Ye Jue's black hair was spread loosely, hanging down like a river of stars. Even the stars were in the hair, not as long or huge!

The power of the ancient gods exploded!

His body is huge, strong and powerful, standing on the galaxy, full of shock, every ancient god on the scene is like this, surrounding the emperor's ring, his five fingers spread out, and his palms continuously spurt out their own energy.

The unparalleled ancient god can step on the stars and grasp the stars and the moon with just a few clicks.

Buzz buzz...

The Imperial Ring was blessed with such power that it didn't even break. Instead, the outer layer rotated faster. Miraculously, there was no impact on the inside. The Imperial warriors still remained loyal, controlling precision instruments and locking onto the Demon God of All Tribulations. , align the sight.

The colorful light did not expand, but instead focused into a line that was neither thick nor round, and struck the Demon God of All Tribulations.

Go back!

People at the scene observed carefully and screamed again and again.

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations looked down upon all spirits and could share the same respect with the universe, but now he was forcefully forced back.

The only ancient Shinto road is about to collapse!

Break the ancient Shinto road!

The ancient gods instantly deduced and shouted lowly.

Boom boom boom! !

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations and his demon army were constantly being repelled from the ancient Shinto road, and the continuous explosions almost shattered the ancient Shinto road.

At this moment, the Emperor Ring already has the power of the Ancient Emperor, which can crush this ancient road.

Let humanity hand over the Miracle Seed, and we hell will spare you all!

The Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations stood against the colorful light speed lines on the ancient road of Shinto that was constantly collapsing. He looked up to the sky and roared, which came out from the crack.

A miracle seed? What is that?

Ye Yi said he had never heard of it.


Even the leader of Chaos Zuma frowned slightly.

I'm a human, why don't I know about the miracle seed?

Fen Tian was immediately puzzled.

Could it be that he is the seed of miracles?

Seems right…

He has caused miracles many times and achieved extraordinary things. It is not an exaggeration to say that he is a miracle.

Ye Jue, it's you, right? You got what Hell wants? That's why the devil is chasing you!

Ji Zizai turned around and said.

Ye Jue, what is a miracle seed? You must confess it. If it is detrimental to the alliance, then it is betrayal!

Three pillars drink coldly.

If it was betrayal, I would have been blown up from the inside out.

Ye Jue shook his head.

You led the Demon God to the Realm of Destruction and activated the Emperor Ring, which greatly damaged my empire's energy. Do you know how many resources are consumed every time the Emperor Ring is activated? You even exposed me, no matter what kind of power it is. , you must share it with us!”

Ji Zizai said.

Concentrate on dealing with the Demon God and the Miracle Seed first. I'll tell you later.

Ye Jue responded calmly.

This miraculous seed is not limited to humans.

On the Ark, he saw that other races could also trigger this power.

That means that whether it is a life in a state of suffering or a state of destruction, there is a possibility that it can be used.

If you think about it…

How terrifying will the miraculous power that emerges from the combination of suffering and destruction be?

After witnessing the supreme elegance of the power of miracles, he already had an idea in his mind.


The other ancient gods continued to invest their energy.

Boom boom boom! !

At this moment, the Demon God of Ten Thousand Tribulations has been pushed far away, and the cracks in the ancient road of Shinto finally disappeared little by little.

Finally, there was a trace of sparks splashing, and it closed tightly.

The ancient Shinto road has collapsed. Looking for suffering and destruction in the endless darkness is like looking for a needle in a haystack!

The leader of Chaos Zuma breathed a sigh of relief.

For Chao Xian, the messenger of the mortal world, and the devil, finding a needle in a haystack is too easy, but it just takes some time.

Ye Yi said.

Humph, I just need this time.

Wan Xiang Wu Chang snorted coldly.

Anyway, we have bought some time again. Ye Jue, Ancient God Ye, is it time for you to explain clearly? What did you get in the deep space? What did you get? Have you met the Starry Sky Emperor?

Ji Zizai said coldly.

He discovered that Ye Jue was now an intermediate ancient god.

He must have risked his life to go to deep space and gained benefits.

If it were him, he would never dare.

According to the legend, anyone who sees the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven will be enlightened.

It's almost a gamble.

He will definitely not do it.

That's right.

Ye Jue saw all the ancient gods staring at him with indifferent expressions. He also discovered that the Monument Sword controlled by Qin Xiu had long since disappeared without a trace. He must have returned to the big starry sky.

So, he briefly told what happened in deep space.

You haven't seen the Emperor of the Starry Sky?

Ji Zizai frowned and thought...

The Emperor of the Starry Sky went to deep space, but there was no sign of anyone. Now the superstring life is fighting with the messenger of the Red Dust Sky. Could it be that this old guy is hiding and waiting for the opportunity?

Just as he was thinking, the three pillars stood up.

Ye Jue, do you mean that only your tribe can obtain the miracle seed and trigger the power of miracles?

he asked.

Why did hell break out on the earth? It is actually using us earthlings to seize the power of miracles. The demons are probably trying to destroy this power, because we earthlings are the weakest in the world, and only the weakest can Obtaining the miracle seed, only the weakest can possibly defeat the strongest.”

Ye Jue said.

Only the weakest can defeat the strongest? What a joke. The truth in this world is who is strong enough to defeat the other!

Wanxiang Wuchang said coldly.

So, we can't use the power of you earthlings?

The ancient qi master didn't believe it.

It's not that it can't be used. It means that you, the Earthlings, need to trigger a miracle so that we can join this force. We ourselves cannot actively use it and can only be guided?

Ye Yi asked.

That's right.

Ye Jue nodded.

Hmph, what's the use of such a strenuous power?

Chaos Zuma leader snorted coldly.

What's the use? Haha, even the devil is chasing me here, and even said that if I hand over this power, I will no longer be our enemy? From this point of view, Hell really wants to erase this power.

Fentian said.

He is a pure earthling!

Need I say more?

You can definitely use this power proactively!

Therefore, he was very happy in his heart. Anyway, he had one more foundation than the Empire.

Anyway, that's what happened.

Ye Jue raised his legs slightly, preparing to leave this place. He was going to get together with everyone.

Ye Jue, aren't you planning a conspiracy?

Ji Zizai spoke silently.

You are the only ones who are engaging in conspiracy.

Ye Jue's voice fell and gradually disappeared here.

Ji Zizai, if you still refuse to hand over my wife and daughter, don't blame me from now on.


Your wife is now voluntarily practicing the Art of Forgetting Love in the Tree of Chaos. What can I do!

Ji Zizai couldn't help but raise her lips.

Now, there are still loose ends to clean up.

Using the Imperial Ring destroyed everything nearby, and it would take some time to repair it.

But fortunately, the ancient Shinto road was destroyed.

Whether it is the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven, the super string being, or the devil, it is impossible for them to attack soon.

Taking advantage of this period of time, he would find a way to break through the high-level ancient gods.

After finding out that Ye Jue was promoted, he was already a little unbalanced.

However, the most important thing is the whereabouts of the Star Emperor.

From Ye Jue's mouth, he learned that the emperor was not found in the deep sky.

So, where did this old guy go?

What are you planning secretly?

He must find out!


Ye Yi also disappeared, and he returned to Yunshan Mountain.

Nowadays, Yunshan Mountain is connected to the Free Country in the Destruction Realm, and the overall power is getting stronger and stronger.

what's going on?

Musashi, and Nicholas asked.

The two realms are safe for the time being, but you are in danger!

Ye Yi said suddenly.

Feng Tian?

Musashi and Nicholas looked at each other.

That's right, this guy can't help but want to devour you. He saw Ye Jue's promotion and can't wait to become an ancient god. If you two join forces, you are no match for him now. If it weren't for my protection, he might The killer has been here for a long time, but I can only block him for a while.

Ye Yi said: Although he is not an ancient god, he has the power of an ancient god. Once he devours you and becomes an ancient god, his strength will be extraordinary.

We must join forces to fight him!

Musashi, Nikolay nodded.

No matter what, I won't let Fentian devour them.

It's better to be resurrected. Who would be willing to become meat?

It is also the reincarnation of an ancient strong man. It is not certain who will lose and who will win in the future!

Okay, I will share some of the power of the Heavenly Demon Vein with you!

Ye Yi said.

Now Musashi, Nikolay, was his right-hand man.

Although they are humans, elite soldiers of our allies.

But he believed that the alliance with Ye Jue would last forever.

Because he had the same origin, he knew what Ye Jue was like.

Now even Ye Jue has been promoted to an intermediate ancient god, and I am still at the peak of my ancestors!

In Jingxuan Island, Fen Tian didn't come anywhere.

Now we know that Musashi and Nicholas are under the protection of Ye Yi.

At the beginning, he made bold words and deliberately let the two of them go.

to be honest.

I regret it now.

He shouldn't be so stubborn.

Instead, it is now difficult to get off the tiger.

What's more, he still has an alliance with Ye Yi, so he can't do anything.

In this way, wouldn't it be hopeless to be promoted to Ancient God?


Unexpectedly, a voice came to the top of Jingxuan Island, wearing a religious crown and a sun and moon robe.

It is the leader of Chaos Zuma.

What are you here for?

Fen Tian sensed the aura and teleported here. He frowned. He had never had any friendship with this old guy.

He knew one thing, this was one of Ye Jue's enemies.

World-Burning Spirit, I'm here to join forces with you.

The leader of Chaos Zuma smiled sinisterly.

Join forces? Haven't we already joined forces?

Fen Tian was stunned for a moment.

Haha, that's just restricted by the covenant. The reason why I join forces with you is... to attack Yun Shanshan!

Chaos Zuma's eyes flashed.


Fentian couldn't help but look at him, his eyes full of doubts.

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