At this moment.


Hmph, this Jingxuan Island is now a turtle among the beasts, and has been in a controlled position. The world-burning spirit is just the reincarnation of an ancient great power. There are many such people, but it's just his luck. Better, let him absorb the entire Taiwu and create a trillion-level flame element, so that he can barely compete with our empire.

That's right, after these several battles, Jingxuan Island has been severely weakened. It is only supported by the Soul of the Burning World. This time we will use the Destruction of Dawn to see what he can do to defend the home!

Yes, even if we defend our home and our army suppresses the situation, in the past, the Ten Formation Venerables and Thousand Stars High Entropy Body were already close to the ceiling, but now? Our acting emperor was promoted to Ancient God, which directly brought quality With the improvement, the high-entropy body of thousands of stars has become a thing of the past, we have completely liberated the body and reached the level of ten thousand stars!

The weakness at the beginning was just an illusion. The current empire is actually stronger than when the Starry Sky Emperor was in control. I have strong confidence in myself. The human body is the most powerful treasure. Through transformation, it can become an empire. An inexhaustible treasure trove!”

My current methods are more terrifying than any weapons. This energy can be distinguished by the realm of myth. I am afraid it is an immortal king, right?

What's more, Immortal Lord is just beginning. There are too many high-entropy bodies stronger than me. This time they all attack Jingxuan Island. There will be a massacre and we will take it down completely!

I heard that Jingxuan Island unites many small countries and forces, the kind that are backed by the Tree of Chaos. However, they are too weak and are not worthy of attention at all. They are just garbage, hahaha!

Boom boom boom! !

Countless fleets hit the sun and moon tides, and a rolling torrent rushed towards Jingxuan Island.


At this moment, all the elemental bodies on Jingxuan Island flew high into the sky, their expressions changing.

On the other side of the continent, under the distant starry sky, dense shadows flew over.

Too many!

Sizzle! !


Cracks appeared in the air, and the cracks were jumping like wild pythons!

Dawn of Destruction!

someone screamed.

Boom boom boom!

Rays of divine light descended from it, like lightning dragons, destroying everything wantonly!

Click, click, click! !

However, this four-star civilized weapon was blocked by a huge light shield, and it took a full quarter of an hour before both disappeared.

Knight of Glory?

Among the imperial troops, there is a man holding a long sword with a white cloth wrapped around the blade. Once the white cloth is stained with the blood of the sword demon, it can turn into a bloody blade and sweep across everything!

This is a great general in the empire named Hoshino Canhong.


He is still a strong man from the last era.

Once upon a time, there was a ranking list called Tianmolu, and Hoshino Canhong was ranked at the top. During the era when the demons were dancing, Buddhism, Confucianism, and Taoism also fought and knew his name.

Xingye Canhong, who started his career as an evil, absurd, cunning and cunning person, is a person with unpardonable sins and unforgivable crimes.

But later, he was subdued by the Emperor of the Starry Sky and successfully bleached. Even so, it was not enough to save the innocent people who died under his sword.

Killing innocent people indiscriminately, ignoring life...

This is the great general in the empire.

Is that Hoshino Canhong? He has been present in several large-scale wars in recent times.

Long Shaoqin said coldly.

This person was originally a mythical body, but later transformed into a high-entropy body. He has the title of being full of evil, and he never shows mercy. In his eyes, there is only one word, killing, and toughness. Ji Zizai is very good at using people. With this kind of A person cannot formulate tactics when fighting, he will only be dragged into his rhythm.

Wei Ting was deep in thought as he arranged the battle lines.

what is that?

At this time, two people were standing behind Wei Ting.

One was wearing black clothes and had two knives hanging on his waist. The other was moving gracefully and squinting his eyes.

They are Musashi and Nikolai who just woke up.

In addition to being shocked by everything in front of me, I was still shocked.

Yes, you must be surprised. Five thousand years have passed since then.

Fentian walked over and said loudly.

Five thousand?

When Musashi saw Fentian's changed appearance, his jaw dropped to the ground and he didn't close it for a long time.

What's even more shocking is that he can't feel the specific strength of the person in front of him.

Nicholas, too, was astonished.

They don't understand this world at all.


The sight before them made them take a few steps back.

The densely packed warships were so terrifying under the starry sky.

They have never seen this kind of metal monster flying under the sky?


They seem to be on a metal monster so huge that the exact shape is unknown?

What happened to this world?


Completely changed!

Becoming so strange!

You are already dead. It was me who resurrected you. However, you are too weak now and need to be improved. Otherwise, if I devour you, it will be of no use at all. You need to be at the same life level as me.

Fen Tian said grimly.

When he said this...

The corners of Long Shaoqin's eyes couldn't help but twitch.

What? Devour? Fentian, what's going on?

Eat us?

Musashi and Nicholas were suddenly startled and looked at Fen Tian warily.

Musashi even took out his knife, although these two broken knives were just handed over from others.

We are all the reincarnations of the ancient great power. Musashi, you are Futian, known as the Blade of Futian in ancient times, and Nikolai, you are the darkness of tomorrow. You are destined to be swallowed by me. I can be promoted to the ancient god and break the world of mortals. God, invincible in the world!

Fentian Jiejie said with a smile.

There is such a thing...

Musashi sighed: Fentian, you want to devour me? But you need me to be in the same realm as you? Aren't you afraid that I will kill you then?

That's right, are you so confident? If you hide this kind of thing, we won't know about it. When the time comes, it will be easier for you to sneak attack on us.

Nicholas also said.

Haha, I could have swallowed you directly because you used the strengthening needle, but the foundation required to attack the ancient gods is too strong. Only you and I are in the same realm, the ancestor level peak. I, Fentian, promise to give you fairness The opportunity for a battle is valuable only if it is devoured like this, but you probably don’t know what the situation is now. No matter how powerful you two are, you are just individuals.

Fentian's body shrank into the black hole of flames.


All of a sudden, he appeared outside the Longxiang, under the starry sky.


With a wave of his hand, the void shook and twisted, and countless elemental bodies flew out of Jingxuan Island again.

These elemental bodies and cauldrons sent out vast fluctuations, which were not inferior to the imperial army led by Xingye Canhong, and also shattered the cold starry sky.

With the will of great chaos and overwhelming power, they suppressed and moved forward one after another.

Musashi and Nikolai both changed color instantly!

What a power this is!

Fentian has exceeded their imagination!


After the collision of civilized weapons, there was a battle under the starry sky. Various silver lights suddenly appeared, black ripples spread everywhere, the void was shattered, and the stars were shattered.

Powerful elemental bodies continuously flew out from Jingxuan Island, causing the stars to tremble violently and collapse in all directions.

They crazily crashed into the empire's battleship, bursting into brilliant silver light.

The entire sky is like a vast waterfall of flames falling down, like a vast ocean rippling, and the war has completely begun.

Launch, third-level civilized weapon, Death Grip.

The behemoth of Longxiao Kingdom activated its civilized weapons at this moment, and immediately shattered the stars in the distance, causing wind and thunder.

The death grip is like a giant white hand, with a destructive and domineering grip on the imperial army.

Boom boom boom!

In an instant, countless warships exploded.

Continue launching, third-level civilization...


Such a scene...

Musashi was simply shocked!

The interstellar war he had imagined would look like this, with explosions happening one after another under the bright starry sky.

The only difference was that the power of myth was blooming everywhere, and the destructive energy soaring into the sky collided crazily, creating a loud roar.

Standing here, he couldn't even feel stable.

This is so terrible!

The sky is shattering and the earth is shattering, ghosts are crying and gods are howling!

The battlefield is constantly being shattered!

But the shattered battlefield was restored instantly. What kind of world is this?

You have been fooled by this. This is not the starry sky you are familiar with. This is the realm of destruction.

someone whispered to them.

These two once invincible heroes have been reduced to the weakest of existences.

Destruction realm? What do you mean?

Musashi doesn't even know what the Realm of Destruction is.

Brother Musashi, it seems that we are involved in a complicated situation.

Nicholas smiled slightly and said with a pale face.

On the battlefield in front of you, there are constant clanging sounds, bright divine light tearing through the mist in the starry sky, streaks of explosion marks, blazing glow...

They saw such a huge power just after they were resurrected.

It's like waking up from sleep, opening your eyes, and finding a nuclear missile hitting your head.

Yes, and how did we resurrect?

Musashi shook his head and said: I only remember fighting into the second level of hell with you and killing the Black Wind Queen.


At this moment, a shocking incident occurred on the distant battlefield.

An extremely stunning sword light slashed towards him. From such a distance, Musashi even felt that a line of blood appeared on the Tianling Gai!

What kind of sword technique is this?

Already able to ignore distance?

Can't calculate the length!

Chi! !

The next moment, the sword light was blocked and stuck in the starry sky, never falling!


With overwhelming divine power, it rushed forward, and the sword light instantly dissipated and exploded.

A rising sun was too beautiful and brilliant, but it tore the sky into pieces and caused the starry sky to shake violently.

That is?

Nicholas looked at this scene in astonishment.


The sun exploded violently, and various flame patterns flowed, extremely brilliant, cutting through the star field, and the earthquake was violent.

A billowing, burning figure appeared.


Musashi opened his mouth.

Now he can only look up?

Not willing to give in!

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