The so-called miracle is just trying your best!

This is the counterattack of us humans, the fruits of all our courage and perseverance, blooming like this.

Ye Jue felt it deeply.

Warmth and strength!

Courage helps humans overcome the power of the devil and conquer fear.

The hymn of mankind is the hymn of courage.

In an instant, a pair of inexplicable hands behind his back pushed his body and made him fly over.

Ye Jue connects with the Human Ark.


The miracle key suddenly burst out with bright light, like a vast ocean.

Life is a big empty dream!

Swish, swish, swish! !

The people who had just exploded with miraculous power woke up.

They looked at their hands in shock.

The power is still there, it's all back, but a little of the original power has been damaged.

But under the guidance of this powerful miraculous power, it slowly healed.


Ye Jue has fallen down and is standing on the ark, with his feet on the plates.

down to earth!

Ah wu...

The beautiful girl transformed into the Crane Fairy rushed over with an excited and wailing sound.

Really are!


Big idol!



Just after the excitement, all kinds of new words popped up.

Ye Jue felt ashamed, and three black lines stood up on his forehead.

As expected of a pure human being!

Speaking is different from other races.

Ouch, your boy is finally here!

Black Tiger Ah Fu also woke up. He just burst out with miraculous power and all his strength was drained.

However, now I don’t know why, but the power is back!

It must have been done by this guy Ye Jue!

He howled, very excited, as if seeing an old comrade in arms, his titanium alloy dog ​​eyes flashed with joy.

The child has grown up!

It's really you!

The first thing Chen Ya blurted out after waking up was her eyes were shocked.

Not only her, Dong Minmin, Shen Rou, Fatty Qian, Li Lianxue, Wu Zhen, Xu Ziyue... they all gathered around.

There are only so many people left in one ethnic group.

As is often the case, there must be a sad scene of decline.

However, no one feels this way at the moment.

On the contrary, I feel that my luck is rising and my tribe will grow again.


Qin Xiu turned into lightning and ran over.

Her reflex arc was a little long, and then she knew it was him.

Thousands of years have passed between them, but none of them have aged and still maintain their appearance.

He must have achieved some kind of achievement in deep space.

Ye Jue knew that it was not the right time to ask questions at this time, so he nodded slightly and said, Leave the rest to me. Your origins have been damaged and you can no longer activate that power.

This power is called the power of miracles. It comes from this thing. We have planned it for five thousand years. Only the weak can get it. It is called the key of miracles. It can open the celestial sphere of the positive world and go to the positive universe!

Mr. Wu came over and said seriously.


Dr. Xiao was holding a container with both hands, with a red key suspended inside.

This is……

Ye Jue knew that the demon was not dead yet, but he was attracted by it.

He held it with one hand.


Container shattered!

After everyone screamed in surprise, the red key actually cracked.

From those cracks, there was an emerald green color of unknown something inside.


In an instant, a green sprout sprouted and the red key completely shattered.

Only a small green grass remained, lightly wrapped in the halo.

Subconsciously, everyone was stunned.

I never expected such a change.

What does this little green grass mean?

The power of miracles!

Dong Minmin exclaimed, and a powerful miraculous power wrapped around her body again.

Not just her, but others too!

It seems that we can fight side by side with you. This time, you can't get rid of us!

Wu Zhen laughed.

All unleash the power of miracles!


The entire Ark once again transformed into a divine sword.

Moreover, it was even more dazzling than before. The sword light swallowed up hopes and dreams. This was a powerful force that was obvious to all.

The only thing that can compete with this force is despair!


Finally, the Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations, who had been pierced by the God King's Sword, repaired his body and pursued him with overwhelming hatred. Countless demons swept across him like an ocean.

Okay, let's fight side by side!

Ye Jue laughed loudly, and his body turned into an ancient god, standing in the deep space on the other side.

At this moment, Ark is no longer a simple God King Sword.

Instead, it is engraved with the history of mankind's painstaking struggle. It no longer belongs to a spaceship, but to the great will and spirit.

This is a monument!

The monumental sword has lost its mythology and now lies across the deep sky, blooming with the light of humanity.


The power of the Ten Thousand Tribulations Demon God is no longer comparable to that of nearly ten ancient gods.

That power already has the aura of the ancient emperor.

It was hurt because the other party was weak.

Only then did we realize that the human race actually has the power to transform decay and magic!

Not a single entity, but a power that belongs exclusively to the human race as a whole!

To fight against this power, all efforts must be made.

Suddenly, it broke out!

The power of despair enveloped this domain, and the beam of light became stronger. At this moment, the demon easily surpassed the limit allowed by the world and reached the level of the ancient emperor.

He held out a finger and flashed the cross star.

The Finger of Hell contains the ultimate destructive power of Hell!

It is bound to destroy human beings and seize the miracle grass.


Resolutely, Ye Jue was fearless, merged with the Monument Sword, stood erect on the sword's head, and waved away.


At this moment, a historic scene happened again.

The entire deep space collapsed directly, and the void was pushed open in a central circle like bricks, rolling up tens of thousands of feet high.

Such a collision was so intense that it shocked the past and present!

Humans, do you know the truth?

The Demon God of All Tribulations still has some power left.


Ye Jue turned into light and now controlled the sword of the monument to fight with it.

We hell demons are so powerful, why do we want to find such weak humans, really just to destroy you? If you want to destroy, we will come directly, we don't need souls at all, we can kill you with just one breath...

However, we have to temper you layer by layer. The actual purpose is to let you find the key to the positive universe, because you are the weakest in the world, and only the weakest can obtain the power of miracles.

The Demon God of All Tribulations spoke.

That's it. Thanks for clarifying my doubts. Go to hell!

Ye Jue raised his head slightly.

It turns out that this is the truth about hell's invasion of the earth!

So simple!

There is nothing more to say. Human beings have gained the power of miracles, and now they can only guard this path!

Those men in black robes are actually just system units created by the ancient gods. They are not here to help you humans. Instead, they are joining forces with us in hell to plan seeds. The seeds in your hands, the seeds of miracles, are seeds. Have you heard of the plan?”

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations spreads his fingers and seizes the ultimate mystery of the destruction of heaven and earth.

Without further ado.

How could Ye Jue not know about the seed plan? The man in black robe had mentioned it before and he kept it in mind.

Then, hand over the seeds, and our hell will never attack humans again. Otherwise, you will face me, the Twelfth Demon King, Demon King Leviathan, and even Prince Yama!

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations continues to increase his strength, trying to break through the miraculous power of the Monument Sword and seize the seeds.


At this moment, the hundreds of millions of people in the Monumental Sword burst into shouts.


Give me strength to hold on!!

Even though their mouths and noses were bleeding and they were roaring, even though they were suppressed by the Demon God of All Tribulations, they were almost kneeling down, their whole bodies were shaking, and their bodies were about to burst.

However, no one among them knelt down.

The power of the monument is getting stronger and stronger!

Human beings must know how to advance and retreat, which is the way forward!

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations spoke, and with the power of the Ancient Emperor, he surpassed the Ancient God and suppressed the Monument Sword.

Even if there are thousands of turbulent waves, there is nothing to be afraid of when the dragon soars above the nine heavens!

At this moment, Ye Jue, together with hundreds of millions of people, burst out with a heroic and fearless spirit.

The power of miracle explodes!

On both sides of the monumental sword, crystal wings stretched out.

So many people now have only one thought in their hearts!

That is to break through the devil!

They want to go home!

The so-called miracle is inherently unfindable.

But now, everyone understands, and they have activated the power of miracles to the extreme and magnified themselves to the extreme.



The Demon God of All Tribulations frowned.

With its grasping power, the entire power field actually began to collapse!

Despair, defeated by hope?


At this moment, a huge crack opened in the field of despair, and a bright deep sky leading to the outside world appeared.

You little ant, don't even think about it!

It growled.


With a Puch sound, another extremely huge and vast crack appeared!

The monument of humanity defeated its power, its miracle, won over despair!

Boom boom boom! !

In an instant, countless demons came one after another like a tide.

Breakthrough!! Let's go home!

The Monumental Sword has set off a trend of thought, and the trend has been decided.

The devil is also unstoppable!

What kind of energy is this? It's amazing. I've never felt it before!

It's not the power to destroy the heaven and earth, nor is it the power to tear apart the stars!

what exactly is it?

At this moment, in the red field on the other side of the shore.

Hundreds of thousands of superstring beings looked at it at the same time.

They witnessed the brilliant scene on the other side in the distance.

Because there, the raging waves surged, and a huge monument, carrying vast mysterious power, penetrated the other side of deep space and flew towards the ancient road of Shinto.

Is that human?

how come?

And the devil from hell?

At their shocked moment, there was a boom, and the explosion in this area was enough to penetrate deep space.

Accompanied by the divine light, a terrifying pressure descended from the sky.

A red figure came slowly.

In an instant, the deep sky was roaring all over the other side.

Heaven and earth have evolved into all living beings, and that is the power of life.

If heaven and earth evolve to the other extreme, it will be the power of death.

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