The third knife gave birth to a sea of ​​light. All the leaves in the sea of ​​light were Ye Jue, with different shapes and traces of rules. Each of them was a world, developing according to its trajectory.

Each one of them looked energetic and normal, but little did they know that they were all arranged by fate and acted naturally according to those rules.

This is fate, and it cannot be cut off.

The sword went down and there was a 'click' sound. Ye Jue frowned. Now there was nothing left, his memory was fading, and he only had one thought, which was to cut off his own destiny.

The power of freedom!


Behind Ye Jue, wings of freedom emerged, resonating, resonating, and shining.

The Big Bang was destroying his body.

He channeled this power and blasted it all into the power of freedom.


Suddenly, Wings of Liberty began to skyrocket.

This energy finally grew into a multifunctional and powerful cytokine. After being composed of highly repetitive sequences, it turned into the purest free factor.

The materials that make up everything in the world are actually the same. So far, there are countless elements, both natural and obtained through super-technological manufacturing.

Everything we know and see is made of these elements.

Whether it is mountains, rocks, trees, cosmic objects, animals and plants, or Ye Jue itself.

Now, the Big Bang has turned Ye Jue into elements, and only then can high-purity, complex and cumbersome free particles be born.

His elementary particles are also undergoing drastic changes. They are made of the same material as the celestial bodies in the universe, but the danger is that elementary particles have no thoughts.

The basic element that makes up a person is memory. Without memory, he is not a person, but a person who does not know that he is a person.

Only when others tell him that he is a human being can he be given the title of human being.

Now Ye Jue is no longer a human being. He has no human form and has completely transformed into the most basic particles and elements.

His soul, consciousness, and spirit are all inside these basic particles.

The huge and complex memory neural network was sealed in Ye Jue when he just lost his humanity.

Otherwise, he will not know who he is in the future.

The third sword, cutting off fate is too complicated.

The Big Bang is still going on. From just now to now, when the third knife was cut off, thirty seconds have passed. At this moment, the quantum background of the universe has appeared, and the strong force, electroweak force and gravity have all been reborn.

The temperature has reached 10 trillion degrees, and protons and neutrons have been formed, heading towards 10 billion degrees. The universe at this period is pitch black, completely in the state of a particle soup.

Time cannot be calculated.

When the sword fell, another hundred days had passed. Ye Jue's particles had split an unknown number of times. From a macro perspective, there was a powerful force of life in each particle.

Ye Jue composed of countless such particles means that there are countless possibilities.

This is the last knife to cut off fate, precisely cutting off the fixed traces of rules in the particles, so that he will have countless possibilities, thereby breaking through fate and realizing true freedom.

In other words, Ye Jue can become whatever he wants now. He doesn't use magic at all. A thought can become arbitrary.

Because these free particles are no longer constrained by rules and do not follow trajectories to operate, Dao Zhan was successful.

Zi la!

The same goes for the Creation Jade Butterfly who was influenced by Ye Jue. In the big explosion, traces of its own rules were cut off and it became a free body.

However, the jade butterfly is not granulated because the material is special and can withstand fire.

However, it sank to the point where I don’t know where it went.

Yudie and Ye Jue were originally in a cooperative relationship. Now that they have successfully cut off their own destiny, it is time to say goodbye.

At this moment, the bunch of shining particles suddenly regrouped and turned into Ye Jue.

Although it was only for a moment, a very precise and constantly rotating little person suddenly spit out from his mouth.

Holy calculator!

This is the deepest thing hidden in Ye Jue's particles, and now it can finally be unlocked.

Boo boo!

When it was spit out, it instantly entered the prepared metal skeleton.

This metal skeleton can survive an explosion without melting, and its material is also very powerful, no less than the creation of a jade butterfly.

This was a step that Ye Jue had set for himself in advance. He knew that he would become particles in the explosion. He wanted to be light and have nothing, so he pressed the 'system' on the metal frame.


The metal skeleton's eyes lit up instantly: Master...Master...

However, there was no response. Now Ye Jue was just a pile of particles, and when he spit it out, he became particles again.

When the Divine Calculator leaves him, it means that the power of life is gone.

These particles will be turned into powder by the impact of the Big Bang.

But the system will protect him.

I saw the arm deep in the metal frame, scooping up all these particles into the palm of my hand, turning them into a ball of light, and began to inject the power of life.


The metal skeleton began to deform and curl up, forming a metal ball that enveloped the ball of light.

Just like this, ten years, twenty years, thirty years... I don't know how much time has passed. In the infinitely small singularity, the universe continues to explode. The moment the explosion stops, a new time begins.

This moment can also be called the Starry Era, because too many stars have been born at this moment, and countless stars are shining in every corner of the universe.

The so-called Starry Era is the golden period in the history of the evolution of the universe. The continuous birth of stars continuously injects fresh blood into the universe.


This universe is very small, almost one-third the volume of the two realms, and half the space of the suffering realm.

Moreover, there is no World Tree or Apocalypse Tree, it is just a pure universe.

The number of stars born, including other spheres, is also pitifully small.

The Seventh Era is just as expected, almost the end of the world. The number seven has a special meaning.

At this moment, the Gate of Heaven, the Gate of Hell, and the Ancient Heaven have not yet appeared, and are still hiding in relatively safe places.

Because time, including space, is still distorting, the universe is not stable.

After waiting for stabilization, I don't know how many years have passed, and the seeds they stored will grow during this period and give birth to living bodies.

These life forms are not yet intelligent life, and they need to survive for a long time in the universe.

This is our current universe, do you understand? Five thousand years have passed since the last Big Bang. This explosion is different from the previous ones. The speed of the birth of life and the speed of evolution are far faster than in history.

In an ancient tribe, a group of children were listening to what the old man was saying.

The strange thing is that they can actually understand the big bang theory of the universe and conduct education and science in a solemn and dignified way.

The children were also fascinated by it, and they all pricked up their ears, for fear of missing a word.

In their hands, they still held branches and gestured on the ground, recording the content of the class for fear of forgetting.

What's even more weird is that their tribal buildings are made of cement and steel bars, but they don't have any electronic equipment. However, their living facilities are very complete and basically have everything you need.


One of the naughty children, glowing all over, was playing in the back row of the class.

He can actually use the energy in his own cells at will.

It is enough to show that the energy contained in the cells of all life forms in this tribe is incredible and surpasses all previous generations.

However, these energies are not mythical energies.

The tribe calls these powers 'divine powers'.

The implication is that God-given power is born with this energy, starting from a baby, and it becomes more and more powerful as it grows.

When they are almost adults, they can be three feet above the ground. Those with better talents can fly over the hills and hunt the beasts in the valley.

Those beasts all have very special looks that have never been seen before, like tigers and lions.

Barbarians, you have bullied our tribe too much!

This ferocious beast can actually speak human words and speak in a polite manner, confronting this tribe.

Bang bang bang!!

It flicked the hair on its body as hard as steel needles, and puff-puff-puff all shot towards the humanoid life forms in the ancient tribe.


Suddenly, many tribesmen were shot, their whole bodies turned black, and they died instantly.

Such a scene is repeated on every living planet.

Times have changed.

The Seventh Era has reached the 150th Universe Year, which means 15,000 years have passed since the last Big Bang.

At this moment, there is a group of roaring monsters moving in the desert.

If you look closely, you will see that it is an off-road vehicle!

Moreover, each of these off-road vehicles is so huge that driving on the desert is a breeze.

Puff puff!!

Some lives under the desert were crushed by wheels and stained with blood.

More than a dozen off-road vehicles came to the brown stone wall, and many people got out of the vehicles.

These people's skin is somewhat darkened, and there are actually tear stains and water drop marks between their eyebrows. They are actually descendants of mythology.

However, they cannot use the mythical power.

Just stare at the boulder and read the content on it.

The feast of the devil is about to begin... The knight holding the Holy Key will be sacrificed tonight and become the delicacy of the devil. The song of hell will sound again.

This is what is written on the boulder.

They didn't understand what it meant, because there were huge rocks like this all over the planet, with the same content and the same handwriting.

It seems to have been carved a long time ago, using characters that they have only developed to this day.

It was so weird. Such a time difference undoubtedly puzzled them.

Because they don't know themselves.

There are too many mysteries in this world, and there are too many unclear things.

Finally, they moved the boulder away, and suddenly, a large dark hole appeared behind it. It was silent and extremely quiet. The only sound was the sound of the wind, which was very eerie and terrifying.

In the end, the group entered the underground cave and never appeared again.


I received a notice that I will continue to write this book and it will be continued.

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