Warship of Great Power

Chapter 977: Want a gas turbine? We are always available!

Qin Tao spent a whole day visiting Tula, and then took the car back to Moscow that evening. When he returned, it was already ten o'clock in the evening.

Like other capitals, Moscow is also brightly lit. When a few people got off the bus, they saw Zaitsev greeted on the platform with an apology on his face: "Mr. Qin, our navy has signed a contract with the French. Your Excellency Nicholas would like to invite you for a drink and apologize to you by the way."

“Forget it, just apologize. Business is business. Nikolai has his own difficulties. It’s not convenient for me to be alone with Nikolai, right?”

"Now that the bidding has ended, you don't have to avoid suspicion. You are good friends. If you don't meet each other, it will arouse suspicion."

 Qin Tao nodded: "Okay."

At the Bolshoi Theater, a famous actress performed ballet gracefully. Qin Tao took Zhao Ling to sit next to Nikolai and experienced the influence of art. After coming out, it was already twelve o'clock, and several people came We arrived at the bar next to the Grand Theater.

"Qin, the contract has been signed. I'm sorry that we didn't give it to you. Although we think Mingzhou Group is the most suitable, the superiors have their own considerations."

"We also think that the 075 with a displacement of 40,000 tons is your best choice." Qin Tao said: "We are sorry, but this does not affect our friendship. I went to Tula City to see the car factory there. very nice."

“Well, we are confident about this project.” Nicholas was curious, why did Qin Tao always change the topic?

“However, I am not confident about cooperating with the French.” Nicholas continued: “After all, we have been tricked by the West many times.”

“How else can the French deceive you? The most they can do is to use the excuse of rising costs and ask you to spend more money during construction. You just need to explain it in the contract.” Qin Tao said.

"Yes, we are also aware of this." Nicholas said: "If they dare to increase the price, it will be a violation of the contract, and they will have to compensate us a sum of money."

"They may not have the money to compensate you by then, and they are arguing with each other. If something like that really happens, come to us at any time, and I will mediate for you. Maybe we can find a solution that has the best of both worlds."

 “Well, thank you, Qin, you are our best friend, our forever friend!”

 The wine glasses clinked together, and the two of them drank it down in one gulp.

"Now that the matter is over, I will go back." Qin Tao said: "Our group still has many things to do. Finally, congratulations on entering a new era."

In the same city, the boss was also awake. He listened to these conversations almost simultaneously. After listening, there was a trace of doubt in his eyes.

  Do Orientals really have no desires or desires? Does this Nicholas and Mr. Qin have a truly great friendship?

 However, as a big boss, he must know how to weigh, and he must not give all orders to Dongfang. He does not think his choice is wrong.

 “Report.” At this moment, a voice sounded outside.

"Come in."

“I just received definite news that in order to improve the power of warships, the French decided to purchase gas turbines from the East.”

The boss realized that Mr. Qin could afford to take it and let it go because they would still get enough benefits from this project even if they did not win the bid!

It’s good that the gas turbines produced by Dongfang can also be used on our own modified warships, so that the power systems are consistent and easier to maintain in the future.

 This matter is finally over!

 Da Mao’s renaissance is about to begin! The boss is also looking forward to it.

 A special plane landed at Mingzhou Airport. After getting off, Qin Tao looked at the sparse people in the airport. Everyone he saw was wearing a mask.

"Mr. Qin, according to your arrangement, our petrochemical industry has accelerated the deployment of polypropylene non-woven fabrics since last year. At the beginning of this year, our production capacity reached its peak. In recent months, this production line has been operating at full speed. Production to meet domestic needs. Now, many downstream companies are lamenting that if we had not provided sufficient melt-blown non-woven fabrics, this year's masks would be in short supply and the prices would rise."

Qin Tao nodded: "We are already a large enterprise. Of course we have to consider people's livelihood. As long as there is sufficient supply in the market, we can keep the price down."

“However, there are still a group of speculative businessmen who are hoarding a lot and want to make a fortune.”

 Get rich?

Qin Tao had a smile on his face: "Masks have a service life. They are hoarding them and waiting to lose everything."

 Masks are the best way to filter air. The most important material is an extremely fine and electrostatically charged inner filter cloth: melt-blown non-woven fabric.

This kind of non-woven fabric comes from polypropylene, a by-product of the petroleum industry. When dust in the air comes close to this non-woven fabric, it will be electrostatically attracted to the surface of the non-woven fabric and cannot pass through. It is much easier to use than the medical multi-layer gauze masks of previous eras.

Of course, polypropylene is not only used in masks, but also in non-woven fabrics, clothing fabrics, carpet silk, civil hygiene products and other fields.

So, when Qin Tao specifically proposed to increase the production capacity of this kind of non-woven fabric last year, everyone was still curious. Even if it is used for Eight Wolf men's clothing, is it too much? It was only this year that I suddenly realized that Mr. Qin was so powerful that everything was like a prophet.

 This year, mask factories across the country are operating at full capacity, and the demand for non-woven fabrics required for such masks has suddenly increased. If Mingzhou Group had not provided sufficient supply, the price would have been rising.

 As for a few unscrupulous businessmen, hoarding money? Police investigation and handling is one thing, letting them lose all their money is another.

 After all, masks can’t be worn for a few months.

“Mr. Qin, according to domestic requirements, we need to stay in a special hotel for a few days.” Xu Zhengyang said.

"It doesn't matter, let's just rest for a few days." Qin Tao said, "After working hard for so long, just treat it as a vacation."

 Mr. Qin suddenly disappeared, which made the French anxious. Fortunately, a week later, they finally contacted Qin Tao.

 In the large office of Mingzhou Shipyard, Qin Tao turned on his computer, logged on to ICQ, opened the video inside, and an anxious face appeared.

“Mr. Qin, this is Dikaina. There have been some changes in our domestic aircraft carrier construction.”

 “What changes?”

“In order to reduce costs, we may not increase the displacement. It will remain the same as the Charles de Gaulle, about 40,000 tons. This will also facilitate our shipyard construction.”

"so what?"

“So, we only need to order two UGT40000 gas turbines, not four.”

“Of course, no problem, two units are 100 million US dollars.”

“Excuse me, when can you deliver it?”

“When do you pay the full payment, when will we deliver the goods?”

"Full payment? Mr. Qin, our funds are temporarily insufficient, can you..."

"No." Qin Tao's answer was straightforward: "We never accept credit. If you want the engine, you have to pay the full price. By the way, we are talking about FOB prices, and you are responsible for the transportation costs. If you If you don’t have enough funds, forget it.”

"No, no, Mr. Qin, we will try our best to raise enough funds, please give us time!" In the whole project with Damao, the biggest variable is the engine. They must buy the engine first, in case the Oriental people don't do it in the future. If they sell it or raise the price, won't they lose money?

 They must control this variable.

"I'm not in a hurry. When you have the full payment, you will come to pick up the goods." Qin Tao said, "I was still busy, so I hung up."

  turned off the video and Qin Tao lay comfortably on the chair.

"I'm very curious. According to Damao's requirements, they purchased two of our UGT25000s, and combined with their two diesel engines, the power output is enough for 60 megawatts. Why did they purchase our 40-megawatt gas turbines?" Zhao Ling asked very much. Puzzled.

The Mistral-class amphibious assault ship uses three sets of Vasilan 16V32 diesel generator sets, each of 6.2 MW, and a Vasaa18V200 auxiliary diesel generator set. The power is 3 megawatts, which adds up to a power of more than 20 megawatts.

It's okay to use it on the French's own northwest wind. After all, the French navy does not pursue speed, but Da Mao put forward hard conditions for the French: the output power must be sufficient, not only the speed must meet the standard, but also power must be reserved for electromagnetic ejection, at least It has to be sixty megawatts!

The original 20 MW power generation power of the French did not change, but they added a 40 MW gas turbine from the Mingzhou Group, so that they could reach 60 MW. If two UGT25000s were used, it would be considered a conventional model, also has a power of 26.7 megawatts, so two units are enough for more than fifty megawatts, plus two diesel engines.

 The combination of two gas turbines and two diesel engines is the choice of many warships. Now, the French are unconventional and not taking the usual path?

"Of course it's interest." Qin Tao said: "If the purchase of diesel engines is reduced, the French Diesel Engine Company will make less money. They must balance these interests. In this way, one of our gas turbines is enough. And only Adding another unit also makes it easier to free up space.”

 Zhao Ling nodded, feeling sad for these French colleagues. They had to look forward and backward in everything they did, but they couldn't choose the optimal solution from a technical perspective.

Of course, it is good for us. After all, the 40-megawatt gas turbine is produced by us, and it can be sold at a high price.

 “Doesn’t this old man have any complaints?”

“What complaints does Lao Maozi have? Their Kuznetsov uses 9 turbine generators and 6 diesel generators. They won’t have too many,” Qin Tao said.

 I don’t know if Lao Maozi’s generators don’t have large ones. Each generator only has 1,500 kilowatts. After using so much, I only managed to collect 22.5 megawatts of electricity. If it were our own, one would be enough.

This matter has come to an end for the time being. The French have no choice but to raise US$90 million. Together with the previous US$10 million deposit, they can collect US$100 million to purchase two four-wheel drive vehicles from Mingzhou Group. Ten megawatt gas turbine.

 Qin Tao didn't take this matter to heart. A contract worth 100 million US dollars was not worthy of his attention. Naturally, what he valued most was other projects in the shipyard.

On the slipway, the first ship of the Type 055 destroyer has started construction. Although it has not taken long, the bow part of the ship has been built. Compared with the previous 052 destroyer, its fold line running through the hull is lower, even if Even from space, it can be seen clearly. After all, using this fold line as the dividing line, the buildings above will be recycled inward.

At the same time, the second section is also being built in the open space next to it. After it is built, it will be hoisted over to connect the sections. The fold line of this second section will be clearer.

 I wonder how long it will take for the West to know that it is building giant ships? What will you think after you find out?

 Qin Tao was full of interest.

 055 is still under construction on the slipway, and on the outfitting dock, the outfitting of the first 052DL destroyer is accelerating.

“The speed here is good.” Qin Tao nodded and looked at the vertical launch unit that had been hoisted. The complete bow looked very beautiful.

"Yes, although there were some accidents, they did not affect our outfitting." Military representative Meng Fansheng lamented on the sidelines: "Mingzhou Group is the first group to make correct responses, and your experience is being fully Promotion.”

"It's nothing, just spray more 84 disinfectant." Qin Tao said: "Fortunately, we have a subordinate factory that can produce this product. Otherwise, it would be really difficult for us. After all, our shipyard cannot fully Closed operation.”

If workers are wearing masks, they will definitely not be able to work, so everything is normal inside. Besides, everyone not only has to work, but also has to eat and sleep. There is no way to stop this.

 All workers are required to concentrate in the shipyard and not have contact with the outside world, but their shipyard still needs a large number of accessories.

 This requires a magic weapon like 84 disinfectant.

All accessories that need to enter the shipyard will be sprayed with 84 disinfectant, but this only sprays the outer packaging box. If a lot of expensive equipment is disassembled and sprayed once, it will probably be useless.

 What to do inside?

 Of course, we then go into the warehouse.

 The parts that have been blasted will be heated after entering the warehouse.

That's right, it's heating. The temperature in the warehouse is raised to 50 degrees and kept for a day. Then, you can use it as you like.

 Fortunately, they are shipbuilders. If they were cooking ingredients, this would be enough.

 As long as you plan ahead and prepare relevant accessories two days in advance, the process will not be delayed. When many brother units had to stop work, only Mingzhou Group was not affected and continued to work at full speed.

“Mr. Qin, the key is to arrange this process. It takes time to carry out. You actually have a plan in advance. It’s really not easy.”

Qin Tao smiled: "We like to prepare for a rainy day."

"A few days ago, the navy leaders heard that the 052DL destroyer was making great progress, and wanted to come and take a look, but the old factory director immediately refused." Meng Fansheng continued: "I didn't expect that the old factory director would still have this kind of Courage.”

"My dad refused?" Qin Tao shook his head helplessly: "This old man, I really don't know the importance. The navy leader is coming, can we refuse? After coming, we only need to live in a single room for a week according to our rules. "

"Where do naval leaders have the time?" Meng Fansheng said, "But Mr. Qin, you stayed in a single room for a week when you came back. This is an example. With your example, no one else dares to violate this system."

“Well, this is for the normal operation of our shipyard.” Qin Tao said: “None of us can break this regulation.”

"Unfortunately, this unexpected change still has a great impact. Originally, the Navy was planning to hold a meeting related to the second aircraft carrier." Meng Fansheng said: "Now it seems that it has to be pushed back."

 It is said that this year will be a great leap forward. The Navy will launch many projects, the most important of which is of course the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier code-named 003.

Although it has been determined that Mingzhou Group will build it, it will definitely require multiple consultation meetings, and it is impossible to make a decision all at once. Now, the technical staff of Mingzhou Group cannot go to the capital for meetings, so the project can only be put on hold temporarily. .

“The Navy still doesn’t have the guts, just hold an online meeting.” Qin Tao said: “Remote working has long been an advanced way of working, but it’s a pity that the Navy still doesn’t dare.”

"This kind of meeting is very important, and no secrets should be leaked." Meng Fansheng said: "Although the entire network is built by us, we are also worried about security issues. After all, this network is public."

"We can also ensure security on public networks." Qin Tao said: "Of course, if the military feels that our network is not suitable, it can also build its own private network."

In fact, national defense networks have long existed. The Internet has evolved from early national defense networks. However, in previous eras, the communication capacity of national defense networks was very low. Domestic national defense networks actually started from data communication networks and were used in the early days. Copper wires were used, and optical fibers were used later, but the commander's orders were still transmitted inside.

 A national defense optical cable network that is truly the same as the Internet has not yet been laid. If the military wants to hold a video conference through the Internet, it can only use civilian networks.

 The video conference to be held now will discuss the 003 aircraft carrier, and may even show various detailed drawings. Therefore, the military has concerns and does not dare to use this kind of network.

Hearing what Qin Tao said, Meng Fansheng smiled and said nothing else. How much would it cost to build a nationwide network similar to the Internet?

 This is not a matter of words.

Furthermore, even if optical cables are to be laid, it must be the Army's priority. After all, the Army is on land and the Navy is only along the coast. When the Army has laid it, the Navy can just use it.

“Everyone, give way, our fly swatter is going to be hoisted!” At this moment, a voice came from afar.

 During the hoisting, no one should be allowed below, otherwise if it falls, it will be a big trouble. What’s more, what is being hoisted now is one of the largest components in the outfit!

 Fly swatter!

 Qin Tao looked over and saw that the huge flat shelf had been replaced by a fly swatter instead of a clothes drying rack. His own warship's anti-stealth capability had reached a new level.

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