This month, Your Majesty, I know something about it. It seems to be a divine object controlled by a certain emperor, right? The Black Territory came to the Realm of Destruction before it was merged by Ye Yi. He monopolized one side and took 5% of the territory of the Realm of Destruction. Any expansion, quiet dormancy.”

Fentian pondered.

The situation is complicated now. Ji Zizai is attacking you on the surface, but he is trying to conquer the Moon Emperor secretly. We must send people to stop him.

Long Shaoqin said.

Stop it? Just you? It's not that I look down on you. Do you have the ability to fight alone?

Fentian smiled.

Feng Tian, ​​you really underestimate us. Our Longxiao Kingdom is not just studying technology and past myths, but also developing brand-new factions and systems. Don't worry, the individual combatants we have arranged will not be delayed. Your hind legs.”

Zhao Yin, who was silent for a while, suddenly spoke.

Oh? Then I'm looking forward to it. I'll be waiting for you at Jingxuan Island.

Fen Tian waved his hand and closed the communication.

In an extremely dangerous sacred place, there is no life here. It was once part of the restricted area, overgrown with thorns and has been abandoned.

At this moment, the roar continued.

A strange celestial body, not a star, but a battle fortress-type existence, somewhat strange, with a hot breath falling down like a river and rising slowly into the sky.

This is the base camp of Longxiao Kingdom, Longxiang Mobile Fortress, which is entirely made of unknown material metal and has a soul-stirring power.

It now breaks apart here, passing through the void and traveling through the Tree of Chaos.

Puff puff! !

All the Void Divine Insects that hit were turned into mucus, and the impact was extremely powerful.

Boom, boom, boom! !

What's even more magical is that this mobile fortress has an evil power, beating like a heart.

It seems to contain a lot of vitality and is nurturing something terrifying.

Not ancient gods, not technology.

It is what Zhao Yin said is a new existence that does not belong to any party, born from their Dragon Roar Kingdom.

Ye Jue must have heard every word of our conversation just now, right?

Long Shaoqin opened his only divine eye, and there were colorful rings spinning in his pupils. He looked through the void, vaguely seeming to see Ye Jue himself.

After all, we told him on purpose so that he could find out how to open the earth's rocker.

Zhao Yin smiled.

This Ye Jue is hiding in our alliance just because he wants to gain benefits, improve his life level, or build his own power. Although I don't know how he hides his identity and eludes the perception of the Tree of Chaos. However, as long as he is exposed, he will be expelled directly, and everything he has worked hard to create will be in vain. At that time, we will take over and cheat him.

Wei Ting smiled evilly.

Ye Jue is a very smart person. It is difficult to trick him, but he will definitely not expose his strength and attack us. When we see him, we must stay calm and treat him like an ordinary person. We must not let any flaws be seen.

Long Shaoqin said: That's right. Ye Jue is also waiting for the angel of mortals to come. When the three realms collapse, he wants to find a way to survive in the new world. Our path is different from his, so there is no need to conflict.

Humph, even if there is no conflict, he will attack us. After all, he has hatred against us. He is very narrow-minded. Without a broad mind and tolerance, he does not have the basic qualities of a supreme being. He is the decision-maker himself, very authoritarian, and he must be lonely, lonely, and painful in his heart.

Wei Ting snorted and continued: This kind of person is not a hero of mankind at all, he is just a tyrant. He relies on his iron hand to unite people's hearts. Without strength, who would be willing to follow him?

Jingxuan Island is coming soon.

Long Shaoqin said nothing and looked at the island in the distance.

The Longxiang descended slowly, and its protective layer was unveiled, revealing its huge true form.

It's so huge that it's hard to figure it out with just a corner. It's even more majestic than the Sky City in the Iron-Blooded Kingdom.

Is it finally here?

Ye Jue frowned. He didn't know why, but his Tai Chi Golden Eyes couldn't see through it. It could be seen that there was something in this behemoth that could not be blasphemed.

When using the divine calculator to calculate, it actually says that the analytical power is insufficient?

He really wanted to try to get closer, but it would take time to make contact.

But he was definitely not a kind person. Just the moment he came into contact, the hairs all over his body stood up, and he felt a murderous aura that chilled his bones.

World-Burning Spirit, our Dragon Roar Kingdom has arrived!

Wei Ting's figure was exposed.

Ye Jue suddenly saw an acquaintance and couldn't help but sneered.

He noticed that Wei Ting seemed to be looking at him from the corner of his eye.

Most people would not think much of this discovery.

But he is an ancient god and can make calculations in an instant.


Is this deceiving Tianji?

Ye Jue frowned directly.

It must be related to the things in this huge mobile fortress.

What is it that can block even the power of the ancient gods?


This simple glance from the corner of his eye made him have some more guesses.

One of them even matches perfectly.

Others are similar, and the more you think about it, the more you figure out various things.

Long time no see, everyone, the last time was in the Demon God Arena.

In Jingxuan Island, groups of elemental bodies appeared densely, stretching to the sky.

These elemental bodies are all Fentian's subordinates!

The power of the elements is boiling endlessly. Any life that enters here will be penetrated into the body by the elements, and finally transformed into a monster that is neither human nor demon.

Of course, these powers Fentian can control.

Fengtian, I didn't expect you to actually live. That battle with the Black Wind Queen was earth-shattering and a glorious moment. We still remember it to this day.

Wei Ting couldn't help but smile.


Fen Tian nodded.

Your power on Jingxuan Island is also so powerful. No wonder it can withstand the bombings of fourth-level civilization weapons many times, because this is your base camp and has the power of Nirvana. These flames are like rain, instantly Everything that can repair the time and space of the island, as long as the flame is not extinguished, the island will not be extinguished!

Zhao Yin nodded approvingly.


he is?

This was the first time Ye Jue saw him.

This was the man who forced Mr. Wu and Dr. Xiao away. He looked frail, but his eyes were like lightning and he was very alert.

For this person, he did not hesitate and enveloped him with his spiritual thoughts.

Even Fentian couldn't detect it.

After all, he is not an ancient god, and he has not yet come into contact with the power of super particles, so he cannot detect this invisible and colorless power.


Instantly entering Zhao Yin's body, the internal organs and skeleton composed of flesh, blood, essence, and metal were exposed.

No power can be hidden.

Ordinary can no longer be ordinary...

However, the more ordinary it was, the more strange it made Ye Jue feel.

he thinks…

This person is certainly not simple!

His intuition is different from other lives.

It's a whim.

He is an ancient god, and the chance of having a whim is terrifyingly low. Being able to make him pay attention and feel intuitively is absolutely extraordinary!

But no matter what, this person is extremely ordinary.

In short, you need to pay attention.

At this time, Fentian said: Of course, after all, I absorbed the entire Super Taiwu and directly transformed Yunshan Mountain into the Flame Mountain. Even if Ji Zizai attacks, I will not lose. As long as I stay on my territory, , no one can kill me, even if I die, it is not really death, but Nirvana. I will be resurrected directly in the next era, and I will be stronger and continue to be invincible.


Wei Ting clicked his tongue and praised.

This is an amazing ability.

What does this mean? If I swallow the Blade of Futian, in the darkness of tomorrow, I will become an ancient god, even more powerful, able to burn through the Realm of Destruction and scorch the Tree of Chaos!

Fentian laughed.

The Blade of Futian, the Darkness of Tomorrow?

Wei Ting didn't understand what this was.

The ancient power is reincarnated.

Fentian said directly: But, they are all dead, and I have no hope of becoming an ancient god.


Long Shaoqin frowned.

That's right. Did you know that in the ranking list of heroes on Earth, the black tablet lowered by the man in black robe was basically a detector of the ancient power. Those who were ranked in the rankings all had more or less ancient powers. Power.

Fentian said.

You mean that the Blade of Futian and the Darkness of Tomorrow appeared in the wasteland before?

Wei Ting was stunned.

Yes, when I woke up, I realized that they were already dead. Moreover, you are very familiar with them. One is Musashi and the other is Nikolai!

Fentian said: Musashi is the Blade of Futian, and Nicholas is the darkness of tomorrow. I regret that they did not survive until today.

I see.

Long Shaoqin nodded.

Musashi and Nikolai went to the second level of hell to kill the Black Wind Queen's true form, and died together with the Black Lotus who controlled the devil's giant web. Everyone knew it.

However, it is not without hope.

At this time, Zhao Yin suddenly said.

Huh? What did you say?

Fentian was suddenly stunned, suddenly sucked Zhao Yin over, and shouted loudly.

I said there is still hope.

Zhao Yin did not show any fear. Instead, he smiled and motioned for Fen Tian to let go of him.


Fen Tian did not let go, because the relationship was huge and it gave him hope. Could he not be excited?

Musashi and Nikolai fought their way into the second level of hell and never appeared again... Yes, they are dead, but it does not mean that they are really dead.

Zhao Yin smiled mysteriously.

What do you mean? Retrieve DNA clones? This won't work. It's been too long. Hell has the corrosive power, and all traces no longer exist. I also know that your Longxiao country has powerful technology, but it is impossible to do this. kind of thing.

Fen Tian said coldly.

No, no, no, I mean, has anyone seen their deaths, seen their bodies?

Zhao Yin suddenly smiled strangely.


Not only Fentian, but also Long Shaoqin and others could not help but frown.

What if I said, I have kept their bodies?

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