That's it, it's him, why is he here!

The demons actually recognized this person, and they couldn't help but tremble, running up and down, trying to escape.

The fearless devil…

Now he actually ran away? !


Ye Jue didn't say anything, his terrifying eyes locked all the demons, and he punched out with a simple and violent punch.

Immediately afterwards, there was a rain of blood.

The divine power is like the sea, rising violently!

Those demon hives turned into a shrouded sea of ​​thunder, as bright as the sun, and exploded, making endless banging sounds.

One punch leaves nothing behind.


After doing all this, Ye Jue's body was filled with brilliant light, and he actually made a loud sound like a yellow bell.


This sound is huge and boundless, and its power is unimaginable!

Ripples spread out like a heart circle, sweeping away all demons!

None of the escaping demons survived, they all died suddenly!

Where Ye Jue swept across, a stream of light flew up, and the sound of opening up the world was deafening!

The brilliant light rain tells the myth, and the terrifying sound waves make everything die!

Who is attacking us in the rear?

Hoo ho ho! !

A huge demon, with its feet stepping on the void, its wings like the wings of a god, and it is so vast that no one knows how many thousands of miles it is.

Under his body, everything fell, like dust, wiped from the deep sky and disappeared forever.

There is no land in deep space now, only endless void.

Because everything has been completely destroyed, the fragments of the entire universe are swaying, and even the universe is about to be destroyed.


The sound wave struck, causing the huge demon's face to suddenly change.

It saw a piece of light flickering in the distance in the void, seeming to envelop the entire field.

Compared with it, its huge body is like a mosquito or fly.

The demons behind them also changed their colors, and everyone was shocked. What is that?

Could it be that Super String is attacking them secretly?

However, the superstrings are fighting to the death with the messengers from the Red Dust Heaven. How can they attack them separately?


This huge demon saw what it was, a humanoid, attacking him!

Before the attack came, its whole body was trembling.


Before what it was thinking was over, its body had already been attacked. Ye Jue had already arrived in front of it and hit it hard on the stomach.


A huge hole penetrated its body, and it instantly opened and expanded, and in an instant only its limbs were left.

The demonic power quickly passed away, and his huge eyes went out.


Ye Jue easily killed a big demon and his whole body was shaken by sound waves.


Countless demons around him were blown to pieces, and no one could escape.

To Ye Jue, these demons were just obstacles in his way, and they were destroyed easily.

After doing all this, he flew in a straight line.

There is no land in the deep space, and it has lost its direction. There are only various lights flashing. I don’t know where it is or how far away it is.

However, he could clearly feel that the terrifying power was extremely far away on the other side.

That was a fierce battle between the Complete Super String and the Messenger of the Red Dust Heaven!

Do you want to meet the messenger from the Red Dust Heaven?

Yi clicked his tongue.

He had long wanted to see this messenger.

But if you are involved now, you will definitely not be able to escape.

That place was ablaze with red light!

A terrifying feeling that can swallow everything, just like a super black hole. Anyone who enters will be destroyed.

No need!

The place where Ye Jue wants to go is at the other end.

He noticed it.

The smell of humanity!

There are also familiar powerful auras emerging.

The target of these demons seems to be humans?

In this case…

Ye Jue's eyes flashed towards that place. The place he passed was covered in blood and the void was filled with demon corpses.

While killing, there was no delay in the journey, and they were all killed by the sound waves.

This kind of terrifying method can only be accomplished by middle-level ancient gods.

Even the ancient emperor who shocked the past and the present, and was the most brave in the world, probably used this method.

Puff puff puff puff! !

As he fought his way through, there were countless powerful eyes looking at him, all of them were the eyes of the great devil.

They all sensed this supreme fighting spirit like a sea of ​​stars, and they could only retreat, and then retreat again!

Right ahead!

Ye Jue drinks low.


But at this moment, a powerful demon rushed towards him, intertwined with his aura that dominated the world.

Bang bang bang!

In an instant, Ye Jue swung hundreds of free fists, which were unable to defend and were directly stamped on the body of the attacker.

This demon is stronger than the big demon.

I can fight him twice.

But after the third move, he was directly killed by the fist of freedom and exploded instantly.

The light of death illuminates this route and is released to the fullest.


At that time, a low roar sounded, and this breath could be described as extremely terrifying, and it could easily destroy the power of a star field.


Ye Jue was shocked.

Far ahead, there is a demon!

That must be the strength that surpasses the Blood Demon God.

A blood demon god must unite all the ancient gods to fight against him before he can be killed.

Now he has to face someone stronger?

What abilities does the demon god on the eleventh level have?


Why on earth does it want to hunt down humans?

Merely human?

Is it necessary to mobilize troops and people like this?


He rushed forward quickly and saw along the way that many ancient stars of life had exploded and been destroyed, various stars outside the territory were still exploding, the deep space was collapsing, and unimaginable terrifying fluctuations were shaken out from time to time.

It seems that the next moment, deep space will be destroyed.

That is!

B is startled.

He saw a creature in the farthest distance, covered in blood, with energy boiling in its body, and a glow that seemed to be guarding the ark behind it.

This creature is not in a very good condition. It seems to be trying its best to fight against the powerful enemy at the expense of burning its own essence.

Fortunately, there are still many powerful rays of light accompanying him.

However, many people were already weak and paralyzed on the ground, and the battle was in a very bad situation.

It's them.

Ye Jue was excited for a while.

He was very lucky to have come to deep space at this time. If not, he might have been poisoned by the devil.


Without saying a word, he went straight to kill him.

The sound waves shook!


Countless demons exploded, and he came with a vast ocean of power, as if he had 'eaten' the whole world in. The demons were like mosquitoes and ants.

When these words of stopping...stopping...him...came out.

A group of demons with powerful auras and ugly looks held up the light curtain.

It actually has the power of shielding to completely isolate that place and make it impossible to find it.

Key to Heaven, Spear of Heaven, combined!

Ye Jue's eyes were sharp and he couldn't tolerate anything that could block him at this moment, so he inserted the Key to Heaven and the Spear of Heaven together.


The combined weapon lived up to expectations. It vibrated with a buzzing sound, penetrated the light curtain, collided with the demons, and passed to the rear.

what is that?

At this moment, on top of the ark, a woman with long black hair looked into the distance.

She actually saw the demons dying violently one after another!

It was a bright light that was breaking through from behind, enveloping all the demons and melting them all!

Even the light curtains propped up by those powerful demons were vulnerable and were blasted away.

Could it be a superstring powerhouse?

Chen Ya, it seems we are done here!

There were many people standing beside her, and the one who spoke was a woman in black, holding two light guns, with an exaggerated shape, and sighed helplessly.

How could it be possible? The superstring actually attacked? Oh no, isn't this going to kill us?

The furious man screamed angrily.

Brother Yang, there is nothing we can do about it. We have tried our best.

A fat man shook his head.

He also couldn't figure out how the devil got into a fight with Super String.

Two powerful forces are fighting each other, and they are caught in the middle. They hold valuable treasures and are spied on by both sides, making it difficult for them to escape.

Do you want to give up this valuable treasure?


They entered deep space, planned for a long time, and got it with great difficulty.

How could you give up and escape?

Otherwise, wouldn’t everything be in vain?

What's the point of them going into deep space?

Everyone was silent for a while, their bodies and minds were cold.


At this moment, there is another huge earthquake in the deep space!

It seemed like the sky was about to collapse.

Despair begins to spread...

No, something's wrong. That's not the power of a high-entropy body. It's obviously the same as us!

Suddenly, someone screamed.

Wu Zhen, what did you say?

A certain sexy young woman was extremely shocked.

Wang Yanyan, Xu Mohuai, Ni Qiuyun, Honghong, and you, please feel carefully. Is the power floating from that direction the power of myth?

A girl screamed repeatedly.

It is indeed the power of myth. Dong Minmin is right, someone is here to save us.

The woman with one black hair and one white hair said suddenly, her eyes locked in the distance, as if she had seen something surprising.

Sister Lianxue, what did you say, someone came to save us again?

Wu Yini was shocked.

Strong men like Black Tiger Ah Fu, He Xianzi, and Qin Jiaoxian had already stood in front of them to fight the devil to the death.

But they are not invincible, and they are all injured and dying.

Who came to support at this moment?

Are there any human colleagues in deep space?

They were surprised and happy, but they didn’t know who it was!

Damn, damn! Is it finally here? Kill!

At this moment, the black tiger Ah Fu, who was covered in blood, roared and turned into a white light and rushed towards the Demon God of All Tribulations. The dog's head was held high and the dragon's body was strong, crushing everything.

That piece of divine flesh and blood has grown to the ancient god level!


A shocking sound was heard, and energy rushed to the periphery again.

Big wolfdog, what did you say? Who is coming?

Qin Jiaxian's hair was disheveled, his battle armor was ulcerated, his white hair was stained with red, his body was covered with essence and blood, his eyes were blood red, and he looked like a crazy demon.

At this moment, he came out of this state with a shocked face.

She couldn't think of anyone who could save them at this time.

Demon God, Super one can defeat them!

Who else could it be? Your brother-in-law!

Black Tiger Ah Fu howled.

Hmm? My brother-in-law?

In the Ark, Qin Xiuxian, the younger sister of Qin Jiaxian, looked confused.

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