Warship of Great Power

Chapter 950: Mingzhou Group Annual Meeting

 How many megawatts are tens of megawatts?

The current nuclear reactor used on the 095 nuclear submarine is 150 megawatts, with a power generation of 30 megawatts. If all of it is used to drive the pump jet propeller at the back, it means that the power of the motor must also be 30 megawatts. .

This kind of motor is difficult to find, and it is impossible to use all the energy to generate electricity. Therefore, the 095 only uses a 20-megawatt propulsion motor. This motor is also used in the Mingzhou Group to promote it to big dogs. On that aircraft carrier, that aircraft carrier used high-end all-electric propulsion.

It’s just that on an aircraft carrier, two propulsion motors drive one propeller, so two propellers are enough. On a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier, the number of drive motors must be increased to eight to drive four propellers. With so many motors, does it mean that the power system is too complex?

If the power of a single unit is changed to forty megawatts, it means that only four units are enough. However, Qin Tao doesn't know whether such a large propulsion motor can be built. He only provides suggestions and the specific operation is completely fine. Leave it to the horse worker and see if the horse worker can do it.

  However, there are no technical problems on the 095 nuclear submarine, but there will be problems on the 096. This problem is also calling for a 40-megawatt drive motor.

 The reason is of course this shaftless pump.

Since there is no transmission shaft, of course the motor must be installed inside the pump housing to drive a 17,000-ton monster. This requires powerful power, at least twice that of the 095. Therefore, this propulsion motor also It has to be 40 megawatts. If the original motor is still used, then two motors must be connected in series and parallel. Is it convenient to design the external shaftless pump?

 In the previous propeller era, submarines could have more than one propeller. The huge Oscar-class nuclear submarines used two propellers. In the pump era, it is uncoordinated to have two pumps behind the submarine, so it can only be one.

This technology has not been finalized yet, so Qin Tao just kept vague, just a few dozen megawatts would be enough. As for how many megawatts a few dozen megawatts is, he doesn't know. He will know it when the 096 drawings are finalized in the future. .

"Yes." Mr. Liu nodded: "Our technology is definitely the most advanced. This high-end shaftless pump is also our first. Mr. Qin, when you founded Golden Sun Company, I was still a little curious. Now I finally Now I understand, this electrical machinery company has many tricks up its sleeve."

"Well, it was just for the current layout." Qin Tao didn't hide anything: "Before I got involved in these technologies, I realized that future warships would be inseparable from these technologies, so I had to lay the groundwork little by little. Of course, Well, this is because we have smart military industry experts in our country. In terms of motors, thanks to Arima Engineers, I know nothing about these."

“Well, let’s introduce the submarine. Is there a photoelectric mast used on this control tower?”

“Mr. Liu, you know a lot.” Qin Tao introduced him while flattering him.

The afternoon passed, and it was easy to stay up until six o'clock. Qin Tao asked: "Mr. Liu, what do you have in mind for tomorrow?"

“Tomorrow? Let’s go see the frigate tomorrow. This is the sword-carrying guard of our aircraft carrier. Tomorrow afternoon, introduce me to the 10,000-ton cruiser.”

As expected, Mr. Liu came well prepared. Knowing so many things, Qin Tao was very emotional. After he agreed, he took Mr. Liu to the restaurant to eat. When he finished eating, he sent Mr. Liu back and took a long breath. tone, and then looked at the woman beside him: "Xiao Ling, we must find a way to drive Mr. Liu away!"

Mr. Liu can't stay forever. Ten days and a half month will definitely not work if he goes on like this. He might end up staying here for half a year. He can't bear it. Even if Mr. Liu coughs, his heart will hurt. Skip to one hundred and fifty.

 “Drive it away? How do you plan to drive it away?”

"If I knew, would I still need to discuss it with you?" Qin Tao looked at his wife helplessly: "Tell me, if you let the old man come over, can you take Mr. Liu away?"

"My dad is not easy to use. If my dad comes, he will probably stay here and not leave." Zhao Ling said.

 This is troublesome!

what to do?

"Why don't you write a letter of report to your superiors? Report Mr. Liu for living and eating here for free?" Qin Tao was willing to go all out. He could think of any idea of ​​harming Mr. Liu's reputation.

Mr. Liu definitely doesn’t care, and Mr. Liu will definitely give him money. However, if these words come out, Mr. Liu still has to take care of some influence, and he may leave.

"Report letter? If Mr. Liu finds out, you should be able to imagine the consequences."

To report Mr. Liu is to make the entire Navy an enemy. Will Mingzhou Group still plan to build warships for the Navy in the future?

This won’t work, and that won’t work either. What should we do?

"We still have to explain the situation here to Mr. Liu sincerely and respectfully. After two or three days, Mr. Liu has seen enough of this place, so we will make this suggestion. If he keeps it, we will put pressure on him. It’s too big.” Zhao Ling said, “Mr. Liu should be able to understand.”

“Well, I’ll leave this kind of thing to you. You should be the best at it. After all, Mr. Liu watched you grow up.”

Zhao Ling grew up in that compound. All the leaders in the compound were her elders. If she complained, Mr. Liu should be able to accept it.

"All right."

Zhao Ling took on this glorious and arduous task. However, the plan did not proceed. On the third day, Mr. Liu had just finished watching the 052 destroyer and before he heard the introduction of the 055 destroyer, someone came from the capital.

"Mr. Liu, it's time for you to go back. Our nursing home only gave you three days of leave. It's a good thing that you didn't come back overdue. You have to leave with us today."

 The director of a nursing home in the capital is here!

“Old Wang, I will stay here for a week and then leave. You go back first?”

"Go back? The old leader has already scolded us. If we can't take you back this time, then all of us will be fired." Dean Wang said: "Mr. Liu, you must come with us!"

“Old Wang, in front of so many subordinates, are you not giving me face?”

“Mr. Liu, this is a matter of principle.”

Qin Tao finally breathed a sigh of relief. If he had known that the director of the nursing home could get Mr. Liu away, he should have made a call long ago!

Qin Tao turned to look at Xu Zhengyang: "Zhengyang, write down the phone number of this nursing home!"

“Then let me listen to the afternoon report and leave in the evening.”

"Report? What report?" Dean Wang continued: "Mr. Liu, what you need to do most now is to protect your health and live a long life. There is no need to report. Let's go."

 “Mr. Liu, please walk slowly.” Qin Tao had a smile on his face. Okay, this big matter has been solved!

what's next?

 Next, it’s time for the group’s year-end summary meeting.

 Meetings are held every year, and there are new changes every year. However, this year’s meeting has a unique flavor.

 Everyone is excited for the new year.

“We have already heard from the Navy that the next year will be a year of great strength for our Navy. Many projects will be implemented during this year. Mr. Qin, is that true?”

"Yes, nuclear-powered aircraft carriers, nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, 10,000-ton cruisers, 40,000-ton amphibious assault ships and supply ships, etc., will all be launched within this year. Mr. Qin, these projects are all ours ?"

"It depends on whether we can afford it." Qin Tao said: "Our Mingzhou Shipyard cannot delay the construction of the navy, nor can it delay foreign trade orders. If we cannot afford it, then we will share it with our brother units."

"Of course there is no problem, Mr. Qin, our shipyard project in Qiongzhou has been approved. After the New Year, we can start construction. At our speed, we can build the shipyard within half a year. After that, our Qiongzhou Shipyard We can share part of the construction orders.”

"Has it been approved?" Qin Tao was also excited: "Okay, we don't have to wait until after the new year. Now that it has been approved, let's start construction as soon as possible!"

 Mingzhou Group continues to develop, and the two existing shipyards have become stretched. Mingzhou Shipyard is already mainly engaged in the warship business. Most of the construction of civilian ships is placed in the Huating Shipyard. Even so, it still cannot complete the tasks on the order. As the Navy wants to place large orders, many orders have been completed. Score points to other brother units.

 A few years ago, Qin Tao was thinking about building the third domestic shipyard. After repeated weighing, he decided to choose this location in Qiongzhou.

Qiongzhou mainly develops tourism. Although it now has an aerospace industry, when it comes to shipyards, I always feel that they are polluting enterprises, and I don’t agree with it very much. So this process took a long time, and finally we were able to establish a shipyard in Qiongzhou. Mainly It still depends on the coordination of the navy.

Mingzhou Group's establishment of a shipyard in Qiongzhou is actually to serve the navy. After all, the main base of the navy's future fleet will be Qiongzhou. If there are no accidents or various strategic considerations, the 002 aircraft carrier will most likely use Qiongzhou as its port. , can radiate to the entire southern sea area. Even to avoid irritating some people, the 002 aircraft carrier is still deployed in the north. What about the 003 and 004 in the future? Sooner or later they will be deployed to Qiongzhou.

After the aircraft carrier is deployed, there will be other needs, such as entering the dock for repairs. If there is a professional shipyard in Qiongzhou, it will naturally be the best. One day, the propeller suddenly got entangled with something, and it drove directly into the dock. Just fix it.

After several coordinations, Qiongzhou finally agreed, and then came the site selection and so on. These things have just been completed. Qin Tao, the boss, doesn’t know him very well yet, because he has been busy receiving Mr. Liu these days, and Zhao is responsible for other things in the group. Ling is responsible for handling it.

Hearing that the project had been approved, Qin Tao was naturally very happy. What else could he say? Start work quickly. Why wait for the New Year? Ten thousand years is too long. Seize the day.

“Mr. Qin, our engineering team is still busy in Siam and will not be free until after the Chinese New Year.”

Although the annual meeting was being held, Kong Laoer did not bother to come back and was still busy in Siam. After the opening of the canal, the surrounding construction must seize the time and complete what needs to be completed as soon as possible. The Siam Congress is more supportive of this project. .

"Oh, let's do it after the New Year. Don't be afraid of being late for a good meal." Qin Tao followed the good deeds. He knew that his huge enterprise was running in an orderly manner, and he must not let his rough interference disrupt the progress. He could do whatever he needed to do, but he couldn't mess with it. Come.

"Ahem." Zhao Ling coughed: "Everyone is here, let's have a meeting. The first content of the meeting is to report the results of each branch this year. This time, we will follow the rules we have learned since childhood. In order of arrival, our Huating Machinery Factory will report first."

Although Huating Machinery Factory is now a well-known propeller supporting factory in China and also operates projects such as lift fans, it is still inferior to other units in terms of scale and profitability, so it can only be ranked at the bottom.

Zhao Changshui, director of the machinery factory, looked at everyone present. Just as he was about to speak, he was interrupted by a woman's voice.

“From a young age, it’s our fourth design department, and we should report back.” Alexeyeva raised her hand: “Our fourth design department has been up to now...”

“Alexeyeva, our design office and production factory are separate. You are engaged in research and development, so of course you have to burn money. Our group can still afford to burn this money.”

“No, although other design offices also burn money, they also make money, so let’s introduce them.”

Seeing Alexeyeva's insistence, Zhao Ling said nothing and signaled Zhao Changshui to wait for now. Alexeyeva first introduced the progress of the ground-effect aircraft, and then explained how much funding would be needed in the next year. question, this report is over.

Zhao Changshui took over the conversation and wanted to continue the introduction. Another person raised his hand: "In terms of money burning, our Starship company burns the most money. I want the second report!"


Starship Company is also a company under the Mingzhou Group, so of course they have to be invited to come for this annual meeting. However, every year at the annual meeting, Wan Zhenfu comes. I don’t know what Max is doing this year, but he actually wants to come. He came to attend the meeting. He had a special status and needed to have his hair down, so he was invited to come over.

Who would have thought that he is also a master who is not willing to be outdone.

The profitability of Starship Company is not strong, but their ability to raise funds is unmatched. Max relies on his personal ability to continuously attract sponsors. Starship Company burns a huge amount of funds every year, but it can also attract the same amount. The sponsorship is very touching.

"Currently, our manned spacecraft project is progressing smoothly..." Hearing his eloquent report, everyone present looked at each other. Everyone simply reported. If Max continued talking like this, the whole morning would pass!

 Max is here to show off and ask for credit from the head office. Do you see that? How fast our Starship Company is progressing!

However, Qin Tao did not interrupt him. Hearing his reply, Qin Tao was very surprised: "In other words, our manned spacecraft is already capable of flying?"

“Yes, the development of our manned spacecraft is progressing very quickly. It has been fully tested and we hope to conduct the first manned flight!”

“Max, you should know that this first flight is very important. If it fails this time, our starship company may fall from the peak, and it may never get back up in the future.”

“We are not afraid.” Max said: “We believe we will succeed. In order to explore the universe and land on Mars, we must take these risks!”

"Okay, as long as you are prepared, we will support you." Qin Tao said, "Next..."

“Next, I would like to report on the development progress of our liquid oxygen methane engine. This engine is the most suitable engine for landing on Mars. It can be started multiple times, reused, and the thrust is adjustable..."

By the time Max introduced the project, everyone’s stomachs were growling. It was already two o’clock in the afternoon!

“Yes, this engine represents the future direction. When our inventory of engines is used up, we can also have more advanced rocket power. Everyone applauds!”

What Max needed was this applause. When he heard the applause from the audience, Max was in a state of ecstasy.

 “Next, let’s go to dinner and I have to have a few drinks with Max to celebrate!”

 In the afternoon, everyone saw that the seat where Max had been sitting in the morning was empty, and they all started talking.

Hmm, this guy is just here to show off, telling us that Starship Company is better than any of our companies!

 I heard that he drank too much at noon? Did Mr. Qin do it on purpose?

 We have to get him drunk, otherwise how can we hold the afternoon meeting? If he comes up with two more projects, it will be evening!

 While everyone was talking, Zhao Changshui stood up: "Is it my turn to introduce you now?"

 “Say it, no one dares to rob it now.”

“Our factory made a profit of 300 million last year…”

“What, your little broken factory can actually make a profit of 300 million?”

 “Yes, why?”

This time everyone was shocked.

 Although in China, the currency is RMB, this figure is high enough that everyone cannot believe it.

"You all make billions, billions or even tens of billions, and you actually have the nerve to be jealous of us?" Zhao Changshui couldn't help it: "The propellers we produce are world-famous. We not only supply them to domestic shipyards, but also to foreign countries. Provided, isn’t it normal for us to earn one or two million from one propeller?”

 They are not only engaged in domestic production, but also exporting! Domestic support is to earn hard-earned money, and providing overseas support will of course make more money.

“The British once approached us and asked us to produce propellers for their aircraft carriers. At that time, we quoted US$30 million, but they didn’t want it because they thought it was too expensive. Otherwise, our water pump factory’s profit this year could exceed US$500 million.”

“The British aircraft carrier still wants to use our propellers? No way!”

"I really can't accept this deal." Qin Tao also said: "When their aircraft carrier is launched into the water for trial sea trials in the future, and they find that the propeller is broken, they will not say that there is an installation problem, but they will definitely say that there is a problem with the quality of our production."

“That’s right, there are no good people in Britain. We can’t get on their pirate ship. There are so many mistakes in purchasing gantry cranes from us.” The subordinates immediately agreed.

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