Even so, that doesn't allow me to die.

Lou Jianzi clenched his fists and tried hard to restrain himself.

After a little calculation, he found that the probability of his death was over 90%.

When you die, you are truly dead. The cloned person is no longer his original self.

Lou Jianzi, don't forget, we have installed super nano bombs in each of your cells. If you don't obey the order, then the only way is destruction.

Wei Ting smiled sarcastically.

In the hero ranking list of Longxiao Kingdom, these so-called heroes are actually their puppets.

Even if you die, your original DNA will be retained and can be cloned at any time.

But it is difficult for them to accept their own clones, so there has never been a copy, and the original body is unique.


Lou Jianzi's eyes flashed and his whole body started to tremble.

Hmph, don't even think about joining Ye Jue. This path won't work. Once the shield is closed and you haven't deleted your memory, then we will detonate the bomb in your body. How do you choose now?

The senior officials of Longxiao Kingdom said coldly.

Okay, okay.

Lou Jianzi's face was gloomy, his fingers were placed on his temples, and a blue light flickered.

Go on to your next mission.

Long Shaoqin gave an indifferent order.


Lou Jianzi's eyes were empty and he opened the shield.

After a while...

He opened his eyes, there was nothing strange at all, his expression was cold, and he walked out of the room calmly.

At this time, the members of the Ace Team have gathered in the preparation area, and their mechas have been upgraded.

The savior main armor is the most powerful mecha in the Iron-Blooded Kingdom. They are both at the pinnacle level of the Immortal Emperor. The pilot can also superimpose the power ten times, which is unparalleled.

Mecha itself, these two types, represent the two extremes and are highly praised by the Destruction Realm.

Don't underestimate mechas. Once you and I train to the extreme, they will naturally become ancestors. Moreover, they are two-in-one and their power is doubled.

However, the strength of the high-entropy body itself is calculated directly according to the star rating, and one body can dominate the world forever!

When fighting, the power of mythology is combined with technology, and wisps fly up from the body, like thin smoke, gorgeous and magical.

The so-called mythical power is their fuel. After extraction and refinement, it becomes stronger.

The Iron-Blooded Kingdom is dominated by mechas, and the Alliance Dragon Roar Kingdom is also half-mecha and half-body.

As for the incalculable number of imperial troops, most of them are cultivating their own bodies, and only a small number of affiliated forces use mechas.

Because the Emperor of the Starry Sky is the best representative, his body shines with immortal brilliance, falling in the galaxy of the universe, illuminating the entire realm of destruction.

Therefore, the imperial army all followed the emperor's lead and cultivated the original body. The complex changes were not as simple as the mecha.

In the same realm and at the same level of life, it’s hard to say who will win and who will lose.

This is your new mecha. It is directly upgraded from the fusion type you used before. The Strewang Lan Savior Type I. The output has been increased three times compared to before. All functions have been adjusted. Since your previous mecha The star rating is relatively high, and after being converted into a savior, the power far exceeds the output of the lowest model.

The logistics staff came up and explained that this red mecha was staying here and had been fully prepared.


Ling Xiao, who was transformed into Ye Jue, nodded in thanks.

You should, you should, you are a member of the Ace Team, and you have to perform various dangerous missions for our country. It's not too late for us to thank you.

These logistics members said again and again.

Okay, Ling Xiao, hurry up and line up, don't argue with these little people.

The other members of the Ace Team frowned in the distance and gave a low drink.

Ling Xiao, go pilot your mecha. The captain is about to arrive.

Yang Zi frowned.

no problem.

Ye Jue jumped toward the metal monster at an extremely fast speed.


As the mecha's hatch opened, he jumped in.

The cockpit is 360 degrees without any four corners. The console is like riding a motorcycle. Just insert ten fingers into the rings on the left and right in front.


The metal eyes of the savior of the Strelitzia opened instantly, flashed with light, and was immediately activated.

Is that the new member of the Ace Team?

I heard that his name is Ling Xiao. Even the elders of the country dare to offend him. He is not afraid of heaven and earth!

What, you dare to provoke even the elders, I admire you!

Everyone present saw the image of the Savior being activated, and they all knew that Ling Xiao had really officially entered the Ace Team, and even the mecha had been modified, the Strewang Lan.

It was nothing at first, but Ling Xiao had made a big fuss in a strategic fortress before, and he was at odds with the Supreme Elder and the Supreme Elder. With technology so advanced, wouldn't the news spread to every place instantly?

Almost within half an hour, countless people were discussing this matter.

Suddenly, countless rumors spread among the Iron-Blooded Kingdom.

I don't know what the Ace Team's mission is this time. I heard from inside that it is more difficult than the last time.

Really? Then we don't know who will die again. Let's take a guess. Is it Zong Zhengyu, Duan Shuang, or Wang Huan? Or is it the only female pilot Yang Zi? I think this Ling Xiao will not Die so soon.

Then I bet that Ling Xiao will die quickly if he blocks it with Yuan Qiu, one million pounds!

One million catties? OK, OK, I bet!

I'll come too. I'll bet two million that Ling Xiao will die first!

Then I'll bet on Duan Shuang. He can't always be so lucky, right?

Come on, come on, place your bets.

Betting frenzy broke out everywhere.

Of course, Ling Xiao has the highest odds of surviving this mission.

Are you betting on my death?

Ye Jue's eyes opened and he couldn't help but smile. His hearing spanned the ages, and he knew all the rumors about himself.

Zong Zhengyu, Duan Shuang, and Wang Huan, these are the three members of the Ace Team.

Ling Xiao, you are the newcomer and we are the seniors. Whatever we order you to do, you must do it and you must not disobey. Do you understand?

Zong Zhengyu's virtual avatar appeared on the screen of the Hewanglan.

Oh? Is there such a thing? Shouldn't I just obey the captain's orders?

Ling Xiao's expression was stunned.

You obey the captain's orders, and you must also obey our orders.

Wang Huan said immediately.

Ah, then aren't we all teammates? Why should I obey your orders?

Ling Xiao still looked 'confused'.

Because we are seniors!

Zong Zhengyu shouted lowly.

Senior, can you order me? May I ask if this senior has been given any special rights?

Ling Xiao asked in a silly tone.


Yang Zi couldn't help laughing.

This Ling Xiao is really stupid.

Is this the power of the natural system?

Only the captain can give orders. We only provide guidance and advice.

Duan Shuang, a chubby man, said with a smile.

Oh, then I understand. You don't have to accept the suggestion.

Ling Xiao suddenly realized.

Zong Zhengyu was speechless for a moment, his expression not very pretty.

I wanted to give the newcomers a thumbs up.

I didn't expect this newcomer to be so sluggish.

The Ace Team really recruits everyone.

What on earth are those senior officials of the Iron-Blooded Kingdom thinking?

Bring a retarded person to the team?

at this time.

Wang Huan suddenly gave him a look, and they understood each other.


Just let him jump around for two more days!

Anyway, he will never come back alive from this mission.

Thinking of this...

The corners of their mouths were slightly raised.

The coordinates have been transmitted, and the transmission will begin in five seconds.

At this time, Lou Jianzi's voice suddenly appeared.

People didn't see it.

Didi! Countdown:


The wormhole from top to bottom instantly enveloped the five mechas.

Ye Jue's mecha was teleported to a void area, where there was no light from the sun or the moon. All kinds of void gods swallowed harmful substances, covering the sky and the sun. They were everywhere. I don't know what the hell it was in the realm of annihilation.

In short, he could no longer feel the space city and was teleported to a far away place.

The spiritual thoughts spread in all directions, but nothing was found.

The other four teammates also appeared here one after another.

So many Void Divine Insects?

Lou Jianzi was stunned, his big hand shrouded, pinched the insects, and directly used the power of myth, thousands of miles of void turned into powder, the mecha actually pinched a deep pit in the void, which shows that the strength is not trivial.

Clean up the divine insects first!

Duan Shuang, the deputy team leader, said immediately after seeing Lou Jianzi take action.


He also used real fire, and the power of mechas emerged one after another. Various mythological powers were intertwined and combined together to burst out endless thunder and fire, astral energy and divine light, which collided with those void divine insects, making this The entire space was distorted.

The savior's mecha has too much energy. After all, it is an Immortal Emperor level and can affect a starry sky.

When fighting the enemy, a single unit can move the planet, and multiple units can set up a mythical array on the spot, trapping the enemy in it.

The Immortal Emperor is originally a powerful life level. Everything in the universe is under the control of the Immortal Emperor. This is the realm, the invincible realm.

Although it is still worse than the ancestor level, it was once the ceiling level.

However, these Void Divine Insects have been devouring the origin of the Tree of Chaos all year round, and are unimaginably strong. Even if they shake a space, the force like a tide all the time cannot disintegrate the armor on their bodies.


Lou Jianzi slashed out with his sword, and the divine insects were all broken into pieces and dying. He only killed ten of them, which was already pretty good.


At the same time, more divine insects were wandering around, surrounding and killing them.

Only then did all the members of the Ace Team begin the real battle, each showing their own magical powers.

Ling Xiao is not stingy with his swordsmanship either, with the Purple Sun Sword, boundless karma fire returns to the sea like a dragon, a tiger enters the mountains and forests, and enters and exits seven times.

He Wanglan's savior-level mecha shot straight through the gap and came to a Void Divine Insect again. He grabbed it hard with his big metal hand. In a moment of grabbing, it broke through the chest, and actually scratched through it, and one of them jumped alive. His heart was ripped out.

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