Warship of Great Power

Chapter 952: Qiongzhou No. 3 Shipyard

Chapter 952 Qiongzhou Third Shipyard

 What does this number mean?

Aren’t any of the world’s top 500 companies worth tens of billions or hundreds of billions?

That is running water, not net profit. The average net profit of the Fortune 500 is only a few billions. The net profit of Mingzhou Group in a year has exceeded the number one in the Fortune 500 many times.

Of course, Mingzhou Group will never disclose it to the outside world, and they don’t need to, because they are not a listed company at all.

Many of the Fortune 500 are listed companies, and they announce their revenue every year in order to make investors around the world have confidence in them and sell more stocks. Once the stock market fluctuates, these companies will immediately become anxious.

 Mingzhou Group has never relied on the stock market. They rely on their own strength and industry. Although they are not an arms company like Lockheed Martin, they actually do more than an arms company.

Of course, Mingzhou Group also has listed companies, such as Starship Company, which is listed, but these are independently operated and have little to do with the entire group. Goose Factory has also gone public, and that is because of the Internet company. If it is not listed, how can we play on the Internet? The real core departments are decided by Mingzhou Group itself and will not be affected by any interference from the outside world.

There is no need to announce its revenue to the outside world. Mingzhou Group has grown into a behemoth, but no one knows what kind of behemoth it has grown into.

These people in the evening meeting are all core members of the company and are trustworthy. Of course, they will not go out and talk nonsense. They will only compete with each other and strive to have better numbers when the annual meeting is held next year.

When they came out of the meeting, stars were already shining brightly above their heads. Qin Tao took Zhao Ling's hand with a smile on his face: "Xiao Ling, our group has finally grown into the strongest group in the world. Do you feel it?" Very proud?"

 Zhao Ling sighed.

"What's wrong?"

"Brother Tao, we do have a very good career, but..."

 Zhao Ling still has a lot of worries.

"Don't worry, our current policies are very good, and we have enough background. No one will try to take our ideas." Qin Tao said, "You don't have to worry."

"No, I'm not worried about this. I mean, Haiyang has always liked to be a navy. It wants to fly carrier-based aircraft and aircraft carriers. Who will be at the helm of our Mingzhou Group's aircraft carrier in the future?"

 Qin Haiyang is already a big child and has his own ideals. A child who lives in the Gongzhufen compound every day will definitely want to be a navy. Who will Mingzhou Group hand over to him in the future?

"Isn't there Xue'er?" Qin Tao said: "Don't underestimate girls. When girls grow up, they can also be presidents. If Qin Xue becomes a domineering female president in the future, Mingzhou Group will be stronger. "

"Even if she can, what about her next generation? They will always have a foreign surname."

Qin Tao finally came to his senses: "You mean, you still want to have another child? Okay, let's go back and work harder."

In fact, Qin Tao is not enthusiastic about any family business. His original purpose was just to save the Mingzhou Shipyard from bankruptcy and to prevent his father from blaming himself for this matter. Later, he came all the way, It is enough to bring Mingzhou Shipyard to the first place in the world.

 Who can say what will happen next? He has always been cultivating his subordinates. With or without him, Mingzhou Group can develop normally. When it comes to the next generation, it will be left to the next generation. When the time comes, letting go completely and traveling around the world with your lover is also a good choice.

As Qin Tao took her hand and walked in the direction of the guest house, Zhao Ling's face showed two blushes. She didn't mean it this way. But since Brother Tao is interested, I can't refute his interest.

The next day, Qin Tao slept until about ten o'clock in the morning. When he woke up, Zhao Ling was packing her luggage in the room and humming an unknown song. She seemed to be in a good mood.

“Brother Yang, after the annual meeting, it’s time to celebrate the New Year. Where should we go to celebrate the New Year?” Zhao Ling asked.

 “Let’s go to Qiongzhou.”


Zhao Ling had actually guessed that the shipyard in Qiongzhou would start construction after the new year, and Qin Tao would definitely go there to have a look. Qiongzhou also has many tourist attractions and the weather is good, so she took advantage of the New Year and took a vacation. It should be the best choice to investigate while not delaying work and life.

“Take Haiyang and Xue’er with you, as well as our mother and father.”

“Your mother, your father, or my mother and father?”

 Husband and wife, it would not be good for you and me to be separated, but if we talk about it together, we are somewhat inseparable.

“Ask them and bring whatever you can with them.”


However, Qin Baoshan couldn't worry about the shipyard. Every year during the Chinese New Year, he would stay at the shipyard to celebrate the New Year with the shipwrights who couldn't go home. This was almost a tradition. Although he didn't show up much and always retreated behind the scenes, he still He was doing many things silently and he couldn't leave. Cao Yuru's clothing company is also very busy. It has received a large number of foreign trade orders and still cannot leave.

Fortunately, Wu Shengli wanted to go to Qiongzhou for inspection, so he took Zhao Xiu'e and his two grandsons (daughters) to Qiongzhou to meet him.

  Qiongzhou, a suburb of Sanya, a naval base.

“Dad, I just got off the plane and you called me here.” Qin Tao was a little dissatisfied: “I was too tired on the way.”

"What are you tired of? You're on a special plane. You don't have to wait in line. The route can be declared at any time." Wu Shengli rolled his eyes at his son-in-law: "Don't worry, Haiyang and Xue'er have been brought here. They will follow Xiaoling first. Play, you are a man and you have to do men’s things.”

Qin Tao was helpless, how did you know that I was here to see my son and daughter? What happened to the man? Men who take care of their families are cuter.

 “Okay, Dad, what are your instructions?”

"Nothing, I just brought you here for a walk." Wu Shengli said: "This is our naval base, and outsiders are not allowed in at all. You have to be grateful for making an exception for you. Come and see which berth is the most suitable for our aircraft carrier. ?”

“Dad, just tell me if you want to expand the naval base here.”

Wu Shengli smiled: "Yes, we are planning to expand the naval base. Naturally, we have to ask your Mingzhou Group for this."

“Dad, we are too busy, we still need to repair the shipyard.”

“While building the shipyard, our naval base was also expanded in a matter of seconds.”

As expected, this was the purpose of my father-in-law. Qin Tao was very helpless: "Dad, this is not a casual thing. You should also know that those large mechanical equipment are not easy to move."

"Why is it not easy?" Wu Shengli rolled his eyes at him: "We are right next to each other. You can just drive over. It's such a big place, you can press it as you like."

 “Next to each other?”

“That’s right, you don’t know, right? The place approved for your shipyard is right next to our naval base here.”

Qin Tao opened his eyes wide in surprise and turned to look at the nearby open space. They were actually next to each other?

"Our Navy put a lot of effort and put a lot of pressure on the local government to let them give that piece of land to you Mingzhou Group. You don't even know that they originally planned to put that piece of land up for auction. , to build a coastal villa.”

"That's not possible. If you build a villa next to our naval base, wouldn't it directly overlook our naval base? How many warships are parked here and when we go to sea can be seen at a glance," Qin Tao said.

"Yes, that's it." Wu Shengli nodded: "Our navy strongly opposed it, but we still went our own way here. There was no other way. We reported to the old leaders. As a result, a large number of officials responsible for approving real estate projects here were dismissed. .”

Many things cannot be stated openly. The developers must have taken a fancy to the beautiful scenery here, and then colluded with the people responsible for approving real estate and insisted on developing it. Since they are determined to do it, the Navy can only make up its mind. Determined to get rid of them.

"The newly appointed leaders attach great importance to the requirements of our navy. When they heard that we were going to coordinate the shipyard here, they immediately nodded in agreement and approved a large piece of land."

“Dad, you are not thinking carefully. We are worried about the people who live in the villas, but aren’t we worried about the people in the shipyard?”

“So, we still have a request. The shipyard here can only build warships, not civilian ships.” Wu Shengli said.

Qin Tao was even more speechless. He could only build warships? You put it nicely, how many years can the Navy maintain its strength? When the Navy stops placing orders in the future, our shipyard will go to drink from the northwest wind? If you build a civilian ship, you need to have a representative sent by the ship owner to supervise it. This representative is most likely a foreigner, so you have the opportunity to see everything in the military port every day, which is not appropriate.

“Dad, we have a solution.”

"any solution?"

"Put up a wall between our shipyard and the naval base." Qin Tao said: "We should just separate. In addition to building aircraft carriers in our shipyard, even if there is a driver operating a gantry crane on the ordinary slipway, I can’t even see what’s going on in your military port.”

 “How high is that?” Wu Shengli felt excited.

 “About eighty meters.”

 “Aren’t you afraid of such a high wall falling down?”

 “It can be made thicker.”

“Then if you want to build it, just build more and cover our entire base.”

"The cost per meter is eight hundred thousand." Qin Tao said: "As long as the navy spends money, we will build it immediately."

 Have you been joking for a long time to make me laugh? The expression on Wu Shengli's face was very ugly.

"Dad, when our shipyard is building, we can design it. For example, we can build the tallest dock near the naval base. The dock will be responsible for building the aircraft carrier, and it will be operated by our most reliable people. The ones on the slipway are The height can be lower, just blocked by the dock, so it should be safe, right?"

Wu Shengli thought for a moment, then nodded: "Okay, you're right, let's do it."

Just as he was talking, there was a roar above his head. Qin Tao looked up and saw a large plane flying over in the sky. It had a pointed nose and a rectangular air inlet. It should be landing when it flew over, so the plane The wings began to spread forward, and the movement looked very beautiful.

“Our H-6Js have been deployed here?” Qin Tao was very surprised.

"Of course." Wu Shengli said: "Take off from our Qiongzhou base, circle around the entire southern sea area a few times and then fly back. Occasionally, we will land directly on the base runway on Shuangsha Island."

“Then our aviation base has also been expanded, right?”

"Of course, the aircraft carrier will be parked in the future. Before the aircraft carrier enters the port, the carrier-based aircraft on it will fly to the land base. Of course we have to expand the naval aviation base here, otherwise it will not be enough."

“Did the naval engineers do it? Then the navy can completely rely on itself to expand the port.”

In fact, except for the confidentiality of nuclear submarine bases, it is not necessary to keep regular naval bases confidential. After all, even if there are no villas around, and there are no intelligence personnel on the residences snapping photos, there are still satellites overhead. This kind of base It is impossible to add a cover to the top of the head, and the other party can only take pictures of aircraft carriers and the like.

"If we can complete it, why do we need you?" Wu Shengli said: "The water depth of our port is insufficient. In order to allow the aircraft carrier to come in, we have to dig deeper into the port and deeper shipping routes. All of this requires help from your Mingzhou Group. "

If you want a dredger, just ask directly. Our Mingzhou Group is building construction for the navy and only charges the cost price. Qin Tao looked at his father-in-law with some helplessness: "Dad, if you need anything in the future, just say it directly without beating around the bush." "

“I’m not beating around the bush, you still have to build the port, and you have to dig the dredgers. If you think the space allocated to the shipyard is not big enough, you can just use what the dredgers dig out to reclaim the land.”

Wu Shengli looked like he was thinking about Qin Tao, and Qin Tao smiled helplessly: "Dad, we can't just reclaim the sea and build land here. We have to consider many factors, such as environmental protection. We don't have anyone to dig channels for the navy." I dare say, but if we expand the area for ourselves, there will probably be a group of environmental experts to compare.”

“It seems that you also hate environmental experts. Don’t you, Golden Sun Auto, shout about being environmentally friendly every day?”

“We shout to the outside world.”

The roar disappeared, and the plane finally landed, and judging from the sound, it was nearby.

The naval aviation base should be close to the port, so that when the pilots come down, they can still be with other members of the fleet. Otherwise, they have to travel a long way and it is inconvenient to coordinate.

“Do you want to go to the aviation base?” Wu Shengli asked as Qin Tao looked towards the direction of the plane’s landing.

“No, I want to see our shipyard.”

 Going to the aviation base, Qin Tao didn't want to continue bargaining with his father-in-law because he was not sure what kind of projects would be done.

 “Okay, let’s go over and have a look.”

The off-road vehicle drove a group of people on the road to the base, and then drove forward along the wasteland for a while.

“This area is the shipyard land approved by your Mingzhou Group. It is adjacent to our naval base on one side and the beach over there. The beach over there will be developed into a tourist area.”

Needless to say, for now, many people can be seen playing on the beach over there. There are even RVs parked there, and there are people cooking there. Smoke is everywhere and garbage is everywhere.

Qin Tao frowned: "In the future, the security tasks of our shipyard will not be light. Our walls must be high enough."

Being next to a tourist attraction is not a good thing. There are so many people outside, and you might make excessive demands. If you are basking in the sun on the beach, and it suddenly starts raining, will there be a swarm of swarms asking for shelter? rain? If they are not allowed to enter, then they will be morally kidnapped: We young people will not enter, but the elderly and children can enter, right? If you disagree, then you have no love.

 When you go out to play by yourself, don’t you know how to bring an umbrella?

The shipyard should make preparations in advance and build the wall higher, without opening the door on that side and completely isolating it from there.

“You, the Mingzhou Group, can also contract it and develop it there, so that you can maintain the order there, which will be better.”

 Qin Tao hesitated for a moment, our Mingzhou Group's development method of spreading the pie is not good, and we also want to engage in tourism?

“Anyway, you are doing well on Shuangsha Island and other islands.” Wu Shengli added.

“Then let’s think about it.” Qin Tao nodded. It would be easier if we also do it on the beach over there.

"The area is similar to that of the Mingzhou Shipyard." Wu Shengli made plans for Qin Tao on the side: "The size of a shipyard, ten slipways plus an outfitting dock is about the same, but the construction of a steel plant is not allowed here, so here For shipbuilding, steel needs to be transported by sea. A special dock must be built here."

 Qin Tao thought briefly and then nodded. It is enough to build ships here. Steelmaking will indeed be inconsistent with the development strategy here. Building a big smoking chimney will be criticized by many people.

It's better to transport it directly from Mingzhou. Anyway, Huating Second Shipyard also does this, so this is not a problem.

But another thing is important: energy.

  Qiongzhou is an island. The electricity on this island is generated by itself. It can be supplied to civilians, but it is difficult to supply its own large shipyard.

 Historically, the cross-sea interconnection primary 500 kV AC project was put into operation on June 30, 2009. This was also the first ultra-high-voltage, long-distance, large-capacity submarine cable project in China. Qiongzhou Island has only received electricity from the mainland.

 It is estimated that it will be difficult for Qiongzhou Island to power itself.

"Our naval base is very close to your Mingzhou Group's shipyard, so in the future, after you build a nuclear power plant here, the excess power can be supplied to us, and we will provide it to you at the market price. "Wu Shengli said.

The Mingzhou Group has a nuclear power bank. It would be a waste to build a power station in a place like this. One nuclear power bank should be enough. Wu Shengli has already made up his mind. The naval base here also needs a lot of energy, which can be handed over to Mingzhou. The state group will solve it.

PS: There are some people who are particular about using RVs to keep them clean after leaving, but there are also those who are not particular about it. After leaving, the floor is littered with garbage. The most disgusting thing is urination and defecation. Some people are reluctant to use the toilet in the RV and use plastic bags to solve the problem. Method, and then throwing the plastic bag casually, it is essentially the same as urinating everywhere. Even if it is thrown into the trash can, the sanitation workers who take out the garbage will be very unlucky. Others directly open the sewage outlet and discharge it on the spot. Even if it is discharged into the city's sewer outlet, the sewer outlet is not used to discharge urine and feces garbage. The RV drove away in a hurry, and the sewer outlet smelled bad for many days. Over time, RVs have been rejected by many places, and they have even been stipulated that RVs cannot enter. It is time for those who play RVs to complain again.



 (End of this chapter)

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