The giant network in the universe is now shining with crystal light, which is particularly eye-catching in the darkness of the void.

If it is consistent with the theory of the Goddess Company, then this is the magic circle of other civilizations.


When Ling Xiao saw the magic circle again, he found that it had become bigger and more terrifying.

Moreover, there are countless souls in this giant web, and they are still screaming. At the same time, there are more spiders eating them from all directions.


Zhao Yicheng didn't see the details clearly last time, but seeing it now, he was shocked to death.

Because this magic circle is so big that only a more advanced civilization can create it.

Their dimensional universe definitely does not have this strength.

what is that?

Ling Xiao saw many strange birds flying in the shadows on all sides of the giant net. These strange birds were a bit like space monsters, but they had never seen such biological structures before and violated the laws of nature.

They are filled with an unspeakable evil and exude a faint green light.

These strange birds must be guarding the giant net, but why didn't they appear last time?

Zhao Yicheng exclaimed and quickly controlled the bomber to form a graceful arc in the void, thus avoiding the attacks of these strange birds.

Bang bang bang bang!!

At this moment, Ling Xiao also opened fire.

The cannon barrels on both sides of the bomber rotated, firing particle bombs made of himself.

Boom boom boom...

Almost instantly, the cannonballs hit the bodies of thousands of strange birds and exploded directly. However, there was no flesh and blood flying everywhere. Instead, some green particles spread out like ripples and disappeared.

With Zhao Yicheng controlling the bomber, he only needs to aim and shoot.

In just a short moment, those strange birds were blown to pieces, and the sky was like waves of the green sea, rippling endlessly.

Use the cannon.

Seeing that there were no obstacles on the road ahead, Ling Xiao aimed at the corner of the giant net.

The particle cannon is the bomber's super weapon and can only be used three times because the current technology is insufficient to store more power.


The next second, the white light focused on the head of the barrel, and then with a 'boom' sound, it hit the giant web magic array hard.


Zhao Yicheng suddenly shouted excitedly.

Then, Ling Xiao saw that a big hole was blasted out of the magic circle, and then it leaked, and the exit pointed towards the universe below.

The magic circle originally contained countless pan-souls, and as if they were going crazy, they were hanging out of the holes in the magic circle, flying all over the sky, and rushing downwards.

This scene shocked their hearts and souls like these dazzling fireworks.

How many people died?

Ling Xiao was touched in his heart. The duration of this scene was not long. After about ten minutes, all the souls near the big hole disappeared.

As for the other souls, they are still stuck because they are too far away.

One more shot!


As he aimed the bombardment, the second shot once again hit a part of the giant net.

Still the same as the scene in the previous scene, the magic circle was like a funnel, once again dropping countless souls.

These souls fall into the universe. If their bodies are lucky enough to survive, they may still be in a vegetative state and wake up.

However, if the body is completely broken and has no vitality, it will disappear naturally.

After all, their mental power is limited and they can only maintain this state for a period of time.

One last shot!

The particle cannon turned into a torrent, a brilliant light, and submerged into the magic circle.


The blazing light fell, and its intensity seemed to be much less intense than before.

It seems that the magic circle has gained patience and resistance.

It's just a drop in the bucket, it seems we still have to use super explosive packs.

The super explosive package developed by the Goddess Company can contaminate those elemental nanorobots like a virus. One will infect two, and eventually they will all be infected and die.

I'll be back as soon as I go.


Ling Xiao's body disappeared in the bomber and appeared on the giant net in an instant.

He tested the law and detonated the bomb he brought.

However, there was no earth-shattering sound. Instead, it was silent and seemed to be a dud.

But soon a magical scene appeared. The elemental nanorobots that made up the magic circle all began to turn black, their bodies stiffened, and they started from a dot and expanded infinitely.

In just a few moments, a huge black circle formed, like charred ashes scattering and flying.


Viewed from a distance, one part of the magic circle was polluted by a black stream. The black color eroded so fast that every part of the magic circle was like burnt ashes.

Ling Xiao looked at this scene in surprise.

It seems that his particles are really magical and can be made into viruses to infect elemental nanobots.

Such as the most violent poisons, insecticides.

That giant web is starting to collapse!

Great, has the Divine Company succeeded?

Then we don't have to hide?

Of course, the eyes paying attention here are not only the Goddess Company, but also many other forces.

They were very excited.

During these days when the giant net existed, they suffered a lot. Those deadly threads could cause accidents, and they had to be on guard against accidents at all times, for fear of dying accidentally.

If this continues, civilization, let alone ***, will definitely go backwards.

Well now, the universe is finally alive again.

It actually succeeded?

The researchers from the Goddess Company all exclaimed.

Nonsense, haven't we already tested the Queen System more than a million times, and the success rate of each simulation is 100%.

Yes, yes, those elemental nanorobots and dimensionality reduction strikes are useless against Lord Ling Xiao!

Haha, with Master Ling Xiao here from now on, how dare civilizations in other dimensional universes dare to act so arrogantly?

The whole company celebrated and shouted that they no longer had to worry.

That civilization may not have thought that it would use dimensionality reduction strikes against us, but we would crack it.

The divine descendant president also nodded.

And at this moment.

Ling Xiao had no intention of coming back, because he saw that after the magic circle collapsed, the shadows were twisting, and a gray passage appeared that led to nowhere.

The terrifying hand that slapped his soul away before did not appear, because he had been careful to guard against it until the end, which was really a surprise.

Where does this gray passage lead to?

There was a thought in his mind. It was most likely that it was a fragment of the universe from other dimensions?

Then...can we rush to the end in one go?

Wait for me!

Zhao Yicheng saw Ling Xiao rushing forward and followed closely in the bomber.

As Ling Xiao rushed upward, he had the illusion that time was passing by, as if a long time had passed. The closer he got to the end, the quieter he became, without even noticing Zhao Yicheng behind him.

Because of the gray fog behind me, I couldn't feel anything.

This is…

He saw that in front of the passage, there were particles of shiny material and colorful crystal fragments.

These substances did not exist in their universe. He suspected that this was a connecting channel opened by some magical means.

The colorful crystal fragments seem chaotic, but if you look closely, you will see that they are arranged in an arrangement. Each one operates in a regular manner and has a terrifying intensity of energy.

Is this a magic rune?

He is currently crossing in the physical body, and it is too dangerous to touch.

But he had a feeling that if he could hold on, he would be able to see the world behind the passage and see a brand new world. He gritted his teeth and moved forward.

Anyway, he is immortal. When he is injured, he repairs it in seconds. As long as he is not destroyed instantly, he will be immortal forever.

That is?

Suddenly, he was startled, what was that?

A piece of the city sunk in the passage?

Ling Xiao was in a daze. This discovery kept him from coming back to his senses for a long time. He stared at it. It was indeed a city shrouded in brilliance.

Just like that, floating in the passage, this strange scene is not an illusion, his eyes see through everything, the golden light shines, it feels very real,

This is a big discovery!

He endured severe pain and approached under great pressure. He wanted to see clearly and understand thoroughly.

Because he wants to see more of the world and live up to this life before disappearing.

Finally, even though there were many obstacles and light fog covering it, I could barely see clearly. It was indeed a city of light, with very advanced technology, tall buildings, and magical aircraft.

It seems that everything is transformed by energy. It seems that this city can freely convert from matter to energy, and from energy to matter.

That’s why we can exist in this place and be self-sufficient.

Is that a human?

At this moment, Zhao Yicheng's bomber broke through the gray fog and finally caught up.

The scene she saw was exactly the same as Ling Xiao's.

At this moment, something seemed to fly out of the light city, and it was humanoid.

Then, her expression changed drastically.

Because they were densely packed, like an army, there were too many of them. Each one was a soldier wearing a black helmet and carrying an indescribable-looking firearm.


Before she could react, the bullets from the opposite side were like a rain of light, overwhelming and enveloping her. This scene was too terrifying.


Ling Xiao teleported into the bomber instantly. He slapped his hands in all directions, and the entire bomber became transparent, revealing the incomprehensible precision mechanical structure.

Then, a magical scene happened. The bullet formed a sea of ​​light, passed through them, and flew to the rear.


Zhao Yicheng felt like he had traveled through a meteor shower, which was so exciting.

This bomber was modified based on my particles, so I can use my abilities on it.

Ling Xiao's ability is not transparent, but does not exist in any space.

He is clearly here, but not here. He can be seen but not touched.

Yeah, I know this is one of your abilities.

Zhao Yicheng nodded quickly, but he was a little worried: The more times you use this ability, the easier it will be for you to recover.

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