
Yao Ji was penetrated by a foot-long spear point in her left arm, and the coldness was piercing her body. She did not frown, blood spattered, but she still waved the soul-calling flag in her palm.

This blood was devoured by the fierce ghosts in the endless darkness, which made them even crazier. Mega-level fierce ghosts attacked and actually formed a mass of consciousness, turning into a huge skull, opening its mouth to swallow everything.


However, Di Tian's cold spear tip was whipped back, and Yao Ji's body was thrown towards the skull like rags.


The two collided together, and blood spurted out, carrying a strong fishy smell, and the blood mist dispersed.

Yao Ji's injuries became more serious. After being pierced by the ancient magic weapon, her white body was bitten by this collection of consciousness, which began to pollute her body. Black veins popped out all over her body, which was very scary.

However, she quickly made a seal with her right hand, and the poison in her body was instantly purified, and the wounds began to heal.


She waved the flag vigorously again, and a loud whine filled the sky. The half-armed body of the Supreme King had appeared through the Forbidden God Circle. A single eye kept turning and landed on Di Tian's body.


With half a mouth, he was able to speak. Although it was a little blurry, he could barely hear clearly that he called out Di Tian's name.


The Xuanyuan arrow in Di Tian's hand shot out again, and instead of attacking the Supreme King, he continued to kill Yao Ji.

If you want to stop the Supreme King, you must first kill Yao Ji and directly attack the Supreme King's body, which is almost useless.

As soon as the arrow was shot, Yao Ji immediately offered up the colorful sky-repairing stone.


This time, the light of the colorful sky-repairing stone faded, Yao Ji felt an arrow in her heart, a blood splashed out, and then the whole beautiful head exploded.

They are both emperor-level, but the gap is so big!

However, her body did not collapse, and her physical and mental destruction did not exist for the emperor.

The headless body and slender figure actually waved the soul-calling flag again.

This scene is so amazing!

This woman is really brave.

In the Dragon Roar, the senior officials were exclaiming.

Every collision and confrontation is a stunning scene performed at the pinnacle of mythology!

There is no mixture of civilized runes, pure mythical power, so gorgeous.

When they saw Yao Ji's head exploded, they all screamed.

The great emperor in the ancient heaven, Di Tian, ​​is really invincible. They are both great emperors, but they actually suppress Yao Ji and keep killing them. Is the gap really that big?

Pandora said repeatedly.

If she went up there, she would die immediately.

Pandora's Box is nothing more than a supreme immortal weapon, not even an ancient divine weapon.

It will be broken easily.

The difference is not big. In fact, it was Yao Ji who had been using her original power to use the Soul-Calling Flag, and that was why Di Tian succeeded.

Lu Hai saw some clues and said so.

That's right, every time that flag is waved, Yao Ji will become weaker. From the very beginning of the battle to now, she has been suppressed and beaten. Don't you think it's strange?

Super String Life nodded slightly.

That's true!

Wei Ting also said.

Yao Ji is too weak now!

Only then was Di Tian suppressing him and beating him!

If we wave that flag again, the situation will be dire.

But the Supreme King is coming back.

Long Shaoqin looked at the majestic half body and simply judged from the majestic power that it was stronger than Di Tian.

Is the return of the Supreme King really what Yao Ji said?

Has he given up his hatred?

As a member of all living beings, just want to go to the righteous universe?

But it was obvious that Ditian didn't believe it.

Yao Ji must be killed before this happens.


At this moment, almost in the blink of an eye, Yao Ji's head grew again.

However, her face turned pale and she almost fainted as she waved the big flag in her hand again.

Still not giving up? Do you really want to die?

Di Tian's eyes burst out with fierce light, and he killed Yao Ji again.

However, at the moment when he was killed, Yao Ji burst out with her spiritual thoughts, and a special space formed around herself. A vast force roared and collided with Di Tian, ​​and the autumn color was evenly divided!

Spiritual thoughts become a domain?

Di Tian's body shook, his face expressionless.

Come out!

The special space formed by Yao Ji, in the realm of spiritual thoughts, is a special spiritual power space, but it can give birth to countless evil gods based on the spirit.

These evil gods are all beings from various races in the past.


With howling, they all rushed towards the emperor's sky in a steady stream. I am afraid that if Yao Ji did not die, these evil gods and monsters would continue to be produced.

Each evil god and monster waved the sickle in his arm, forming a long dark river. In the depths of the dark river, a black river of Yin that seemed to be like oil was flowing, full of evil energy.

Moreover, in the depths of the long river, which is bottomless, evil is still gathering.

She is such a goddess, but she exerts such evil power, forming a strong contrast.


These are the people killed by the Supreme King. These shadows were recreated by Yao Ji and were born with spiritual consciousness.


However, Di Tian moved his body and silently penetrated into the depths of the long river. In an instant, he drilled down thousands of miles, and the evil energy and corroded space suddenly exploded!

The blood of the evil god, this evil energy is very deadly.

Di Tian was invulnerable to all poisons and didn't care at all. He continued to drill down and saw layers of multiverses that were constantly moving.

He locked onto one of the multiverses and dived in in an instant.

There is Yao Ji's true body, but the evil energy around her is even more fierce.

It seems this is your last resort.

Wherever Di Tian goes, evil spirits turn invisible. He has the pure power to restrain evil spirits and purify all evil in his body.

I'm afraid, Yao Ji doesn't know either.

In an instant, all the evil spirits in the depths of this distant universe were purified!

Finally, a huge bone appeared.

This bone lies in front of Yao Ji, like a collapsed sky pillar, which can cover a whole world.

Are they the bones of the evil emperor? How can you use your mental power to recreate the evil shadow?

Di Tian looked at the broken bone, which was still creating demons. He grabbed it on the spot and used a move to grab it out. He grabbed the bone hard. Suddenly, black smoke shot out. The storm is raging.

Yao Ji, you waved the soul-calling flag again? You are too weak now and are no match for me.

He found that the Evil Emperor's bones were vibrating strongly, but even if they vibrated once, there was no sound.

It means that Yao Ji no longer has the power to control it.

The evil emperor's remains are an unknown thing.

Di Tian was not interested in the bones at all, and even looked disgusted. With a slight pat, a burst of divine light flew away the evil emperor's bones, and they continued to fall wherever they went.

Huh? What is that, a shooting star?

In the misery, in the void, Black Tiger Ah Fu, Crane Fairy, Wong Tai Sin... are watching the battle in the Forbidden God Circle.

Suddenly, they spotted something, very bright, flying towards them.

No, no, that's the emperor's attack, quick move!

The Crane Fairy was so frightened that she transformed from her human form into her own body, flapped her wings and flew away.

Holy shit!

Wong Tai Sin was almost scared to death and flew away after him.


Black Tiger Afu seemed to have noticed something. He moved his body slightly and began to travel through the universe.

The bright light seemed to be very close, but in fact it was folded in space and kept traveling through it. If he was unlucky, even he would lose his way.


The black tiger Ah Fu was determined to pursue it, so he sank directly into it and disappeared.

Yao Ji, do you still have any means?

Di Tian shattered Yao Ji's spiritual realm, blasted away the evil emperor's bones, and looked at the latter with a cold face.

There is still a chance to stop now.

Although the Supreme King has come out two-thirds, he is about to break through the starry sky emperor's banishment seal.

However, as long as Yao Ji gives up, the Supreme King will be sealed back again.

If you don't give up, then you have no choice but to kill.

Ditian, I said, you can't stop it.

Yao Ji's mind was completely devoid of self, and she waved the soul-calling flag again.

The original power rushed towards the flag crazily.

Wow! ! !

The spirit-calling flag is agitating crazily!

Ditian...my return is inevitable. Why do you want to stop me? I said that I will never be an enemy of the Ancient Heavenly Court again. The hatred has disappeared in the last era.

The voice of the Supreme King resounded near the Forbidden God Circle, with supreme majesty.

Would I believe it? After all, you are the violent king.

Di Tian shook his head and killed Yao Ji.

Yao Ji's regeneration speed has now slowed down, and she has reached the point where she can be killed.

As long as the emperor particles are swallowed and refined, Yao Ji will disappear completely.

But if there is still one Great Emperor Particle, then Yao Ji will be reborn in the future. I don’t know in what time period, but it must be extremely far away.

Ditian, I have a great plan that has already taken shape. I can go to the positive universe and open the door to the positive universe. Don't you want to take a look?

The Supreme King's voice was full of regret, as if he was sighing.

Di Tian can really stop him!

But the premise is that Yao Ji is afraid of death!

From now on, Yao Ji is not afraid at all, and even sacrifices herself to let him return.

This is what the Supreme King doesn't want to see the most, but he also knows Yao Ji's personality well and will definitely do this.

Therefore, as Yao Ji said, Emperor Tian cannot stop his return.

Wave the summoning flag again and he will return.

Break the starry sky emperor's exile seal and return to the fragments of the ancient universe from the endless darkness.

However, he has no interest in ruling everything, nor is he interested in being an enemy of Gu Tianting anymore.

He just wants to see the door to the positive universe and go there!

After accumulating a body for so many lives, he must fulfill this long-cherished wish!

I don't want to see it, especially if you open it. Supreme King, you slaughtered so many divine soldiers and generals in my heaven, can you just write it off? Haha, get out!

Di Tian roared and killed Yao Ji. He wanted to destroy this girl!

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