Warship of Great Power

Chapter 946: Keep pace with the times

Chapter 946: Keeping pace with the times

The meal was indeed eaten very quickly, and Babic did not want to waste the time of eating. He wanted to spend all his time on work. However, it was also very important to talk to Mr. Qin while eating. Although Mr. Qin always I'm running around doing business, but I'm also quite proficient in technology. Any advice I can give you at random sounds reasonable.

Even so, he finished eating in half an hour. Qin Tao was thinking about staying here for one night, and he should go to Mingzhou tomorrow.

 Back then, when Zhao Ling was working as a developer of Hongqi 16 here, Qin Tao also lived in Huating and bought a house here. Now coming here is like revisiting the old place.

However, before he had time to explain the arrangement, Xu Zhengyang's cell phone rang. When he picked it up and looked at it, his face suddenly became nervous.

“Mr. Qin, Mr. Liu is coming.”

 “Mr. Liu? Which Mr. Liu?”

“It’s Mr. Liu who has always been concerned about the construction of our navy’s aircraft carrier.”

"What?" Qin Tao's expression also changed: "He is so old, what is he doing here?"

“First come to our design office to listen to the design ideas of the 003 aircraft carrier, and then go to our Mingzhou to see the 002 aircraft carrier that came back from sea trials.”

"Where is he now?"

 “On the train, should arrive tomorrow morning.”

"Babiqi, come up with a PPT as soon as possible. When Mr. Liu comes, give him a report." Qin Tao quickly gave the order.


“Zhengyang, pack up a suitable place for Mr. Liu to stay. Yes, contact the medical staff and have an ambulance ready at all times.”

“Mr. Qin, Mr. Liu’s body is still strong.”

“Then we have to be prepared. If anything happens to Mr. Liu here, I, Qin Tao, cannot bear the responsibility.”

“Xiao Ling, wait until early tomorrow morning and come with me to pick up Mr. Liu.”


Mr. Liu, Mr. Liu has always been concerned about the construction of naval aircraft carriers! When the 001 aircraft carrier was born, Mr. Liu's wish finally came true. Qin Tao will never forget the way Mr. Liu looked when he saw the 002 aircraft carrier being launched.

 Now, during the sea trials of the 002 aircraft carrier and the design of the 003 aircraft carrier, Mr. Liu must be the most gratified among them. At this time, Mr. Liu actually wants to come in person! Of course, Mr. Liu must be received warmly.

 The next day, at the darkest hour before dawn, Huating Railway Station was still brightly lit, with passengers coming and going, which fully demonstrated the prosperity and excitement of this big city.

"Mr. Liu's health is not good and he can no longer adapt to the airplane environment, so he can only take the train. Unfortunately, the speed of the train is not very fast now." Zhao Ling said from the side: "Even if Mr. Liu takes a special train, the journey will be long. It’s quite a bumpy ride.”

"Yes, our country must quickly develop high-speed railways." Qin Tao said: "If others can't do it, then let's Mingzhou Group do it. The railway with a speed of 350 kilometers per hour can fly close to the ground and transport passengers more quickly. "

While speaking, Xu Zhengyang ran over: "Mr. Qin, the special train is about to enter the station!"

It is not easy for Mr. Liu to come out. Normally, there should be a large number of people to greet him. However, before Mr. Liu set off, he specifically asked not to make a big fanfare, not to waste the reception fees, and not to disturb the normal order of the place. Therefore, there were only a few people from Qin Tao. When I came to pick him up, the local officials had no idea.

 “Let’s go to the booth!”

The special train slowly stopped at the platform, and an old man walked out of it. He was still wearing a 87-style military uniform, with two red collar badges hanging on his small lapel. He was wearing a white shirt and black tie. He was very neat and wearing a big-brimmed hat. , just like when he was in the army, except that the part of the scalp exposed by the brim of the hat is all white.

He wore large yellow-framed glasses, and his eyes were still bright. When he saw Qin Tao, a smile appeared on his face: "Mr. Qin, would you please get up early and come to the station to pick me up."

"Mr. Liu, you just need to make a call and I will take someone to the capital to report to you. You really don't need to come over. If you want to see the 002 aircraft carrier, I can also record a video for you." Qin Tao said: "You At such an old age, it’s too hard to get out and about, so you haven’t had any rest this night, right?”

"Why, you all think I'm old?" Mr. Liu said: "I can still move around normally, so how can I be considered old? Now if the motherland needs it, I can also rush to the front!"

Mr. Liu, who was born in 1916, is now over 80 years old, close to 90 years old. Such an old man can still walk in front of Qin Tao. Qin Tao also sighed with emotion: "Yes, Mr. Liu, you But I am not old at all. When I reach your age, it will be good to be able to sit in a wheelchair."

Zhao Ling on the side pouted.

Mr. Liu smiled and said, "Let's go and have a look at the Second Design Office of your Mingzhou Group."

 “Have you had breakfast?”

 “Let’s go to the second design place and eat again.”

The convoy drove onto the highway. There were not many vehicles on the highway at this time. The second design office was not far from the station and it quickly reached its destination.

Seeing that there was no one at the gate of the design office, Mr. Liu was very satisfied: "I'm most afraid of disturbing too many people when I come out. If there are a lot of people everywhere to greet me, it would be too laborious. You don't arrange for people to come out to greet you." , which suits me very well.”

"Mr. Liu, no matter who comes, they will not come out to greet them. They are all engaged in design. Now that there is the development work of the 003 aircraft carrier, they have devoted themselves to it. They are worried that they do not have enough time, how could they escape? Come and greet the guests.”

Mr. Liu nodded: "That's right. Don't engage in formalism. Formalism kills people. Let's go to the cafeteria to eat first. There is no need to be special. We will eat whatever they eat."

Qin Tao had been to the canteen yesterday, and this time he was familiar with it, but it was still empty.

"Why is this cafeteria so deserted? No one is there?" Mr. Liu walked past the dining table and looked at the clean surface: "You have protected it well. The Second Design Office has been established for ten years, right? This dining table It’s actually still clean.”

“They are very busy and usually don’t eat in the canteen.” Qin Tao said truthfully: “They usually bring their meals to work to save time.”

Mr. Liu was stunned for a moment, and then sighed: "These scientific researchers are all good. It is precisely because of a group of people like them that they have formed the backbone of our motherland and nation!"

“Mr. Liu, thank you very much. Do you want Chinese food or Western food? Do you want to try Damao’s special wheat porridge?”


Wheat porridge is a traditional breakfast in Damao, and it is also a common food for breakfast here. Most of them are buckwheat, but they can also be oats, millet, rye, etc. Although it is called porridge, it is very viscous. It has been simmered for a long time and added with salt, butter, sugar and raisins to increase the taste. It can be sweet or salty and is more delicious. More importantly, it is easy to digest, so, In order to save time, many technicians like to eat wheat porridge.

 Place the sticky wheat porridge in front of Mr. Liu, add an egg and a fried dough stick, and Mr. Liu has breakfast.

Qin Tao sat opposite, while Zhao Ling sat next to Mr. Liu and took care of Mr. Liu.

"Xiao Ling, I watched you grow up. Although you did not develop in the army later, following Mr. Qin will help you realize your life value." Mr. Liu said, "Mr. Qin is the most powerful person in the East. man."

"Of course." Zhao Ling wiped the food from the corner of Mr. Liu's mouth with a handkerchief, her face full of pride: "However, everyone needs to be placed in the social environment. We also have to be grateful for the good times. Our The motherland is developing rapidly, and it is precisely because of this premise that Brother Tao can develop and expand the Mingzhou Group. If we were in the old society, private capital like ours would soon be annexed by bureaucratic capital."

"Yes, this is the best of times. Our motherland is developing rapidly, and we will definitely stand among the nations of the world." Speaking of this, Mr. Liu is also full of expectations: "Our navy has already stepped into the world with one foot. The era of dual aircraft carriers is something we have never dared to think about before. In the future, we will enter the era of three aircraft carriers and four aircraft carriers. No matter where our people are in the world, our military will protect them."

  The previous offshore defense policy made it impossible for the navy to protect the safety of maritime transportation. This is different now. Now the navy has this ability!

 “Yes, our people will feel proud to live in this powerful country.”

 When he said this, Qin Tao's heart was full of pride and pride, finally reaching this step!

After dinner, it was not yet seven o'clock. Qin Tao looked at the weather outside: "Mr. Liu, do you want to take a rest?"

“I’ve had a rest on the train and I’m not tired now. If the technical staff here haven’t gone to work yet, I’ll walk around and wait for them to go to work before listening to the report. By the way, is there an exhibition room or something like this?”

 Not at work? He probably hasn't gotten off work yet. He probably worked overtime continuously last night.

Hearing Mr. Liu's question, Qin Tao didn't know either. Zhao Ling replied from the side: "Of course, let's go, I will take you there."

So, everyone came to the exhibition room of the Second Design Office. The room was not big. There were various aircraft carrier models inside. The largest one was of course the model built when Qin Tao took everyone to participate in the International Defense Exhibition. , after coming back, I placed it in this room.

There are various models, aircraft carriers with different displacements and different structures, large and small. Mr. Liu's eyes swept over these models, and then he looked at the model of the 002 aircraft carrier.

"This is not an ordinary model. After the design of the 002 aircraft carrier was completed, the second design office rushed to make this large-scale model and put it in the pool for actual analysis to verify whether the ship design was qualified." Zhao Ling said: " This was also Lao Maozi’s original design experience. In the Neva Design Bureau, there was a special large pool.”

Fluid mechanics is a complex subject. Its biggest feature is that it cannot be calculated accurately with computers. It can only be experimented time and time again based on experience. After all, aircraft carriers are a big project. If they are built, they will find problems with the ship design after launching, and it will not be able to achieve the goal. Design indicators will cause big problems.

 So, rigorous and scientific experiments are necessary, and models are a must.

By placing the same-scale model in the pool and conducting fluid tests at various speeds, you can determine whether the ship model meets the design specifications.

Mr. Liu nodded: "This second design office is the most professional in designing aircraft carriers. Of course, it also has this professional method. When we were designing our own warships, we also had this kind of model test, especially our 052. We took it to Germany for testing and it proved that the design was successful.”

The 052 destroyer is the first domestically developed modern destroyer. A lot of effort was put into designing the hull at that time. However, the two 052s did not play any role and were soon overwhelmed by the aura of the shield ship. Gloomy.

“Well, we Easterners are no worse than Westerners at all.” Qin Tao said.

“Mr. Qin, after you finish designing the 003 aircraft carrier, do you have any other ideas?”

Qin Tao was stunned.

  The mission of the Second Design Office is to develop aircraft carriers. Over the years, they have also made great achievements. Whether they are exported or used for their own use, every model can meet the needs and are all classic.

 The 003 aircraft carrier will become a milestone, marking that Dongfang's aircraft carrier has finally reached the world's first-class level.

what's next?

Will there be any new projects? After finishing this design, has the second design office completed its mission?

“Mr. Liu, do you have any suggestions?”

"Your Mingzhou Group has developed in many fields, such as electric vehicles. I heard that electric vehicles in the future will not even require people to drive." Mr. Liu said: "If these technologies are transplanted to the military, we can use For aircraft carriers, can the manning be greatly reduced?"

An aircraft carrier is a maritime city with thousands of people inside. This is of course because they have various work needs. If they work in three shifts, they will need three groups of people. A 100,000-ton aircraft carrier will often require four or five people to live in it. Thousands of people, much more than a battleship of the same displacement.

These people have to eat, drink, and consume a lot of daily necessities. If the aircraft carrier can be made more intelligent, it can greatly reduce the number of personnel needed on the aircraft carrier. This is also beneficial to the navy's logistics supply. Of great benefit.

"Mr. Liu, your thinking is really advanced." Qin Tao opened his eyes wide. Even though Mr. Liu is older, his thinking is still clear and his vision is still far-sighted!

Mr. Liu smiled: "I'm just making a suggestion. I don't know whether it will work or not. I heard that you are also actively promoting the carrier-based drone project. This drone only saves a pilot. If we have one on our aircraft carrier, It would be even better if you can save a lot of personnel. You should know that as the navy continues to expand, the problem of insufficient personnel is getting more and more serious."

“Well, we will develop in this direction in the future.” Qin Tao nodded.

The development of the 003 aircraft carrier has been very complete. It includes nuclear power, electromagnetic catapult and electromagnetic interception, integrated electricity for the whole ship, and may even include electric propulsion. It seems that the technology on the entire warship has reached its peak. What direction will it develop next?

 Automation, intelligence!

Qin Tao can think of many things in an instant. The entire warship must use optical fiber as the transmission medium to form an optical fiber network, and a large number of smart devices must be used...

“Mr. Qin, Director Mao Gengxin just sent a message, and they are ready to report.” Zhao Ling said suddenly from the side.

"Really? That's great. Come on, let's go listen and see the design drawings of our 003 aircraft carrier!" Mr. Liu was very interested.

When everyone entered the conference room, they saw a group of red eyes.

Everyone’s eyes were red, and they looked like they had stayed up all night. Mr. Liu sighed: “Is it because I’m here and I have to work overtime?”

“Of course not, that’s how we are.” Qin Tao said, “Mr. Liu, please sit down.”

“Well, you don’t have to ask me to sit in the middle. I can just sit on the edge.”

 “Yes, your seat is right over the edge.”

 The expression of an assistant beside Mr. Liu changed slightly. What does that mean? I, Mr. Liu, have come to inspect, why don't you give up the best position?

Mr. Liu didn't mind and sat down with a smile. Then, he saw other people sitting on the edge. The center of the entire conference room was empty.

 “Close the curtains now!”

“Do you have any new technology?” Mr. Liu adjusted his glasses, full of expectation.

“Mr. Liu, you are indeed not out of touch with this era. Guess what you will see next?”

“There is no projection screen, and the center is empty. Are you going to let me watch the 3D projection?”

 “How did you know?”

“Well, I saw a cartoon, maybe in 1998, when I imagined the future office, it would look like this, but I didn’t expect that it would come to our work so quickly.”

The history of 3D actually started in the 1960s. Americans called it projectionmapping. In 1969, Disneyland used it in its open haunted house. This technology could indeed be used to play tricks on gods and ghosts at first. Disney was the first company to patent 3D projection technology.

In the 1990s, 3D technology has attracted more and more people's attention. At the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, three young guys created SpatialAugmentedReality, which is spatial augmented reality technology, marking that this technology has entered a practical stage. .

 Next, Goose Factory realized that this field has huge development prospects in the future, and quickly developed the relevant technology. It is still in the internal testing stage, and prototypes have been installed in various design offices.

After receiving the news yesterday, Babbage also had an idea. He made a simple drawing in the first half of the night, and performed a 3D projection rendering of the design drawing in the second half of the night. After struggling until now, the work is completed. This is thanks to the power of Loongson Computer. Intel processors can't handle it for three days and three nights.

 “Everyone, we are about to show the aircraft carrier design drawings!”

Three projectors were turned on at the same time, and the center of the conference room suddenly lit up. Then, the light gradually became clearer. In the center of the conference room, a huge aircraft carrier appeared, with a beautiful hull, a huge deck, and a small island... It's lifelike, just like the real thing!

"We haven't had time to match the sea water yet. It would be even more spectacular if the sea water was rendered. Now let's just treat it as a scene on the dock." Babbage felt a little regretful.

 When you go to the Navy to bid, you can render all of this and shock everyone's attention!

 (End of this chapter)

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