All kinds of fog and divine light dissipated, and the Supreme King looked past everyone with an indescribable temperament, and then stared at Di Tian.

This battle is not over yet!!

Ditian looked up to the sky and roared, his white hair standing on end, each one like a star river, emitting dazzling light, piercing the sky.

Now he cannot reach the Supreme King.


Divine pillars appeared around the Supreme King. These divine pillars gathered together and formed the most powerful formation that burned longevity.

Burn everything...

Then, he roared, his whole body was glowing, and one after another mythical and ancient symbols appeared on his body!


Constantly appearing around, this is the original source mark of the six lives he created along the way, the six original powers.

If anyone gets it, he will become a god in a day and will soon be able to attain enlightenment.

The ancient marks all over the sky are heading towards the word '正', and they are all thrown in!

The void is trembling, sending out bursts of screams!

These two realms seemed to be in harmony with him. Endless Taoism was added to his body, and he was protected by the blessings of the mythical avenue, and his whole body was filled with endless brilliance.

It must be the most brilliant moment. At this time, he seems to have become the spokesperson of the myth.

Countless people witnessed it, standing on the ground, watching that brilliant figure burst out with peerless combat power!

The myth is supreme, the domineering power is boundless, and I am the only one who dominates!

That strong and perfect body stands above the two realms, looking down at the nine heavens and ten earths, dominating this world.


The Supreme King once again put in more power.

Buzz buzz!

The world began to turn upside down, and the universe was falling apart.

The big shake begins!

The void is trembling, and even the ancient gods cannot stand upright!

The peak divine power is infinite, and there are bright lights everywhere, like the stars in the sky pouring out, boundless, falling down, and submerging everything.

It's so awesome, the vast divine radiance is vast, overwhelming, and surging continuously. One person can penetrate both realms!

This is the Great Emperor!

Countless people who practice mythology and are also entangled in civilization runes are all shocked and pale.

Is the portal to the positive universe finally opening?

B yelled.

Now, every ray of divine light in the light well is flowing out, and it is difficult to stop it. It keeps spraying out, making many people's hearts throb!

Could that be the light of the universe?

Unimaginable light, never seen such a dazzling look!

Countless people can’t help but want to get involved!

Now they understand!

Why do powerful people from ancient times to the present want to enter the positive universe and don't want to stay in this cage?

Compared to there, this is a filthy place!

There is no peace at all, it is full of sin and evil!

Everyone’s thoughts are the same!

Crack, click, click!

Cracks spread out from the body of the Supreme King, leading to all parts of the body, and the entire body was about to burst.

He was crumbling, bleeding all over his body, his divine power fluctuating violently, and the original laws protected by the Shinto avenue began to break.


He sacrificed all his longevity, and the origin of his six lives was gone, and he came to the end of his life.

The great emperor will also die, and his death will be wiped out in longevity.


Shen Huangzi said.

As many people shouted excitedly, he smiled miserably.

Sacrifice all the divine weapons, the origin, everything.

Still couldn't reach the other side.

The road to the positive universe is too deep!

Even if he is the God Emperor, his power cannot penetrate it.

In a daze, he figured it out.

No wonder Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin didn't do this.

Because it is impossible to open.

The God Emperor has reached his end and cannot open the door to the positive universe.

So they didn't do that.

Now unless a miracle happens.

But where is the miracle?

Should we...

At this moment, on Earth, Chen Ya frowned.

Miracle seeds may help the Supreme King.

With the help of miracles, the door to the universe will surely be opened.


What's the price of a miracle?

Before, they only got the chance to regain their strength because of luck.

Will you be so lucky this time?

If we don't help, maybe...

Aosheng shook his head.

They should worship the Supreme King’s level of life.

Now the Supreme King wants to open the door to the true universe and let everyone see it.

If you have the power but don't help, wouldn't you just sit back and watch?

What kind of mythical body is this?

If you practice for a lifetime, you may not see that door until you die.

Now is your chance.


They hesitated!

Because, the miracle seed is the power to protect them!

Adam's destruction is inevitable.

No one can stop it, but it is now overshadowed by the splendor of the Supreme King.

When superstring life fails, it will be their turn.

At that time, I believe it was the most desperate and terrifying moment.

Only a miracle can survive.

Ask the master of the universe, Ye Jue.

Female Gallo said in a low voice.


At this moment, Ye Jue's voice came down.

He said one word.


Firm, without any hesitation or hesitation.


Chen Ya, Aosheng, including Mr. Wu, and those in the old Earth Ministry breathed a sigh of relief.

Sometimes, they need others to make decisions for them.

One of the fundamental reasons for Ye Jue's decision was that he would not use the racial trump card and was not so selfless.

The second reason is that Ditian is taking action now!

I won't let you die!

Suddenly, Di Tian roared.

The strong will always be strong, but the dead will eventually be forgotten!

In the future, if someone mentions Shenhuangzi, they will not think of him as the Supreme King. The title of Supreme King will also reflect the power of the mythical body, but after death, there will be nothing.

His Majesty will also forget!

Too many amazing people have been forgotten, let alone Shenhuangzi?


He swung his fist fiercely and actually threw his own original power towards the Supreme King.


The blood of the Supreme King accelerated its flow and was instantly dyed with a strange brilliance. It was the power of Emperor Tian.

This, this, this...

The ancient gods in heaven were stunned by this scene!

Ditian, what on earth was he thinking?

Don't you want to kill the Supreme King?

Why did you share your original power with him?

Maybe I understand, let's help the Supreme King too. This mythical pinnacle, stepping into the existence of the God Emperor at this moment, is the ultimate dream of our mythical body. Sharing a little of our own original power will feel honored!

The fiery crow girl was the first to show off some of her origins.

This original power seemed to be attracted by the Mythical Avenue, and went directly to the top of the world where the Supreme King was.

I'm coming too!

Tao Long nodded and did the same.

This is true for Mie Shitai and the lizard beasts. The ten ancient gods of heaven all sacrificed their origins under the leadership of Di Tian.

After receiving their help, the Supreme King exuded an invincible will that shocked people's hearts. Like a sacred monument, he continued to devote his strength to the word kai.

Now, this word has yet to reach the other shore, and he has just run out of fuel.

With the help of the ten ancient gods of heaven, he returned to his glory!

We also help Shen Huangzi.

Ye Jue's voice came down.

All the tribes in the misery instantly understood what he meant, and they all raised their hands and closed their eyes.

Buzz! !

A little bit of starlight flew out from them.

Everyone is sacrificing part of their longevity and is guided to the position of the Supreme King by the path of myth.

Mega-level beams of light splashed everywhere, forming a chaotic mist. The figure of the Supreme King was somewhat blurry and motionless.

Ji Zizai thought he was dead.

actually not.

Shenhuangzi's eyes were like lightning, and his power shot out through the mist again and into the light well.

Now, he carries the origin of all mythological bodies and opens the portal to the positive universe.

Maybe he himself didn't expect such a change!

Everyone chose to help him when he was about to fall short.

Di Tian was the first to do this!

Open it!

Until now, the Supreme King suddenly opened his hands and tore towards the light well.

The light well deformed instantly and became a hole!

Woohoo! !

Suddenly, there was a howling wind, a torrential rain of blood, and the scenes in the two realms were frightening. They suddenly changed drastically, as if the terrifying world suddenly opened up and descended, or as if the heaven and earth were shattered, and the world came to the end of destruction.

What is this? Why is it so?

The Supreme King's expression changed drastically, and the portal to the universe opened a crack.

But why did such a scene happen?

What is the world behind the door like?

Ah, this is...

The three pillars, the leader of Chaos Zuma, all shouted. At first, there were waves of terrifying whirlwinds, and then they turned bloody. The heavy rain that fell was full of stench, and it fell on the body and the two realms. Only then did people realize that it was blood mud. !

This kind of scene makes even the ancient gods tremble, they have never encountered it before!

The misery and destruction, the dark wind and bloody sun, the howling devils, are thousands of times more terrifying than the invasion of the hell world!

how so?

Di Tian also trembled.

At this moment, no one was hairless and trembling with fear. This kind of scene was unheard of and unseen.

I do not believe!

The Supreme King roared and continued to tear with his hands. He, who carries the origin of all things, has the ability to open this door, even if it is only for an instant.


The opening became longer again, and there were thousands of ghosts crying and howling, roaring in the sky and earth, angrily scolding Cang Yu.

This is not an illusion, but a reality. This vision is so terrifying that it makes everyone’s scalp numb!

Is that really a positive universe?

No one thought that such a sudden change would happen. What is the world behind the door?

What exactly is the positive universe?

Stop, Supreme King, you will destroy us!

The superstring beings all gave up attacking Adam and headed towards the Supreme King.

They want to prevent Shenhuangzi from completely opening this door!

No...I don't believe it.

The Supreme King's long-cherished wish in his life is to have a positive universe. Even if it is fleeting, he has to witness it once before he is willing to accept it.

His hands were as strong as the sky, and he continued to use force to tear the light hole.

Woohoo! !

Gods are crying, ghosts are laughing, the wind is raging, and the rain of blood is getting stronger and more terrifying.

Oh my god, what is the positive universe?

B’s teeth are trembling.

Now, the mouth of the light well that had been torn apart by the Supreme King was shaking violently, and the strange roar coming out was breathtaking, as if a huge thing was about to be born inside.

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