Warship of Great Power

Chapter 945: Three and four bombs

Chapter 945 Three bombs and four bombs

 Mingzhou Group’s Second Design Office is a nationally and globally renowned aircraft carrier design unit. They never design other warships, but specialize in aircraft carriers. Over the years, they have designed various aircraft carriers and accumulated a lot of experience.

 However, they have never been involved in a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier, so this design is a challenge and an opportunity for them. Everyone has been waiting for this opportunity, and now, the opportunity has finally come!

 They have various innovative ideas that they hope to realize on this aircraft carrier.

“I think our aircraft carrier should use four catapults and add one more to achieve the same dispatch efficiency as American aircraft carriers.” At this time, a technician spoke.

 Only the United States and France in the world have experience in catapult takeoff. France has always used two catapults because it is a medium-sized aircraft carrier, while the United States has always been a large aircraft carrier and has always used four catapults.

Our 002 with a displacement of 80,000 tons only uses three catapults. So, should we add one to a 100,000-ton aircraft carrier to make it four catapults?

  This is a key factor affecting the take-off and landing of aircraft carrier-based aircraft, which means that the efficiency of aircraft carrier dispatch and the combat effectiveness of aircraft carrier are a key indicator.

 So when talking about this, everyone becomes serious.

 Three or four?

“We are still groping forward in the development of aircraft carriers, and the United States already has decades of operational experience. Since they have been using four, we must also use four.” The technician continued.

There is no shame in directly copying other people's successful experiences when one's own experience is insufficient. Dongfang has always done this. Take carrier-based aircraft as an example. Dongfang's vertical take-off and landing fighter jets are copies of American aircraft. Others have already found a path to success, all you have to do is follow suit.

So, should we add one to the aircraft carrier’s catapult?

"Regarding the dispatch efficiency of aircraft carriers, we already have more than a dozen algorithms. After analyzing these algorithms, our three-catapult catapults are enough. We believe that the dispatch efficiency of three-catapults is no lower than that of four-catapults. Americans maintain four-catapults." catapults, mainly because their catapults are unreliable and often in a state of repair, and they need to increase the redundancy of the system to ensure that at least one can be used."

The debate began.

 Qin Tao is in high spirits.

American aircraft carriers have always had four catapults. This is the first time our country has built a catapult-type aircraft carrier. It uses three catapults so as not to hinder the operation of the landing area. The take-off and landing positions of the angled deck catapults are staggered. However, the American The aircraft carrier has four catapults, and one of them must have invaded the landing area. So, is this catapult useless?

"The combat standards of U.S. aircraft carriers require that a maximum of 80% of the aircraft can be parked on the deck. In this case, a maximum of fifty aircraft must be parked on the deck. For them, the deck is where the aircraft really move. The warehouse is a parking place for maintenance and backup aircraft. However, we can see that after they parked fifty aircraft, the bow was basically full of aircraft, and they could only use the two catapults on the angled deck. , if we also use this method, the bow of the ship is full, and we can only use one catapult on the angled deck, and the dispatch efficiency is obviously not as good as two catapults."

In fact, there are normally about twenty aircraft parked on the deck of a U.S. Navy aircraft carrier. At this time, all four catapults can be used, but when the number of parked aircraft reaches thirty, one catapult must be blocked. For them, He said that his favorite thing to block is the No. 1 catapult on the right side of the bow, so that it can be consistent with other parked carrier-based aircraft and will not affect the operation of the aircraft carrier. However, when the number of 50 aircraft is parked, the No. 2 catapult It also has to be blocked. The entire space at the bow of the ship is used to park aircraft. At this time, the catapults on the angled deck must be used. The dispatch efficiency of two catapults is definitely higher than one.

 Now, if we want to build an aircraft carrier with a displacement of 100,000 tons, we should learn from the United States and directly use four catapults.

"Yes, the U.S. Navy occasionally uses this sortie method. If it is operating more than fifty carrier-based aircraft to conduct a full-deck attack, the two catapults on the angled deck will seem to have a very high sortie rate. Efficiency, but this mode is not easy to use. All carrier-based aircraft are parked at the bow of the ship. When dispatching, they need to drag a long distance, which affects the efficiency of the deck. We can also have our own attack methods, and don't forget, fighter jets As long as you attack, you have to take the landing situation into consideration. What if something goes wrong after takeoff and you need to make an emergency landing? The No. 3 catapult is in the landing area of ​​the angled deck. Takeoff operations cannot continue here. After each ejection , we must ensure that there are no problems with the ejected aircraft before we can carry out take-off operations. The priority of take-off operations is lower than that of landing operations. In this case, the take-off efficiency of these two catapults is equivalent to 1.5 at most! We Here, there is a special GA algorithm that only uses one catapult on the bevel deck and one catapult on the bow deck, so the dispatch efficiency will not be worse than two catapults on the bevel deck!"

An aircraft carrier deck plan appeared on the projection screen, with placement diagrams of various carrier-based aircraft drawn on it, and then the animation simulation began.

These technicians are indeed the best and can do anything! Qin Tao's eyes lit up.

The picture of an American aircraft carrier with its bow deck filled with aircraft is really cool, but this type of aircraft is mainly used for supply, leaving all the space at the stern of the ship to receive dry goods transported by the supply ship. By then, the back deck will be full of boxes. , various forklifts are busy going back and forth, which is not a common attack state at all.

“Taking 20 aircraft as a total wave, the total ejection time is 831 seconds, and the average ejection time of each aircraft is less than 42 seconds. Overall, it is no worse than the angled deck.”

“No, you only considered deck take-off and did not consider deck scheduling. There is something wrong with your algorithm.”

  Everyone was at odds with each other and had a heated debate.

“The Midway aircraft carrier cooperated with the F18 fighter jets and achieved high dispatch efficiency in the Gulf War. This is the advantage of four catapults. We must learn from the United States!”

“Really? Regarding the sustained wave attack method of the Nimitz aircraft carrier, we need to use the argument method of closed queuing network. Let’s take a look at this paper.”

It's a theory again. This theory is no longer a deck model diagram, but a curve graph. The horizontal axis is the total number of available aircraft and the vertical axis is the sortie rate. People who are not professionals really can't understand this graph.

"We can see that if the take-off time is between six and twelve minutes, the dispatch efficiency of three catapults and four catapults is exactly the same. When the take-off time is within six minutes, the utilization rate of the catapults is as high as Ninety-six percent, indicating that the ejection link is a shortcoming. However, if the time is greater than eight minutes, the utilization rate of the catapult is only 80%, indicating that the catapult still has spare power. The key to restricting the take-off of the sortie is not the catapult, but the catapult. It's deck scheduling. Not to mention four, two catapults are enough. As long as it meets the indicator of one failure after five hundred ejections, our catapults will not fail once in five thousand times, so there won't be any question."

 One side is a theoretical school, and the other side is a practical school. The two sides are arguing endlessly and arguing, and no one can convince the other.

Finally, someone suggested: "Since our argument has no conclusion, let's report it to President Qin and let him make a decision."

“Yes, Mr. Qin’s advice must be the best.”

 “Call now.”

"No need to call, Mr. Qin is here." Babic, who had been silent for the whole time, spoke.

At this time, everyone looked behind, and they were all surprised when they saw Qin Tao.

 “Mr. Qin!”

 “Mr. Qin!”

“Mr. Qin, do you support three catapults or four catapults?”

 Qin Tao was a little helpless.

He is also confused about this. He has experience in aircraft carrier construction, but before he came to this world, he had just built 003, which is a version with three catapults. Later aircraft carriers are still being planned. Will they use three bombs or four bombs? It was not decided at all, so he had no way to decide.

 He can only speak based on experience.

After the French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle, there have been various aircraft carrier design plans. Although they have not been started, there are many PPTs. Among them, the latest version of the PANG aircraft carrier is a giant ship with a full load displacement of 80,000 tons. Here On the aircraft carrier, the French still used two catapults and two elevators. The French publicize that these two are enough.

However, considering that the French do not have catapult R&D and production technology themselves, this is probably to save money. After all, the price of buying it from the United States, whether it is electromagnetic catapult or steam catapult, is horribly high. Just buy two to make do with it. If you buy four, the price may be able to keep up with the cost of the aircraft carrier.

At the same time, the U.S. Navy also conducted a demonstration in 2017. At that time, when the Ford class was in trouble, they were demonstrating future aircraft carriers, including a three-catapult version of the Ford, numbered CVN8X, and a displacement similar to that of the Kitty Hawk. The single-reactor CVNLX was demonstrated by the U.S. Navy at the time. The four-catapult version had an average of 160 sorties per day, while the three-catapult version had an average of 140 to 160 sorties per day. It seems that the difference is not much, but the U.S. Navy has become accustomed to using it. Four catapults, so at the end of the demonstration, four catapults are still used, and there is no plan to use one fuselage. Anyway, it is a matter of 160 million US dollars. What about our own side? Our own electromagnetic catapults are cheaper, and it doesn’t cost much to install four catapults.

“Mr. Qin, what do you think?”

"Everyone, I don't think this is a problem." Qin Tao suddenly had an idea: "Whether we use three or four is not up to us. It depends on the needs of the navy. We can just leave this choice directly to the navy. We will follow the four Regarding the design of the pod, if the Navy wants three catapults, then we will remove one catapult, which shouldn’t be a big deal.”

Everyone was stunned for a while. Mr. Qin actually became the boss and handed the blame to the navy. But after thinking about it carefully, this choice is not bad. When we were arguing, we gave the choice to the navy.

“Should the choice between the center-mounted ship island and the rear-mounted ship island be left to the navy?” Babbage asked.

 There are many topics of debate, not only catapults, but also ship islands.

Our side will not choose the useless two-ship island. We must use a single ship island and use nuclear power. This ship island will be smaller and occupy a smaller deck area.

"There is no need for the ship island. Our ship island can be as far back as possible, but it cannot be too far back, otherwise it will interfere with the airflow at the stern of the ship." Qin Tao said: "After we complete the initial design, we need to make one Wind tunnel test to see how the turbulence is near the ship island."

The nuclear-powered ship island does not need to consider the chimney problem, so the layout is more flexible. It depends on the location you need to choose. This point can be referred to the United States. The Americans' Ford-class aircraft carriers put the ship island at the back, so that The front deck is freed to facilitate the dispatch of carrier-based aircraft, which can significantly improve the efficiency of deck operations.

Our own 100,000-ton aircraft carrier can also move the island back to free up a large space in front. The efficiency is definitely different between walking around the island and walking directly.

Hearing Qin Tao's answer, Babbage nodded: "Okay, then we will design the ship island at the rear."

In this way, the layout of the deck is almost the same, with the island at the rear, three elevators, and three or four bombs to be determined. These determinations mean that the design work on the deck can be thoroughly carried out.

"Mr. Qin, the next step is the power system. Has the Navy confirmed whether it will use all-electric propulsion?" Babbage continued to ask.

"This is not yet available. In terms of power system, we also have to prepare both hands. Of course, for us, we still hope that the Navy can be more radical and choose an all-electric propulsion solution." Qin Tao said.

The first aircraft carrier still has a jump deck, and the second one has a flat deck, and is also equipped with electromagnetic ejection. It can be said that this plan is quite radical. Since the 002 aircraft carrier is so radical, the 003 aircraft carrier can certainly go up to another level. Building, engage in all-electric propulsion.

Of course, the advantage of all-electric propulsion is that electricity can be comprehensively deployed. For example, if the energy accumulated in electromagnetic interception cannot be used in time for electromagnetic ejection, it can also be given to the power system to make the power system run faster. The entire ship relies on the power grid to distribute power. There are many benefits. Even if you want to deploy electromagnetic guns and laser cannons in the future, you will still have enough energy.

Of course, the Navy's concerns are also justified. If the lock falls, the aircraft carrier will be completely unable to move.

What Mingzhou Group has to do is to let the Navy put down its psychological burden and build confidence in the all-electric propulsion solution. However, this thing cannot yet build a laboratory on land and can only be tested directly on the aircraft carrier.

"Well, then we will make two plans for the power system." Babbage said: "Mr. Qin, thank you for coming. Our overall design can be finalized, and then we can move on to the detailed design."

If they hold the meeting by themselves, it will take a long time, especially when the data may not be finalized. Then they will have to report to Qin Tao, which wastes a long time. Qin Tao came here this time to finalize all these. They can get to work quickly.

"This is what I should do. Everyone, the nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is our big project. We must crack this hard nut and submit a satisfactory answer to the motherland and the people!"


 Everyone has the same solemn look. Whether they have an oriental face or an old face, they all have the same beliefs.

 The next ship is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier!

As he spoke, Qin Tao felt his stomach growling. Before he knew it, a meeting had been held for half a day, and the sun was already setting outside.

“It seems that we can only have one meal at our second design office today.” Qin Tao said: “Is it free to eat here or do we need to pay by card?”

“Do you still need to swipe your card to eat?” Babic opened his eyes wide. The meaning was obvious: do you still need to spend money to eat?

Well, it seems that eating here is also free.

“Mr. Qin, we need to move to detailed design, so I won’t eat with you.”

“Yes, Mr. Qin, goodbye!”

Everyone said goodbye one by one, and soon, there were only a few people left in the conference room.

Babbage stood there, moving his lips, wanting to say goodbye, but felt that it was not polite: "Mr. Qin, let me accompany you to dinner. During the meal, we can continue to chat about the details. .”

 “Don’t they all eat?” Qin Tao was very curious.

"The aircraft carrier plan has been finalized. They are eager to design the aircraft carrier now. I will send someone to deliver the meals to the office in a short while. If the canteen is too big, it is a waste, and lunch boxes are in short supply."

Qin Tao nodded, feeling ashamed of his doubts when he first arrived. How could he doubt these people? They are the most passionate and energetic people about their work.

The cafeteria was indeed empty, with no one around. The food in the cafeteria was pretty good. Moreover, the cafeteria was divided into two parts, one was the Chinese food area and the other was the Western food area.

 “Babiqi, what do you like to eat?” Qin Tao asked curiously.

Having been here for so long, have these people been assimilated in their diet?

"We like to eat fast. We like to eat whatever food can be stuffed into our mouths and into our stomachs as quickly as possible." Babic said, "So some harder foods, such as cakes and so on. , are not popular here, some porridge, porridge and the like are very popular here."

Qin Tao was touched once again. These people spent so much time sleeping and forgetting to eat, they even had to save time for meals.

“When the design of the 004 aircraft carrier is completed, our second design office will take a month’s vacation, and I will take you on a trip.” Qin Tao said, these lovely people cannot be busy with work all the time and must have time to rest.

“President Qin, we still have to wait until the 004 aircraft carrier is built. After we complete the design, we still have to negotiate with the shipyard. We will not feel at ease until it is built.”

"How long will it take to combine work and rest? After the design is completed, let's go to Shuangsha Island!" Qin Tao made a decision.

 (End of this chapter)

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