Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1087 Join forces to fight against the devil

This red figure is the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven, with blond hair, suspended in the sky.


Immediately afterwards, the supreme coercion came instantly, and the red light area was inaccessible. As soon as they arrived here, without even making any move, this group of superstring beings were suppressed to the point of suffocation.

We fight our way out!

Everyone looked pale.

Facing the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven, even they were frightened and frightened.

This existence, just standing there, exudes great pressure.

Superstring life will definitely continue into the new world.

Everyone took action and jointly activated a civilization rune to sacrifice to the messenger of the Red Dust Heaven.


The violent explosions turned into waves of void, emitting light of monstrous energy, flooding the place.

The other side!

On the Human Ark, countless people were looking in a certain direction.

Although they can't see anything.

But the terrifying aura washed over me over and over again.

Another group of superstring beings are fighting against the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven!

Chen Ya said in a deep voice.

This fluctuation has happened more than once.

You can see some energy beams rising into the sky, but I don't know exactly how big they are. Anyway, wisps of runes representing the supreme life are constantly intertwined, shocking the past and present.

Deep space is the realm of Tao. An era has passed, but it is still immortal, making the world's geniuses bow down, unable to be an enemy, and unable to compete!

Only superstring life has the slightest chance to counterattack the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven.

However, now that they have consumed many superstrings, they can no longer break free.

In short, there are two paths, either to be slaughtered, or to fight with a negligible probability.

The messenger from the Red Dust Heaven has now entered our world. The so-called Great Thousand Worlds, the realm of suffering and the realm of destruction, have joined forces and are invincible.

Ye Jue's heart was not at peace, and he felt a majestic power of death. It was too powerful and terrifying to compete with him.

If in front of it, he is like an ant, and there is a giant in front of him.

However, he also believes that ants can also eat elephants.

Many people were silent for a long time, watching quietly.

The fluctuations don’t stop!

It seemed to be getting closer and closer, and everyone couldn't help but have dry mouths and swallowed hard.

Why don't they run away?

B couldn't help but ask.

According to the power of superstrings, we can easily leave deep space.

I killed all the deserters!

Black Tiger Afu said.

He was lucky enough to squat on a few cripples on the ancient Shinto road and kill them completely.

However, he is definitely no match for a complete superstring life.

Because Chaoshan can already incarnate at any time and at will, which is comparable to the mythical self-transformation method. Only when he is seriously injured will he show his human form.

It's because they know that no matter where they escape, everything will be the same. They might as well try their best to get rid of the messenger of Hongchentian before he becomes the god of death. Although there is a slight chance, it can almost be ignored. Excluding.

Chen Ya said.


Ye looked desperately at the back of the ark, and the Demon God of All Tribulations rolled up all the demons, turning into a hellish ocean and rushing towards them.

Buzz buzz!

The next moment, the Miracle Seed exerted its power again, and the entire ark turned into a sharp sword, breaking through the void. With the power of a flying fairy, it surpassed the permission of the world and penetrated the ancient road to Shinto.

Humans, you are seeking your own death!

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations stared at the monumental sword that kept breaking through miracles, and pursued it with all his strength.

Even if I chase him all over the world, I still have to get this thing.

Because this is its mission.

The distance is really shortening little by little!

I'll stop it!

The black tiger Afu reported his courage.

I go!

No, let me go!

These people will detonate miracles and dedicate their strength to resist the pursuit of the demon god of all tribulations.



More and more free power flows from Ye Jue.

The appearance of the entire Monument Sword began to change dramatically. The two wings stretched out free wings, facing the Miracle Wings, and became four wings.


In an instant, the speed increased by an unknown number of times, and a quarter of the entire deep space was glowing, shining with the brilliance of freedom.


However, the light of freedom was torn apart by a pair of ferocious black hands. The Demon God of All Tribulations, with great courage, tore open the void and struck an eternal blow to mankind.

Entering the ancient Shinto path!

Black Tiger Afu howled.

This is where he is most familiar.

Okay, get ready to jump into the realm of destruction!

Ye Jue said suddenly, waved his hand, controlled the edge of the Monument Sword, and headed towards the realm of destruction.

In the current realm of destruction, there are Ji Zizai, Three Pillars, Chaos Zuma Cult Leader, Ye Yi, Fentian, Wanxiang Wuchang, Ancient Qi Lord, and even the Longxiao Kingdom who has obtained super string power and is one with the heavenly weapon. Their power is greater than that in the realm of misery. Much more powerful.

If you lure the Demon God of All Tribulations there, you will definitely have a chance to kill him.

We've reached the end, the jump begins!

Qin Xiu suddenly slapped the ball in front of him.


The Monument Sword suddenly sank from the ancient Shinto road, locked the coordinates, and directly broke through the darkness, descending like a bright light.


The starry sky in the realm of destruction was suddenly torn open with a blazing hole.


The Empire was the first to discover the anomaly.


Ji Zizai, the Three Pillars, and the leader of Chaos Zuma all opened their eyes immediately.

They moved to the bottom of the opening in an instant.

At that time, he saw a divine sword full of military exploits flying out of it in a panic.

Anyone can feel that this is Ye Jue's ancient god aura.

Ye Jue, what did you do?

Ji Zizai's expression suddenly condensed.

He felt that there must be nothing good going on.

That is!

The three pillars were suddenly startled and looked behind the opening. From there, countless black claws stretched out, and demons rushed to get out.


The leader of Chaos Zuma, as well as Ye Yi, Fentian, Wanxiang Wuchang, and the Ancient Qi Master, all saw him immediately.

Before Ye Jue could question him, the hole suddenly exploded, and the demon blocking the entrance instantly shattered, and a giant covered in ferocious black thorns stepped out of it.


By then, every ancient god on the scene blurted out, and his scalp was numb!

I knew it was up to no good!

Ji Zizai gritted his teeth.

He knew that Ye Jue must have caused trouble. He didn't know where he provoked the demon god, causing him to appear directly in the star field of the Emperor's Ring.

This is obviously very premeditated!

No, this is the Demon God of All Tribulations!

The ancient Qi Lord was suddenly startled!

The demon on the eleventh floor came to kill without any warning.

Fortunately, they were already prepared!

Annihilation Cannon!

Santaizhu waved his hand violently.

The dark universe is dotted with stars!

Like diamonds inlaid on black cloth, making dots of brilliance in the coldness.



The entire imperial ring on the black cloth buzzed!

Click, click, click! !

At its tip, it actually opened up, and countless metal fragments fell off, widening into a dark barrel.


Then, a giant divine soldier that could be as big as a star field stood in the void and reached out to grab Taiwu in the galaxy.

Sizzle! !

The huge palm began to rub it into a fire ball and continued to compress it!


Then, he put a palm print on the back of the imperial ring, pulled his arm open, and actually filled it in.

What a terrifying method!

Mr. Wu was extremely shocked when he saw such a scene.

Is that an empire?

This civilization rune weapon may have exceeded the level limit!

This Italian cannon is awesome!

The people on earth saw the Monumental Sword, and unimaginable civilized rune weapons were opened in the galaxy.

I just don’t know if I can kill the devil.


Immediately afterwards, the Emperor Ring seemed to let out a deep roar, which resounded through all the dark star fields in the Destruction Realm and penetrated to this place.


In everyone's eyes, a huge beam of light blasted towards the demon god who stepped in with half a foot.


The terrifying aura spread instantly, like a galaxy collapsing, and like a flood rushing into the sky.

The entire Imperial Ring, including the major barracks in the galaxy, was shaking violently, and the continent almost fell.

what's the result?

The energy of the beam emitted from the Emperor's ring was so violent that it was continuous and has not ended yet.

Sizzle! !

Then, everyone saw a scene that was difficult to see in a lifetime.

The end of the beam was like scattered flowers, overflowing with energy, impacting on the body of the Demon God of All Tribulations, and then hitting the Taiwu Divine Flame, which was continuously pulled back, and was swallowed by the darkness of the void behind him.

It has no effect, it can't even be repeled!

Some people were shocked.

The devil is coming. We must not let it in. We must stop it here and sink it into endless darkness!

The three pillars roared, sprayed out their own energy from both hands, and threw themselves into the emperor ring.


A powerful wave of energy directly blessed the light beam, desolate, atmospheric, and vicissitudes of life!

Like a mighty river, like a hurricane sweeping across thousands of mountains!


The power sprayed on the body of the Demon God of All Tribulations triggered a series of explosions, and for a moment, it actually blocked the Demon God's progress.

If you don't want to die, just take action!

The Ancient Qi Master then took action.

His power once again caused the Emperor Ring to rotate violently, swallowing countless bright moons and stars around it, creating the Absolute Domain.


The beam once again pulled out an extremely shocking picture.

Half of the body of the Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations stood in the gap. It was unknown how high it was, and it was impossible to see the end. It was pushed deep into the sky. Under its feet, it was difficult to take a step forward. In an instant, it began to slide backwards.

This Emperor Ring is a super-star civilization weapon that the Starry Sky Emperor devoted all his resources to build. It has the energy to accommodate the Ancient Emperor. Only now that we all take action and unleash the power of the Ancient Emperor can we defeat the Demon God!

Ji Zizai opened his mouth and screamed, and a stream of heavenly river poured out, implanting his own power into the imperial ring.


The concentrated beam of light emitted by the emperor ring has reached the point of being terrifying. When it rotates, wisps of veins spread out. It has vaguely surpassed the ancient gods and reached the power of truly creating the world.

At this moment, Ye Yi, Wanxiang Wuchang and the others all took action, and Ye Jue also flew out of the Monument Sword.

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