Di Tian cannot stop the coming of that so-called Supreme King. Even I can feel the inevitable trend.

B said suddenly.

The Supreme King's body, with half of his arms exposed, is getting closer and closer. It can be seen that this person's strength is estimated to be more powerful than Ditian.

The pinnacle in mythology, the Great Emperor, should also be divided into strong and weak ones.

Otherwise, if they are all on the same level, then what's the point of victory?

Maybe it's not the difference in weaponry, but there is a difference in the specificity of power.

Seeing how hard Di Tian tried to stop him, he must be a ruthless character.

If he was really summoned, I'm afraid he would be the first to take action on Di Tian.


Every time Di Tian hurt Yao Ji, the Supreme King would be shaken, and he obviously cared about this girl very much.

All around, people's hearts are filled with sadness.

Do you, Gu Tianting, want to keep watching the show and not help your emperor?

Ji Zizai said suddenly.


The Ancient God of Heaven opposite said coldly: Can we intervene in the battle between emperors and emperors? Just read it patiently. If the Supreme King comes, not only us, but you, the living gods, will be enslaved. You You know what the Supreme King is called, the King of Violence. If you are slightly dissatisfied, you will be warned of genocide!

The King of Violence?

Santaizhu trembled when he heard the name.

If you press it on someone else, you may not feel it at all.

But that was the emperor level, and it was actually called that...

How violent is it?

How could such a small state of misery and destruction accommodate such a god-level existence?

Unless the abyssal body comes, there is no hope of defeating him.

The middle-aged Taoist nun sneered.

However, all the abitentropic bodies are dead.

The Ultimate Body, which was slightly stronger than the Emperor, no longer existed.

The superstrings in deep space now are not ainetropic bodies, they are just variations, changes in this world.

Therefore, no one can stand against the Supreme King.

Zhang Ziran and Yang Wanjin, the two people who created Heaven are still alive, aren't they? Let them take action!

Leader Chaos Zuma narrowed his eyes.

These two people have a conspiracy with the emperor, but they still refuse to show up. Like the emperor, they are hiding very deep.

It seemed that he refused to show up until the end.

Who allowed you to call these two by their first names? How brave!

An ancient god from heaven was furious and wanted to punish him immediately.

These living gods are so courageous!

I don’t know how high the sky and the earth are!

I don’t know what achievements and brilliance the two of them have.

How dare you call him out?

What qualifications does a living god have?

absolutely not!

If the situation hadn't changed drastically, they would have captured the rude leader long ago and crushed him to death on the spot to show him what respect means.


The leader of Chaos Zuma raised his lips and stopped talking.

If they were really angered, they might actually take action.

Now there is a war in the Forbidden God Circle, and the future trend is still unclear. If we take action again, it will be a complete fool's behavior.

After all, the ancient gods were all driven by profit, and no one would do anything without profit.

Don't try to escape. As soon as the Ancient Heavenly Court came out and activated the ancient magic circle, everyone was trapped.

Tao Long, the Ancient God of Heaven, said coldly.

The gods of this world like to fish in troubled waters, but they refuse to let them.

It really is.

Wanxiang Impermanence saw the miserable state, and countless ancient formations resurrected on the crystal wall system of the annihilation state, trapping them all here.

Be patient and wait for the results!

The fiery crow girl said.

Chi, Chi

At this moment, in the Forbidden God Circle, the light soared into the sky. Emperor Tian was fighting with the Half-Armed Supreme King. Yao Ji continued to release the Lan of God, the vortex of God blasted against each other, and the fierce ghosts coming from the endless darkness were crushed between the knots. They were extremely sharp.

Indeed, no one can participate in their great war.

The Great Emperor is not someone that the ancient gods can defeat across levels.

One and a half moves is okay.

But after a few rounds, he will be killed.


Yao Ji opened her mouth, and a small silver sword flew out from the tip of her tongue. It flew away at an extremely fast speed, breaking through the time domain.


Di Tian was hit by the small silver sword without even realizing it.

In an instant, he felt the invincible power trying to destroy his divine clothes.

Emperor Zhan Zhou!

He shouted lowly.


Purple armor suddenly appeared on the skin, stretched outwards, and instantly resisted the attack of the small silver sword.

This is the ancient divine weapon, killing Cun Mang?

Di Tian saw Yao Ji summoning Killing Cun Mang back and said, It's a pity that the sneak attack was not successful.

It was not a sneak attack in the first place.

Yao Ji waved one arm, and the soul summoning flag rumbled.

Buzz! !

In the endless darkness behind her, the half-armed Supreme King stepped out with one foot, and thousands of strands of divine power flowed out. The emperor who ruled the world was about to appear.

Di Tian, ​​in fact, the Supreme King has already settled all his grievances with you, the Ancient Heaven Court, and has no interest in it for a long time.

At this moment, Yao Ji said.

Do you think I'll believe it?

Di Tian sneered. In his hand, a black arrow appeared that was more astonishing than a black sun. It was so powerful that the corpses of strong men kept reappearing all around. It was terrifying!

This is more terrifying than Jin Yulan's sun-shooting bow and ancient divine weapon. It is an ancient divine weapon called Xuanyuan Bow.

Everyone knows Xuanyuan Sword, but they don’t know the existence of Xuanyuan Bow.

All the great treasures in mythology are in the hands of emperors and ancient gods.

The legendary magic weapons all appear.

It is true to tell history, and it is also true to say that decline is true.

The strongest in the ancient times, but why is it that every life is not as good as the last, and it is declining, and even in this life, it is going to be completely destroyed?

Because this is the anti-universe.

A replica of the real universe, everyone dreams of escaping from here.

But only those with unparalleled power have passed away in the past epochs. For example, the ten super artifacts in the ancient times have all disappeared, just because they entered the positive universe and never appeared again.


No matter who it is, the ultimate goal is to go to the positive universe.

This place is going to be destroyed.

No one wants to be destroyed along with it.

Yao Ji, and your king, go to hell!

When an arrow is shot, there will naturally be thunder and wind, a myriad of phenomena, and boundless terror.


Seeing such a scene, Yao Ji's expression changed. She couldn't avoid this arrow, a peerless arrow, so she had to use her killing inch to resist it.


The world turned upside down, breaking through the confinement of time and space, and the killing force was retreating steadily!

The Xuanyuan Bow is too powerful. It is also an ancient divine weapon, but the former is not as good as the latter and will soon be defeated.


In the end, Killing Cunmang returned with a spin and was defeated.

The Xuanyuan arrow shoots straight!

Breaking through time and space in an instant, he came to Yao Ji's face.

Colorful Sky-Mending Stone!

Suddenly, Yao Ji sacrificed something, and her whole body was enveloped in colorful divine light.


After a huge earthquake, he actually blocked it.

That's... that's the material for me to be promoted to the Ancient Divine Weapon!

An African young man on earth seemed to feel something and suddenly screamed.

He discovered that the divine object sacrificed by Yao Ji turned out to be a colorful sky-repairing stone.

Ye Jue once mastered it, but it was just the projection of three corpses, energy transformed into shape.

Now this stone is truly authentic!

So, African youth are desperate to get it.

But snatching it from an emperor is almost unrealistic.

I see.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

The Zhanshen Sword accompanies him through the wasteland. Now that he needs this stone to evolve, he will definitely fight for it.

If there is a chance, he will grab it and become a sixth man, maybe he will succeed?


The colorful Sky-Mending Stone covered Yao Ji, and Ditian bombarded her wildly, causing the colorful cover to deform, and bits and pieces of powdery fragments shook out from the Forbidden God Circle.


Ye Jue suddenly used Skywalk and disappeared in front of the middle-aged Taoist nun and the lizard beast.

Appeared again and started to capture these substances.

The five fingers condensed!

The colorful powder began to take shape, although it was only as big as a projectile.

But, you can grow!

Got it!

Ye Jue continued to use Skywalking, heading towards the miserable situation in the endless darkness.

Hoo ho ho! !

As a result, there were countless evil spirits around to capture him!

These were all summoned by Yao Ji's soul-summoning flag, and they were full of ghosts that were going to be swallowed up by him.


Ye Jue's two fingers suddenly came together, the martial arts chapters in his body vibrated, and he stroked hard.

Puff puff! !

The sword finger exploded a large group of powerful souls into pieces on the spot. All the souls exploded and died completely.

How many are there?

However, what shocked him was that he saw in the endless darkness that this kind of powerful soul was tens of millions of times larger than the total number of all the lives in the entire Realm of Destruction and Misery!

Doubts arose in his heart, and the endless darkness became like this after the ancient universe exploded and experienced several catastrophes in the world of mortals.

If there is a power that can dispel these darkness, then how many times will the universe expand infinitely, whether it is a state of suffering or a state of destruction?


The premise is that these powerful spirits must be eliminated first.

But when will the killing last?

The crystal wall system of the World Tree and the World Tree is to protect the fragments of the universe from being eroded by the endless darkness.

This requires a great power of purification to annihilate it in one fell swoop!

Huh? What is this?

At this moment, Ye Jue suddenly realized that something was wrong with his feet. It seemed like an invisible spaceship had accidentally stepped on his feet.

Who else could the spaceship be that could come here?

He calculated instantly that it must be Long Xiao. What are they doing in the Forbidden God Circle?

Even if you master the heavenly weapon as a whole, it will greatly enhance the spacecraft.

However, it would be too wishful thinking to get an advantage from the Emperor, right?

Unlike the ancient gods, the Great Emperor could allow them to escape the entire axis of the universe!

Let me see what you are planning.

Ye Jue went into hiding.

When he came here, he did not expose himself, just like dark matter, only the dark breath of evolution.

If you didn't catch him directly, it would be difficult to tell his existence.


It has been detected that mysterious life is attached to the Dragon Roar...

Analyzing existence, please wait...

Determine identity: Ancient God level!


At this time, Long Shaoqin turned around, raised his head slightly, frowned, and his voice penetrated the hull, and shouted: Ye Jue, stop hiding, this spaceship is far more powerful and smarter than you think. !”

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