Nowadays, the luck of the leader of Chaos Zuma has risen to a terrifying level. Not only has he absorbed Ye Yi's origin, but he has also won the heart of the black domain.

Ye Jue's punch separated Ye Yi and Chaos Zuma leader on the spot.

Today's Ye Yi is just a ball of shining light. Most of the original power has been absorbed by the leader of Chaos Zuma.

Ye Jue, you're late!

The leader of Chaos Zuma stood in the void and moved slowly. He saw that Ye Jue was not panicked at all. His huge robe actually penetrated into the depths of the dark void behind him. If he moved even slightly, the whole place was shaking violently.

His strength has also reached the level of an intermediate ancient god.

Where is the World-Burning Spirit?

Ye Jue spoke calmly.

There is no trace of Fentian here.

Him? Humph, an insignificant guy.

A ferocious smile appeared on the face of the leader of Chaos Zuma, and he moved his body, and endless power exploded in his body.

Even Ye Yi has not completely integrated the trillion-level black world, and now it all belongs to him.

In just an instant, the cancer took over and wiped out the consciousness of the heart of the black realm.

So, he seemed like a tiger staring at the sheep.

Now Ye Jue is no match for him, and the pressure of free power has not had any impact on him at all.

It seems you finally succeeded.

Ye Jue frowned.

He had already had a vague feeling.

Destiny was leaning towards the leader of Chaos Zuma. Ye Yi would be defeated sooner or later, but he didn't expect it to happen so quickly.

At the moment when his intuition came true, he couldn't help but look at Ye Yi.

Ah, kill him, kill this beast, Ye Jue, you have to avenge me!

Ye Yi is not completely dead yet, only part of his memory still exists, and that is hatred. He hates it so much that he eats the flesh of the leader of Chaos Zuma and gnaws his bones.

As soon as he finished speaking, the original power suddenly rose up and rushed directly into Ye Jue's body.

There was almost a third of the power left, all given to him.

He just wants Ye Jue to avenge him!

With great hatred and resentment, he disappeared into Ye Jue's body.

I got it.

Ye Jue felt this strong resentment and nodded slightly.

Ye Yi was really unwilling to give in. He had a great chance to break into the new world.

As a result, he died on the road.

The enemy has not even arrived yet. How can we be willing to accept this?

Ye Jue, it seems that you have also received benefits. Ye Yi's death has not harmed you. You see, now we are all bound by the covenant. Did you suffer backlash when you attacked me directly just now?

The leader of Chaos Zuma smiled sinisterly.

His shielding power had just expired, and his true body was exposed.

But nothing more.

In the meantime, what needs to be done has been done.

Now Ye Jiabang takes action against him, which is against the rules of the game and will be sanctioned by the Tree of Chaos.

Chaos Zuma Leader, where is the Wanxiang Impermanence?

Ye Jue's eyes were sharp.

The blow he just struck was not aimed at the Chaos Zuma leader.

But it was a side shot.

He has already calculated that the young Emperor of the Starry Sky and Wan Xiang Wuchang have joined forces.

The young emperor's crossing here is definitely not to help the leader of Chaos Zuma, but to seek benefits for Wanxiang Impermanence.

Where are the people now?

He? I don't know what he is doing. He has entered my dark world.

The leader of Chaos Zuma raised his lips and said: But he doesn't know that every move is under my control. After all, I am now the Lord of the Black Domain and the leader of the trillion-level world. Whatever he wants, I will do it. Know.

Let me in.

Ye Jue's eyes flashed.


Chaos Zuma's face showed a smile.

He doesn't mind that there are multiple people and Wanxiang Wuchang competing for the so-called treasure in the black realm.

That way, he would have time to make adjustments clearly.

When they succeed, snatch the treasure first.

Then, no one of them can get it, and they are cheap.

Isn't this a perfect plan?

Okay, you can come in if you want!

Leader Zuma waved his sleeves, and the entrance to the black world appeared.


Ye Jue didn't hesitate and rushed directly into it, returning to the black realm.

Hoo ho ho! !

As soon as we entered the dark realm, a strong wind blew.

It turned out to be all poisonous gas.

This is the cancerous power of Master Zuma, which invaded the black domain, controlled everything, and changed the trillion-level world.

He raised his eyes and looked towards the axis of the black domain.

Discovering that they are all impermanent time clones, they create a huge net and slowly press it down, as if they are catching something.

Ye Jue!

At this moment, a familiar voice sounded. Are there any acquaintances in the black world?

It's me, I'm Jin Taiji, something serious is going wrong!

This person is actually Jin Taiji!

When he saw Ye Jue's figure, his shock turned into great joy.

How is this going?

Ye Jue asked in a low voice.

A terrifying existence is trying to capture the lost weapon of the law of cause and effect of our Celestial Clan, which is the weapon of destiny in your mythology!

Jin Taiji hurriedly said: This weapon of the law of cause and effect has already given birth to a weapon spirit, and it is still an entity that is one with the heavenly weapon. It is not only the Moon Emperor, there is a second one in this world, and it must not be obtained by this person!

Weapon of Destiny?

Ye Jue was also shocked.

He has been groping for his destiny, and after realizing the power of freedom, he can barely feel the destiny.

In the end, is there really such a weapon with the power of destiny?

How terrifying must that be?

What, the second heavenly weapon integrated into one?

B is also very shocked, what exactly is hidden in the black world.

Why didn't they find out in the early years?

Yes, in our Celestial Clan, whoever masters this weapon of law of cause and effect will be the leader of the Celestial Gods. Even the Lord of Celestial Gods must bow before this weapon. Whoever can get it can become the god of the Celestial Clan!

Jin Taiji hurriedly said: I have already won over some ancient Taiyuan people. They are a branch of my clan. Now they have taken refuge with me. They are bound to fight against the Lord of Heaven. We Gods have a premonition that the Lord of Heaven has revived!

Isn't it said that whoever masters the boundary monument can rule the Celestial Clan?

B asked in shock.

The boundary monument is just a virtual world. How can the Lord of the virtual world be compared with the Lord of the Gods?

Jin Taiji hurriedly asked: Do you still have the boundary monument with you now?


Ye Jue shook his head.

Lost it? Forget it, except for the gate to heaven, it is the home of high-entropy bodies in this world, so it has no value.

Jin Taiji said quickly: Come out, there is no need to hide, this is not our enemy.


As soon as he finished speaking, Ye Jue saw some familiar people flying out of the world around him.

For example, the nine-tailed demon fox, the mysterious old man, and several ancient Taiyuan people who have a close relationship are all here.

Ye Jue, we gods have now joined forces to turn enemies into friends. We hope you can master the weapon of law of cause and effect!

The nine-tailed demon fox suddenly said.

Huh? Why don't you master it yourself? That is the most precious treasure of your Celestial Clan!

B was puzzled.

If we can, we would.

The mysterious old man smiled bitterly: However, our Celestial Clan has declined. Unlike you, we can cultivate to the ancient gods or even the ancient emperors. We are what we are born with. Strength or weakness is directly determined.

The powerful gods have been annihilated in the long river of time, leaving only us guys who were born weak.

Jin Taiji sighed.

Actually, I'm also very interested in this weapon with the power of destiny.

Ye Dewang said to them: The Great Dao can be understood as the law of movement of all things in the world, including time and space. This power of fate is the key to my Dao-killing!

Then it seems I've reached a consensus!

The nine-tailed demon fox nodded and pointed in one direction: Since the arrival of that ancient god, we have been observing his movements. At this moment, he has locked onto a certain place and is narrowing the range. The treasure of our clan must be there!


Wow! !

In the blink of an eye, Ye Jue and these gods all teleported and rushed to that location.

Creation Jade Butterfly, why are you resisting? If you and I join forces, we will definitely dominate the world. I promise you that I will recreate the glory of the Celestial Clan in the new world. How about that?

At this moment, in a sea of ​​thunder, all the surrounding world has collapsed.

The giant net kept closing in, trapping a book in the net.

This book has two instruments and four images, with yin and yang rotating around. It is a small black and white millstone. In the ancient times, it was made in some kind of jade world. Every page has the small world of the Jade Tower and the Sky, and the space fault of the Qionghua Tower. I don’t know how many ancient secrets have been preserved.

It is rumored that there is a shocking secret on the Jade Butterfly. It is a cover that transcends all existence. It collapsed and turned into a book.

The impermanence of all things comes to mind.


At this moment, the leader of Chaos Zuma from the outside knew what he was capturing.

In the world of black domain, he intercepted an idea of ​​impermanence, and after constant calculations, he finally learned the secret.

That little black and white millstone is actually a jade butterfly?

At this moment, the leader of Chaos Zuma was quite shocked!

Quack, quack…

Then, he laughed strangely again and again!

Today was really the moment when he had the most luck. First he won the Heart of the Black Realm, and then he devoured two-thirds of Ye Yi's origin. However, Ye Jue still took away that point.

It has to be said that Ye Jue is his nemesis.

Just like how he restrained Ye Yi, he had a vague sense of intuition!

If Ye Jue can be eliminated, he intuitively tells him that no one will be able to defeat him from now on.

So, now he sees the Creation Jade Butterfly and knows that this divine object is in his world.

Instantly a smile bloomed on his face!


His incarnation came out and descended like a true god in the black world, extremely huge and with infinite divine power.

The power of creating the world is fully demonstrated here!

Chaos Zuma Leader?

At this moment, Wanxiang Wuchang suddenly noticed something strange, and in an instant he saw a true god, spanning countless worlds, just like walking in the back garden of his own home.

Everything is impermanent. I want to thank you for letting me know that there are still such powerful divine objects lurking in the dark realm!

The leader of Chaos Zuma raised his lips and said in a loud voice: Created jade butterfly, the cause and effect of the past and future will be realized in my body, and this thing will definitely be used by me.

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