What the hell?

At this point, a lot of suspense has been left for these people.

The war ended quickly.

It ended with the defeat of the Zal Gang, and the Iron-Blooded Nation won a complete victory.

All the special high-grade materials in this area belong to the Iron-Blooded Alliance.

Boom boom boom! !

Immediately afterwards, huge and complex machines were used for mining, and thick smoke billowed.

In the world of the Tree of Chaos, these super-high-grade substances, such as metals, are inexhaustible.

No matter how fast the mining speed is, it is far less than the speed of regeneration. The origin of the world is so powerful, so it can be far ahead and cultivate an empire, as well as a starry sky emperor with unrivaled power to lead the heroes.

Now the codename bk-201 has gained quite a reputation.

In the fusion mecha circle, he is quite famous and is touted as a god. All kinds of combat videos and materials are regarded as textbook level.

Coach Ling Xiao, why am I still unable to control the power of myth? What is missing?

Coach, please teach me, sister. How about we communicate in depth tonight...


Within the mobile strategic fortress, Ye Jue's transformation into Ling Xiao has many followers, and he will be watched whenever he shows up.

Because these days, he has upgraded the fusion mecha to star level again, and it has reached the terrifying 500 star level.

This has become a very rare mecha. Logically speaking, it should have been replaced by the Excalibur type long ago.

However, Chief Ling Xiao said this...

The ceiling of the Excalibur type is already very limited. The fusion type is the way to go. Once you reach 1,000 stars, you can just switch to the savior type.


This made the listener almost spit out a mouthful of blood.

What does it mean to reach 1000 stars?

A lot of time, a lot of material, a lot of fighting, a lot of willpower training.

Directly change to the savior type? ?

The coach is worthy of being one of the backup members of the ace team.

They laughed awkwardly.

Not everyone can open the savior type, only the ace team is eligible.

Moreover, the savior type is also divided into levels, type I, type II, and type III.

For example, the savior opened by Lou Jianzi is the most advanced Type V. It has countless fused mythical powers. The mecha can evolve further. It almost follows the person's cultivation and grows. It is the most perfect mecha.

Ace Team backup.

After Ye Jue was prompted, he was left out in the cold and was assigned an instructor mission to train new troops.

He didn't have much patience to begin with, but fortunately he heard some words and waited until now.

This ace team was on a mission yesterday. Unfortunately, one member was killed in action, and the mecha also exploded. The machine was destroyed and everyone was killed, which made the Iron-Blooded Nation feel heartbroken.

Therefore, the senior management decided to immediately replenish the number of people and select one from the reserve candidates to officially join the team.

But there are more than 10,000 backup personnel in the ace team!

They also come from various forces, and some candidates are very arrogant and arrogant, just waiting to join them.


Sergeant Ling Xiao, please arrive at Death Valley on time at ten o'clock tomorrow.

At this time, a new task was issued.

Ye Jue's eyes lit up.


The next day, he was an ordinary man, piloting a mecha and flying to the coordinate point.

Death Valley is a battlefield with complex terrain, suitable for group battles.

The meaning of gathering here is very straightforward.

Five thousand.

Ye Jue's divine thoughts swept over the entire place silently, allowing everyone to see clearly.

Including what energy there is, what mythical power is integrated, how many energy furnaces there are...

No one can escape his eyes, but no one can discover that this terrifying existence is hidden inside.

He is the last one, the 5000th.

Hmph, kid, tell us the power behind you and see what the background is. If you don't have any background, you are not qualified to compete with us. Get out immediately!

As soon as Ye Jue flew over, someone stood in front of him and started to attack.

I, Ling Xiao, am not qualified? Then who is qualified? Tell me?

Ye Jue spoke calmly, with an indifferent expression.

Huh? Ling Xiao, are you the Ling Xiao who has been in the limelight recently? Good guy, I have wanted to meet you for a long time, but we are not in the same strategic fortress, so there has been no chance. Now, you are dead. !”

The pilot kept talking in the mecha and was about to take action.

You talk so much nonsense and why do you still take action?

Suddenly, Ye Jue had a long sword in his hand. This long sword was like a mountain, like a long river, like an epic poem. It was the Purple Sun Sword that he forged. It swallowed up the power of countless enemies and was full of evil energy.

The current mecha has exceeded five hundred stars, and its strength has surpassed that of the virtual immortal and reached the true immortal level.

This Purple Sun Sword was created with boundless karmic fire, and the golden and holy Purple Flower breathed out!


At this moment, everyone saw that the Purple Sun Sword in the hand of the red mecha condensed countless laws of mythical power!

A gap seemed to be opened in the air. Void thunder exploded and wrapped around the long sword. On the sword body, lines of order and mythological texts of the law were revealed. Waves of waves rippled in the air. The breath of boundless karma fire.

The breath spread out in concentric circles.

Wherever the breath reaches, it becomes quiet.

What, you dare to take action?

You're going against the grain and ignoring military discipline?


When those candidates saw Ling Xiao's fierce move and a blazing sword in his hand, they shouted fiercely: How dare you take action...


However, before they could finish speaking, Ye Jue had already thrown the Purple Sun Sword violently.

What kind of scene is this?

In the void, everything collapsed inward, and countless rays of light were sucked into the blade by the sword. Wherever it went, all vitality and things were being devoured.

What's even more terrifying is that all the explosive force is concentrated and hits the person in front of him who is about to attack.

Chi! !

In his extremely horrified gaze, the Purple Sun Sword changed the color of the sky and the earth, turning the sun and moon into darkness. As soon as it came into contact, a black hole was created on the mecha. After it expanded the package, it exploded instantly.


This explosion is a mist of blood, spraying in all directions, making ghosts cry and howl, and it is tragic!

He was killed without any chance of fighting back!

Moreover, the shock wave caused the candidates who were the first to be affected to fall back one after another.

So powerful?

He was just scaring you without actually taking action, so you just killed him?

Are you really not afraid of going to court martial?

Seeing this scene, some people sneered.

Powerful indeed!

However, the brain is not smart enough.

Kill directly?

Ignore military discipline?

This is a serious crime, and one who needs to be sentenced may even be stripped of his mecha, directly expelled from the country, and will never be hired.

Iron-Blooded System, I want to report it!

Someone reported it on the spot.

However, the feedback they received shocked them!

The mission has begun!

? ?

No prompts, just started?

Time: five hours. If you score first, you will be eligible to join the Ace Team and become an official member.

During this period, you can surrender or give up.

Shooting down a mecha will earn you 1 point.

Damn it, there wasn't even a prompt, I let him kill one for nothing, I got 1 point for nothing!

When 5,000 candidates gather, the selection will automatically begin?

Fuck him to death!


Amidst the roar, a series of killing moves were unleashed.

Ye Jue smiled coldly, piloted the mecha, and easily avoided it.

At this moment, they all saw the Little Supreme Step showing off his power!

That's the Little Supreme...ah!


Before he could finish his words, he was shot down and the mecha exploded.

The strength of these candidates is probably around that of true immortals, with few mysteries, and even less golden immortals.

The choice is combat quality and incredible luck.

Only such people who rank first in points can be recognized as the Chosen One and qualified to join the Ace Team.

After all, there are only five people in the Ace Team.


Ye Jue slapped it down with a huge metal palm, driving the head into the neck, and pressed the head into the cockpit in the middle, killing another one.

He was merciless, from being beaten up to being beheaded in reverse, the change was very fast, and the people he killed turned over and screamed in agony.

Many people were shocked and stunned when they saw this scene, but this was a sudden change. Some people with illusions thought that Ling Xiao would be beaten to death.

The results of it?

The screams of being killed were repeated, and the mecha turned into a huge metal meat pie and was swallowed by the brutal plunder.

This Ling Xiao's mecha devoured the candidate's mecha and became even more ferocious!

Shrouded in a divine ring, head straight to the 700-star level!

In an instant, the red mecha was surrounded by thousands of giant dragons, and countless runes and symbols vibrated between jumps, blinding their titanium alloy dog ​​eyes.

Is that still a human being? Is this Ling Xiao still a human being?

With one sword strike, the people who had the best chance of joining the ace team were all killed, and it was too late to resist. What kind of method is this?

I surrender, I abstain!

Me too. With him here this time, we have no hope at all!

Just wait until the next one dies. Anyway, the death rate of the Ace Team members is extremely high!

That's right, there's no need to go all out right now!

Go, go, go!!

A group of people quickly slipped away and ran away, judged as losers.

Of course, all that is left are a group of greedy guys who are not afraid of death.

Kill Ling Xiao first. As long as this guy is still alive, we have no hope!

Yes, let's gather the remaining three thousand candidates together and kill him!

No matter how strong he is, he can't fight against all of us!

Ho ho ho!!

This scene was naturally seen by the top brass of the Iron-Blooded Kingdom and members of the Ace Team.

They are all watching.

It's dangerous. This Ling Xiao is too arrogant. Now he has become the target of public criticism.

No, I think he has the ability to come out and devour the mechas of these candidates. He can be upgraded to 800 stars, and his strength can reach the Golden Immortal level!

Golden Immortal Level? That depends on whether he can succeed, but the Golden Immortal Level is not good enough. We are all Immortal Lords, and Captain Lou Jianzi is even an Immortal Emperor.

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