Oh? You were able to discover me? I used a concealment technique that ranks highly among the 3,000 Great Restrictions, but I was able to be detected by you in an instant. This spaceship has some tricks up its sleeve.

Ye Jue's eyes were like torches, and he saw that the fortune of the Dragon Roar was rising steadily. The characters in it were all ambitious and seemed to be able to establish an invincible dynasty.

As long as they are willing to establish their own system, it will definitely be no weaker than the empire.

However, the empire has deep roots and a relatively large influence.

It would be a big deal for Ye Jue to feel this way.

It is enough to show that Long Xiao's hidden depth is extremely deep, and he has the group power and individual ability to compete with the empire.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Jue penetrated the spacecraft.

The power of freedom made his body unstoppable, and no obstacle could stop him.

In one fell swoop, it penetrated hundreds of millions of layers of space folding.

The entire internal space of the Dragon Roar is like a small universe, layered on top of each other. The ceiling of the spacecraft has become a sky dome, which is covered with civilization symbols and divine chains of order, forming an independent circulation system.

It is not a problem to live for hundreds of millions of years here, it has already become the way of heaven.

As long as they want, they can stay in the world of endless darkness, isolate themselves from the world, and not participate in any competition.

The small universe in the spaceship is an independent world. It is indeed amazing and an absolutely generous effort!

This must have come from Zhao Yin, Ye Jue didn't even want to use it.

This person has the power to transform ghosts and gods, has a mysterious identity, and has come from deep space a long time ago.

But after seeing this universe, Ye Jue changed his mind.

Or maybe not, the person may be from somewhere else.

Why he helped Long Xiao is unknown.

But he definitely has his purpose.


After Ye Jue penetrated these spaces and folded them, he intuitively told him that Long Shaoqin and a group of people were waiting for him. They did not panic, put their hands behind their backs, and waited quietly for his arrival.

Travel to the sky!

In the blink of an eye, they came to a white space. The people standing at the front were Long Shaoqin, Wei Ting, and Zhao Yin.

Behind them, there are hundreds of senior officials, including familiar people.

For example, in the wasteland, Lu Hai, the leader of Nanjiang Base, also joined here.

There are characters on the hero list in the early years, such as Pandora, who are staring at Ye Jue's arrival here with wide eyes.

What surprised Ye Jue even more was that there were several dead people, namely Long Xiaogu and Wu Jin.

Nowadays, they are all entangled with the runes of civilization and the avenue of mythology. Their life levels are between the peaks of their ancestors, and there is still a vague power of the heavenly weapons operating.

It must have been the roar of the dragon that resurrected them. Lu Juan, who had a human face and a tiger body, had died on earth and was now resurrected, standing in the crowd.

There was also a familiar feeling that made Ye Jue couldn't help but look up.

It was a woman with red hair. After the memory was recalled, it was her, Yang Hongyue!

Doesn't she know that her daughter, Yang Zi, is in the empire?

Ye Jue's eyes fell on Wei Ting.

This middle-aged man has not changed much, but his uniform has changed. Standing here, he seems to be in the depths of a mysterious time and space in infinity. He is also a tangled body of civilization runes and mythical avenues, all evolving towards the starry sky emperor. .

This group of people stood in front of them, and their luck was flowing straight through the sky, breaking through the blockade of the universe. The huge luck was boiling and fluctuating, and it should not be underestimated!

As long as this luck continues to flourish, Dragon Roar will never be destroyed.

Aren't you afraid that I will go on a killing spree?

At the same time, Ye Jue said coldly that although the group of people in front of him had evolved into aliens, they were still like ants in the hands of the ancient god. What's more, he was still a middle-level ancient god and could kill them all easily.

You treat me like nothing?

At this moment, the lightning humanoid suddenly appeared, the super string in the dragon's roar!

In the past, the eight ancient gods were unable to defeat him in a series of battles.

Even if you can stop me, you can't stop me from killing them.

Ye Jue said indifferently.

Superstrings are really powerful!

But he just realized that traveling to the sky not long ago, no matter how fast the superstring speed is, he will still suffer some losses.

This little loss was the time for him to kill Long Xiao.

Who can stop him except Superstring?

Ye Jue!

The muscles on Wei Ting's face kept twitching: Don't think that the middle-level ancient gods are invincible. If we dare to let you in, we are already ready to kill you. Do you really think that we have no fighting power? All the heavenly weapons have been defeated by us Decomposition, now we all have this kind of power, and our physical strength is more than ten thousand times stronger than before. If you can't kill us instantly, you will encounter a huge counterattack, leaving you with a narrow escape!

Try then?

Ye Jue moved his wrist.

He has wanted to get rid of this guy for a long time.

They have been targeting him since the wasteland.

Now I'm still forcing myself to do it, there's so much nonsense!

He doesn't mind operating on this person first!


At this moment, Long Shaoqin suddenly said: Ye Jue, you are much more cunning than anyone else. You will definitely not fight us in our spaceship. You have the wisdom of an overlord and are a hero of the world. It is impossible for you to commit such a serious crime. It’s a mistake to stand against our dragon roar alone.”

Ye Jue looked at this former human being in the wasteland. Although this person's body is still in human form, the tangled body of civilization runes and mythical avenues has become completely alien.

In the final analysis, this situation was caused by him.

If he hadn't helped Long Xiaoshan rise in the wasteland, become stronger and stronger, and finally become unstoppable, becoming one of the giants who now wields huge power.

If he hadn't helped at that time, maybe the situation would have been different.

Dragon Roaring Mountain will be destroyed in the fifth wave of Demon God Arena.

Ye Jue thought a lot at this moment.

He is a time traveler who came to this world and changed many things.

In the previous world, there were almost no human beings. The devil slaughtered all the creatures on the earth, and finally he died.

However, there are still unsolved mysteries here.

That was what the universe he had been in was.

A parallel counteruniverse?

This was his original idea!

However, many powerful people later thought that he was a life in the positive universe. Therefore, Ye Jue was a little doubtful. Could his previous world be the positive universe?

But how could there be an invasion of hell in the positive universe?

Maybe he, and everyone else, thinks the universe is too beautiful?

Could it be that the positive universe and the anti-universe are exactly the same, experiencing the same cycle of events?


Ye Jue is more willing to believe that the previously destroyed world was a parallel world against the universe.

There is a mysterious power that captures him from the parallel world to another world.

Of course this is parallel world theory.

Ye Jue has another idea.

That is time, and I have thought about it.

Gifted to the Holy Calculator after a terrifying being made him go back in time.

Regardless of the truth of these two speculations, Ye Jue is sure that he will know it after he truly reaches the positive universe.

The above thought is completed in just one second.

At this moment, Zhao Yin pushed up his glasses. Logically speaking, he no longer needed them, but he was used to it, and said: You fight us desperately, we are not afraid of you, our background is far beyond your imagination.

Moreover, you have great righteousness in your heart. In order to fight against the messengers of the Red Dust Heaven, you will not take action against us.

Zhao Yin!

Ye Jue turned his eyes to him and suddenly asked: Zhao Yin, your identity is very mysterious. I don't know who you are, but you seem to know my origin. You have deduced it long ago and identified me as the key to the positive universe. Where do you get this from?

I knew you would ask that.

Zhao Yin said calmly: I may be the only one in this world who knows what you want to know, but I won't tell you, because there is no benefit in telling you. This is what you want to know the most. How can I Will you say it easily?

Sure enough, you know what.

Ye Jue's eyes narrowed.

He was thinking about whether to use Tianxing, ignore the super string, catch this person, and find out whether it was a parallel world or whether his time had gone backwards.

But Zhao Yin seemed to see through his thoughts, and there were fluctuations around him.

If Ye Jue takes action, something may happen immediately, which will definitely protect him.

I know far more than you know.

Zhao Yin smiled slightly at this.

Tell me, what are the conditions?

Ye Jue asked.

Conditions? There are no conditions yet. Let's do this. If I call you in the future, you must come and help me do three things. After completing the three things, I will tell you what you want to know.

Zhao Yin thought for a while and suddenly raised three fingers.

Three things are fine, but they must not violate my personal morality.

Ye Jue nodded expressionlessly.

For example, Zhao Yin asked him to destroy the earth, which was impossible.

It is also impossible for him to join Long Xiao.

The three things can be protection, search, and resistance to enemies, any of these will work.

In order to get the so-called truth, he must agree.

Even if you can't finish it, once you have the chance to catch this person, you can do it.


Zhao Yin was so mysterious that Long Shaoqin and Wei Ting didn't suspect anything. Instead, they ignored him indifferently. It seemed that they already knew the identity of this person.

The expressions of the others were all seen by Ye Jue.

None of them knew, only Long Shaoqin and Wei Ting knew.

By catching these two people, we can also know who Zhao Yin is.

Ye Jue, you finally came to our Long Xiao again, you can't be so antagonistic all the time.

Long Shaoqin snapped his fingers, and the white space changed, with many seats appearing. In front of him was the void, and the scene in the Forbidden God Circle was very clear.

Because now the Dragon Roar is hiding near the Forbidden God Circle, hiding in the endless darkness.

There is no shortage of magical fruits, food, ambrosia, and wine. This is the best place to watch the battle.

Ye Jue had no expression on his face and did not sit down. Instead, he stood in front and looked at the Forbidden God Circle.

He came to get the seven-colored sky-repairing stone to evolve the God-Slaying Sword, and now he has it.

With such a hard turtle shell as escort, why not just take a look and see what these people are up to.


At this moment, the battle in the Forbidden God Circle is becoming more and more intense. The strong spiritual storm has swept into the realm of suffering and destruction, and every living being can feel it.

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