Dawn's Destruction? Isn't that listed as a prohibited weapon? It absorbs the original energy as a reserve. When attacking, it will directly carry out a destructive and continuous burning attack on the domain. The accuracy is 100%. After the attack, there will be The black flame that never goes out, never sees the light of dawn.”

A member of the Ace Team stood up suddenly, with a look of shock on his face. The Empire actually wanted to use such a terrifying weapon?

This Ji Zizai is so arrogant. When the Emperor of the Starry Sky was around, he never used such weapons, only as a symbol of intimidation.

Now he actually doesn't hesitate to use it to destroy part of Jingxuan Island?

There are two levels of the fourth-level civilization super weapon. The second level is Destruction of Dawn, an enhanced version of Destruction of Dawn. If the empire uses this, even the main city of our Iron-Blooded Kingdom will not be able to withstand it.

Yang Zi also said in shock.

So, what is our mission?

Someone couldn't help but ask.

Even if you give advance notice, so what?

What should be destroyed or what should be destroyed?


Are you sure this isn't about giving away someone's head?

This is our real mission.

Lou Jianzi opened his hand, and a small shield was spinning in his palm. The complex lines on it were constantly flowing, and it looked very extraordinary.

This is the fourth-level civilization super weapon, the Knight of Glory?

One of them recognized it and was extremely surprised.

That's right, Knight of Glory, this is a holy shield. It is divided into two parts. One part will be attached to the surface of the target that needs to be protected. There will be a large projection device that will launch the defense network into the air. The second part, the receiving device, will spread it. To the ground, each set of holy shields can form a defensive network with a range of about a mobile fortress.

Lou Jianzi nodded and said: The outer layer of the defense network has a strong resistance to attack. It is used to destroy destructive energy and block outer space laser weapons. It can open defense loopholes through authorization and allow vehicles to move freely in designated directions. Come in and out, this Holy Shield system is the latest defense system developed by Longxiao Kingdom. The only drawback is that it cannot withstand the destructive intensity of the Dawn of Destruction, but it can resist ordinary ones.

Our mission is to escort the Glory Knights to Jingxuan Island, help Jingxuan Island, gain recognition, and convince them to join forces with us, the Iron-Blooded Nation and the Dragon Roaring Nation, to counterattack the empire.

Hearing these words, the members of the Ace Team nodded.

Captain, it must not be that simple. Although it is just an escort mission, I feel that something will definitely happen.

One person said with a smile.

It's more difficult than the last mission, so we can't rule out that the enemy already knows our plan and will stop us midway, just like last time.

Yang Zi said directly.

It was like this last time, a seemingly ordinary mission, but a powerful team member died.

The empire's calculations are so ruthless, as if they know everything.

The feeling of knowing their alliance inside out.

It must be the ancient gods who are calculating the secrets of heaven. If the rules of the Tree of Chaos hadn't protected the weak, they would have been destroyed long ago.

Yes, this mission is five times as difficult as the last mission, but the number of strengthening needles you will receive will also be five times as many.

Lou Jianzi said calmly.

Five times the number of booster shots is too tempting.

Someone swallowed.

Reinforcing needles are so rare that Long Xiaoguo has to digest them when they are produced.

Now taking it out as a reward for their ace team of the Iron-Blooded Kingdom is definitely a fatal temptation.


The other two roared.

Only Yang Zi frowned and said nothing.

Her heart was spinning. This trip to Jingxuan Island was a long way, and she would definitely not be able to cross it directly.

If space and time fluctuate slightly, the enemy will detect the movement. Using the power of time and wormholes is definitely seeking death.

And what worries her the most is that this giant Jingxuan Island will definitely look down on their so-called alliance from the bottom of their hearts. If they accept their kindness and return the alliance, will it really go so smoothly?

What's more, if they really want to form an alliance with Jingxuan Island, although the pressure on the empire will be reduced, they will undoubtedly get into trouble with Yun Shanshan, who is about to revive.

Well, your mechas have been adjusted. The Savior Type I, Type II... have been equipped with a lot of mythical power for this mission. Please digest it and prepare to hit the road.

Lou Jianzi nodded and suddenly looked at Ye Jue's position.

come here.


Ye Jue pointed at himself with his finger, he was pretending to be stupid.

Yes, Ling Xiao, I want to check your body.

Lou Jianzi said coldly.

Uh, okay.

Ye Jue 'hesitated' for a moment and then came to him.


A beam of red light shot out from between Lou Jianzi's eyebrows and glanced at Ye Jue, going back and forth from head to toe three times before disappearing.

Well, your energy furnace is mg5, which is the latest model, but the energy stored is a bit low. Let me add some fire for you.

Lou Jianzi pondered for a moment, then suddenly stretched out his hand and placed a palm on Ling Xiao's abdomen.

This is……

Ye Jue did not dodge, pretending to be shocked, but in fact he analyzed this power thoroughly in an instant.

It seems like it's trying to add fuel to his fire, but it's actually a controllable destructive force that can destroy him at any time.

This Lou Jianzi is quite ruthless...


Lou Jianzi withdrew his hand calmly, as if nothing happened just now.

Then captain, let's go to the reserve area to prepare and leave at any time.

Yang Zi and others were not surprised.

You go too.

Lou Jianzi waved his hands towards Ling Xiao, clasping his hands behind his back, leaving a silhouette of his back.


The door was closed and it was extremely quiet.

How's it going? Do you feel anything?

At this time, the pendant on Lou Jianzi's neck glowed red.

The red light covers the sky and isolates everything.

Then, a group of virtual figures appeared in mid-air, all with familiar faces.


Unexpectedly, Lou Jianzi's legs suddenly felt weak, his face was extremely pale, and he was sweating profusely.

Huh? What's your reaction? Is there really a spy? Who is it? Is it from Ji Zizi, from Jingxuan Island, or something else?

Among the portraits, a big face suddenly changed, and the flesh on the face was twisted together. Who is it if it is not Wei Ting?


It took a long time before Lou Jianzi regained his composure and managed to say three words.

What? None? Who is that? That made you react so hugely?

Long Shaoqin immediately narrowed his eyes.

It's him...it's him! It's him...

Lou Jianzi mentioned him three times in a row.

He? Who is it!

Wei Ting asked impatiently.

Ye Jue!

As soon as these two words came out, the expressions of all the portraits changed.

you sure?

Long Shaoqin took a breath and his eyes flashed.

Yes, I am absolutely sure. The original DNA that you once gave me suddenly became restless, and it was 1000% compatible with this person.

Lou Jianzi broke into a cold sweat.

Then...it's really him.

Long Shaoqin said quietly.

It's really him. If we didn't have his original DNA, we would never have known it was him. What a Ye Jue, he has been hidden so deeply and unknowingly entered the ace team we control.

We asked you to test each team member. After more than a hundred batches, we caught some spies and executed them directly. Unexpectedly, we found a big guy!

This is a big fish, no, it's a big shark. How did he hide from the Tree of Chaos and be able to move freely in the Realm of Destruction? He is an ancient god, and his soul is connected to the Realm of Destruction. The Tree of Chaos is absolutely We won't let him pass the crystal wall system...

Everyone in the avatar was marveling at this.

Anyway, he really got in, and he might have been the first one we discovered.

Long Shaoqin said coldly.

This is an opportunity!

Wei Ting was dumbfounded at first, and his eyes were extremely excited: We directly deployed the secret weapon and strangled him into the realm of destruction. We can do it now. Although he is an ancient god, he cannot resist our most powerful force. Trump card, this is a good opportunity!”


These high-level people hesitated.

Wei Ting's status is second only to Long Shaoqin.

But Long Shaoqin didn't speak. He couldn't make this kind of decision alone.

No, it's not time yet.

Long Shaoqin directly rejected this proposal: We in the Longxiao Kingdom are the real humans. Naturally, this trump card must be used last. We must destroy all enemies and let only humans exist in the three realms. There will be no other races or aliens. People, there is no life in the cold starry sky anymore, only in this way can we return to the previous earth and return to humanity.

So what to do now...please instruct!

Lou Jianzi stood up, his face still a little pale.

You know, that was an ancient god standing in front of him just now.

One breath and he will be destroyed.

The truth is so cruel.

Could he not be frightened?

We need you to erase this memory of your own. Ye Jue is a very shrewd person. As soon as you come out of this shield, your performance will be observed by him in an instant. The ancient god can know everything about you with just one calculation.

Long Shaoqin spoke indifferently.

By doing this, I'm in a very bad situation, because I don't know that he is Ye Jue, and my next behavior will definitely offend him, and I won't even know how to die.

Lou Jianzi's face darkened.

Are you afraid of death? It doesn't matter. Your original DNA is with us, and we can clone you at any time. The memory is still you.

Wei Ting said immediately.

Although the clone has my previous memories, the cloning and copying technology does not inherit the memory like the sea of ​​reincarnation in the big starry sky! It means that if I die, my person and existence will really die.

Lou Jianzi clenched his fists, and the bones made a rattling sound as they rubbed against the metal.

Don't forget that your current achievements and glory are all given to you by our Dragon Xiao Kingdom, and we can take it back at any time.

Long Shaoqin's face turned cold.

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