It was enough to scare the saint half to death. Oh? It seems that these thugs were afraid and actually retreated!

That's inevitable. Seeing such a disparity in combat effectiveness, why fight?

Come and enslave them, each according to his own ability!

Deep space has collapsed, and we need to create a relatively safe world in this difficult situation.

First transform the World Tree and turn it into a war machine.

Yes, I have thought about it. When the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven comes, he will blow up the Suffering Realm and let us run to the Destruction Realm again, haha!

They all smiled when they saw the fleet led by Dragon Girl beginning to retreat under the starry sky.

Do you finally know what you’re afraid of?


too late!


While a young man was speaking, a civilization rune came out of his mouth. It rose violently and rushed towards the fleet with the entire clan behind him.

Oops, they're catching up!

The descendants of Earth screamed.

No need to do anything.

Dragon Girl said indifferently.

As for her mobilizing the fleet, it was not because she wanted to retreat, but because she was afraid of being affected.



The young man in front of him, and the race behind him, all exploded and turned into countless light rains, splashing in the starry sky, and countless golden runes ignited every dark field.


Under the light, the divine patterns bloomed, and a man with long broken hair appeared.

Once he appeared, there was no terrifying energy coming out, but the ancient divine pattern on his back was enough to scare the ancestor half to death.

Ancient God?

All the tribes on the ancient Shinto Road were shocked.

The person standing in front of them turned out to be the ceiling of the mythical body, the ancient god level!

In this world, are there still people who have cultivated to this level of life?

So what about the ancient gods? We are not the ancient emperors at the pinnacle of mythology. We are not Chao Xian. We are at the same level as him. Kill!

Yes, I also feel it. In this difficult situation, there is only one ancient god, and that is him!

That's right, and he possesses the power of suffering and is actually the master of suffering. Whoever can devour him can directly control the world!

Then what are you waiting for? It's finally here!


The tribes on the ancient Shinto road finally couldn't help it, and they flew out in dense numbers. The light was strong, the runes were flashing, and the supreme pressure surged in. It was as vast as the sky falling. There was a kind of inexhaustible power that struck the ninth level of the sky and cut down the blue sky. The breath is surging.

These are the tribes in deep space. Absolute technology and runic laws are spreading. Their power is absolutely supreme. When they gather together, they can rival the ancient gods.

Every leader possesses a kind of power that cannot be blasphemed, swallows heaven and earth, and accommodates hundreds of rivers. It is endless.

Aosheng and others gasped!

The scene keeps changing, it’s so amazing, it’s time for a war to break out!

bring it on.

However, the next moment, Ye Jue stretched out an arm and grabbed it with his fingers.


It seemed like something flew out of the earth.

It was so dark that it came to his hand in no time.


In an instant, it became extremely huge, with a vague power of swallowing the sky spreading, and all kinds of terrifying ways were spreading.

That's the sacred black stick that's warmed in the earth!

Female Jialuo was extremely surprised.

As it got closer, the black stick expanded infinitely, covering the entire starry sky in an instant. It was ridiculously big!

This, this, this...

The tribes who came from deep space each showed their mysterious power, but facing such a terrifying giant, everyone was shocked, their hearts were beating violently, and their faces turned pale!

If this stick is smashed down, how many casualties will there be?


However, Ye would never give them a moment to think.

Swing the black stick and sweep away.


The color of the sky and the earth changed, there was a huge earthquake, and the aftermath resounded throughout the star field, covering the vast starry sky.


A breath of death descended, runes burst out everywhere, and there were countless casualties.

It's too awful!

However, in Ye Jue's eyes, these lives were worthless.

He swung the second stick again!

Swish, swish, swish! !

It immediately aroused the reaction of countless group leaders. They showed their bodies, exploded with shocking strength, and blocked the giant stick.


Ye Jue didn't even look at it. The next moment, everything turned into pieces and was shattered one after another.

Those people who had just spoken so brazenly were all dead.

The few remaining light people who were lucky enough to survive were scared out of their wits and flew in all directions.


Aosheng and the others would definitely not let him go and chase him one after another.

Just now, I sensed a drastic change in deep space. If I didn't go, I would have a lifelong regret.

Ye Jue stepped into the ancient path of Shinto.

you want to go?

The dragon girl said in surprise: Deep space is about to collapse now. These people running away are the best proof, but you are going in at this time?

Must go.

Ye Jue nodded slightly and said: This body is already an intermediate ancient god. I have a hunch that I can be promoted to a high-level ancient god in deep space!

Are you thinking about... Zhan Dao?

B is shocked.

He knew that after Ye Jue created his second true self, he was no longer afraid of dying completely. Instead, he wanted to seek death and perform a Tao-killing ritual.

This is an unprecedented act that will definitely shake the world!

Yu Hua Jing, you are guarding in the big starry sky.

Ye Jue said.

No, I want to go with you. I also have the illusion that the opportunity to become one with the heavenly weapon is in deep space!

B suddenly refused and insisted on following.

Well, all my magic soldiers will follow me!


Ye Jue roared loudly!

Wow! !

Many magical weapons and sharp blades flew from all over the universe in the realm of suffering.

Martial Arts Chapter, Black Stick, Key to Heaven, Spear of Heaven, Kingdom of Gods, Book of Creation...

They come flying in one after another!

But there is no God-Zhanbing Sword. After all, that guy is in deep space. I don't know how it is developed now.


In an instant, Ye Jue's foot stepped on the ancient Shinto road.


Suddenly, countless lines rippled, and these lines were like neon lights, spinning forward and igniting, revealing an extremely deep tunnel.

Hoo ho ho!!

A large number of God particles blew towards me from it.

Ye Jue glanced at them and saw that in the distance, they were all densely packed enemies. Each one was just like the previous ones, excited, excited, howling, and wanted to cause destruction under the starry sky.

He now knew why the big wolf dog guarded this road.

The Tai Chi Golden Eye rotates and is reviewed.

He saw a dog, like a mountain, sitting firmly in front of him, intercepting all the tribes, and his contribution was indeed not small.

Thank you.

Ye Jue said deeply.

He raised an arm and swatted it forward, using all the secret techniques in the martial arts chapters. He bombed continuously, and mushroom clouds erupted in front of him.

Just like the arrival of his true body, he is indestructible to all enemies, and everything that touches his existence will be destroyed in ashes.

Flying away like the god of death.


Who is this!

The dog has left, so why is it still so terrifying?

These groups who want to escape from deep space don't understand.

Why is it so difficult for them to go to the big world?

Go, go, go, victory is ahead!

Roaring again and again!

However, when the void shook, Ye Jue Qingqing was all broken into pieces, and the breath of death filled the entire ancient Shinto road.

He was in charge of the universe, and his body overwhelmed all the clans. The energy from his entire body exploded, spreading out like a vast ocean. During the explosion, it violently spread outward in concentric circles.

No one was spared. Before they could react, their whole bodies immediately exploded and tore apart. All the artifacts on their bodies were blown into pieces, each one bloody and bloody, and finally dissipated in the sound waves.

It's so cruel!

The misery is stable and the myth is growing. If these races are allowed to pollute it, Ye will definitely not want to see it.

When it came to this, he would not pay attention to any begging for mercy, and roared again, shaking all the light people surrounding him to death.

Moreover, when the sound wave burst out, more flying tribes had no time to resist and turned into flying ashes.

Martial Arts Chapter, Black Stick, Kingdom of Gods, you guard this road!

Ye Jue waved his hand, and three divine objects flew out. At the same time, the Book of Creation condensed three small clones to enhance the strength of persistence.

After leaving them behind, I took another step forward and was about to leave the ancient Shinto road.

That's the Gate to Deep Space!

B yelled.

When Ye Jue shook everything around him and annihilated him, a powerful young man teleported from a distance.

This was actually a super-string powerhouse, but he was seriously injured and his body was damaged, almost beyond repair.

What on earth destroyed it like this?

Ye Jue has seen the horror of super string life before.

However, this young man's breath is obviously weak. How long can we wait if we don't kill him now?


As soon as he took action, it was a free fist, and B immediately became ten thousand times more powerful, making him unstoppable.


The young man's face changed drastically. Unexpectedly, he arrived at the gate of the ancient Shinto road and encountered a shocking murder.

Moreover, it is a change in power that has never been seen before!

This is...the power of myth?

He was extremely stunned. For a moment, he was chased up and down by the Fist of Freedom. He was broken through layers of defensive barriers and was unable to resist.

This power is so weird!

Finally, he gritted his teeth and his entire body turned into aurora data, and the sky was filled with long blue virtual runes.

The Fist of Freedom could not be tracked and exploded on the spot.


These data runes were instantly reorganized to form this young man.

However, his aura became weaker.

It seems that using this power consumes a lot.

Key to Heaven, Spear of Heaven!

Ye Jue roared, he would never allow this existence to enter a miserable state. Now one Chaoxian is enough. If there is another one, the situation will change again.


Yiye roared, suppressed it in the air, shrouded it in mirror light, and sealed the super string life.

It is indeed the power of myth. You come from the world. This power... is actually an ancient god?

The young man's face was gloomy.

With an ancient god guarding the ancient path of Shinto, it would be difficult to break through, at least in his current state.

If he were still intact now, he would definitely not be afraid and could easily break the shackles.

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