The attacks of the three divine emperors were difficult for the Lord of Heaven to withstand, especially those who held the attack without divine soldiers, and suffered setbacks one after another.

The situation has been chaotic for more than half a month now.

Now with the birth of Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin, the real master of Ancient Heaven, the war continued for another two months!

It is difficult to tell the winner between them!

The power of the God Lord is weakening day by day, and his special divinity is disappearing. Although he is unparalleled in the world, there is nothing he can do. If Prince Yama hadn't killed him randomly, he would have been defeated long ago.

The earth-shattering showdown, the stars and rivers trembled, the universe shook, and all parties unleashed their immortal power in the peerless showdown.

In the confrontation between Adam and Super String Life, a full two-thirds of them have been killed so far.

The rest are the strongest, struggling to hold on.

Their battle was originally a catastrophe and a loss of lives.

Fortunately, the earth was hidden first. Ye Jue was very foresighted. Now, both the realm of suffering and the realm of destruction are collapsing. Continents are disappearing, and the world is being disintegrated at an unimaginable speed of destruction.

As the Supreme King was refined by the Emperor of the Starry Sky, this emperor was now becoming more and more terrifying in strength, swallowing up the galaxy with anger, and making the Celestial God Lord clan pay an unimaginable price.

Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin, Starry Sky Emperor, what on earth are you doing? We can't stand it any longer!

The superstring beings roared.

Now blood is flowing like a river, dyeing the universe red. If their superstring group is destroyed, it is hard to imagine what kind of disaster it will cause.

By then, can we really win without them?

Emperor of the Starry Sky, when you came to deep space, have you forgotten the agreement you made with us? This demon refining pot is already ready to go. Why don't you hurry up and help?

They were anxious, they had to be anxious, their clan had been participating in the battle to stop the Red Dust Angels, and they suffered huge losses in this battle!

Is the leader of the gods, the ancient venerable, so easy to deal with? Just wait patiently, it will be over soon. When he is weak, the gate of heaven can be snatched away by force.

The Star Emperor shook his head.

The special divinity of the God Lord can suppress even the hell world. How powerful is it?

Even if Zhang Ziran, Yang Wanjin and others join forces, it will be difficult to defeat them in a short time.

Not to mention that there is a troublemaker, Prince Yama, who is very rampant. As long as there are people around him, he will carry out chaotic attacks. Many opportunities to take down the God Lord have been disrupted by this Prince Yama.

This made him have to guess whether Prince Yama was intending to help the Celestial Clan.

But it was obvious that he was overthinking it.


Because the God Lord received a fatal shot from Prince Yama, it penetrated the time domain, showing no mercy at all, and his naked self-righteousness.

As long as the interests of hell can be guaranteed, everything in heaven and earth can be destroyed.

Such is the character of Prince Yama.

Damn it!

The superstring beings roared, using all their runes to fight Adam again.

You are so annoying. You can't kill me anymore, but instead you are clinging to me like a gangrene on my bones.

Adam swallowed up endless death energy and turned into a red black hole, from which extremely powerful thoughts were conveyed.

Buzz! !

This force swallowed up the nearby time and space.

I don’t know how many galaxies were lost in an instant.

Our superstring ancestor, the great will, is one of the two weapons created by the aipentropic body. It is the space body that holds the will. The ontology itself is the universe, and it is the ability to control space. Basically, as long as the difference between the control fields is not If it is overwhelming, there is a way to counter it. If the size of the controlled space is similar, the space itself will transform into a form for melee combat. On the contrary, if the controlled space is too large, your own space will be defeated, absorbed, and become the space of others. Defeated.”

The weapons used by superstring beings are different from those seen in myths. They are an inexplicable void space body. As long as the controlled space is not larger than their superstrings, there is no way to defeat them no matter how hard they struggle.

In deep space, they used this kind of weapon to fight to the death with the messengers of Hongchentian. The biggest reason why they have not lost yet.

The deep space has collapsed, but these superstrings have not failed yet and continue to use this kind of space weapon.

That is the ability to control space. In fact, it is the power that all superstrings use together. Space body cells. Superstrings have a characteristic, which is to use their own cells as weapons. There are also various sizes and shapes, and there is no uniformity at all. , but the common part is that each one has the ability to control space, and has its own will and wisdom.

Super String on the Dragon Roar spaceship, his eyes twinkling.

Now every one of the remaining superstring gods is stronger than him.

Because cells are much smarter than him, individual cells have various powers, including imitation, absorption abilities, and other skills.

Yes, the terrifying thing about superstrings is that even a single cell can plunge a Star Air Force fleet into a bitter battle. There was once a mythical body that used ancient magic to compete with it, but a superstring survived more than a dozen avenues. Unscathed, at that time Superstring sacrificed a cell and carried out a big explosion in the universe of the mythical body, directly blowing up the world.

Zhao Yin said.

The biggest reason why superstrings can compete with Adam and the Red Dust Angels is the power of their crystal cells. Not only can the cells fire main cannons, but they can also theoretically have the ability to absorb the universe infinitely and emit cosmic-level cannons. That is The initial level of attack based on the application of cosmic principles is linked to the universe itself.

The stronger the universe, the stronger the superstrings.

This is also the reason why they refuse to give up in deep space and fight to the death!

The four superstrings at the front are called the Four Heavenly Kings. They have the strongest space control ability. You see, they teamed up to sacrifice the Dark Cave. That is the ultimate weapon of civilized runes. Only superstrings can use it. , you have to use super gravity.”

Dragon Roar Spaceship’s superstring explained.

Those superstring beings, especially the Four Heavenly Kings, have many more abilities than him, infinite size, infinite speed, and each cell can be turned into a trillion-level weapon at any time.

The Four Heavenly Kings even have cells the size of Ganges River sand!

However, the most powerful one is Adam. The power of the power of death can easily kill the core of the super string. Basically, as long as the core cells of the super string are broken inside the body, death will occur instantly.

Long Shaoqin said.

There is something wrong. The cells of the Four Heavenly Kings... do not have a core. In other words, no matter what happens, they can be completely regenerated from nothing. At the same time, as long as they are attacked once, they can use the copy ability to completely copy. In the final analysis , Superstring has the ability to control space, without this ability it poses no threat to Adam at all.

Wei Ting nodded.

At this moment.

They were hiding in the deepest part of the space, preparing to sneak attack Ye Jue, and also fight for the fortune of the Jade Butterfly.

Anyway, the Soul-Calling Flag has fallen into their hands now!

So, just be patient and wait for the opportunity!

This opportunity will come soon. Ye Jue holds the key. Will those god emperors let him go?

I don't deal with him now because I can't get away and have to confront the enemy.

Once they have that time, they will attack Ye Jue without hesitation.

The Starry Sky Emperor, as well as Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin, have specified that they will open the gate to the heaven. They will first attack the Lord of Heaven and force the Heavenly God clan to hand over the boundary monument. When they get the boundary monument, shouldn't they immediately attack Ye Jue?

At this time, the living god also saw through the situation!

The superstring beings are waiting for the Emperor of the Starry Sky, Zhang Ziran, and Yang Wanjin to resolve the battle there, then get the jade butterfly, open the door to heaven, get the abyssal weapon, and then work together to fight against Adam.

Now that the Supreme King has been swallowed by the Starry Sky Emperor, the latter's power has greatly increased, and he has obtained the relics of the abyssal entropic body. Maybe he can really compete with Adam? !

Superstring life mentions the great will, one of the two weapons created by the aeptropic body. One is a space body, so what is the other.

But no matter what it is, it is definitely within the gate of heaven.

The way you look at me is like seeing a dying prey.

Ye Jue flicked his fingers.

The ones who are free now are these living gods and the ancient gods of heaven.

They cannot participate in a battle at the God-Emperor level.

Nowadays, everyone is guessing, deducing, and calculating everything that will happen next.

Isn't it true, Ye Jue, what you have in your hands now is something that even the God Emperor is concerned about. When they free up their hands, won't you be the first to be killed?

Wan Xiang Wuchang said with a sneer.

Where can I escape now?

The leader of Chaos Zuma smiled slightly.

He knew that Ye Jue, even so, had a way of escaping. He understood a mythical Taoist secret called Ta Tian Xing, which was not under the ancient magic. There were people in this world that he could not defeat, but there were not many people who could catch up. he.

But where can I escape now?

The war is still going on, going on for months and years. Who knows whether it will end suddenly on the side of the God Lord!

Now, they have an account in their hearts, who will attack whom, or each other.

Hahaha, you all accepted the destiny factor, but I want to tell you that your destiny is actually controlled by me.

Suddenly, Ye Jue said boldly.


Ji Zizai frowned.

If you accept the fate factor, will you be controlled by the jade butterfly?

This is not impossible!

Ye Jue, Ye Jue, it's really ugly. It's like this, and you still want to deceive us?

Wanxiang Wuchang smiled.

What do you mean? What are you talking about? Didn't we agree to protect the universe? What happened now?

Fentian, this idiot, still looked confused.

Why suddenly, there was a tit-for-tat confrontation, and everyone except him surrounded Ye Jue.

World-Burning Spirit, I know your brain is not working well. It's normal that you can't understand the current situation. We just need to keep an eye on Ye Jue now. The God Emperor will come later and kill him easily and take away the creation. Jade Butterfly, then we will be able to witness the death of this human being who has been invincible and has repeatedly played tricks on us.

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