Twenty thousand years later.

GSNL was established with three founders, but their names are unknown.

This is a super planet-level company that exists to study cosmic matter, neutrinos and other mysterious cosmic phenomena.

There are more than a million scientific researchers and physicists from all planets working for it.

On the surface, it is a super-powerful monopoly at the universe level, covering most high-tech industries such as drugs, medical hardware, and defense industry products. However, the real source of profits comes from unknown high-tech military technology and life engineering, and biological weapons. and other secret industries, including many top-secret projects that cannot be made public.

GSNL plays a decisive role in both the political and economic aspects of the Seventh Era, and has always maintained a rich and good public image.

In addition, the company also has a large number of hidden subsidiaries, which are military groups composed of highly trained biological warriors. They have the ability to rescue, reconnaissance and assist military operations, and use force to protect their assets and senior employees.

GSNL's achievements prospered, and more advanced interstellar weapons were subsequently developed.

Later, because of a great project, several top bosses of the company plotted against each other, and the entire company fell into pieces.

When new forces sprouted and blossomed everywhere, a super laboratory of the main company of GSNL was built inside a planet and was very safe.

Countless biology, technology and other experts have gathered here to rigorously continue to complete this great project.


However, the secret can no longer be hidden.

Eventually, other forces joined forces to attack the super laboratory.

Since then, GSNL has plummeted and fallen apart.

This great project had to be terminated and fell into the hands of new forces.

President, even after high-precision calculations, we can't crack this metal ball!

In a magnificent research institute, a group of people shook their heads. They couldn't crack this thing at all.

It was so mysterious that when GSNL still existed, they tried to crack it, but they were forced to wait until they took over the power, and they failed to achieve a staged success.

The only information available is that this object came from before the Big Bang.

This is no small matter.

They humans are all descendants now. Dating back 20,000 years ago, starting from the tribe, there are countless signs indicating that the technology of the Sixth Age has exploded.

It is not comparable to their current technology at all. If you have to compare, one is the sky and the other is the earth.

According to research, the energy in the cells of our descendants actually comes from the Sixth Age. If we speculate based on this, it must be an extremely bright world.

Someone kept saying loudly.

Have there been any recent changes in the spiritual world?

The middle-aged man called the president couldn't help but sigh.

After he replaced the GSNL company and established the 'Goddess' company, he still failed to obtain the power of the sixth era or even the previous eras.

The power of the Big Bang was so terrifying that it turned everything into particles and nothing existed anymore.

The only inheritance that can be counted on is this metal sphere.

He believed that this must be an important thing from the last era, and he tried every means to preserve it until now.

If you open it, you will definitely get civilization-level technology!

Because their technology is only at the level of a tenth-level civilization, which has just left the universe, reclaimed planets, and established fleets.

According to the inference of the 'Queen' system, a carrier aircraft can be forged when reaching the ninth level civilization.

A carrier aircraft can accommodate hundreds of fleets and implement an unlimited internal circulation life support system, which can ensure that it can travel through the universe without supplies for tens of thousands of years, truly leaving its home planet.

But technology has been difficult to break through, and everything is stuck here.


The senior executives of the Divine Company shook their heads.

The spiritual world is a special space.

After the descendants are born, their mental power and energy will continue to grow. When their mental power grows high enough, they can use Fugue.

This fugue is a real fugue. The spirit leaves the body and flies to a magical world.

That world is not real, but it is vast and boundless. There are various illusory creatures in it. Fighting with them can hone your mental strength.

A person's mental power is divided into ten levels, starting from the tenth level and reaching the strongest level at the first level. However, no one has yet broken through the final first level. It is not yet known what will happen after the breakthrough.

Of course, in the world of fugues, there are already many strong men with first-level spiritual power. They are practicing hard and I believe they will be able to break through soon.


Once you break through, you can obtain the skill book as a reward for traveling around the world.

These skill books also range from level 10 to level 1. Level 1 is the most powerful. It can retrieve objects from the air, fly off the ground, and even produce fire, water, thunder and other elements in conjunction with its own energy.

The stronger the mental power, the stronger the resistance to pressure, and the stronger the attack power when combined with the energy.

Therefore, if you want to be strong, you must not only look at yourself, but also hone your mental strength.


The changes mentioned by the president mean that every once in a while, the wandering world will spew out radiation similar to spiritual thoughts, causing everyone to have an epiphany and their mental power to skyrocket.

However, their divine company has never figured out how this divine world came into being, and it is just like this metal sphere that cannot be cracked.

There are too many difficulties to overcome, and currently we still have to deal with space monsters.

The bodies of those space monsters are comparable to those of warships, and they can breathe fire and make thunder.

But if the hunt is successful, you can also get a lot of rare materials to help you research and figure out the world.

Didi di di!!

At this moment, the red alarm interrupted their thoughts.

President! The metal sphere is opened!

What? Quick, let me see what that is!

The middle-aged man who hurried over finally saw his true face.

It was a metal skeleton made of unknown material, with light shining in its eye sockets.

The system is restarting... Didi Didi... Restart failed and a fatal error occurred...


The next moment, the metal skeleton glowed all over, and unimaginable terrifying energy burst out, destroying the entire laboratory in an instant.

Cough cough cough...

Fortunately, the president and the senior executives of the Descendants Company were protected by energy shields, otherwise they would have been directly affected and died.

When they came back to their senses, they realized that the sky was already filled with stars, and the metal skeleton had actually broken through the sky and left.

Oh my god, what the hell is that?

A senior executive fell to the ground, screaming in fear and gasping for air.

No matter what it is, it is our invincible force.

The president wiped his forehead and it was covered in cold sweat.

If that metal skeleton wanted to kill them, it was just a matter of moving its fingers.

Fortunately, I just broke through the laboratory and flew away from this planet. I am so lucky.

I didn't expect that the metal sphere could be so terrifying.

If it were the enemy of the descendants, it would be unimaginable. No one in the universe could deal with it.

President, President, look...

At this moment, someone trembled and pointed at the front of the destruction, where a group of glowing particles was squirming.

What's this?

They were all dumbfounded.

After the metal skeleton left, a ball of particle soup appeared on the spot.

What makes them even more numb is...

This particle soup actually changed endlessly. One moment it turned into a creature they had never seen before. It was covered in hair, ferocious-looking, had fangs, and roared loudly. Then it turned into a frog again. They knew this, a miniature version. Space monsters are almost ever-changing and have different forms.

No one dared to take a step forward. They all swallowed hard. God knows if this thing is offensive.

After a moment, the change seemed to stop and it became a piece of wood.

That's right, it's a cylindrical piece of wood.

Is there any mistake...

The president and the dumbfounded people looked at each other.

Next, it will be a hundred days later.

What's going on, that piece of wood...

Speaking of this piece of wood, the president of the Goddess Company was speechless.

It is invulnerable to water and fire, and cannot be destroyed by thunder and lightning. It can withstand the decay of all things. When excited, it can go to heaven and earth. It flew out of the laboratory several times and was chased back by Zhanhang.

In other words, the laboratory can move wherever it goes, and it must follow its nature.

Because it can’t be shut down at all!

President, look.

In the video, this piece of wood passed through the energy wall without any warning, but the energy wall was unscathed, with no fluctuations at all. They turned a blind eye and simply made them shout in shock.

Could this piece of wood be something of a higher dimension? We can see it, but we can't touch it. That's why this situation occurs.

Some people infer this.

It's too possible. How else can we explain it?

I don't think so, because this piece of wood seems to be able to detect us. Researchers have come into contact with it and encountered it.

After hearing their heated discussion, the president of the Descendants Company shook his head. He felt a little uncomfortable physically and felt that he was not as strong as before. It seemed that he had changed with the great changes of the times and his spirit was a little tired. He was getting old.

If he does not break through the code of life, he will die. The civilization must enter the next stage, the ninth civilization.

Who has been in contact?

The president sighed and asked casually.

Her name is Zhao Yicheng, she is a third-level researcher in the company, from...

Stop, stop, stop, I don't want to know what she is, so let her continue to have contact?


I don’t know how much time has passed, but the environment on the planet here has become cold with snowflakes, and not even a flying bird can be seen.

Zhao Yicheng has been wandering around that world for two days, trying to absorb spiritual power.

However, she was hindered by herself every time, and the power she could absorb was limited. As one of the company's researchers, she understood that this was the reason why the code of life had not been unlocked.

Of course, the biggest reason is her own. Her cells are too weak and she is born with less energy than others.

When others were already three feet off the ground, she was just able to wander.

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