Warship of Great Power

Chapter 975: All are smokers

"In many cases, to deal with some weak countries, amphibious assault ships need to have the capabilities of light aircraft carriers. Fixed-wing carrier-based opportunities can greatly improve the attack capabilities of amphibious assault ships. Even if they encounter the opponent's third-generation aircraft, they can still fight. Our amphibious assault ship can carry thirty carrier-based aircraft. Under normal configuration, it can be fifteen vertical take-off and landing fighter jets and fifteen helicopters. This combination allows the amphibious assault ship to gain powerful air control capabilities. It can even serve as the flagship of many maritime formations.”

 “This is too expensive!” Lucas said from below.

"Whether it's expensive or not is not something our suppliers have to consider. That's the user's choice. You are not qualified to make the decision for the user." Qin Tao rolled his eyes at him: "This will seriously interfere with the user's choice and even cause the user to make the wrong choice." Decision. When you introduced the plan just now, I didn’t say anything. We must be civilized people."

Lucas blushed and his cheeks trembled twice. He originally wanted to say something, but in the end he didn't.

That's right, Mr. Qin didn't say a word when they were bidding. If he raises his opinion now, he would be trying to undermine the company.

"Currently, our Mingzhou Group has recommended that some weak countries directly purchase amphibious assault ships as the core. After all, in many cases, amphibious assault ships are needed to perform the role of aircraft carriers. A dozen fighters are enough to deal with a medium-intensity conflict. , can also protect the safety of the entire formation more effectively. Relying on **** warships for air defense will never be as good as relying on carrier-based aircraft to defend against sneak attacks by enemy aircraft."

 The people on the stage started thinking seriously.

 What Mr. Qin said makes sense.

For a long time, the Maoist Navy did not have an aircraft carrier. They were eager to obtain carrier-based fixed-wing aviation units. This was only achieved with the Kiev-class aircraft carrier. Unfortunately, now, their navy only has one lonely Kuznetzo The USS Husband, this aircraft carrier is in poor condition and lies dormant all year round. If they build an amphibious assault ship, of course they will also need to use an amphibious assault ship to play the role of an aircraft carrier. Being able to operate fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft is a huge benefit.

 As for the cost? Cost is a matter for the state to worry about.

“Your design has a straight deck. How do you operate a fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft? Take off vertically? That would have poor maneuverability, too low take-off weight, and short air time!”

Although Qin Tao had already said that it was uncivilized to interrupt others, Rodriguez still couldn't help it. Their design plan included a jump deck to allow carrier-based aircraft to take off, but this Oriental warship The design is the same as that of the American Wasp-class, with an all-straight deck and no possibility of leaping.

 How to operate a fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft like this?

"After our experiments, the jump deck can reduce the complexity of the system, but it greatly wastes the deck area. This jump deck is inclined and cannot place carrier-based aircraft. Therefore, we have eliminated the jump deck. As for the jump deck, As for taking off, we have an electromagnetic catapult. As long as it is installed, the carrier-based aircraft can be ejected and taken off. For us, this problem is not a problem at all and does not need to be considered."

Electromagnetic catapult!

 You can't blame others for not thinking of it, because this thing is indeed a new thing, and no one else will consider it, except Dongfang, because their electromagnetic catapult is already mature! The 002 aircraft carrier frequently carried out electromagnetic catapults at sea. As long as there was no white smoke on the deck, you knew that this thing was indeed a high-end electromagnetic catapult.

 Now, Qin Tao doesn't care about the price, he just wants to maximize the performance of this warship. We only produce the most advanced ones!

"At the same time, in order to provide convenient conditions for the take-off of carrier-based aircraft, we plan to install two 40-megawatt gas turbines on this amphibious assault ship." Qin Tao continued: "In this way, the entire warship will reach 30 The speed of knots will bring more convenient take-off conditions for carrier-based aircraft."

   thirtieth festival!

 Only aircraft carriers need such a high speed. A normal amphibious assault ship has a speed of about twenty knots. However, as a user, no one will dislike the speed of their warship being too fast, only that it will be too slow!

“God, the price of such a warship is definitely not cheap. I guess it must be higher than ours.”

  Duquesne sighed with emotion, and when he saw the eyes on the stage, he quickly explained: "I'm sorry, I'm not interrupting, I'm just expressing my feelings."

“Mr. Qin, what is the price of such an amphibious assault ship?” Boris continued to ask. What he was most concerned about was the price.

"Including only a shell and power system, without electronic equipment and weapons, our quotation is one billion US dollars. Other electromagnetic catapults, etc. are calculated separately." Qin Tao said: "Although the price of our warship is higher A lot, but its combat effectiveness will be higher. If you do the math, you can find that it is more cost-effective. Instead of purchasing two low-end ones, it is better to purchase one high-end one like ours."

“Mr. Qin, will you export the drawings and technology so that we can build it ourselves?” Boris continued to ask.

"If you purchase more than two ships, you can export the drawings and technology. However, I advise you to build it here, which is faster and more economical. If you use the drawings and build it yourself, I am afraid it will be the same as the 22350."

“It’s almost time, let’s stop here in the morning and we will continue in the afternoon.” Boris said suddenly.

 Is this the end?

 Mingzhou Group’s plan is the finale. It should be introduced for a while, but now? It became the shortest introduction. Even Qin Tao cast a doubtful look at Boris. Did his words just now break the other person's glass heart?

But looking at the time, it is indeed already eleven o'clock. It is understandable that this guy is in a hurry to have lunch. He was reincarnated as a starving ghost.

“That’s right, let’s go eat.” Nicholas said, “Our guest house has prepared lunch. After everyone eats, take a rest while waiting for our results.”

Qin Tao glanced at Nicholas, who also happened to look over with apologetic eyes.

There were thirty or forty people sitting in the conference room. In addition to the bidding team, there were also naval officers from Lao Maozi. When they heard about the meal, they almost shouted out Ulla.

 It seems that Lao Maozi's situation is still not good.

 Qin Tao came down and joined several other people. Zhao Ling said in a low voice: "There is something wrong with this Boris!"

 “Well, I’m a starving ghost.”

“No, Brother Tao, he may have ulterior motives in announcing his meal in such a hurry.”

 “Well, send a text message to Nicholas and tell him to keep an eye on this Boris.”

It is not convenient for Qin Tao and others to move here, after all, they are too sensitive, but Boris is different. On his territory, he has the final say.

 Supervising someone is not a piece of cake.

Since we still need to continue working in the afternoon, the lunch meal is very simple. The old officers who originally thought they could drink freely are a little disappointed.

“Let’s all have something to eat at noon today. When the winner is chosen in the afternoon, we can have a big dinner in the evening, with as much wine as you want.” Boris said with a smile, as if he could see everyone’s disappointment.

“That’s right, wait until the evening, and the party that wins the bid will host a dinner party!” Duquesne said: “If we win the bid, everyone can drink the vodka!”

"Mr. Duquesne, your calculation is really good. Do you plan to buy everyone off with just a meal of vodka?" Boris said with a smile.

"Of course not. How could a meal of vodka win over everyone? This vodka is just a celebratory drink."

Nicholas forced a smile on his face and looked at everyone. Suddenly, his phone vibrated, so he opened it. When he saw the content on it, his eyes became complicated.

 Lunch was finished quickly, and everyone entered different rooms to rest first and then work.

 Creak! There was a soft sound of the door opening.

Boris and Nicholas were resting in the same room. Now, he walked out gently, holding a cigar in his hand, and came to the connection of the stairs.

There is an elevator in the building, so the stairs are rarely used. The stairwell is deserted. Boris holds a cigar in his mouth, but does not light it. He quietly looks out through the window at the stairwell.

"Mr. Boris." At this moment, a voice came from the side: "Didn't you bring a fire? Come on, I'll light it for you."

 “Lucas, do you also like to smoke cigars?” Boris looked at the person walking aside.

“Yeah, I like cigars too. I have a box of Havana here.” Lucas said, lighting a cigar for Boris, and then handed over a box of cigars he was carrying.

 “That’s not good, they’ll say I took bribes.”

"It's just a box of cigars." Lucas said: "This is just a private friendship between us two smokers." Boris nodded: "Okay, then I will give you my half box of cigars, and we will exchange them. smoke."


 The two exchanged cigars and each stuffed them into their own pockets. This action seemed very ordinary, but it was definitely not ordinary!

Lucas looked around, but no one was paying attention. He smiled and said, "I'm going back first."

 In the afternoon, the three bidders were still resting in the room, and only the old guys were left in the conference room.

"We have to determine which plan is better." Boris looked at everyone impatiently: "We have to consider it from many aspects, and everyone has their own opinions. Nikolay, the warship is for you, you Tell me your opinion."

Nikolai said coldly: "Of course we choose the one with the strongest performance, but it doesn't matter what we say, after all, we don't pay for it."

"Yes, among the three bidding projects, Mingzhou Group's project is the strongest." The officer below also said: "It can install electromagnetic catapults, use fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft, and can operate three aircraft at the same time. Ten aircraft, this performance is too strong.”

"It is also the most expensive." Boris said coldly: "Just the shell and power system are quoted at one billion. If an electromagnetic catapult is added and equipped with a carrier-based aircraft, such a warship may be... Three billion dollars, folks, our country can’t afford that much.”

 Everyone was silent.

As naval officers, of course they choose the strongest. However, even they themselves know that it is impossible for the country to spend three billion US dollars to purchase them.

“Okay, let’s exclude projects in the East, and we will choose from projects in Spain and France.” Nikolai said: “Of these two projects, the Spanish project has a larger displacement, and the quotation is cheaper.”

"Yes, their project quotation is the cheapest, but they use the jump deck to prepare for operating fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft. Everyone, our biggest problem at the moment is that we do not have supporting carrier-based aircraft. We After purchasing the Spanish aircraft carrier, it is impossible to purchase the Sea Harrier. We can only purchase the expensive J-31A from the East. Taken together, the price will go up."

“Mr. Boris, do you think we should purchase French products?” Nicholas asked.

 “Is there a more suitable choice than this?”

"I disagree." Nicholas shook his head: "French products have always been expensive and low-performance. Their displacement is only 20,000 tons, but the price is 600 million euros! They can only carry helicopters, and their power system It’s also bad, the maximum speed can’t even reach twenty knots.”

"As for the problem of carrier-based fixed-wing fighter jets you mentioned, if we don't have money now, we can wait until we have an amphibious assault ship first. Then we can purchase fixed-wing fighter jets when we have money later. Although Dongfang's price is one billion , but it’s 40,000 tons, and it can still run to thirty knots. Two French cargo ships can’t compare to one like this!”

Two French cargoes cost 1.2 billion euros, which is almost 1.4 billion U.S. dollars when converted, but they are only cargo that cannot even reach a speed of 20 knots.

 How does it compare with the Eastern ones?

"Nikola, don't just look at these. We only need to purchase two ships from France and we can build them ourselves in the future. The French will give us a complete set of drawings. The 1.2 billion euros also include technology exports. If we want to understand If we use the state group’s technology, we will have to spend two billion U.S. dollars. Isn’t it clear how to calculate this amount?”

"I'm just expressing my opinion. If you insist, I can't say anything. After all, what I say doesn't count," Nicholas said.

"Nicholas, you should know that if you go too close to the East, many people will gossip about you." Boris said: "I choose this for your own good. I think, how about we just choose the French plan?"

"You can choose, that is your right." Nicholas said, "But I will not sign it. The French plan is the worst of the three."

 If Nikola does not sign, the tender cannot be concluded. After all, Nikola is the user representative for this purchase.

 “If you don’t agree, then I can only report it to the boss.”

 “Whatever.” Nicholas stood up: “Anyway, you are the person sent by the boss.”

The three bidding teams waited and waited, and waited from afternoon to evening, but there was no result. The originally planned dinner party with the results in the evening was out of the question.

However, everyone knows that for such a big project, it is normal for a decision to not be made within a day, and it may even waver in two or three years, so everyone is not in a hurry.

Boris has gone back to report to the boss.

"Nikola has always insisted on adopting the Minzhou Group's plan. I think Nikola must have benefited from the Minzhou Group." Boris said: "Among the three plans, I think the French plan is the most suitable. , it can carry our armed helicopters without the need for specialized carrier-based aircraft, and after two ships, we will be able to obtain the technology to build them ourselves."

“Nikola took benefits from Mingzhou Group? Do you have any evidence?” the boss asked.

Boris was stunned for a moment: "Isn't this obvious? Nikolai has long been tied to Dongfang, and his position is no longer on our side! If he didn't get any benefits, why would he support the Mingzhou Group's plan? "

“What about you? By supporting the French plan so much, are you taking advantage of the French?”

Boris's face changed: "Of course I don't. You trust me so much. I will never betray your trust."

 “Really? Then look at what this is?”

Boris was shocked when he looked at the cigar box that the boss took out. He reached into his pocket and found that the cigar box that was originally hidden in his underwear pocket was missing!

 Who moved the hand?

While waiting in the living room, I once went to the toilet and bumped into a cleaner. Was that that time?

 Wait a minute, who knew there was a weird cigar box in his pocket?

“Cuba cigars, the best cigars in the world, my favorite brand.” Boris tried to pretend to be calm.

"Really? I think you must be reluctant to smoke these cigars. Let's take apart the cigars and take a look." The boss said, and took out a knife with a swish.

Boris' face turned pale as he watched the world's most expensive cigar being cut open, revealing a paper roll inside.

 “Tell me what this is, and don’t say it’s not yours.”

Boris's body has begun to tremble: "I don't know, this is a frame-up! I just exchanged my favorite cigars with a smoker. I didn't know there was this thing in the cigars."

"You don't know? This box of cigars is packed with twelve cigars. Lucas gave you the whole box at that time, right? There are ten more in it now. Tell me, where did the other one go?"

"I, I, I..." Boris was suddenly speechless and trembling all over.

 “Come here! Take him down!”

  Boris went limp, collapsed to the ground, and was then dragged out.

 “Call Nicholas in.”

Nicholas was at the door, watching Boris being dragged away, knowing that this guy was finished.

“Nicholas, among the three plans, which one do you like most about the Mingzhou Group?”

Nikolai's heart skipped a beat again. He did not dare to hesitate and said: "From a performance point of view, Mingzhou Group's solution has the best performance. At the same time, our cooperation with Mingzhou Group is the smoothest, so we support Mingzhou Group's plan. However, we also know that superiors have their own considerations, especially funding issues. No matter which project the superiors support, we will accept it. To purchase brand-new warships for our navy, we are not qualified to be picky."

“Then go ahead and announce that the French project has won this bid.”

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