As soon as the Emperor of the Starry Sky finished speaking, a majestic dark star next to him was blown into pieces and exploded.

The power of Ye Jue's free fist technique is absolutely terrifying. Nothing in this universe can stop it, not even the Starry Sky Emperor.

It can be said that freedom can already represent the supreme power. It can defeat gods from above and defeat saints from below. It shines brightly in ancient and modern times.


There are no obvious shortcomings, but too many advantages.

Boom boom boom! !

Under the thunder and shock, the young starry sky emperor, a super-string life, began to break into pieces, which showed how powerful this killing fist was.


Ye Jue will definitely not hold back, attacking with all his strength, the power of his blows is unparalleled in the world. Every time, the waves are rolling thousands of miles, and the nearby dark stars are shattered with each punch!

It is indeed extraordinary. The power of freedom you created is engraved with the top power of heaven and earth. Ordinary people are not your opponent.

The young emperor frowned. He could see that the opponent's attack power was extremely terrifying, and his understanding of the Mythical Avenue had reached a rare height. He was a lonely person who had difficulty finding an opponent.

If you were in the same era as him, you would definitely be a match.

Unfortunately, he is just a time clone now.


The existence time is limited, and if you want to fight with this manpower, you can almost only last for a short moment.

Zhi Sheng Fist Technique!

The young emperor's entire body was dyed virtual blue, blasting out the intertwined power of avenues and civilized runes. The murderous aura swept through the sky, shaking the dark space, and the fighting spirit surged to the extreme.

Ye Jue suddenly took a deep breath, his body instantly expanded, his black hair danced backwards, and he once again launched a pure mythical fist carrying the power of freedom.

The power of this punch is even more terrifying than before!

When the boxing technique flew out, there was actually a burst of fire, golden flames flying, hundreds of millions of rays of light, almost unleashing the ultimate power that could destroy the galaxy.


The two fists collided together, and the surrounding darkness actually burned, and the whole place was ablaze, as if the end was coming.

It's really a good punch.

The young emperor's spiritual consciousness spread to all directions. Under this blow, his precious clothes were shattered again, revealing his strong bronze figure.


Ye Jue was affected by the embers, and his suit was ignited, rolling violently, and he was pushed back continuously by the impact.

Emperor, do you think you can kill me with one punch? Stop looking down on me!

Suddenly, a long roar came, and it was the three-color brilliance transformed from the three pillars that illuminated the entire area, and rushed back with incredible movement.

This howl shook the universe and penetrated the heaven and earth. Before anyone arrived, various light beams shot out like scattered flowers.

Emperor, what are your plans?

Ji Zizai finally recovered from the blow just now. He had to change his expression, remembering something, and his face was uncertain.


The emperor's scepter suddenly appeared in his hand.

As long as he has this scepter, he can command the empire. Once it appears, strips of auspicious energy will rise up and spin around him, and the imperial power will be brilliant.

This is an ancient divine weapon created by the future Emperor of the Starry Sky himself.

Incredibly powerful.


With a wave of Ji Zi's hand, hundreds of circular holes were instantly opened in the dark black mist, and countless carrier aircraft suddenly rushed out. The main cannon was aimed at the young emperor, gathered energy and began to fire.

No matter what your plans are, the empire is mine now.

Ji Zizai and San Tai Zhu looked at each other and took action along with the cannon light.

The three of them joined forces to fight against the young emperor. The strength of the superstring life was very high, but after the fight, they discovered that every move of this young emperor was at its peak, because there was no way to fight against their powerful force. Ancient God.

Maybe with a little bit of strength, you won't be able to repel them.


Immediately, a melee began, with violent explosions and mother ships being sunk, emitting a dazzling light.

But Ji Zizai has a staff in his hand and can summon the empire's fleet at will.

The defeat of the young emperor is a matter of time!

He is stalling for time. Chaos Zuma leader and others are attacking Ye Yi!

The three pillars roared.

At this moment, they had fought for hundreds of rounds. Facing the young emperor blocking their way, they didn't underestimate the enemy in the deepest part of their hearts. They were all using their killing moves.

The superstring life of the young emperor made them frightened!

If it drags on, the three of them can win in the end.

However, it will be around the 100,000th round.

We need someone to chase!

Ye Jue said coldly, constantly pumping his fists, and the feathered mirror was suspended above his head, giving him strength.

Here, two people are enough!

I'll chase him!

Ji Zizai's eyes circled around the surroundings, instantly turning into light and moving very far away.

Can you jump so easily in front of me?

The young emperor grasped the void with his five fingers.


A big hand suddenly appeared on Ji Zizai's body. Without any warning, it descended suddenly, grabbed it instantly, pulled hard, and then pulled away!


Ji Zizai, who was still moving, immediately changed his expression. The strange power of the super string dissected the void and was captured directly back to the original place.

I'll do it.

At the same time, Ye Jue had already rushed out, his body's voice rumbling, as if it was emitting a primitive sound that created the world.

There is free power, power that has not yet matured, and the young emperor cannot catch him.


I saw the young emperor fishing with his hands, but he didn't catch anything. He was directly penetrated by Ye Jue, as if nothing could stop him.


After Ye Jue left the battlefield, he rushed to the forbidden area ahead without looking back.

He felt that Ye Yi seemed to be struggling in pain.

After a little calculation, he found that he was being deprived of the heart of the black domain, which made Ye Yi scream and resist with all his strength.

I won't let you leave so easily.

However, at this moment, when the young emperor saw Ye Jue staying away from the battlefield, he immediately gave up on Ji Zizai and San Taizhu, and immediately chased after him.

Although he fought for speed and time, he could not completely escape from the emperor's grasp.

Superstring life is so terrifying. The body is too powerful. If you move at will, a steady stream of energy will be absorbed.

When chasing, even if the three pillars could use many mythical moves, they could not stop the young emperor and could only chase after him.

The same goes for Ji Zizai. Although he has the imperial scepter in his hand, he has absorbed all the empire's beliefs and even turned them into an ocean of faith. He constantly asked the imperial soldiers to pray during the battle, and his power increased sharply, but the distance was only slightly shortened.

However, what shocked them was.

The young emperor's body was turning into pieces little by little, with many cracks appearing.

Although these cracks are now very small.

However, as time goes by, it gradually expands.

Isn't he afraid of death?

Ji Zizai couldn't even believe it.

It’s all like this, why don’t you jump into the river of time and go back to the past?

If he died here today, what impact would it have on the future Emperor of the Starry Sky?

Absolutely unimaginable!

I don't feel right!

The three pillars are also accelerating.

He felt that this emperor simply ignored life and death, and was not afraid of being counterattacked by time or being forcibly killed by them.

This may be a time clone.

Ji Zizai was paying attention to various changes all the time and suspected the truth.

If it was really a time clone, it would be a big loss.

When the emperor's body is shattered, nothing will be left.

At this moment, Ye Jue had rushed into the black mist and saw an altar. There was a person whose luck was extremely exaggerated, while another person was already like a flame, forming a strong contrast.


The leader of Chaos Zuma's big hand grasped the heart of the black domain and continuously pulled it out from Ye Yi's original power.

All kinds of mysterious substances and tubular tentacles connected to the heart of the Black Realm are crackling and breaking.


The heart of the black domain has left Ye Yi and been exposed to the void.

Chaos Zuma Master, I want to go in, help me open it!

Wan Xiang Wu Chang's eyes flashed, and divine light burst out.

no problem.

The leader of Chaos Zuma is certain to win.

Nowadays, the soul of the Heart of the Black Realm has been corrupted by the cancer and its consciousness is unclear.

Even Ye Yi continued to suffer tremendously.

No being can resist him.

Following the trend, a road was opened, leading to the trillion-level world of the Black Domain.


Without any hesitation, Wanxiang Impermanence's body shrank countless times in an instant, turned into a black dot, and fell into the trillion-level world of the black domain.


After the violent rotation of heaven and earth, the impermanence of all forms returns to this place.

God-Chasing Formation!

He trembled, and instantly split into countless pieces of him, and with a command, they all rushed in all directions.

Each body is a time clone, all different. There is no expression on the faces of men and women.

Their whole bodies glowed, and beams of light erupted from the heavens.

In an instant, colorful beams of light were ejected from the bottom of the well and the highest point on the axis of the black domain, and then connected into a huge network, vast and vast, covering the trillion-level world.

Wanxiang Impermanence himself is sitting cross-legged in the void, conducting induction.

With the guidance of the Starry Sky Emperor, he knew how to catch the Creation Jade Butterfly.


Immediately afterwards, Wanxiang Wuchang blew a sweet whistle.

This is the ancient divine sound, which is used to seduce the jade butterfly of creation.

However, it will take some time.

At this time, the outside world.

Ye Yi, die!

The leader of Chaos Zuma has completely pulled the heart of the black domain out of Ye Yi's origin, cut off all connections, and completely conquered it.


Ye Yi screamed, now spreading towards the ashes.


At this moment, Ye Jue's body appeared. He was extremely fast, and after many space jumps, he finally rushed over.

As soon as he met, he discovered that Chaos Zuma's last step was absorbing Ye Yi's original power.

The heart of the black realm is in his hands.


A layer of haze appeared in Ye Jue's heart, but he arrived a step too late. He moved directly and appeared near the leader of Chaos Zuma. With a punch that shattered the universe, the mythical power shook out the roar of dragons and phoenixes and blasted towards the leader of Chaos Zuma.

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