Wasteland, one-click extraction, permanent immortal buff at the beginning

Chapter 1083: Squatting in Super String Disability

The age of mythology...can't you imagine it's not over yet?

The young man muttered, his red pupils locked on Ye Jue.

Half of his face has been corroded, and his eyeballs are exposed, which is terrifying and terrifying.


But he didn't expect that Ye Jue would actually launch the attack first.

I saw that his body was shaking in the air, and with a punch, the entire void was twisting and twisting, like a big snake that was twisted together.

This is a martial arts move that pulls the car of time and rolls away. It even makes people feel as if it is moving the space along with it.


When the young man saw this scene, he couldn't help but said proudly: I'm just an ancient god. I am Chao Xian. Although your power is powerful, you are still too young. Do you know how powerful Chao Xian is!

Wow! !

A very surprising scene appeared!

He also struck a blow and actually imitated Ye Jue's moves.

And, it’s almost exactly the same!

The power is also very similar!


The two collide.

However, the young man screamed and flew backwards. A blood-red aura came out of his body, hurting the origin.

Damn it! If I hadn't been seriously injured, how could I have failed!

He growled lowly, extremely unwilling.

Because it’s too embarrassing!

He was actually blown away. If he had just released it, he would have been slapped in the face.


Ye Jue's face was expressionless, and he made another upright move and punch, and all the changes were in it.


The young man did not expect that the other party would not give a chance at all, but would pursue the victory without leaving any way to survive.

He has seen ruthlessness!

He has never faced such a cruel person, and he will kill him immediately, without any room for maneuver!

Bang bang bang!

Ye Jue punched several times in succession, all hitting the young man's body.

hand of God!

The young man roared, and a huge mechanical palm erupted from behind, covering the entire place, as if a nation of science and technology had appeared.


However, this big hand of God particles was immediately shattered and scattered by the pure power.



Another punch hit him in the face, making a muffled sound, and almost separated him from his body.


His eyes were full of anger.

However, at this moment, Ye Jue activated his energy again and continued to pursue.

Go to hell!

This young man incarnated as a superstring immediately collided with him continuously.

His body decomposed the light of God!

He actually wanted to escape into the ancient Shinto road.


However, the light he turned into was firmly absorbed and actually captured back.

you you you!!

The young man vomited blood angrily.

If not...

Before he could finish his thoughts, he was punched hard again.

Shield of God!

He roared.

Suddenly, the void transformed into a solid turtle shell, protecting him.

Bang bang bang!!

However, it soon cracked and shattered into dregs.


Ye Jue spoke.

The cold murderous intention burst out!

The output of the feather mirror has reached its limit, continuously providing him with power.

This Chao Xian's strength is less than one-third of his full strength. If he can't kill him, then he, an intermediate ancient god, will be nothing more than an embroidered pillow.

who are you!!

The young man screamed again and again. His body was getting more and more worn out. He couldn't help but panic. If he continued like this, he would really die.


The person opposite said two words from beginning to end.

The hard fist completely destroyed him.

“Swish, swish, swish!!”

Suddenly, countless data shot up from the sky.

Ye Jue didn't even look at it and punched away.


Those superstring powers were all shattered, scattering crystal fragments.

We killed a superstring?

B was very excited.

Although it was a severely injured Super String, it also showed that Super String was not invincible.

Now Ye Jue has been promoted to an intermediate ancient god, and his strength has been greatly enhanced.

If you upgrade to a high-level ancient god, you won't be afraid of the complete superstring life.

Didi!! Super string power is detected and begins to be absorbed!

The system begins to evolve!

Please wait……

Evolution completed!

Master, you can now use system inversion to analyze the power of superstrings into mythical power and directly enhance your power.

The divine calculator suddenly said.

Finally evolved.

Ye Jue nodded slightly.

He thought the system would never evolve again.

It seems that in deep space, I have new abilities.

Directly analyze the power of superstrings into mythical power?

That means that every time he kills a superstring life, he can devour the other person's power?

This is a bit outrageous!

Originally he deduced that the divine calculator came from deep space.

But at this moment, I discovered that something was wrong. The divine calculator must come from a higher dimension, perhaps from the real universe.

Being able to analyze superstrings will definitely transcend deep space.

Buzz buzz!

In an instant, Ye Jue's whole body was on fire.

The huge superstring power was transformed into the power of myth, strengthening his strength.

This is……

B was already stunned.

He didn't expect that Ye Jue had such an ability, that he could directly swallow the power of super strings?

In this case, it’s easy to say anything!

Kill Super String and become stronger!

However, the complete form of superstring life is too powerful, and he has seen it before.

Unless you encounter such a seriously injured person.


Ye Jue suddenly raised his head and looked into the distance.


What B just thought came true immediately. It was really another super string, turning into a ball of light, and was about to escape into the ancient Shinto road in an instant.


Ye Jue's whole body suddenly opened up, and his fighting spirit kept rising. A powerful divine force gathered on his fist, and he swung it away like a bolt from the blue.

This new superstring life obviously did not expect such a terrifying and powerful man to guard this place.

Under this punch, he was directly destroyed!

This super string has only one breath of existence left. It was originally going to escape into the ancient path of Shinto and go to thousands of worlds to slowly cultivate.

As a result, he was killed by Ye Jue with a full blow without even a word of begging for mercy.

It's so miserable.


Ye Jue also reversed this superstring power and turned it into the power of myth to strengthen himself.

His momentum was rising steadily, becoming even more terrifying than before!

I think...this is a great opportunity. These super-string warriors are all seriously injured. They were obviously killed by the messengers from the Red Dust Sky. They have no choice but to escape. We will stay here and wait for the chance, hahaha. !”

B laughed.

The superstring life left a terrifying record in the realm of destruction!

He originally thought he was invincible.

But at this moment, there are so many defeated soldiers, it’s really a ghost!

They can kill superstrings too!

here we go again.

At this moment, a super-string life with a knife rushed towards him with sharp and sharp intentions.

This person is not stupid, he seems to have seen Ye Jue squatting at the door of the Shinto.

He roared low and slashed down in the air. The cut turned into an arc, cutting time into a line, and the space was directly displaced.


Then, like a mirror, it shatters and a new scene appears.


His neck was grabbed by an arm!


As it got closer, the terrifying flames rolled incessantly, burning it up and turning it into pure superstring runes, filling the sky.

Each of these superstring runes is composed of data and blueprints, systems and rules, particles and strange energy.

It is absolutely impossible to transform into the power of myth.


Ye Jue grabbed it in the air and held it all in his big hand.

Whoosh whoosh!!

In an instant, everything turned into rich mythical power and was swallowed by him.

Miso miso miso! !

In Ye Jue's hands, endless weapons transformed.

Long knife, long sword, long spear, big axe, giant hammer, long whip, rope, hook...

This was the power of the superstring life just now. After analysis, he possessed it.


This is not a rare thing in the first place, and the power of creation can easily do it.

However, the power of creation and the ability of superstring life change in the same way, and eventually return to the same path.

Hahaha, with a few more, we can break through to high-level ancient gods!

B was very excited.

It will swallow at least a hundred disabled people, or ten complete bodies.

Ye Jue said.

He has a huge foundation and needs to devour ten complete bodies before he can be promoted.

Why doesn't anyone come?

After destroying this, B realized something was wrong.

There was deathly silence in the distance, as if there was nothing left.

It seems that they have been noticed. The super strings may have shared information. They know that there are strong people stationed here. Intercepting them is like guarding the ancient Shinto road. There are no more enemies.

Ye Jue frowned.

but. Anyway, he had no intention of staying here any longer, he just spread out his wings of freedom and flew into deep space.

Finally going!

B was very excited.

This is just a doorway. I have never seen anything like deep space.

I had only heard about it before, but now I can finally see it!

That is…

At this moment, he saw the place where the sky collapsed and the earth shattered, the violent aura surged, and the void caves that were densely intertwined like honeycombs were spread all over the front.

Demon from hell?

Ye Jue was also shocked.

The hell world is indeed powerful, even deep space has been eroded.

After the Blood Demon was killed, it seemed like hell had ceased.

Has it actually invaded deep space?

They don't even know yet!

Buzz buzz!!

At this moment, there were dense crowds of demons attacking him with rolling wings of flames.

Ye Jue would naturally show no mercy.

He raised his hand and sprayed out energy, shattering the sky. This powerful blow could sink the entire Chaos Continent.

Attacking these demons now only shattered the first group of demons.


Ye Jue clenched his right hand, and the energy swirled and boiled, overwhelming the power of the past and present, as if an invincible true god had come to life.

This time, the howling demons were all stunned. From top to bottom, they all flapped their wings and fled!

Finally, they became aware of it.

But it's too late!

The terrifying power spread, overwhelming and flooding the front.

This person is...

A demon screamed and disappeared into ashes.

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