Ye Jue appeared like a ghost, killing enemies one after another, and the star rating of this fusion mecha was also raised to 215 stars.

His strength was almost at the level of a Void Immortal. The Purple Sun Sword, the Boundless Karma Fire, and the Ming Sheng Sword Technique were twisted into a hot spiral energy, killing four or five more mechas in an instant.

After devouring it, the mecha became slightly stronger.

For Ye Jue, this improvement is not enough. If his own power cannot be exposed, he can even integrate freedom, the two great powers of creation, and various mysterious Taoist restrictions into the mecha.

It can be raised to the level of Immortal Emperor in an instant, so there is no need to go to such trouble.

However, doing this will undoubtedly be noticed by Ji Zizai, and even if he is lucky enough to avoid it, he will not be able to hide it from the Tree of Chaos.


In an instant, the mecha driven by Ye Jue activated the boundless fire thousands of times, and the billowing flames formed a circle.


Then a sword in the flame circle struck out with light, and the air buzzed and trembled.

What is the origin of this bk-201? Is it so powerful?

I heard that it was originally from the King Tiger team. The King Tiger team was wiped out, and he was the only one left. And he completed the mission by himself. It's like cheating.

I lost to him. The Ming Sheng Sword Technique is actually rubbish, but he used it superbly. The power is even more powerful than the mythical power I fused!

In this siege battle, there were too many people who shone brightly, and the most eye-catching one was this red mecha. It was like a comet rising and a beacon, showing its domineering power and overpowering the masses.

Any supernova seems to be slightly inferior in front of him, and it feels like he is 50-50 equal to anyone else.


The same fusion mecha from the enemy was suddenly blasted into the air, blood spurted out from the cockpit, its body was torn apart, and a series of explosions rang out in the air, shocking the heroes.

Of course, even so, it could not change the situation of the war, and this stronghold was still pushed forward by the Zaer Gang.

Although Ye Jue's operation is very eye-catching, looking at the overall situation is not enough, and the influence of his strength is too small.


The ace team has appeared. That's our ace pilot. Look!

Lou Jianzi, the ace of our Iron Blood Kingdom!

At this moment, there was a commotion nearby.

Immediately, there was a dragon-shaped curve across the sky, and a black mecha like a god and demon appeared. Stars gathered towards it from all directions, and it was extremely brilliant, like a god cast.

The eyes of this mecha were golden, radiating with a strong belief, and the fighting spirit surged, shaking the battlefield!


The impact came immediately, and all the nearby mechas that were hit by the impact couldn't help but fall back.

Chi Chi Chi! !

Similarly, four gray mechas also arrived here. The mecha's logo is very conspicuous. It is a golden shield, which represents the highest glory, the ace pilot team.


At this moment, the dragon-shaped black mecha moved, covered in dragon energy, releasing dazzling divine light, and the entire starry sky shook violently.

In his hand, a lightsaber was condensed, and the light of the galaxy was condensed. It was like a sword that cut through the ancient and modern times. Its power was astonishing. This was the strength of the ace.

One sword strike...

Puff puff puff puff! !

The Zar Gang's fearless mecha sea were all swept away and mercilessly killed!

There is no doubt about the strength of the ace pilot, and his reputation as the supreme of the younger generation is not in vain.


At this time, Ye Jue made no move. The mecha stopped below and observed the ace pilot.

Lou Jianzi, he remembered this name. He was one of the second batch of people on the Earth's Heroes List.

With a glance, he could tell what kind of mecha this Lou Jianzi was driving.

A savior type seals an extremely mysterious world. The mecha is a container of the world, and there are more than 100,000 micro-nano energy furnaces.

Especially Lou Jianzi himself, his body contains a kind of mythical power, the power of the sword, and the world of the sword are extremely spectacular.

Strong is strong, his strength is almost at the Immortal Emperor level.

However, he is a betrayer.

Ye Jue smiled coldly and had an idea in his mind.


Lou Jianzi didn't want to waste time. The mecha's eyes suddenly blazed like a torch, and the mythical power burned all over his body. He actually changed his position on the spot, and instantly slashed tens of thousands of powerful sword shadows in all directions, annihilating them. All obstacles ahead.

The mechas of the Zaer Gang were like straw, being harvested easily and exploding repeatedly.

Everyone was shocked, their hearts skipped a beat, and they all opened their eyes wide to look at the scene.

However, the savior-type mecha is too fast. It travels like a ghost, as if it has separated into a thousand phantoms, each of which is real. It possesses shocking combat power, causing chaos in the world and cracking the sky.

Every sword made the vast universe tremble, and the energy billowed, reaching far away, and the vastness was vast.

This is a real large-scale killing attack, a mecha that changes the situation of the battle.

Come on, follow the trump card and kill everyone!

No, this Zar gang was so arrogant just now. They want to push down our stronghold?


With the leadership of the ace pilot and their astonishing invincibility, no one could bear it any longer and counterattacked one after another.


The same was true for Ye Jue. He held a beam war spear and danced to kill, piercing every mecha. Every time he swung, he moved forward unstoppably.


At this moment, the members of the ace team in the sky noticed something, looked down, and observed for a while.

This warrior is of good quality. I have never controlled a fusion mecha so sharply. He doesn't have any unnecessary movements and he can move like water. I'm afraid he is a master from some country. He has come to join our Iron-Blooded Nation and build up his military exploits from a young soldier.

The female pilot's eyes lit up.

Well, it's indeed good. I also noticed that he is qualified to join our ace team, but he has to wait until he gets the Excalibur-type mecha and becomes a second lieutenant before he is qualified.

One man nodded.

His eyes can slow down many times, and he can clearly see the changes.

That's why I discovered that this talented person who controls the fusion mecha has no obvious shortcomings. He is limited by the ceiling of the fusion mecha.

Uh... His name is Ling Xiao? He belongs to the Tiger King Squad. The Tiger King Squad was annihilated, and he fought his way out of the siege by himself?

Lou Jianzi said lightly that there were not many people who could catch his attention.

Can be used as a backup candidate for the ace team.


At this moment, a line of small words appeared on the screen of Ye Jue's mecha.

You have been included in the Ace Team reserves.

So fast?

Ye Jue originally wanted to reveal some of his strength, but he didn't expect that these aces couldn't sit still and actively recruited him.

The corner of his mouth raised.

I wonder what Lou Jianzi’s expression will be when he finds out it’s him?


Ye Jue once again beheaded the enemies very fiercely, killing three enemies on the spot. With a long roar, the mecha shook with the power of myth, and the fire mist rolled, showing great power.

Puff puff! !

He stepped on a strange footwork, leaving behind a series of afterimages in the limited world. The speed was so fast that people's eyes could not keep up.

Oh? This is the Little Piaomiao Technique, known as the Little Supreme Footwork. I didn't expect him to be able to perform it with a mecha. We really saw the right person.

Well, not bad, not bad. It's worth training. I will train him well.

Hahaha, don't use too much force and kill them. That's how you killed the last genius.

When the members of the ace team saw this, they were even more sure that this was a talent. They recognized this footwork and its extraordinary nature could be seen from its name.

Xiao Piaomiao Jue is a mythical power that has been thoroughly analyzed. Although it is low-level, it is also very amazing when used well. It is suitable for close combat, not suitable for long-distance crossing.

They have also mastered it and have reached the extreme. Even if Ye Jue's performance is vivid and fast, it is too fast for people to react.

The pilots of these ace team only think it is good and appreciate it, and there is nothing else.

In this way, the trump card appears, and the battle situation takes a new turn.

The Zar gang was so pissed that they were killed, with a look of horror on their faces, and they were all afraid of the savior-type mecha.

Although there are a few of them, they will never be dispatched so easily. They must treat them as a national treasure and protect the base camp.

A country that would not attack so easily and could participate so easily shows that its underlying strength is not ordinary.

Damn, I didn't expect that the Iron-Blooded Country has already formed an alliance with the Dragon Roaring Country. We also participated in the research on this savior-type mecha and provided technical support. Now it's fine. Raising tigers is a problem. Our Zar Gang follows the Tenth Formation Master The deceased has no backing and has been abandoned by the empire. He must find a stronger backing. I heard that Yun Shanshan is going to be resurrected again, but there is a big enemy like Jingxuan Island standing in front of him. Do you want to ally with them? …”

This voice passed into Ye Jue's ears. It was said by a senior member of the Zaer Gang.

It seems that Ye Yi has already acted secretly and started recruiting troops.

Then you can't slow down your own progress. You must take over the Iron-Blooded Kingdom as soon as possible, and when the time comes, you can counterattack the Longxiao Kingdom's army.


Ye Jue's body moved, and a stream of brilliance intertwined from his body, forming a huge lotus.

This power is a trace of the Pure World Lotus. It is stored in his body and disappears into the void in an instant.

He was delivering a message to the Lord of the Black Domain, telling him that he had arrived at the Realm of Destruction and where he was.


Suddenly, many powerful spiritual thoughts in the entire realm of annihilation glanced at the Purifying Lotus, trying to peep into what information it contained. However, no matter how powerful the existence was, they could not peek in and were wiped out by the power of purification. Once the thought comes into contact, it cannot penetrate it.

Naturally, no one knows who launched it.

Puff puff!!

There are many powerful beings on the mainland to capture them.

However, he was injured instead and his body was almost wiped out.


Immediately, this pure lotus disappeared. It only took a moment and could no longer be traced.

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