Moreover, as his military rank was promoted to corporal, these people also respected him more, and even changed you to you.

Corporal, quickly board this mecha. I wish you good military luck!

These support staff salute.

thank you all.

Ye Jue was very polite and jumped into the new red mecha.

Ding! Welcome to the zzz3 fifth generation. During the identity verification, it is determined that the person logging in is Ling Xiao. The verification is successful. The integration starts after the first login.


The mecha immediately erupted with electric arcs.

There were hundreds of needle-like cables sticking out of the cabin, inserted into Ye Jue's skin.

Ye Jue naturally did not resist.

Didi...error...detection...didi, fusion successful!

After the first alarm, Ye Jue directly used the power of creation to instantly transform the fusion mecha.

It does not have an energy furnace itself. It is a ball of simulated energy that prompts an error.

So you can pass it with some modifications.

Hey! Corporal, you have a new mission. You have been assigned to the Raptor Combat Team. Please go to the Taklama War Zone and join the combat unit to prepare for war! Please note that the ace pilot and the Ace Team are also in the Taklama War Zone...

Ye Jue frowned.

This seems like a cumbersome task.

He still likes to go to the battlefield to improve his records. If the iron-blood system is used to forcibly modify the tasks here, it may be noticed.

Wait until he completely erodes the iron-blooded system.


The metal door opened and white smoke billowed out.

Three days later…

Taklama war zone.

A red mecha killed the enemy on the spot with a wave of his hand, and all the mythical particles and energy were integrated into his mecha.

The great thing about fusion mechas is that they can continuously devour other mechas and fuse them to the limit. The highest ceiling is probably one thousand stars.

By upgrading the mecha to a thousand stars, the high-entropy body will become a thousand-star powerhouse.

But this is almost impossible to do.

Most high-entropy bodies will choose the Excalibur type, because the Excalibur type starts with 700 stars.

As for the fusion type, it will take years and months to upgrade to 700 stars.

On Ye Jue's first day here, the tasks have not been assigned yet.

Moreover, this is a desert, the sun is blazing, the temperature drops sharply at night, and the visibility is extremely poor.

Of course, this is for other people.

Then, the commander gives a speech to explain the situation and mission in detail.

They probably want to kill the enemy's mecha regiments stationed here. There are hundreds of strongholds in total. They need to split up and conduct drills.

The next day was the mission drill. Ye Jue jogged all the way and entered the cockpit very skillfully. The door just closed.

He performed several slow practical movements, a set of close attack movements in the square, and various flashy movements, which were quite neat and expert among veterans.

Not bad, not bad. The people recommended by the system are very good. I'm afraid the integration level is 90%, right?

This fusion machine was also upgraded to 180 stars by him. The star rating has risen so fast. It's quite powerful!

We will continue to observe, the Iron-Blooded Country needs such talents.

Voices in the darkness kept ringing.

On the fourth day, the Zaer Gang launched a sudden attack here.

Naturally, the Iron-Blooded Kingdom would not just surrender.

Bang bang bang bang!!

The attack frequency of various beam cannons makes it difficult to distance the self-destructing Zar Gang.

Although the results were brilliant, they did not play a key role!

Kill, kill, kill!

The mobile suits are roaring like crazy!

Under the influence of military merit, they hardly flinched!

It is the power of unity!

Explosions exploded wildly in the Zar Gang!

Both friendly forces and places were blown to pieces!

This is a tactic of killing one enemy and damaging yourself by 8,000!


It was this tactic that made the entire Zaer Gang move forward again!

Intense artillery support is needed!! Intense artillery support is needed!!

The field commander roared into the intercom, requesting laser cannon support from the combat conference room!

Start the laser cannon, activate them all, release the energy!

The Iron-Blooded Nation also knew that at the critical moment, it could no longer skimp on energy tanks.

boom! ! !


The laser cannon sitting on the giant wall suddenly fired out balls of energy!

The explosion caused by this energy is like countless small mushroom clouds!


Thick smoke billows!

Below is a red to red flame!

Laser cannons fire from all directions!

The area covered is 100,000 square meters!

At least 7 to 800 thousand of the crowded Zal Gang soldiers were bombarded.


Those explosions were detonated on the spot. Oh no!

The series of violent explosions were deafening!

Ho ho ho ho!!

They continue to advance amidst the burning fire of countless Zal Gang soldiers!

These mecha warriors are fearless!

I have no idea what horror is!

This is the only instinct of the Zal gang!

The black sea of ​​mechas resounded through the sky.

It made everyone’s diaphragms ache!

The fire caused by the laser cannon soared into the sky, and the heat wave was even dozens of meters high!

The fire mercilessly devoured the mechas!


They are still moving forward!

Damn it, don't the Zar Gang know what it means to be afraid?

The sergeant was somewhat annoyed.

Such a large-scale burning could not stop the Zal Gang's attack!

As the burning flame slowly dwindles...

Those mechas and Zaer gang soldiers will launch a more violent attack!

Let the weapons-carrying weapons five kilometers away start firing. Now is no longer the time to conserve our strength!

they roared.

There are so many types of weapons on those carriers!

A large cannon from a small caliber!

Then to the medium-caliber beam cannon, which can fire more than 500 beam cannons in one minute.

Get ready for the ace!

The eyelids of the Iron-Blooded Kingdom kept twitching!

If heavy firepower can't stop the Zal gang's attack...

You have to use the trump card.

Boom boom boom!


The carrying weapons that were standing under the giant wall started to activate one after another!

Their aim was aimed at the position behind the front of the Zal Gang tide!

In this way, not only will the soldiers on the front line not be harmed, but they can also effectively attack the mechas and block their attacks!

Heavy artillery shells rose into the sky!

The Zar Gang within the impact range of the shells were all torn into pieces!

Boom boom boom!

A hail of artillery fire!

It was a real salvo!

Laughing heavy artillery of various calibers were firing shells desperately.

This scene is very shocking! !

The soldiers raised their heads one after another!

Whispering, you can see the flames of light passing overhead at high speed.

Then he went vertically down and hit the Zal Gang's attack hard!

In the realm of destruction, Ye Jue is still growing secretly...

Leading to deep space.

There is little life left here.

I just felt it, there are pieces of me here!

The African youth was very excited and wandered around in the kingdom of the gods.

He couldn't help but feel excited. Now that he was getting closer to his goal step by step, he could return to his real body.

The God-Slaying Sword was once really capable of killing gods, and it was definitely not easy.

He himself speculated that it was the ancient god who was killed!

As long as he collects this fragment, he will definitely know what kind of existence he is and what power he has.

Laifu snorted coldly: You still need to wait patiently. Don't get too happy too soon. Do you really think these guardians are made of persimmons?

Why did you jump out and talk again? No one is paying attention to you. Are you feeling anxious?

The African young man hummed.

Do you really have this power?

Laifu became suspicious.

This is other people's territory, and the strong dragon will not overwhelm the local snake.

The increase in strength of others is too strong. If his increase here is +1, the increase for other beings is at least +13.

Are you doubting me?

The African young man screamed strangely and felt uneasy.

He has swept through the enemy so many times, but now he is suspected.

I doubt you because you are just an artifact.

Laifu was suppressing the situation below, with his paws clasped together, he walked out from the depths of the kingdom of gods.

The essence of the kingdom of gods has been taken away by it.

What happened to ordinary artifacts? I only have 1 fragment left!

African youths went berserk.


Laifu drawled his tone.

Why doesn't he believe it so much?


Suddenly, Laifu roared, clenched his claws, and the bottom began to spin and rise crazily.

Under the operation of his energy, the concentration of spiritual power reached an incredible value.

All of a sudden, all parties were alarmed.

Meteorites and asteroid belts gather in a crazy place.

The speed has exceeded the range of understanding, almost in the blink of an eye.

Boom boom boom...

The particles turned into a long river and swept forward, merging into it in an instant.

Immediately afterwards, various strange metals flew out from each planet, fused with each other, and began to change their shapes.

It is actually a huge ark that can carry all living beings and travel to the other side.

This ark is a terrifying monster that surpasses the mothership and surpasses all alien races. With a slight swing in the void, it triggers a huge magnetic storm and sweeps across all the stars.

Our Ark will take humans out of deep space!

Laifu said.

It once used the East China Sea Divine Furnace as an engine to emit tens of millions of holy lights, and its brilliance directly penetrated the void of the universe.

Laifu did not give up on the ark.

There was lightning and thunder here, and beams of light illuminated the sky. The most manic energy poured down, carrying a destructive aura.

The enemy in front is as solid as divine gold, with various divine patterns emerging, and the energy field is terrifying, even surpassing all existing technologies in the realm of destruction.


Lou Jianzi? Isn't he from the Longxiao Kingdom? Why is he in our Iron Blood Kingdom?

Don't you understand this? This is called talent transportation!

Yes, I heard that he is still a legend in the Battle of the Five Peaks and a member of the Hero List?

What's the battle of the five peaks? What's going on?

I'll tell you slowly and in detail, this Battle of the Five Peaks is a story that happened after the Dragon Roar Kingdom entered the realm of destruction. At that time, the Dragon Roar Kingdom was still a country, and it was called the Dragon Roar Army. It descended on the Dark Kiln. At that time, the Dark Kiln There are five powerful strategic fortresses, and I want to enslave them as slaves...

Right away, the war breaks out!

However, who could have expected that in the end, the Dragon Roar Legion would defeat five strategic fortresses by itself, subdue those soldiers who surrendered, and overnight become the leader of the five peaks. You think it's awesome or not? ?”

After that, our Iron-Blooded Nation will form an alliance with this country, and this Lou Jianzi will be the trump card,

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