Warship of Great Power

Chapter 951: Profit of more than 20 billion a year

The Empire on which the sun never sets has long since declined. Even if they bite the bullet and build two aircraft carriers, it is still a joke. Many of the mistakes that Asan made have appeared on them, allowing everyone to feel that they have long been in decline. .

 Now that we talk about this, everyone is talking about it again.

“I heard that the British wanted to transform their aircraft engines into gas turbines, but they encountered many problems during the transformation process. They haven’t built them yet. They didn’t even have a suitable engine when they built the aircraft carrier. It’s a joke!”

“They used a super segmented docking method. After the welding was completed, they found that the segments could not be connected, and they had to ask us for help!”

"Their aircraft carrier now plans to use ski jump takeoff and vertical landing, but they do not have such aircraft themselves, and it is difficult for Americans to develop aircraft. Even if the aircraft carrier is built, they will find that they do not have aircraft, and they may have to use them. Their sea harriers.”

"It is said that they also want to change to catapult take-off. However, if they want to use gas turbines, they will definitely not be able to use steam catapult. They have to use electromagnetic catapult. However, the United States has only started to study this technology, and it is still immature. Their aircraft carrier, Don’t expect it to be operational for ten years.”

“If they want to put it into use as soon as possible, the best way is to cooperate with us. However, we cannot sell them any parts. After all, they have always been hostile to us.”

"Why can't they sell it? If they want to buy it, of course they can sell it. We just need to build a program in it. When the plane flies near our territorial waters, it will turn around and return. The pilots can only stare."

 The entire conference room was filled with a happy atmosphere.

“Speaking of carrier-based aircraft, our 003 aircraft carrier is probably dominated by the stealthy J-32, right?” Another voice sounded.

The guys looked at Pleshakov. Pleshakov smiled and said nothing. He has always been like this, talking less and doing more. He rarely speaks in meetings like this.

Zhao Dangsheng beside him stood up: "Then let's report from our department. Last year, we delivered a total of 68 fighters, including 25 J-31A, 2 Fifteen J-32s and eight J-35s. A total profit of 2.2 billion."

 Building airplanes means making money. On average, the profit of each airplane is more than 30 million. However, everyone quickly heard something from it: "Why are there so few J-35s?"

The J-35 is a land-based fighter. Since Mingzhou Group is a shipbuilder, these fighters are generally sold with aircraft carriers. However, even so, the number of J-35 is too small, right? This fighter jet is currently mainly purchased by the domestic air force. The number is so small now. What does the air force mean?

“Eight aircraft are purchased every year, and only 80 aircraft will be purchased in that ten years. The Air Force has no intention of using our J-35 as its main force. Could it be that the Air Force has a new love?”

 Everyone reacted.

"Although the Air Force does not need to purchase expensive aircraft carriers and other warships, the Air Force currently has a lot of procurement projects. In order to meet the changes in offense and defense, the most important thing they value is bombers. The number of H-6K purchases is quite large. At the same time, they also pay more attention to the amount of heavy bombs. The big J-16, but in any case, our aircraft is a stealth aircraft, giving the Air Force another much-needed capability. It is impossible to purchase such a small quantity unless the Air Force itself has it!"

As soon as this sentence came out, everyone reacted.

"Yes, the Air Force already has another heavy-duty stealth fighter. The development of this stealth fighter is progressing very quickly. We were also responsible for the development of the front nose." Zhao Dangsheng said: "The performance of this heavy-duty stealth fighter is not as good as The F22 is excellent and has various advanced capabilities. It is not only valued by the Air Force, but also by the Navy, so in the future, the Navy's carrier-based aircraft will probably also choose this heavy-duty twin-engine stealth fighter."

“Doesn’t that mean that our purchase of stealth aircraft will be less and less?”

"It's not that it's not as good at home as it is abroad. Our aircraft still have very strong performance compared to other aircraft. Moreover, our domestic engine research and development level is also constantly improving. When the turbofan 15 is revamped, it will , the performance of our stealth aircraft will be improved to a higher level, and we can still maintain it for another twenty years by relying solely on exports."

The biggest problem with this stealth aircraft now is the engine. Although it is called Turbofan Fifteen, it is actually a replica of the Lao Maozi R-79 engine. Although the thrust is enough, the weight is excessive, and the thrust-to-weight ratio is even more pitiful. .

Of course, relevant domestic departments are also making improvements. After the engine of this stealth aircraft is improved, the weight will be reduced by at least one ton. Whether the thrust will increase or not is secondary. As long as the lifespan is improved a lot, it can still be given to the Mingzhou Group. This kind of stealth machine has more powerful capabilities.

Everyone finally knows what Zhao Dangsheng wants to express: After all, the most important thing is to answer the question just now: The next 003 aircraft carrier may not necessarily carry many J-32s, because the domestic twin-engine heavy-duty stealth aircraft When it matures, this stealth aircraft will also have a carrier-based variant!

“This heavy-duty aircraft is also going to be put on the ship?” Everyone started talking.

As a result, the content of the meeting went astray again.

 Before the other units were introduced, everyone started discussing the issue of heavy aircraft on ships.

“I’m disgusted by what I saw. It is said that this heavy-duty aircraft has a canard layout, with wide wings that cannot be folded. I’m afraid it will be inconvenient for aircraft carrier operations.”

"Yes, our brother units are developing stealth drones, and even we can do it. Since drones have become the mainstream in the future, of course we can also rely on this technology to continue to occupy the aircraft carrier-based aircraft market."

“You should stop helping the Air Force, it’s better to do ours.”

By the time everyone finished spitting and sputtering, the sun was already setting outside.

"Ahem, today's meeting delayed the process. Next is meal time, and the remaining meetings can only be postponed to tomorrow." Zhao Ling said.

“Secretary Zhao, there’s no need to delay, we can just continue the drive in the evening!”

“Yeah, why are you in a hurry about eating? It’s not like we haven’t eaten before.”

 Everyone is very enthusiastic.

“How about we ask the guest house to send some lunch boxes, and we can eat in the conference room, and then continue after eating.” Qin Tao suggested.

Even if everyone has this statement, we can't starve everyone. It's not good to come to the group headquarters for a meeting and end up hungry.

 “Okay.” Zhao Ling nodded and motioned to Xu Zhengyang to make arrangements.

"Speaking of eating, I thought of something. Next, let us Huating Second Shipyard report." Qin Tao said: "Their reforms in eating are also very good."

Cong Ju stood up: "Let me report first. Last year, we delivered 18 LNG ships, eight river-sea bulk carriers, and three special operation ships. Our overall profit was 1.2 billion."

 “So many?” The big guy suddenly became excited.

"so amazing!"

 “Ahem, sorry, I just said US dollars.”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was even more shocked: "Your second shipyard is the most profitable unit of our entire Mingzhou Group, right?"

“My dear, if this were converted into RMB, wouldn’t it be more than 100 billion?”

Although the shipyard of the headquarters is also building a large number of ships, it mainly builds warships for the navy's own use. With Mr. Qin's personality, of course, such ships cannot make much money, as long as a certain profit rate is guaranteed, so those who specialize in building civilian ships for export Huating Second Shipyard is the most profitable unit of the entire Mingzhou Group.

“We expect profits to grow by about 10% this year.” Cong Ju continued to drop bombs.

Others were wailing: "Cong Gong, if you report like this, how should the rest of us report?"

“Yeah, compared with you, it’s just drizzle.”

“Sister Cong Ju, let me introduce your canteen reform to everyone.”

So Cong Ju started talking about how to use meal cards to prevent waste, how to provide meals to outsiders when outsiders came to the unit, etc. After finishing talking about this, everyone was even more surprised. You, a super giant with a profit of 12 billion US dollars a year, still care about such a small amount of money?

"It is easy to go from frugality to luxury, but it is difficult to go from luxury to frugality. Although we have strong profitability, we still have to maintain a hard and simple style." Cong Ju said: "We have so many people in the shipyard, if each person has a daily If one pound of grain is wasted, how much grain will be wasted throughout the year? We are not only trying to save expenses, but also saving the grain that farmers have worked so hard to grow. A porridge and a meal are hard-earned, and we cannot waste it. "

They are not afraid of workers eating it. Although there are no luxury dishes, ordinary braised pork, fish-flavored shredded pork, Kung Pao chicken and the like are all affordable, cheap, and enough money to swipe the card. They just want to put an end to them. waste.

 This is like using toilet paper. When they see their children tearing up the toilet paper, some mothers will teach their children: Don’t waste it, it’s all money! Some mothers will also say: We must protect the forest, toilet paper is made of trees.

  Although they all have the same purpose, when you say it, the realm is different.

"Our different units have different characteristics, so I don't require all units to follow this method. There is an idiom called Dongshi imitates the trend, and there is another idiom called Painting a tiger will not turn out to be a dog. However, if we are suitable , I suggest following this method, installing a time card machine, and then issuing meal cards to employees, which can save a lot of precious food."

The design office of the Mingzhou Group is not suitable. Take the second design office that Qin Tao went to as an example. The technicians are so busy that they have no time to eat. The canteen often heats the food several times and puts it in lunch boxes. , and then go to the office to deliver meals. Are you still punching in at this time? Where can I check in?

However, for those factories that do manual work, the workers need to rest after working for a long time, and they eat a lot when they come down to eat. They may eat more and throw it away if they can’t eat. In this case, the meal card system is suitable. .

Everyone nodded.

At this moment, there was a banging sound outside, followed by a smell of fragrance.

 The food from the guest house is here!

"Here, each person has a box, but the food inside is different. Next, we will have the feeling of opening a blind box. I will take a box first." Qin Tao picked up a box, opened it, and saw a portion of rice. One portion of shredded fish-flavored pork and one portion of shredded potatoes. The combination of meat and vegetables is quite good.

“I’m very satisfied with my meal.” Qin Tao said, “Try it, I hope you don’t get the combination of rice and cold dishes.”

The meeting room was filled with the smell of rice, and everyone was huffing and puffing about the rice while continuing to discuss.

“For the next unit, let’s ask the headquarters to talk about it. Let’s hear how much profit the headquarters makes.”

“Let’s talk about it from small to large. There are still many units. Our transportation company and our construction company have not mentioned it.”

“Do you think transportation companies and construction companies have low profits? I’m afraid it will scare you to death!”

“Construction companies must have high profits, but transportation companies probably have negative profits.”


 “You’ll know next when you listen.”

 Everyone was chatting and eating. They finished their food quickly and then continued to listen to the introduction.

When it was the transportation company's turn, Ma Laoliu was a little embarrassed: "Last year, our transportation company bought more than a dozen cargo planes and added some layouts, so last year's profit was negative 3 million. However, We will definitely have positive revenue this year.”

"Layout? What kind of layout?" Qin Tao, the group boss, is really a failure. His subordinates spent too much money without even knowing it. However, from another perspective, this Qin Tao is still very powerful and dares to be bold. Delegate power.

"Global express business." Ma Laoliu said: "Our domestic express delivery has completed the layout three years ago, and it was profitable that year after completion. However, we found that with the development of the country, there are many business needs and international With cooperation, there is also a large amount of international mail. Some are slow and can be shipped by ship, while some are urgent and can only be sent by international express companies."

"Germany has DHL, the Netherlands has TNT, island countries have OCS, the Middle East has ARAMEX, Singapore has DPEX, and the United States has too many to count, including UPS, FedEx, etc. What about us in the East? Although we have postal services, the postal service is too slow. It is simply impossible to meet the needs of global express delivery business, so our transportation company has begun to lay out its layout. We want to expand our express delivery business globally, and now it has covered dozens of developed countries."

When he heard about FedEx, Qin Tao's face changed slightly. As an Oriental, he must not forget the dirty things this express company has done. International express delivery has to transport some special goods and some confidential documents. It is not suitable in the hands of foreigners, you still have to control it yourself.

"You are doing a good job." Qin Tao said: "The international express business is also very important and must be in our hands. Now that we have this strength, there is nothing to say. We should start this business as soon as possible, even if it is It’s okay if it’s not profitable.”

"It should be profitable. This year, the airport on the Kra Canal in Siam will be opened. We will have a dedicated line running there. It will become our main distribution center in Asia. There are also many supplies that are anxious to be transported by air. . We have signed an exclusive agreement with the Kingdom of Siam, and only our express company can open an office there."

The construction of the Kra Canal is of great significance. Cargo ships come and go frequently, so logistics naturally arise. Some logistics are slow and some are urgent. If you are in a hurry, use air transport.

Now, Siam has begun to make profits from this canal, and their interests are of course tied to the Mingzhou Group. Any benefits will be provided to Mingzhou Group first.

Qin Tao nodded: "Well done."

“Next, it’s our construction company’s turn, right? Since the shipyards all use U.S. dollars, we also use U.S. dollars. After all, we earn U.S. dollars. Our net profit last year was 3.2 billion U.S. dollars.”

so much?

Everyone is surprised that you, a construction worker, can actually make so much money?

"Don't be envious, you guys. According to Mr. Qin's instructions, we are now mainly engaged in foreign business. In fact, if we return to China for development, our profits will be higher. You can look at those domestic real estate companies and how much profit they make. high."

Qin Tao thought for a while and then said: "If our construction company wants to return to China, of course it can. Instead of letting other companies divide the domestic market, it is better for us to take a share of the pie. Of course, I also have A request."

"any request?"

 “Maintain quality and quantity, and don’t have unfinished buildings.”

"Mr. Qin, you are looking down upon us. How could we build an unfinished building?" Kong Laoer was a little dissatisfied.

 Originally, Qin Tao wanted to develop industry and had no plans to develop real estate, but now, he has changed his mind.

 The domestic real estate market is booming. I don’t know how many companies have invested in this market. Many of them have a special purpose: to get a vote and leave. Just dig a hole and start selling it. If it doesn't work, it will go bankrupt and leave the bad debt to the government.

The real estate market is getting worse and worse, and the victims are ordinary people. Mingzhou Group has grown and developed, and now it has to give back to society. In the future, the real estate developed by Mingzhou Group will become the most famous brand in the country!

Thinking about the miserable situation of those whose houses were in ruins and still had to repay the loans, Qin Tao felt that he had an obligation to change the market.

Hearing Kong Laoer's dissatisfaction, Qin Tao smiled: "I was wrong just now. We definitely don't have unfinished buildings. However, when our group builds buildings, they must all be existing houses. Before they are built, We won’t sell it, we’ll sell it after it’s built. It’s best to go through all the procedures so that the property rights can be handled after the sale is completed.”

Zhao Ling thought for a moment, and then said, "Mr. Qin, if this is the case, we will be under great development pressure."

“Of course there will be a lot of pressure, but we bear the pressure ourselves and cannot pass it on to home buyers.” Qin Tao said: “Moreover, if we sell it after building it, the price can be higher.”

This price is not as low as he wants. Selling houses at low prices by Mingzhou Group will not only destroy the market, but also cultivate a group of speculators. Just look at the price-limited houses launched by later countries to curb housing prices. , it was originally intended to benefit those who did not have a house, but what was the result? Prices are upside down, and you will earn money if you buy it. Those who are qualified to buy a house are definitely not those who need a house.

The real estate developed by Mingzhou Group is of good quality, and the existing houses are delivered at a higher price than those that just dig a hole and start selling. He does not want to use every method to compete with those scalpers. When the time comes, Mingzhou Group develops a All the properties were bought by a wealthy person, who then sold them at a higher price.

Qin Tao almost talked about this, but he looked outside and could only shake his head: "Next!"

 After the meeting, it was already early in the morning, and everyone was still very excited. They remembered one data: Mingzhou Group’s overall profit last year was US$23.9 billion!

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