Huh? Do you know what you are talking about? What does it mean?

When Fen Tian heard this, he smiled coldly and didn't believe it at all.

Even the ancient gods who have practiced time to the top cannot go back five thousand years. This method does not work.

As for keeping the body?

He didn't believe it even more, and instead said: You are so shameless, believe it or not, I will burn you? Do you know that there is a price to pay for oral pleasure?

Feng Tian, ​​this is the chief scientific research expert of our Longxiao Kingdom, Zhao Yin.

Wei Ting said quickly: Zhao Yin never talks nonsense. If he says this, he must really keep it.

That's right.

Long Shaoqin also nodded.

Where is the body?

Fentian asked gloomily, is it really still there?

Is there any hope for him to be promoted to Ancient God?

It's in the Dragon Roar Kingdom. I've placed it in a container and sealed it for a long time.

Zhao Yin took two steps back and smiled slightly: I didn't expect that this unintentional act turned out to be your hope of being promoted to the Ancient God. If you want to get them, let's share your elemental body gene code, and I will resurrect them and make them grow. Rise up for you to devour.”

Are you negotiating terms with me?

Fentian narrowed his eyes and looked at Long Shaoqin and others: Didn't we already sign a contract? We are not allies?


Long Shaoqin frowned.

Zhao Yin actually kept the bodies of Musashi and Nicholas, and he didn't even know it.

Today's changes also make it difficult for him to make a decision.

One yard owned by a yard.

Zhao Yin was the first to say: How about it, I just need the gene sequence code of the elemental body in your body, and I will also help you resurrect Musashi and Nikolai, and give them gaze strengthening needles, so that they will become stronger directly, and you will be able to devour them soon. , become an ancient god.

What if I say yes?

Fen Tian squinted his eyes.

Then I'll have to destroy them.

Zhao Yin smiled calmly.


Fentian's face became even more gloomy.

The surrounding temperature rose extremely high, and heat waves roared one after another, which was very terrifying.

The people in Longxiao Kingdom retreated one after another without panicking. They could enter the mobile fortress behind them at any time.

If they fall out and Fentanyl takes the initiative to break the contract, there will be no harm to them. Fentian will be sanctioned by the Tree of Chaos.

Zhao Yin...

Long Shaoqin frowned.

This series of actions by this person seemed to have been planned for a long time.

Completely deviating from their original plan.


He actually couldn't see through it.

As long as I give the order, or if I die, the body will be decomposed and transformed into other substances in an instant.

Zhao Yin said slowly.

Such a scene was naturally seen by Ye Jue.

He just knew it.

This person is definitely not an ordinary person.

There must be a secret in him.

And, it’s not too small!

Okay, I agree to your terms.

At this moment, Fentian's aura suddenly disappeared, and the world returned to peace.

Looks like we've reached a consensus.

Zhao Yin smiled: Then, Fentian, please get on the boat and complete our deal.


Fen Tian strode forward, taking one boundless step, and countless vibrating sounds appeared everywhere. The sounds converged into matter, and a huge flame platform was created out of thin air.

He jumped up and entered the Longxiang.

The Ace Team was left in place, along with the others glaring at each other.

I didn't expect that Fentian is still alive.

Yang Zi is still in shock.


Lou Jianzi breathed a sigh of relief and said: Our mission is over. Leave the Glory Knights to them. It's time to return to the Iron-Blooded Kingdom.

Leave now?

Duan Shuang Q\u0026A.

Why don't you leave and stay here to celebrate the New Year? The war is about to start. The empire is going to attack this place. If you stay here, your life will be at risk.

Yang Zi said.


Unexpectedly, a series of fonts appeared on their mecha display.

Huh? Let us stand by here? Support Jingxuan Island?

Lou Jianzi was stunned.

Doesn't the Iron-Blooded Kingdom know that he is originally from the Dragon Roaring Kingdom?

Aren't you afraid of being taken back?

Are you still arranging important combat teams to stay here?

What are you thinking about?

It seems there is no way to go back for the time being.

Yang Zi sighed.

Ling Xiao, go to Longxiao Country and be responsible for liaison. Report any information as soon as possible.

Lou Jianzi suddenly looked behind him and issued an order.


Ling Xiao pointed at himself stupidly.

It's not who you are. Come in quickly. We are going to Jingxuan Island to arrange the Glory Knights.

Yang Zi said and flew down.

Oh well.

Ling Xiao nodded, controlled the mecha, and glided towards the huge metal alien body.

did not expect…

He could actually enter the Dragon Roar Kingdom one day.

Ye Jue leaned forward slightly, suppressed his breath to the point of being gone, smiled at the warriors, and entered them.

Now they are allies. As long as there is no order, they will not attack or block.

The soldiers just glanced at him coldly and nodded slightly.

Just like that, Ye Jue stepped on the metal floor and walked in.

He also wanted to know what was conceived in the Long Xiang.

That Zhao Yin needs Fentian's elemental body code must be to cultivate this existence.

Moreover, the power that can shield his spiritual thoughts must not be underestimated.

He's coming in.

At this time, there was a slight sound.

Long Shaoqin, Wei Ting and others all expressed their expressions calmly after hearing this.

This he...

Naturally, it refers to Ye Jue.

Don't let him see any flaws.

Long Shaoqin had already erased the memories of most senior people before.

Only three people know about it now, him, Zhao Yin, and Wei Ting.

After all, Ye Jue's life level is too overbearing. If a war breaks out here, 'Zero' will undoubtedly wake up early.

This is a sure kill, but it's not perfect yet, so it must be used at critical moments.


Ye Jue had seen Wei Ting's face before and still remembered the look in his eyes.

It has almost been deduced.

If that's the case.

Then neither side can do anything.

Pretend to be strangers to each other.

This is Musashi, Nikolai.

Zhao Yin opened the container in front of him and the green liquid was drawn out.

Musashi only had half of his body, and the other half seemed to have been eaten alive.

Nicholas's body was even more serious, broken into pieces and no longer human.

The Blade of Futian, the aura of Tomorrow's Darkness, is already very weak, like a firefly about to burst, no wonder I can't feel it.

Fen Tian was extremely excited.

It's actually true.

After seeing Musashi's face, could he remember him?

I will help you resurrect them, and in the process I will inject strengthening injections to make their life levels rise to the average level of this world. It's time for you to fulfill your promise.

Zhao Yin said.


Without saying a word, Fentian took off an elemental arm and threw it over.

Just wait patiently for two days.

Zhao Yin couldn't help but feel happy. He took the arm formed by this element and left here quickly.

Quack, quack…

Immediately afterwards, countless mechanical arms reached out to Musashi and Nikolai's body from all directions.

These tentacles held energy blocks and rubbed them continuously, creating a life-cultivating device on the spot.

Musashi and Nikolai both repaired their bodies at a speed visible to the naked eye.

I'm here to watch.

How could Fentian leave? His eyes widened.

Just two days!

He is willing to wait!

Well, we still have things to do, so we'll take our leave now.

Long Shaoqin winked at Wei Ting and left with a group of senior executives.

Where is Ye Jue's location?

After a while, they came to a war room, where all virtual images were flying around and controlling everything.

it's here.

Someone pointed it out immediately.

Is he hanging out?

Wei Ting said in astonishment.

It's more like looking for something than wandering around. He must be very curious about the existence we cultivated and wants to know what it is.

Long Shaoqin smiled.

This is a brand new equation of life. It is our hope for a new world as a real human being. It is also the power to fight against him in the future and fight for the seesaw in the new world, the power of our Dragon Roaring Kingdom.

Wei Ting said.

Let him wander around. He can't be found. Order him to go down and don't conflict with him. He can do whatever he wants without stopping him. That's it.

Long Shaoqin gave the order.

Weird, really weird.

Ye Jue kept opening the passages and saw various facilities and equipment. Although they were strange, they were nothing.

The reason why he felt weird was that he couldn't find the breath owner at all.

As if hidden in the depths of endless space and time.

Perhaps only by using the power of the ancient gods can we trace the location.

It's difficult.

Ye Jue let out a long sigh.


At this moment, Yang Zi's avatar appeared and said: Ling Xiao, how is the situation? Is what the man named Zhao Yin said true?

Everything is true.

Ye Jue responded.

He has been sensing his aura, and two weak auras are gradually reviving. They must be Musashi and Nikolai.

Next to it, there is a scorching power. Needless to say, it must be Fentian.

That's good. It seems that Fentian's upgrade to Ancient God is just around the corner. The stronger our allies are, the better it will be for our Iron-Blooded Nation.

Duan Shuang breathed a sigh of relief.

He was afraid that something might happen.

Now that I hear it, I feel a lot more relaxed.

Well, continue to pay attention and report back at any time. We are installing the Glory Knight system. It's almost time. The empire should be attacking.

Lou Jianzi said.


Ling Xiao nodded and the communication ended.

Ling Xiao, when the battle starts, you will hide behind me.

At this time, Yang Zi's voice sounded, warning him.


Ling Xiao asked 'Silly'.

You idiot, do you know the horror of war, the scene where civilized weapons collide with civilized weapons? Don't be aggressive or passionate. If a fight breaks out, no one will care about you!

Yang Zi said speechlessly.


Ling Xiao nodded after hearing this.


After the communication ended, Ye Jue could not help but smile.


This Yang Zi actually still cares about him?

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