This is a good saying. Everyone has their own secret. A secret is a secret. Otherwise, can it be called a secret?

Ling Xiao followed Yang Zi and said so with the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

Space City No. 10 of the Iron Blood Kingdom is located in the void, and the surrounding space is completely divided, forming such a huge thing that the actual volume cannot be calculated.

Looking at Yang Zi's red hair and Ye Jue's transformation into Ling Xiao, there were slight wrinkles on his brows.

This hair color looks so familiar...

It seemed that he had seen him five thousand years ago. In an instant, he seemed to have captured the figure of a person.

But it was too vague and too long ago, not to mention that he was not so strong at that time, so it was normal to lose some memories.

Miss Yang Zi, be careful where you step.

Ye Jue said suddenly.

Huh? Feet?

Yang Zi looked down in confusion.


Her body froze instantly, but it was not absolutely still.

At this point, Ye Jue reached out his hand and placed his palm on the top of her head.

Many memories of Zhi Dian came to him.

Most of it is training, killing enemies, killing enemies, training.


Suddenly, Ye Jue saw a figure.

This is what Yang Zi looked like when she was a child. The woman holding her hand next to her looks very familiar.

It turned out to be her.

Ye Jue withdrew his hand and took a few steps back.

Yang Zi returned to normal and looked down at the ground, but found nothing and frowned.

Ling Xiao, why did you tell me to be careful where I step?

She looked at the latter with suspicion.

Sorry, I misread it. It means it's a bug.

Ye Jue shrugged his shoulders.

Bugs? You are really interesting. Where do the bugs in the space city come from? Do you think the purification system of the space city is working in vain?

Yang Zi was speechless for a moment, looking at Ling Xiao, feeling that he was a countryman entering the city.


Ye Jue smiled brightly, and the answer to the mystery was revealed, and asked: Miss Yang Zi, are you a human?


Yang Zi suddenly stopped and stared at him with sharp eyes: How do you know that I am indeed a human being and come from a difficult situation, but only a few people know who you are?

Misunderstanding, I have the ability to see through the origin and essence of a person.

He said quickly.

Do you have this ability?

Yang Zi was extremely confused.

Of course it is, that's one of my secrets.

Ye Jue said with a smile.

Hmph, you used some kind of trick, right? I'm too lazy to investigate anyway.

Yang Zi snorted and said: Only a few people know that I am a human being. You are not allowed to talk nonsense in front of outsiders, you know, otherwise I will not spare you.

Understand, I'm not the kind of person to talk too much.

Ye Jue smiled and said: Since it is a human being, it is not a clone. It is a naturally developed embryo. Miss Yang Zi, you have parents, right?

You talk too much!

When Yang Zi heard the words parents, her face suddenly darkened: Ling Xiao, are you a talkative person? There are some things that you shouldn't ask too much about. Don't you understand this?

I'm just curious and want to know why humans are in the Realm of Destruction. Aren't humans and the Realm of Destruction enemies?

Ye Jue said lightly, with a face that was not afraid of death, very shameless, as if he was talking about an insignificant thing.

Although I am a human being, I was born in the realm of destruction.

Yang Zi responded coldly.


Ye Jue nodded slightly.

He got it.

An acquaintance five thousand years ago came to the realm of destruction and gave birth to this girl.

No wonder such red hair looks so familiar.

Yang Hongyue.

This name was recalled by him.

This is your room. Go in and rest. Instructions will be displayed on your bracelet.

Yang Zi obviously no longer had the same attitude as before, her face was a little cold, and she left without saying a word.


The hatch is closed.

This room only has one bed, one table, and daily facilities.

Ye Jue sat cross-legged on the bed and entered meditation.

Ye Jue, who is this Yang Zi?

The weapon spirit of Yu Hua Jing, Yi, asked curiously.

She is the daughter of an acquaintance. I didn't expect to meet here five thousand years later.

Ye Jue shook his head.

He used the sacred calculator to calculate Yang Hongyue and found that there was no trace of this woman's life, which meant that she was dead.

At that time, he arrived at a certain mechanical base. Yang Hongyue showed him the way and they had a social relationship.

Later, she seemed to join the guild, and she was seen on the battlefield.

After that, there will be no messages.

I see, why don't you give her some guidance and use her to your advantage? If you want to establish your own power, you must recruit troops. Let's start with her.

B said so.

That makes sense.

Ye Jue nodded.

Now, his level of life cannot improve.

If a low-level ancient god wants to be promoted to a mid-level ancient god, Yituo must become one with the heavenly weapon.

At that time, he will be able to gain great benefits and make a breakthrough.

This is also one of the purposes of his coming to the realm of destruction.

But time is running out, and when deep space cannot withstand the pressure, a new world will begin.

However, Ye Jue rested in his room for two days in a row.

He was not in a hurry, his consciousness enveloped the entire space city, and he listened to everyone's conversations.

Have you heard that our Space City No. 7 was taken over by the Imperial Army? The Imperial Army is too powerful. I thought that if the Emperor of Starry Sky left, we would lose a lot of advantage. But I didn't expect that after Ji Zizi took over, his thunderous methods were completely Not inferior to the Emperor of the Starry Sky, he took back the land. Now 60% of the empire's territory, Jingxuan Island 30%, the guy named Yue Shang Emperor, 5%, and the rest are us, the Dragon Roar Kingdom, the Iron-Blooded Kingdom Alliance.

It's all the ancient gods who joined the battle, and the empire can be unstoppable. I heard that one is called the leader of Chaos Zuma, and the other is the three pillars. The acting emperor is originally a pawn arranged by them.

Jingxuan Island has lost three major battles in a row, losing 10% of its land. I heard that not only the empire is attacking it, but also an old force is rising rapidly, trying to engulf Jingxuan Island. Did you know Who is that person?”

have no idea.

He is the master of Yunshan Mountain. He captured the Black World and his strength increased dramatically. Now he has returned to the Realm of Destruction to regain the lost territory. Can Jingxuan Island live a good life as it is attacked from both inside and outside?

But having said that, this Jingxuan Island is really powerful. Who is the master?

Master? World-Burning Spirit, have you heard of this name?

I've heard of it. I heard that it's an existence born from the largest red crow in the realm of destruction. It's born to be wild and extremely arrogant.

How could Chiwu give birth to such a creature?

Who knows? I heard it was said to be put in by the Great Power. It was originally very weak, but it absorbed the Red Crow from the Destruction Realm, which is the greatest essence of the sun, and it became so powerful.

Well, this kind of existence is not something we can discuss. We are just the logistics staff of the space city. Our strength is extremely humble. If we don't have the opportunity, our ceiling will be like this for the rest of our lives.

All kinds of comments could not escape Ye Jue's ears.

He had heard a lot of information in the past two days, and after using the Holy Calculator to evolve, he instantly knew more.

But I still have a question. Who is the emperor this month? Our Iron-Blooded Nation seems to be very afraid of him. Even our alliance, the Longxiao Nation, is the same. I heard that our senior management went to contact this person, but he was kicked back. Losing face.

I don't know, but he must be a powerful guy.

Didi! !

At this moment, the high-tech bracelet worn by Ye Jue flashed twice, and commands popped up in the void.

Military rank: Ling Xiao, code name: bk-201, go to space E immediately and fold. The road map has been sent and needs to be reached in ten minutes!


It blinks and then turns off.

Space E is folded...

Ye Jue flicked his fingers, and as he walked, his spiritual thoughts penetrated.

It was a large white room with a shield covering everything.

But for him, it was like child's play, and he could easily see clearly inside.

The four of them have different looks. Yang Zi is also among them, and they are all members of the ace team.

It seems that the mission is about to be carried out.

Ye Jue smiled, he, the last member of the ace team, was late.

Ling Xiao, the time is seven minutes and fifty-nine seconds. You clicked well.

Hmph, did you know that you are a newcomer and you dare to ask us to wait for you?

It seems that he wasn't trained well, so he joined us.

The three members of the ace team, all monster-like masters, showed disdain.

Ling Xiao, why are you so slow?

Yang Zi stood up and asked him questions.

The assembly time must have passed, right?

Ye Jue smiled brightly.

No, but we usually arrive at the scene seven minutes early because the captain may come early at any time. We must not let the captain wait for us. Pay attention next time. Do you understand?

Yang Zi said coldly.


Ye Jue nodded slightly.

In fact, Yang Zi is a pretty good girl, and doing this now is tantamount to rescuing him.

Hmph, if you know it, sit down quickly and wait for the captain.

Others said dissatisfiedly.

At about nine minutes, the door to the room opened automatically, and a foot stepped in. A strong wind blew, making everyone present tremble.

Captain! Hello, Captain! Captain! ...

The members of the ace team immediately saluted, their attitudes were very respectful, and their movements were extremely standard.

Ye Jue also followed the gourd's pattern, but Tai Chi's golden eyes glanced over.

The peak of the Immortal Emperor?


No, the life level is the middle stage of the Ancestor, which hides the strength, which is not bad.

It seems that Lou Jianzi, after betraying the earth, joined the Longxiao Kingdom and lived a good life here.

This mission is more difficult and complicated than the last one. We have to represent the entire Iron-Blooded Kingdom and contact the people of Jingxuan Island because we have received a tip that the Imperial Army is going to carry out a fatal attack on their southern island and will use the Fourth Super civilization super weapon, Destruction of Dawn.

Lou Jianzi slowly explained the situation of this mission.

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