Now Zhao Yicheng is working hard to blend with the light spots in the wandering world and use them for his own use, but he has not gained anything today and can only give up practicing.

She came to the mirror and saw that her face was a little pale and tired. Although she was still young, she had dozens of white hairs on her temples.

“Before I knew it, I was already three hundred and ninety years old.”

Zhao Yicheng let out a long sigh.

Nowadays, the longevity of descendants is almost a thousand years old.

Their president is over 900 years old, and his lifespan is about to run out. The Descendants Company is eager to break through the civilization level. By unlocking one of the ten life codes, they can have a life span of 2,000 years.

That's why the senior officials entrusted her with the important task of finding a way to unlock the secret of the wood within a hundred days.

Isn't this a joke?

She knew deep down that this was simply impossible.

The wood has a great origin, how could it be cracked within a hundred days?

However, as an employee of Descendants Company, she did not lose her job.

We can only try our best to contact him and try our best.

At this point, Zhao Yicheng's energy and vitality have been greatly depleted recently.

Especially after the super winter of this planet came, her body became more sensitive. In addition to fighting against the general trend of the world, she also had to continuously transfer energy and mental power to the wood in an attempt to create a connection.

But thirty days have passed and there is still no movement.

The wood is like a dead thing, with a hint of rotten smell, floating up and down in the void.


It is hard for Zhao Yicheng to imagine the outcome if there is no result after another 70 days.

He will inevitably be fired and return to his hometown to farm.

Although farming is not bad, you can also make a fortune.

However, it is definitely not as good as the various benefits obtained in Descendants Company. After all, this is the frontline of science and technology, and it is also at the forefront of biology and medicine.

Wood, wood, if you hear it, just squeak.

She whispered, sitting cross-legged in front of the wood, injecting spiritual power to communicate.

Every time, she needs very strong emotions and spirit to do it, so she is very tired.

But almost all of them fell into the sea without any waves.

It's like being swallowed by a black hole, bottomless.


Zhao Yicheng looked out the window at the gradually whitening sky and earth.

According to the calculations of the Queen system, this is already the seventh era. It is difficult to imagine what appeared and what life existed in the past universe.

The history has been lost and cannot be verified. What was the universe like before?

How was that dazzling era so dazzling?

She felt desolate and empty in her heart.

I really want to know what kind of world that is.

Boo boo...

At this moment, it seemed that this mood of quietly looking up at the sky caught Mu Mu's attention.

This piece of wood actually started to deform.

how come!?

Zhao Yicheng was dumbfounded. This was the first time that she had a connection with wood and deformed it.

Thank God, you finally...

However, she had just started to get excited, and instantly she fell straight down as if she had been struck by lightning.


She didn't know how long it took, but she woke up in the hospital bed with a drip on her arm.

You finally woke up, what happened?

The president and a group of senior officials were surrounding her with serious expressions.

I saw it, I saw that brilliant era!

Immediately, Zhao Yicheng shouted. She was very excited and her eyes were shining.

This made everyone at the scene exclaim again and again. They didn't know what she saw that made her so excited.

Did you see the Brilliant Era?

The chairman's eyes also changed, and he was extremely surprised.

Finally, the wood came to its senses!

No, it’s not wood anymore!

Zhao Yicheng, look, after your contact this time, it has deformed.

Someone pointed to the screen in front of the hospital bed.

A black knife actually appeared where the wood was originally stored!

This black knife was suspended in the void, exuding fierce power, as if it would be cut into pieces if it came near.


Zhao Yicheng was also surprised when he saw the wood turned into a knife.

Okay, now that you're awake, we're going to use the Queen System to simulate the Brilliant Era you saw. Just keep your memories.

The president said quickly.

No problem, I still remember it.

Zhao Yicheng nodded immediately.

Immediately, she closed her eyes and recalled that world.

This is an unbelievable picture. Two huge trees are falling apart. The strong man is falling like mortal dust. The sea of ​​​​purgatory fire is everywhere. Life is sinking, the continent is collapsing, and the void is cracking.

Seeing this scene, the people at the scene froze slightly. They were most afraid of seeing this scene.

This is a picture of mass extinction, a scene of the fall of life.

Not only that, those strong men seemed to be fighting some kind of humanoid monster. At the last moment, a huge wave surged into the sky. Everything was drowned by the light. The cracks shook violently, and everything was covered by the sea of ​​light.


The senior executives of the Descendants Company felt heavy-hearted after seeing this. This was far beyond their expectations and probably caught the president off guard.

I know that in the last era, there was a decisive battle. Nothing was left and everything turned into ashes.

The president's face looked a little ugly. The truth was almost as expected, but it was too shocking.

Those people in the picture can actually fight in the universe. The energy in their hands is like the power of their aircraft cannons. They are still the weakest. The powerful ones can actually throw planets like projectiles.

What the hell, it simply subverts all three views!

In their understanding, building a carrier aircraft with the core of the planet as its engine is already unbelievable.

The results of it?

No matter how ambitious a person is, seeing this scene, he will probably be greatly shocked in an instant.

Because how long does it take to develop to that level?

With their longevity, will they have a chance?

Why don't you have a chance?!

Zhao Yicheng said quickly.

Yes, this piece of wood... no, that knife, who dares to take it?

Someone got excited all over.

This knife, perhaps one of the figures in this picture, has the power to cut through the planet.

This weapon can easily kill them.

Would you recognize them like this?

I'll try!

Zhao Yicheng felt that she was the most promising, especially after seeing that world, she felt that she had gained a little trust from Mu Mu.

That's why Mu Mu showed her the world.

Okay, okay, Zhao Yicheng, at this moment, you are the first-level researcher of Descendants Company. You may be the media. The important person who connects with the past depends on you.

The president was so excited that he directly upgraded her.

But at this moment, Zhao Yicheng's heart is no longer focused on his position.

Because she saw this brilliant era.

I saw those extremely powerful and heaven-defying beings!

This made her feel a yearning.


When a group of them headed towards the place where they were, the black knife actually changed again.

This is this...

Everyone was dumbfounded and looked at the creatures on the ground in disbelief.

Isn't this the devil carved on the boulder?

someone exclaimed.

Because it looks so similar, very ferocious, a bit like a space monster, a creature with four limbs and a tail.

This is a tiger.

Zhao Yicheng knew a lot about living things and recognized it instantly.

When life was first born in the Seventh Age, this kind of life once appeared, but it turned into a fossil and was left on the rock slab of a certain planet. Later, tribes appeared and used this creature as a totem.

Fortunately, she had seen it, studied it, and gave it a nice scientific name, Tiger!

Changed and changed again!

This time, everyone recognized that this was a dragon, and it turned out to be the totem of their descendants.

You know, they evolved from tribes.

The totems of each tribe are different, but most of the people in their descendant company are from the same tribe, especially the president and the senior officials, who all have the golden dragon as their totem.

But this road is not golden. Instead, it looks like a lizard with a big belly. It looks up at them and its cold eyes are very scary.


Some people couldn't help but swallow their saliva, wondering if they would eat them?

As a result, after a burst of white light, everyone's jaw dropped in shock!

What did they see?

people? !

Became a human!

If it really becomes a human being and is not an imitation, then it proves that this is a high-level intelligent life!


Everyone's expression changed instantly, including the president.

They witnessed an epoch-breaking scene.

But I don’t know if it’s a blessing or a curse.

If they were one of the people in that terrifying scene, destroying them would be easy.

They are bugs!

There is a saying that destroying you has nothing to do with you.

Just from the words, you can feel the powerlessness of a low-level civilization when it encounters a high-level civilization. It is a kind of powerlessness in the face of absolute power, and it is an unchangeable fact.

It's like seeing ants. There is no need for any reason to destroy an ant hole.

Heaven and earth are unkind and regard all things as stupid dogs!

This person must be a being who is superior to all things. As long as he wants to, he can destroy them without any reason, and this behavior can be said to have nothing to do with him.

Just like a child, he is just happy. This reason is enough for him.

After all, they are so small, and all the joys and sorrows are simply insignificant in front of high-level people.

so big…

Only Zhao Yicheng suddenly exclaimed at the scene.

Ten years later.

Outside the window, the city night was still brightly lit in the early morning, reflecting the feasting and feasting in the darkness.

The man who was originally lying on the bed suddenly sat up. He raised his head and looked at the starry sky, and couldn't help but take a deep breath.

His name was Ling Xiao, and he had just had another nightmare. It was a nightmare of moving his head and body. All the horrors and pains were still fresh in his memory, as if they had really happened.

Ling Xiao knew that he couldn't sleep for the time being, so he got up and walked to the balcony.

And this scene is vividly displayed on the Queen System, which is ten planets away.

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