Originally, the Feathered Mirror was a purely mythical weapon.

However, after devouring so many civilized runes, there is a feeling that it will evolve into a great weapon. It is a sign that Kewu will sweep the world together, an unprecedented combination.

Therefore, he is very much looking forward to his transformation, waiting for the moment when he evolves the ancient magic weapon.

As for the integration of heavenly weapons, it depends on fate.

Even if it fails in the end, it is his destiny and cannot be forced.

At the moment when the Feathered Mirror keeps devouring the fragments of the weapon...

There is a restricted area in the endless darkness that ordinary beings cannot break into, because it is constantly collapsing in the middle. Even if the ancient gods come, they will have to work hard to resolve it.

Today, there are four people here.

The young Emperor of the Starry Sky, the leader of Chaos Zuma, Burning Sky, and everything is impermanent.

In addition, there is a black light.

This is Ye Yi's original power, and the heart of the black domain is beating inside.

Ye Yi's physical body was completely annihilated by the blow just now.

The flying ashes turned into were all collected by the leader of Chaos Zuma, and there was no possibility of rebirth.

You three damn beasts...

At this moment, Ye Yi, who had turned into his original power, was still cursing.

He didn't expect that he would end up like this.

No matter from any angle, it is impossible for him to fall.

But his death happened so suddenly, which completely fulfilled that sentence. Sooner or later, Pill will be defeated by the leader of Chaos Zuma.

He vaguely feels this way, but he always vehemently denies it!

He had to admit that the leader of Chaos Zuma was his killer.

He did not survive this calamity because he was careless and lost everything. He believed in the covenant too much and did not plan on these two people. He also spied on him, seized the opportunity, and dealt a fatal blow!

In the end, he was defeated by the Emperor of the Starry Sky.

Therefore, he was extremely resentful at this moment.

He kept cursing the four of them.

Ye Yi, you are an ancient god after all. When death is imminent, you can't have any dignity. What's the use of pointing fingers and scolding here? You still have to die.

Wan Xiang Wuchang flicked his fingers and sarcastically said.

Ye Yi was finally defeated and fell into his hands.

But the jade butterfly in the heart of the black realm must not be discovered by the leader Zuma.

Hmph, the rest is your own business and has nothing to do with me. I have got what I want. The temporary alliance is over. Goodbye. No need to send it away!

Fentian's body instantly sank into the black hole of divine flames formed and disappeared without hesitation.

Musashi and Nikolai were caught by him and were still struggling.

When he goes back to refine it, he will be promoted to an Ancient God, and he will be more powerful than anyone else!

Let him be.

Wanxiang Wuchang had no plans for this person and had no interest in stopping him, so he waved his hand casually.

The leader of Chaos Zuma didn't say anything. His target was the heart of the black domain in the origin.

He didn't even look at Fentian, and didn't care at all what the latter said.

He walked straight over and said with a smile: Ye Yi, Ye Yi, look at how frustrated you are now, how wronged, how unwilling, how helpless, how pitiful, how weak, how of……

The leader of Chaos Zuma said more than a dozen 'such's' to ridicule Ye Yi.

If Ye Yi's body was still alive, he would probably be so angry that his lungs would be blown out.

But, helpless!

It turns into the original energy, and only the soul hides in it, without any ability to resist.

Let's do it, we don't have much time.

The young Emperor of the Starry Sky said coldly: They have made a move. They are using the rules of the Tree of Chaos to lock our position. They will come to kill us in a moment. Before I intercept them, do what you want.


The young Emperor of the Starry Sky flashed and disappeared from here.

He actually went to intercept everyone.


Wanxiang Wuchang suddenly said to the leader of Chaos Zuma: What I want is in the heart of the Black Domain. It is a small black and white millstone. I don't want the trillion-level world power of the Black Domain. You only need to use the power of the tumor. Forcibly peel off the black domain, I can just go in and get it.

Hahaha, there's no rush. When I get the Black Domain, what's in it that I can't give to you directly? Although I don't know what the black and white millstone is, I won't go back on what I've agreed to do.

Chaos Zuma leader laughed.

I don't believe in the agreement. When you take the Heart of the Black Realm, before you get it, I will go in and take what I need. Do you understand?

Wan Xiang Wuchang shook his head and looked at the latter.

This thing is so important to you, I'm even interested!

The leader of Chaos Zuma couldn't help but smile.

You can give it a try. I can call the emperor back at any time. Even if we can't kill you together, we can still prevent you from absorbing the black world.

Wanxiang Wuchang's face darkened and he said grimly.

Just kidding, everything is impermanent. What are you planning? It must be something incredible, right? Okay, then when I go to the Heart of the Black Realm, you can enter!

The leader of Chaos Zuma agreed immediately.

You two beasts...

Ye Yi heard the two of them pinching him in front of him and discussing how to distribute, and he almost exploded in despair.

However, before the words were conveyed, the leader of Chaos Zuma reached out and reached into Ye Yi's original power.


A burst of purple energy began to corrode, peeling off the heart of the black domain inside, obliterating the will of the Lord of the Black Domain.

If the will of the Lord of the Black Realm is not obliterated, the Chaos Zuma leader will never be able to obtain a trillion-level world. He must be his own master.

Ah, damn beast, I am not willing to accept it. I, the Lord of the Black Domain, was born among the ancient fragments, and realized the consciousness of the world, and actually...

In an instant, the Heart of the Black Territory screamed, being eroded by cancer and peeling off.

It only takes time for him to be completely separated from Ye Yi.

When the time comes, both he and Ye Yi will die, and no one can escape.


Just when the leader of Chaos Zuma deprived Ye Yi of the heart of the black domain, it was an extremely vast process that took time.

At this moment, the endless dark road leading here was intercepted by a person.

This man was so terrifying that with a single glance, many spaceships shattered, and he destroyed one war fortress after another with just a raise of his hand.


Ji Zizai, San Taizhu, and Ye Jue came after them, their expressions changed with shock.

The Emperor of the Starry Sky is indeed a superstring life!

Moreover, I am afraid it is extremely powerful!

I don’t know how many times the strength exceeds that of Long Xiao!

Moreover, this was just the past emperor. When he was young, he was so experienced that he could defeat the three of them by crossing this place alone. In terms of single combat power, he could only barely match them.

Emperor of the Starry Sky, I am Ji Zizai, your agent in the future, please let me pass, okay?

Ji Zi said after one move.

Are you Ji Zizai?

The young Starry Sky Emperor raised his lips slightly, shook his head and said: Fight, no need to talk nonsense, you and I are not from the same era. In fact, I won't be able to stay for long. It's just right. Let's try where my limit is and prepare to defend. Bar!


All of a sudden, his movement skills were exquisite, and civilized runes and mythological scriptures appeared under his feet. He went up to the sky and the earth, and went in and out of the sun and the moon, and could not be traced.

This is more powerful than the Great Restriction, the Supreme Immortal Technique, or even the Ancient Divine Technique, and has a mysterious feeling like the Ancient Divine Technique.


The figure appeared and actually attacked the three pillars, punching hard in the face.


None of the three pillars reacted. There was a violent earthquake, a sheet of bloody light emitted, and a large area of ​​starry sky behind them exploded. Countless planets were turned into scrap metal.

Those planets are all inhabited by life, and the steel planet disappeared in an instant.

He didn't even know how he died. Heaven and earth were destroyed and perished in the blink of an eye.

This is the mythical supreme boxing technique, which is a fusion of Daji and intertwined with civilized runes. There is no move name.

The young Starry Sky Emperor smiled and punched Ji Zizai again.

This punch burst out with the power of a phoenix, like a divine phoenix born from the fire, with its hair flying red and its eyes sparkling red. It destroyed everything with its raised hand, sweeping away the many defensive weapons and technological civilization runes surrounding Ji Zizai.

Chain of Order!

Ji Zizai's expression changed, and he offered the Chaos Tree's Divine Chain of Order.

The power of the empire already has the strength to transform the Tree of Chaos.

Extracting the Divine Chain of Order to use is definitely his trump card. In the realm of destruction, no one is his opponent.

However, this is the doorway to endless darkness.

When the Divine Chain of Order came from the world behind, the roar of the phoenix had already shaken the heaven and earth, and the sky was filled with red clouds and divine patterns.


Under this punch, the ancient beasts and the phantoms of the Ten Phoenix Kings appeared!

Ji Zizai had no time to resist, and was directly attacked by a huge ten-headed firebird. He kept retreating and disappeared into the void behind.

The young Starry Sky Emperor used two moves to clean up the scene.

First the three pillars, and then Ji Zizai, suffered losses one after another.

Although he was not seriously injured, he was out of touch with this place.

What is lacking now is time. Being stopped and repelled by this young Emperor of the Starry Sky means losing.


The Starry Sky Emperor then looked at Ye Jue, and he said with interest: I know you, you are Ye Jue, right?

Huh? You know my name?

At this moment, Ye Jue had smelted an extremely huge planet and turned it into magma in his hand. The energy was burning like crazy. As he spoke, he launched this attack. It was still a free punch and could not be resisted.

I've been following you since the beginning.

The young Emperor of the Starry Sky smiled indifferently, his whole body glowed, superstring power exploded, and myths and scriptures emerged.

Originally, this was a power that could never appear at the same time, but it has actually been realized by the emperor!

This road has been pioneered and followed by the emperor, and the latter all imitated it.

No wonder, no matter whether it is a state of suffering or a state of destruction, there is a vague feeling that it cannot rise up when it comes to weapons that are intertwined with civilized runes and mythological texts, as well as other powers.

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