly surged, tearing the void of this space, and running through a road. On that road, the space collapsed, time was distorted, and various city scenes emerged. , in that many-dimensional universe, there seem to be many worlds densely crossing this road.

With a bang, this power finally fell into a certain world. When the space no longer distorted and collapsed, and the cold space here returned to silence, those magic towers returned to their primitive silence.

Ling Xiao, do you know what this is doing?

Zhao Yicheng was stunned.

It should be similar to a battery. After a certain amount is stored, the program will run and be given to a powerful dimension. It is really a magic tower.

Ling Xiao said.

Really? It would be nice if we could move.

Zhao Yicheng sighed. This was an impossible task. Not even one of their aircraft could be transported away.


Ling Xiao suddenly arrived outside, holding up a ball of light with one hand. The light twisted in his palm, and then turned into a light shield, surrounding the entire Demon Offering Tower.


Zhao Yicheng was shocked. She knew that it was Ling Xiao's spatial ability. Did he really want to move these 'batteries' away?

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