I do not believe!

The Supreme King roared and continued to tear with his hands. He, who carries the origin of all things, has the ability to open this door, even if it is only for an instant.


The opening became longer again, and there were thousands of ghosts crying and howling, roaring in the sky and earth, angrily scolding Cang Yu.

This is not an illusion, but a reality. This vision is so terrifying that it makes everyone’s scalp numb!

Is that really a positive universe?

No one thought that such a sudden change would happen. What is the world behind the door?

What exactly is the positive universe?

Stop, Supreme King, you will destroy us!

The superstring beings all gave up attacking Adam and headed towards the Supreme King.

They want to prevent Shenhuangzi from completely opening this door!

No...I don't believe it.

The Supreme King's long-cherished wish in his life is to have a positive universe. Even if it is fleeting, he has to witness it once before he is willing to accept it.

His hands were as strong as the sky, and he continued to use force to tear the light hole.

Woohoo! !

Gods are crying, ghosts are laughing, the wind is raging, and the rain of blood is getting stronger and more terrifying.

Oh my god, what is the positive universe?

B’s teeth are trembling.

Now, the mouth of the light well that had been torn apart by the Supreme King was shaking violently, and the strange roar coming out was breathtaking, as if a huge thing was about to be born inside.

The dark wind howls, the blood rain pours, and the scenes in the two realms are so terrifying now. The universe has changed greatly, a terrible world has come, the heaven and earth are broken, and the world has reached the end of destruction.

Woohoo! !

Waves of terrifying bloody winds, accompanied by majestic rain of blood, spurted out from the opening. Thick blood, mud and filth filled the universe with a stench!

Did the door to the positive universe look like this before?

Di Tian was shocked!

This time, it’s completely different!

No, none of us have ever seen a real positive universe portal. We have just heard about it, and now we finally see it.

Those superstring beings stood stunned.

A joke, it turns out to be a joke. The anti-universe and the positive universe don't exist at all. There is no such thing as hope, hahahaha!

Wanxiang Wuchang was stunned for a moment, then laughed out loud, almost crying.

The so-called portal to the universe opened by the Supreme King is actually nothing.

There is an incomprehensible world out there.

Not good, not evil, not demon, not god, not immortal, not at all.


On a dark and bloody day, the devil cries...

Even Prince Yama was surprised by this scene.

What is the positive universe? It is just a legend. A legend is just a legend. It is unreliable.

He calmly looked at the portal of the universe.

Supreme King, stop it, there is nothing in there.

After the superstring beings came to their senses, they shook their heads and said.

No, I don't believe it. The portal to the positive universe has not been completely opened yet. I want to take a thorough look to see what is inside!

The Supreme King roared, reaching an extreme, an extreme.

Now his Myth Avenue integrates all living things and has almost become the spokesperson of Myth Avenue.

He will continue to tear open the door to the positive universe!

But if you do that, you will undoubtedly die instantly!


The super string life conveyed extremely powerful mental power, and the body projection split into countless parts and rushed towards the position of the Supreme King.

Haha, why do you want to stop him? It's very interesting, Zhengzhou? There seems to be something in there that can kill me!

Then, Adam spoke at this moment.

Even he felt that everything he saw was too weird. Did the crack lead to some world, the universe?

How many thousands of years has it been silent until now?

Now as soon as the door is opened, there seems to be a very powerful life wave coming from inside, which is really unbelievable.

As the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven, he never knew what he was.

Especially after turning into a ball, he inexplicably gains the power of death, making him basically invincible.

This troubled him very much.

He, who had always wanted to die, became stronger and stronger.

There is no existence that can rival him now.

His nature seems to have been driven by the power of death, and his will is somewhat uncontrollable.

He hoped.

To fulfill your long-cherished wish before the power of death destroys you is to commit suicide.

He did not hope that he would be swallowed up by the power of death while this body was still alive.

To be honest, he couldn't accept that.

This is not a long-cherished wish fulfilled, but swallowed up by power.


The fluctuations emitted by Adam were too frightening. Cracks appeared in the void, spreading to the two worlds, and ripples appeared on the sky.

He knew at this moment that no matter whether it was a superstring life form, a mythical Dao body, or other existences, they might not be his opponents.

His strength can be described as terrifying and unmatched.

Now that he saw the Supreme King actually going to open the door to the positive universe, he became interested.


Almost as soon as he raised his hand, he stopped those superstring beings.

Damn the mortal angel, he actually still has his own consciousness. You must know that before, he was a machine that only knew about destruction.

The superstring beings gritted their teeth. In this blow, a dozen more died, and the lightning turned into ashes.

In the age of myths, they evolved into superstrings, killing countless myths along the way.

Now, they are being killed as pigs and dogs.

Angels in the world of mortals will kill gods if they stand in the way of gods, and kill Buddhas if they stand in the way of Buddhas. Not even the God Emperor can confront them.

I'm afraid that even the a absolutely entropic body can't handle it.

Adam actually stopped superstring life?

B is surprised.

What does that Adam mean?

He is helping the Supreme King, and he also wants to see what the world of Zhengzhou is like.

Ye Jue said.

Now the worlds in both realms are vibrating, the avenue of mythology has reached its peak, the runes of civilization have been completely suppressed, and there are subtle chanting sounds everywhere in the universe, which seems terrifying and terrifying.

However, compared with the horror brought by the positive universe, the fluctuation of the Supreme King is obviously not enough.

I don't believe that the universe really doesn't exist. Open it for me!

The Supreme King roared again, his whole body glowing, and one mythical and ancient symbol after another continued to manifest!

No one stopped him, his hands continued to exert force, and the laws of the film penetrated the dirty rain of blood, forcibly opening a path in the mouth.


The original source mark of the sixth generation explodes again!

The imprints of the Mythical Avenue all over the sky are once again flocking to the word 'righteous'!

Buzz! !

The blood rain formed into a storm!

The sky is trembling and screaming!

Countless people witnessed that the door to the positive universe became even bigger!


The Supreme King shouted, and his whole body bloomed with the last glow, extremely powerful. Ancient symbols flashed in front of his body and flew forward.

Every time one flies out, it is a kind of power, an original force.

He's finally using it all up!


A terrifying roar came from the portal of the universe. It was impossible to tell what the sound was. It seemed to be the devil, a place more terrifying than hell.

I felt my heart beating again.

Adam looked at the opening, and red particles erupted from his body. There seemed to be something in that world that could really kill him.

don't want!!

The superstring beings are shouting now!

The door to the universe is about to open!

Let me see what you are!

The Supreme King used his hands to hold up the mouth and tear it outward.

At this moment, dazzling lights appeared, feather-like ripples appeared one after another, and the ultimate divine power bloomed, swallowing and vomiting light!

God Emperor Feather Wings!

Di Tian was stunned.

In the end, Shen Huangzi really became the God Emperor? !

At the moment when he became the God Emperor, the two realms roared, as if they were about to collapse.


The aurora swept across all directions, erupting with terrifying power, as if it was the beginning of the world!

The Supreme King is almost crazy. His body stands in front of everyone, and the light of divine blood splits the world, making it impossible for people to look at him.


This aura is permeating the air, so terrifying that people can't help but worship it.

Although it is only from the Yishun family, it was obtained by sacrificing all life span!

Look, that's it!

Everyone was stunned!

Because after the aurora passed, the light port had been completely shaped and turned into a round hole, deep and dark, as if the other shore was inaccessible.

There seems to be a door in the deepest part, but it is impossible to determine whether it is the door to the positive universe.

Because it was the blood gate, it was so bright and more terrifying than anything else.

Ye Jue saw it, as well as Ji Zizai, Chaos Zuma leader, the three pillars...

The old part of the earth, as well as all people, saw the entrance to the positive universe at this moment.


Without saying a word, Ye Jue bombarded himself in the head.

Under this blow, the memory of this scene formed a ball of light.


B swallowed it directly and sealed the deepest part of the Yuhua Mirror.

Because Ye Jue knew that earth-shattering changes would inevitably occur later. If the memory was not sealed, at the end of the catastrophe, he would probably forget everything like everyone else in the past.

He believed that someone must have seen the portal to the positive universe, but no one could tell. There must be some force that prevented it from being left behind.

This was very prescient, and B understood it instantly.


All this happens in only 0.00000001 seconds!


The round hole began to collapse.

I must go in!

The Supreme King roared, now his perfect divine body has been shattered and cannot be reassembled. It has completely exhausted everything and is heading towards death.

However, his consciousness, mental strength, and soul are still very strong!


He reached the other side of the positive universe in the body of a non-true god!


Everyone saw a vague spiritual body rushing towards the blood gate that was about to disappear in 0.0000000 seconds.


However, a shocking change happened!

A giant hand penetrated time and space, releasing the power of the supreme civilization runes, destroying everything, and grasping the spiritual body of the Supreme King.


The Supreme King never expected that he would be captured in a round hole, close to the portal of the positive universe!

This giant hand is extremely powerful and unstoppable.

Who is that?

Yidu was stunned. That big hand, exuding the majesty of the ancient emperor, resisted the bloody wind of the universe and captured the spirit of the Supreme King.


All races were terrified and screaming, and everyone was in chaos. Even Ji Zizai and Santaizhu's expressions changed horribly. They knew very well who the owner of this big hand was, and he was definitely the invincible emperor under the starry sky!

The real emperor of the starry sky!


The most terrifying collision occurred. After the giant hand swept away the Supreme King, it slapped the door of the positive universe back. A bright light emitted between the two, and a huge earthquake wave erupted from the round hole.


Like a cannon, the entire world of misery exploded, penetrating the crystal wall system, and directly destroying half of the Chaos Continent of the world of destruction.


There were screams, and because they were a little closer, their bodies were broken inch by inch, and then exploded into blood mist.

The power of the Starry Sky Emperor can actually compete with the Zhengshimen Sect and give it a blow. How terrifying this is.

No one expected that so many things would happen in these 0.00000001 seconds, and an unimaginable reversal would occur.

How powerful is the real Emperor of the Starry Sky?

Ji Zizai, the three pillars, and the leader of Chaos Zuma retreated quickly, and everyone felt cold in their hearts.

This old guy has been waiting for this moment, why didn't I think of it!

Ji Zizai's heart bled.

He never imagined that the Supreme King had become the God Emperor, the representative of the mythical avenue between heaven and earth, and that the Starry Sky Emperor would dare to plot against him?

Moreover, as soon as he takes action, it is like a thunderous force that takes away the spiritual body.

Don’t think too much, it must have been devoured!

The Starry Sky Emperor is a perfect combination of civilized runes and mythical avenues. How terrifying would it become if he swallowed the spiritual body of the God Emperor?

That is absolutely impossible to resist!

Let me go, let me go. Who are you? How dare you plot against me? No, I'm going to correct the universe. I'm just one step away. Ahhhhh, no!

The Supreme King roared angrily and turned into a spiritual villain, struggling in the palm of his hand, but to no avail.

This hand has the power of a shackle, and the seal is invincible, making it impossible to escape.

It's useless, Shenhuangzi. I've been waiting for you to turn into a body and collapse. Otherwise, I wouldn't be able to take action. After all, you evolved into the God Emperor at the last moment. Even for me, it would take a lot of energy to deal with you. For a long time, don’t worry, I will make good use of your spiritual body, and it will become my power and fuel, allowing me to open the door to heaven!

The domineering figure of the Starry Sky Emperor appeared in an instant, with unparalleled power.

Yo yo yo!

The little spiritual body of the Supreme King spun in the palm of his hand and was sucked into his body.

Bring back the Supreme King!


At this moment, Ditian took action immediately, using the sand-gathering tower to gather the energy in the universe from Baichuan to form an ocean and envelope the past.


However, he was torn apart before he could even touch the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

Di Tian, ​​I have formed an alliance with Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin. Don't you know why you attacked me?

The Starry Sky Emperor appeared for only two seconds, and Di Tian attacked him in the second second.

Everything happened so fast that it was hard to take my eyes away.

Even so, I want the Supreme King, and only I can kill him!

Ditian roared, asking for the spiritual body of the Supreme King.

Impossible. If you step forward to stop me, it will mean the destruction of the alliance. Not only me, but also Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin will not let you go. What are you waiting for? Why don't you show up?

At this moment, the Emperor of the Starry Sky, who appeared in front of everyone, roared in a deep voice.

“Dong dong dong!!”

Immediately, the mysterious continent under the endless darkness exploded directly, and its power soared into the sky, flashing with divine brilliance and sparkling waves, and the auspicious energy it exhaled was infinite, trying to contain the universe.

This is the ultimate power, unparalleled in the world. It is exactly the same as the brilliance that the Supreme King finally burst out.

The stars trembled, the universe shook, and immortal power appeared.

Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin?

B's eyes widened.

As the huge dark stars disintegrated one after another, the magnificent rivers and mountains of the mysterious continent became tribulations, scattered in the dark universe.

The two figures that then rose up were as bright as the bright moon, with densely packed small characters appearing all over their bodies, like tadpoles, and extremely mysterious.

Those are the auspiciousness of the Mythical Avenue!

Ye Jue cultivates the mythical body, how could he not know what it means.

Two God Emperors?

Fentian's eyes almost popped out of his head.

It’s so insidious!

He has been dormant until now, and he obviously has such a powerful power!

But have you been waiting?

Just waiting for the Star Emperor to appear, he appeared in one fell swoop, surpassing everyone. Who can be the opponent of the strongest alliance?

The strength of the Starry Sky Emperor is obvious to all. The perfect entanglement of civilization runes and mythical avenues, the pinnacle of which, the founder of this body, is invincible in the world.

Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin are both divine emperors. Just floating in the void, the world is filled with auspicious light.

Are such terrifying beings even joining forces?

Are you shameless?

Not only Fentian, but also Ji Zizai's face was as gray as dust, and his voice was frighteningly low.

The return of the Starry Sky Emperor means that the Emperor Ring will change hands.

After all, the emperor ring, a divine object, was created by the Emperor of the Starry Sky, and it has an indelible mark on it.


He also has a backup plan and has already thought of a way.

Anyway, they are invincible in this life, so they might as well live and survive until the next era.

Emperor, you are finally back. During this period, I have made a lot of contributions to the empire and reunited the realm of destruction.

Therefore, he obeyed and tried his best to smile.

However, the Starry Sky Emperor looked at him with a half-smile.

Staring at him with fury.

It seemed like he could see through all his thoughts.

Ji Zizai, have you cultivated to become an intermediate ancient god? Yes, yes, but the empire? I have long since abandoned you. From now on, you will be the emperor of the empire.

Then, the Starry Sky Emperor said this.

You are joking. You are the only emperor of the empire. I am just an agent. I am in charge temporarily. I have no intention of overstepping my authority.

Ji Zizai quickly answered with a smile.

These few lines of dialogue instantly refreshed everyone's understanding of Ji Zizai.

The arrogant Ji Zizai was like a kitten meeting a tiger. He even spoke politely and didn't dare to make any mistakes.

However, Ji Zizai was very transparent in her heart.

When are you still fighting for the throne of the empire?

The Red Dust Angels are here, Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin are born, and they are obviously going to join forces with the Starry Sky Emperor to fight against Adam.

Otherwise, what are you waiting for?

Ji Zizai knows how to advance and retreat. He is indeed a character.

B said this.

Whether he is a person or not has nothing to do with us. What is important now is the gate to heaven that the Emperor of Starry Sky wants to plan. Now the gate to heaven is in the hands of the Lord of Heaven, and the key is in my hand. Now, the Lord of Heaven is working with Prince Yama is fighting, and the Starry Sky Emperor is about to attack!

Ye Jue understood the situation almost instantly. If it were him, he would do the same!


Sure enough, Emperor Xingkong, Zhang Ziran, and Yang Wanjin disappeared at this moment.

The next second, a distant battlefield appeared!

Fierce collisions, brutal fights, roars from both sides, vibrations outside the domain, and the dark star exploded, turning into a ruined and ruined domain.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, it's you. You showed up as expected. You're so scheming that you actually united with Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin?!

The God Lord's immortal divine characteristics resisted the sneak attacks of the three men. He had already discovered it since the three of them appeared at the same time.

Therefore, the sneak attack failed, but it still caused damage to him.

These three people join forces and are invincible in the world. They use all ancient divine weapons. Even the sword in Zhang Ziran's hand is an immemorial divine weapon.

There are no divine weapons, only the divine emperor can use them.

Because the power of the God Emperor is too strong, the ancient divine weapons will break apart after being used once.

Only by spending a lot of money and refining exclusive divine weapons, without divine weapons, can they support their strength.

However, it would be even more terrifying if there were no divine weapons integrated into the heavenly weapon.

Lord God, hand over the boundary monument.

Zhang Ziran is an upright person, wearing a white robe, spotless, an easy-going and elegant Confucian scholar.

The same goes for the woman next to him. Her eyes are sharp and extremely terrifying. Who in the world can rival the perfect mythical body?

Standing together, they can roar to pieces like the sun, moon and stars.

Now, he has joined forces with the Emperor of the Starry Sky to become even stronger!

Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, you are mythical bodies, how come you are instigated by the Emperor of the Starry Sky? The Gate of Heaven is the Taoyuan where the entropy body of this world escapes. Why are you joining in the fun? Will the Gate of Heaven let you enter?

The Lord of Heaven roared, completely confused as to how this combination could appear.

Who said we were going to enter Taoyuan?

Yang Wanjin's cold voice sounded.

Really, I understand!

The God Lord's eyes flashed, they were plotting to inherit the Absolute Entropy Body. Are they trying to create an existence that would destroy the world?

So what's the purpose?

God Lord, actually, I don't want to be your enemy. The goal of the three of us is to kill the messenger of Hongchentian.

The starry sky emperor's body landed and stabilized in the void. He wore a star crown on his head. Different from the Supreme King, the royal robe was different. It was a five-clawed golden dragon, which was more flamboyant.

How is it possible, how is it possible that the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven could be killed?

The God Lord seemed to have heard some funny joke.

This has never happened since ancient times!

Even the god emperors who mastered the ten ancient artifacts failed to succeed.

In the end, all the artifacts took shape and ran away. Is it just these three god emperors?

Is it true that those who are angels in the mortal world are soft persimmons?

The power of death is irresistible!

That's something that's impossible to do.

At this moment, Prince Yama across from him also said with a sinister smile.

He heard the conversation between the three and shook his head.

The Red Dust Sky will disappear after it destroys the world. At that time, it will be our world of hell, the reincarnation world of the underworld.

Prince Yama smiled sinisterly.

We have a power that can do it, from one man, that can defy the power of death.

Zhang Ziran said suddenly.

Stop talking nonsense and let the war begin!

The God Lord will never hand over the Gate to Heaven.

Qiang, Qiang...

Trembling, trembling sounds were made, like sword energy rushing up, the sky flashing, and blood stains dripping down.

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