Warship of Great Power

Chapter 976: The French have the last laugh?

France? Didn't the French try to bribe their way into the bid? Why are they allowed to win this bid now?

Nicolas was a little confused, but he knew that he had no right to object.

 “Yes.” Nicholas nodded, and then wanted to leave.

"Nicholas, I know what you are thinking." The boss suddenly stopped him: "You are very familiar with Easterners, and you should know the proverb that eggs cannot be put in one basket. We are the same, we We cannot rely entirely on the Easterners for the modernization of our national defense. Although they have a good relationship with us, we cannot completely rely on them, do you understand?"

Nicholas nodded: "I understand your worries, but you should also know that the collapse of the Red Empire was the result of Westerners instigating it. Now, we don't know how many people miss that powerful country and miss the beginning. A powerful army, but it’s a pity that we can’t go back. Moreover, from the collapse of the Red Empire to now, the West has not given us any benefits. The only thing we can rely on is the East. The West never wants us to be strong, they just want to take away our teeth."

The boss was stunned for a moment, and then murmured to himself: "Yes, everyone will miss the once powerful country, but just missing it is enough. Anyone who tries to go back to the country in the past will be talking nonsense. France It is still different from the West. If we want to expand diversified weapons channels, we can only rely on France, and other countries cannot count on it."

 “Yes.” Nicholas nodded and wanted to walk out again, but the boss continued to speak.

"If we want to say that the technology is advanced, it must be weapons from the East. However, their total price is too high and we can't afford it. French products are the most suitable choice for us. However, we also have to raise our own requirements, such as power. The system must be sufficient and have enough redundant power. In this way, when we need to improve in the future, there will be enough room to avoid modification again. By the way, these modification items cannot increase the quotation. If they increase the price, Then we will choose the Eastern Project.”

The boss thought for a moment and continued: "I don't know much about the details. It's up to your navy to set the standards."

 “Yes.” Nicholas nodded excitedly.

 In the guest house, everyone was waiting. It was getting dark and the Da Mao Navy had not responded yet. It seemed that it would be impossible to announce the results tonight.

While they were waiting anxiously, an officer hurriedly came in: "Please ask the French bidding team to go to the conference room."


Rodriguez’s eyes showed a complicated look. Is the French going to win this bidding? Obviously our plan is the best! He was very unwilling.

 However, when he turned his head and saw the Easterners, he suddenly felt relieved. The Easterners were the ones most likely to win this project. Since the Easterners had no hope, what else could he be unbalanced about?

Duquesne, Lucas and others stumbled towards the conference room.

 Sure enough, it’s done! Our plan is not the best, but our bidding methods are the most brilliant. When they go to various countries to bid, they bribe local officials. This trick has achieved results many times.

This time, they did not bribe Nikolay because they knew that Nikolay was leaning towards the Mingzhou Group. However, Nikolai did not have the final say. The representative sent by the big boss was the one who could make the decision.

In the pack of cigars given by Lucas, each of the ten cigars contained a check for one hundred thousand dollars, which added up to one million dollars. In the remaining cigar, there was also a note, as long as the project was completed. If it falls into our own hands, we will give him a kickback in proportion. This is the big deal.

 The reason why they did not replace everything with one check is of course that they knew that Boris had to take care of other people, so it would be more convenient for Boris to use separate checks.

 However, when they entered the conference room, they did not find Boris, only military personnel were present.

“Your Excellency Nicholas, when you called us here, did you intend to hand over the project to us? Please rest assured that we will definitely complete it with quality and quantity.” Duquesne said.

“Let’s discuss some details first.” Nikolai said: “When you introduced it, this northwest wind class was modularly designed. The largest one has a displacement of more than 24,000 tons?”

“Yes, its length increased to 214.5 meters and its displacement reached 24,542 tons. We call this the BPC-250 project.”

The Mistral class only came into existence after the first ship was built and named Mistral. At the beginning, the project was called BIP, and later BPC, and a series of model planning was carried out.

 Among them, BPC-250 is the largest version, and BPC-140 is the smallest version, with a full load displacement of only 13,500 tons.

 Now, Da Mao wants this largest version, which is of course better, so he can quote a higher price.

Duquesne and Lucas were excited.

“Okay, we want this one.” Nikolai said: “You are responsible for manufacturing the hull and power system, and we will install the electronic equipment and close-in defense weapons.”

Although their own outfitting is progressing slowly on the 22350 frigate project, amphibious assault ships are different from frigates. They only need to install some close-range anti-aircraft guns, not even close-range air defense missiles, plus some electronic equipment for communication. , these old fools can do it themselves.

"Okay, in this case, the price..." Duquesne was thinking about how to quote, and Nicholas interrupted him: "We will talk about the price later. We haven't talked about the power system yet. Your power is too weak. It's only 20 It’s impossible to drive this giant ship with just one megawatt, so we require the power of this warship to be increased to at least 60 megawatts.”

 Sixty megawatts, then you must get a gas turbine! Duquesne and Lucas looked at each other. It seemed that the $10 million deposit paid to Dongfang before the bidding could still work.

“In addition to our existing power, it would be enough to install a 40-megawatt gas turbine.” Duquesne said: “In this case, the price…”

"The price is the last thing to talk about. Please don't always get entangled in the price." Nikola said: "We also need to reserve what should be reserved. For example, on the port side, we need to reserve the position of the electromagnetic catapult. Although We are not installing it now, but we may install it in the future, so the cables must be laid here and the relevant accessories must be reserved.”

 Da Mao still needs electromagnetic ejection? We don’t have it! However, this reservation can be used to cooperate with Dongfang, which can be regarded as a bait for the Mingzhou Group. Although the project is ours, your Mingzhou Group can also make a lot of money. We will make the reservation based on your Mingzhou Group's electromagnetic catapult.

"no problem."

“As for the lift, your plan is for a thirteen-ton lift. We hope to increase it to a twenty-ton lift. Furthermore, the lift must meet the size requirements of Dongfang’s J-31A.”

"no problem."

 The more upgrades, the better. We can add money.

“Although we have to install weapons and electronic equipment, other equipment, such as living cabins, canteens, etc., are all your work, leaving only space for weapons and electronic equipment.”

"no problem."

“In terms of construction period, we hope to complete the construction within two years.”

"This won't work. We can only guarantee that it will be launched within two years at most."

“In terms of design drawings, I hope you can hand over the complete design drawings to us for evaluation.”

 “That requires you to pay at least 50% of the payment.”

The various conditions became more and more detailed as they were discussed. Duquesne and Lucas were very happy. It seemed that the project was completed. How much will it cost?

 With so many projects added, it will have to rise by at least 200 million, right? Just a little cheaper than the price quoted by Dongfang.

 An hour later, all the details were discussed.

"Okay, let's finally talk about the price." Nikola said: "Our requirement is that the price remains unchanged."


Lucas stood up immediately: "This is impossible. With so many items added, how can the price remain the same? Then not only will we not make money, we may also lose money!"

“No, we guarantee that you will make a profit.” Nicholas said, “As long as you take back the rebate, you will make a profit.”

"Kickback? Mr. Nicholas, what are you talking about?" Duquesne pretended to be calm.

"You know what I say." Nikolai said: "You know what disgraceful things you did in this bidding. Boris has been sent to prison. Our boss is very concerned about some people." We resolutely maintain zero tolerance for corruption in weapons procurement. You don’t have to think about those crooked ways, you just need to do things down-to-earth.”

The expressions of Duquesne and Lucas changed several times. Duquesne gritted his teeth and said, "Even if we don't have to pay any public relations fees, it won't work. If you ask for so much, the price will rise by at least 100 million euros. We This request is not too much.”

“Even if you raise it by one euro, we will give the contract to the Mingzhou Group.” Nikola said: “The Mingzhou Group will build it according to the indicators we just set, and the price will not exceed 500 million.”

 The French were dumbfounded.

I just heard Nikolai asking for this and that. I thought I could make more money. Unexpectedly, they refused to increase the price. Do you want to accept this project?

"Your Excellency Nicholas, we need to conduct a cost accounting. We also need to consider the inflation factor in the past two years. If it is not cost-effective, then we cannot accept this contract." Duquesne was careful.

 Don't be too hot-headed or impulsive at this time.

 It is irrational to stand up and leave immediately, or to agree immediately.

If it can be followed, of course this contract must be accepted. After all, this is of great significance to them, and it means that legal equipment has finally opened the door to Da Mao!

Thinking about the past, their legal weapons could only survive in the cracks between the Soviet Union and the United States. The French could only sell them where the Soviet Union did not sell them and neither the United States nor the United States. For this, they might receive a lot of criticism, and it was not easy for them.

What now?

 Now they can actually sell weapons to Damao. This fact alone is exciting enough.

However, they must do cost accounting. At the very least, if they make no money, they can still maintain the operation of the shipyard, and they can also brag to the outside world that everyone is buying our weapons. We have surpassed the Mingzhou Group and we are the best. of!

“Okay, I’ll give you one day to think about it. If you don’t reply by this time tomorrow, we will sign a contract with Mingzhou Group.”

Duquesne, Lucas and others happily entered the conference room. When they came out, they all looked depressed. They didn't know what was going on. Everyone looked at it curiously, but the French were very cautious and would not treat outsiders. No one can find out what happened even if he said half a word.

 “What’s wrong with the French?” Zhao Ling was also curious.

"What else can I do? It's just a case of being ripped off by Zhou." Qin Tao said, "I won't make money if I accept the contract, and I won't be reconciled if I don't accept the contract."

 Zhao Ling cast a suspicious look: Did Nicholas send you a message?

 Qin Tao smiled, the message would definitely not be sent. At this time, Nicholas would definitely not contact him alone to avoid being suspected by the boss. If the French give benefits, should he also give benefits?

 Sending text messages is not absolutely safe, and mobile phone messages can easily be monitored. Qin Tao does not want to cause trouble.

 “Dong dong!”  At this moment, there was a knock on the door outside.


"It's me, Damao Naval Officer." No one from outside came in. When Xu Zhengyang opened the door, he saluted: "Your Excellency Nicholas asked me to inform you that please stay in our country for one day and leave the day after tomorrow. .”


This is being used as a spare tire, but Qin Tao doesn't care. He has been friends with Nikolai for many years. Even if he knows that Nikolai is using his own side to suppress the price of the French, he still has to give Nikolai this opportunity.

 “Let’s go shopping in Moscow tomorrow.”

"Mr. Qin, we can go to Tula tomorrow." Zhao Ling said: "Changqiang Automobile Factory has decided to invest and build a factory in Tula."

Qin Tao initially helped the Changqiang Automobile Factory to set up connections, but then he ignored everything. It was something they should work **** themselves. Qin Tao would never participate. After all, it is useless to rely on oneself to promote it. You still have to rely on the efforts of those people. Just fine.

However, Qin Tao was also very satisfied when he heard the progress they had made: "Okay, then let's go to Tula tomorrow."

 Tula, located south of Moscow, is the capital of the Tula region and a famous military-industrial city.

As early as 1632, Tula built its first arsenal, but it was built by the Dutch at that time. In 1712, Peter the Great ordered the establishment of a special royal arsenal, and it has since become the most important military production base in Mao. , the famous Mosin-Nagant rifle is produced here.

As a military-industrial city, it is of course convenient to build a brand-new automobile production base. The automobile factory of Changqiang Automobile Factory is also planned to be built here.

Early that morning, Qin Tao, Zhao Ling and others arrived at Tula on a rickety train. They got off the train and looked at the sun that had slipped to the southeast. They couldn't help but sigh: "This old man's railway should speed up. "

 In China, this distance can be reached in dozens of minutes, but here in Da Mao, it takes more than two hours. This is still express, which is really speechless.

“Yes, Damao has vast land and relies on railways as its main mode of transportation, but they do not have modern high-speed railways.” Zhao Ling said: “Should our Mingzhou Group open a high-speed railway business?”

Qin Tao shook his head: "Forget it, we don't need to steal other people's jobs. It's enough to help make bearings for high-speed rail."

 “Hey, what is this?”

Zhao Ling asked curiously as she looked at a black monument erected on the train station.

On the right side of the monument is a bust of a man, an old man in military uniform, with medals hanging on his chest. In the upper left corner is a tank, and below are some introductions in Russian.

  After Zhao Ling finished speaking, she read the following text.

"The Bryansk Front led by Lieutenant General A.H. Yeremenko, under the jurisdiction of the 50th and 3rd Group Armies, resisted tenaciously and successfully succeeded in being heavily surrounded by German troops, including the tank troops commanded by Hans Guderian. Guard the city of Tula."

“How do I remember that after the collapse of the Red Empire, previous sculptures were torn down in various places, but this monument is still here?” Zhao Ling was curious about this.

"Yes, we did a lot of wrong things back then." After receiving the news, the officials from Tula City hurried over from the entrance of the train station. Seeing that everyone was interested in the monument, they introduced: "Back then, we used to do a lot of wrong things." Many monuments have been torn down, but now we are slowly erecting them again. This monument was erected last year. We should not forget the history."

"Yes, forgetting history is a mistake." Qin Tao said: "However, the past is the past. We have to look at the present, but also the future, right?"

"Yes, we are full of confidence in the future of Tula City. With the Long Wall Car, our Tula City will surpass Gorky City and become the largest automobile production base! By the way, it is now called Nizhny Novgorod. However, we are still used to calling it Gorky City."

“Let’s go and take a look.” Qin Tao became interested.

There is no space inside the city of Tula, so the automobile factory is built on the outskirts of the city. There are vast wilderness here and the land is very cheap. At this time, a large number of steel structural frames are being erected.

“These are all transported from the East. We have seen the speed of the East. This factory can be completed and put into operation within a year. The citizens are looking forward to it and hope to work here.”

 Qin Tao’s visit began, but in Moscow, the French were still anxious.

"We have calculated that, taking into account inflation, our 600 million euro amphibious assault ship can only earn 20 million euros at most. This profit is too low and we absolutely cannot afford it!" Lucas said: " Our military exports are generally 100% profit, and 50% profit margins are rare!"

 French products have always been very expensive, and they disdain to rely on low prices to win the market. Now, they only earn so much and build warships for Mao. This is absolutely unacceptable to them.

"However, if we don't take over, we will let the Easterners get the orders. Now, the Easterners continue to encroach on the world's weapons market. Many countries' warships are produced by the Easterners. Our market is getting smaller and smaller. Now this opportunity, It is time for us to expand our market influence and we must seize this opportunity!" said Duquesne.

 “Opportunity? I don’t know whether this is an opportunity or a trap.”

 The two began to have conflicts. One wanted to get the order, and the other felt that the profit was too low.

While the two were arguing, there was a knock on the door outside.


 “I, Brod.”

  Brood? The person in charge of DCNS?

The door opened, and Brod, who was already in his fifties, walked in. He was dusty, and he obviously flew over from France after getting the news.

“Mr. Broad, are you here for this bidding?”

"Yes, I am here on behalf of several other shipyards." Brod said.

DCNS, the French Shipbuilding Bureau is not only the largest military ship R&D and production enterprise in France but also in the entire Western Europe. The Mistral class is their masterpiece, and the Brest shipyard is just a subordinate unit of the French Shipbuilding Bureau. They came to bid this time just because they are the final assembly unit of the Mistral class, plus Lucas is the designer. Will suffice.

 But now, the head of the French Shipbuilding Bureau has to personally go out because this project is of great importance.

 Hearing his words, everyone present became serious: "What are your instructions?"

“In this bidding, Da Mao has severely lowered the price. Do we still have profit margin?”

 “No more than 20 million at most.”

“As long as there is profit margin, let’s do it. After all, we still have tens of thousands of people to support, and we must have jobs.”

Lucas opened his eyes wide. He didn't expect that these people had degenerated to this extent. They would do it with just this little profit?


"Yesterday, because we had no jobs and could only receive basic wages, some people started to go on strike again. We must ensure that several shipyards have orders for production. After a year or two, we can order the second aircraft carrier. orders, as well as other frigates, we will be able to continue work at that time."

“These **** guys go on strike whenever they disagree. Don’t they know that if something happens and we collapse, they will be completely unemployed?”

“Everyone, we must ensure that there are jobs in the shipyard. It can still be profitable anyway. If there are no orders, then we may not even be able to pay wages.”

“Damn it, we are the largest warship shipyard in Western Europe, how could we be reduced to this situation?”

 They were speechless.

Where is the glory of the past?


The second ship of the Charles de Gaulle aircraft carrier originally planned has not been approved, and there are also very few orders for other **** warships.

On the other hand, the Mingzhou Group is booming and has taken away a lot of their business. Shipbuilding orders from all over the world are flowing to the East.

"Okay, we will reply to Da Mao and place the order." Ducaina said, "But, we have a request."

"any request?"

“If the project suffers a loss, we need the state’s endorsement.”

It’s okay not to make money, but not okay if you’re losing money. If you really are losing money, you need to ask the state to subsidize them.

“It’s impossible to make a loss. If we do, we’ll ask for a price increase. If we don’t increase the price, we won’t deliver the ship.”

PS: There are a few clerical errors in the front. I'm very sorry. For example, the Osumi-class amphibious ship and the Kirov-class don't have bow guns. I was confused when I wrote it. I always thought about the time when the Frunze came over and the guns were raised. Indicates harmless passage.

˜Thank you to all the book friends for your substantial subscription, tipping and voting support, thank you! This book already has five million words and is expected to be written until the end of the year. At the same time, the beginning of the new book has been worked on for several months, and the editor has deleted N number of beginnings. If nothing goes wrong, the new book should be released next month. , when the time comes, the two books will be written together. I sincerely ask for your continued support!

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