Warship of Great Power

Chapter 944: It turns out the trap is here

Chapter 944: It turns out that the trap is here

Hahn frowned.

 Is it worth it if we provide the money and Golden Sun Automotive provides the technology, each holding half of the shares?

 For Volkswagen, what they want most now is technology, the technology of electric vehicles! In this way, they can indeed make money, but they can’t master the technology. So what’s the use?

Seemingly knowing what he was thinking, Qin Tao continued: "Our cooperation can set a deadline, such as one million vehicles or ten years. After this deadline, the technology we use in Volkswagen electric vehicles will , I can share it all with you. In this way, you have both products and technology, and it also solves the current problem of insufficient funds. It is the best solution, what do you think?"

Hahn pondered.

This plan is still good, but...

"If it takes ten years, by that time, the current technology will be outdated, and we absolutely cannot accept such conditions." A companion next to Hahn said: "You clearly don't want to give us advanced technology."

"If you think ten years is more time, then use one million vehicles as the time limit." Qin Tao said: "I remember last year, Volkswagen Jetta sold 120,000 vehicles in our country, and Santana sold 80,000 vehicles. Together with other Bora, Audi, etc., a total of 290,000 vehicles were sold last year, which almost exceeded the 300,000 vehicle mark. We calculated based on the annual output of 200,000 vehicles. Five This target can be achieved in a year. If you think you will fall behind in ten years, you shouldn’t fall behind in five years, right?”

After saying that, Qin Tao glanced at everyone present: "Everyone, I think our proposal is already very honorable. You have sold 300,000 vehicles in our country and made so much money, and you have not exported anything to us. Technology, we promise to give it to you after one million vehicles. Isn’t this enough to show our sincerity? We also see Volkswagen’s contribution to the development of our Eastern automobile industry. If we change to another automobile factory, we We will never commit to such conditions.”

Volkswagen is the most popular car in the East. I don’t know how much money it has made. When the Santana was assembled, the Germans planned to set a price of 100,000. However, SAIC disagreed and decided to increase it to 200,000. These profits are all entered in a very large proportion. German **** pack.

Even though Volkswagen has made so much money, it is obsessed with technology. It is not even as good as Japanese cars. At least Japanese cars have exported a lot of technology to the East. Many private car companies could survive in those years because of 30. The engines, Volkswagen's EA888 and EA211, have not been installed on any domestically produced cars, and those imitated by surveying and mapping do not count.

 The cars produced by SAIC and FAW are also equipped with their own engines and are definitely not Volkswagen's. In this regard, Volkswagen has stricter supervision.

After saying these words, it was like lifting the fig leaf. Everyone present looked at each other a little bit, and they didn't know how to answer the question next.

"Mr. Qin is right. If we aim to produce 200,000 vehicles per year, five years will be enough." Hahn said: "I think this plan is feasible. After returning, our Volkswagen board of directors needs to discuss it and then come back Let’s negotiate with you in detail.”

"Mr. Hahn, please hurry up. After all, the earlier this project is invested, the higher it will be. If you are determined to build an electric car factory in Europe, then we can also consider building one next to this electric car factory." Build a battery factory to provide supporting equipment for electric vehicle factories to avoid facing the problem of battery shortage in the future.”

For electric vehicles, the most critical thing is the three-electric system. Among these systems, the most critical thing is the battery. After all, energy storage depends entirely on the battery. If the energy density of the battery is doubled, it means that the distance of the journey under the same weight It will double in size.

Hahn nodded: "Okay."

Although they want to develop electric vehicles, they cannot cover everything, let alone batteries. It would be the same as developing fuel vehicles while also developing petrochemicals and gas stations.

As he spoke, the production line had reached the end, and there were already finished cars. Hahn said with great interest, "Can I go up and feel it?"

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "If we can sign a cooperation agreement with you, we can also send you one."

Hahn stood in front of this beautiful car, a little at a loss. Where is the door handle?

“In order to reduce wind resistance, we made a way to hide the door handle.” Qin Tao said, touching the door handle, and then the hidden door handle popped out.

Hahn’s eyes widened: “Is there a motor inside?”

“We use electromagnetic ejection.” Qin Tao introduced: “It can also be said to be a linear motor.”

The small door handles are full of high technology, not to mention the inside. Sure enough, when he opened the door, he saw a completely different layout inside from that of a conventional car: there were no mechanical instruments, and there was a central control in the center of the two seats. On the stage, there is a large LCD screen!

This kind of design is completely subversive of the times. None of the cars in this era use this design method!

 Visitors from Volkswagen almost all had the same expressions: shocked, shocked, shocked!

"Only a few Japanese cars put the instrument in the center, but the area is relatively small and cannot be compared with this large-sized LCD screen. The reason why we put the LCD screen here is of course for the convenience of car owners. For example, When parking, the LCD screen can display the surrounding images, making the car owner more at ease. When driving, it can be turned into a navigation map, allowing the car owner to go to unfamiliar places without getting lost. Various vehicle speeds, etc. Displays can also appear on it. This method is very intuitive. Once you get used to it, ordinary mechanical instruments can be removed.”

“You do this, that is to say, the whole car uses bus technology?” Hahn asked. What surprised them was not the dashboard, but the entire car system!

Ordinary cars will have a lot of wiring harnesses, leading to different components, such as turn signals. The driver flips the turn signal switch under the steering wheel. The left and right turn signals require different wires to control them. Turn them up. Lights, turn on the small lights, turn on the wide lights, turn on the fog lights, there are as many wires as there are lights. If you take it apart under the steering wheel, you can see the thick wiring harness.

The same is true on the instrument panel. Each instrument and indicator light need to be connected by a dedicated wire.

What now?

 All data can be displayed on the screen, which means that the signal conversion has been completed and bus technology has been used! This is similar to the network cable of a computer. As long as one cable is needed, it can connect to any computer in the world. As long as one bus is needed, various signals can be transmitted. Whoever needs the signal will take action. The number of wiring harnesses is greatly reduced!

Advanced cars, such as high-end cars from Mercedes-Benz and BMW, have already used this technology, but ordinary cars are still far away.

The technical content of the electric car in front of you is too high, right?

"Yes, it is bus technology, but not only various instruments, various switches and lamps, but also brakes and switches are wire-controlled. The technology is not mature yet. When it matures in the future, the steering wheel must also be wire-controlled." Qin Tao said.

The brakes and switches must be controlled by wire. After all, previous fuel vehicles can rely on the vacuum generated by the engine's air intake to provide assistance. When using oil brakes, electric vehicles do not have engine air intake vacuum, so they have to use electronic brakes. Of course, the brake under your feet It's just an ordinary sensor that directly transmits electrical signals to the wheels to brake.

 The accelerator is the switch, and it is also controlled by wire, leaving only the steering wheel.

In today's cars, the steering wheel is directly applied to the front wheel through a mechanical device such as a rack to control the steering. However, the strength of the arms is not strong enough, so steering assist is installed. There are two types of hydraulic and electronic power assist. In electric vehicles, If you want to drive autonomously, the electric power-assisted motor must be large enough so that the steering can be controlled even if the person does not turn the steering wheel and only inputs electrical signals.

 In this way, things like reversing the car into the garage can be left to the car itself.

Similarly, since people no longer need to turn, of course the mechanical devices such as racks can be removed and only the electrical signals are retained. There is a sensor under the steering wheel. How many degrees it is turned, the front wheels will turn a certain angle accordingly, so that the steering can be completed. operate.

 The biggest advantage of eliminating the need for mechanical devices is saving money! Those electric vehicles of later generations always shout about how high-end their steering gears are and how awesome their wire controls are. In fact, they are just to save money, but they bring a danger: What if the electronics fail?

At present, Golden Sun Automobile has to retain its mechanical devices to avoid problems. When it matures in the future, of course it will also use wire-controlled cars.

“The most advanced automotive technology is in the East.” Hahn said with emotion: “The configuration of this car is already comparable to our most advanced Audi A8.”

“We are originally a high-tech car company.” Qin Tao said: “What we want to do is of course the highest-end products. If you don’t want to use our technologies, you can also transplant the technologies from your A8.”

“How expensive is it? Can we achieve the annual sales target of 200,000 vehicles?”

"Of course, this kind of high-end electric car is the favorite of users who pursue fashion." Qin Tao said: "Since they can spend tens of thousands to buy a bag, of course they can also spend hundreds of thousands to buy one of our high-end cars. Electric cars can also support environmental protection.” Ma Ming didn’t speak during the whole process, listening to Qin Tao’s deception.

 The Volkswagen executives were reluctant to get out of the car and waited for more than half an hour. By the time they were sent off, a whole morning had passed.

 Watching the Audi car leave, Ma Ming asked: "Mr. Qin, we are not sure that our technology will break through within five years."

Qin Tao wants to cooperate with Volkswagen to build a factory and promises to hand over the technology to them in the future. Of course, he thinks that by then, he will have more advanced technology! However, Ma Ming was a little worried. He didn't think he could complete the technology upgrade so quickly.

"I didn't say five years." Qin Tao said: "If a production capacity of one million vehicles is given to such a traditional car company, ten years will not be enough."

 So the trap is here! Ma Ming now understood that of the two methods, it was actually more appropriate for the other party to choose a ten-year period. This was at least dead, with a production capacity of one million units, so who knew when it would be achieved?

  Electric vehicles are, after all, a new thing, and the initial production capacity is not particularly high.

“But what if their factory is large enough and they keep building it? Even if they can’t sell it, they will save a million units first.”

“The production of electric vehicles depends on the production of batteries. If our batteries cannot be supplied, how can we make them?” Qin Tao revealed the secret and everyone suddenly understood.

In the era of electric cars, there are many new forces that can build cars. However, there are only a few manufacturers that produce batteries. The price of batteries is also rising. Car companies have to buy them. Otherwise, how can they build electric cars?

 Make your own batteries? Then we still have to purchase raw materials, buy ore, and refine lithium. However, the price of upstream ore has also increased, and the cost is still uncontrollable.

Now, Mingzhou Group has formed a complete industrial chain and has deployed many mines around the world. Those package projects for weak countries and strong armies are not only for selling warships, but also occupy many mines. They can completely avoid them. There are various pitfalls, but other car companies do not have this advantage.

Talking about a wireless charging road is still very far away. Electric energy in this era is not yet luxurious enough to be wasted. Even with the rise of electric vehicles, charging costs will become higher and higher, and eventually we will lose the ability to compete with fuel vehicles. Cost advantage.

"Of course, our technology must continue to develop." Qin Tao said: "For example, in battery technology, we need to continue to improve energy density, improve charging technology, and improve safety at the same time. In terms of electronic control systems, we need to develop more advanced controls The performance of the converters and motors must be further improved, and even more advanced in-wheel motors must be developed. Of course, for electric vehicles, the core is autonomous driving, which is the advanced technology that is urgently needed in the future."

 Even if the three-electric system is given to the public, it will be nothing, because for electric vehicles, the status of the three-electric system is far inferior to that of autonomous driving.

Everyone nodded.

“Mr. Qin, thank you for creating a new profit growth point for our Golden Sun Company.” Ma Ming was very grateful.

As long as the technology is developed, it doesn't cost a penny, but you can enjoy the profit share from the production of one million cars in the future. This is a pie-in-the-sky good thing. Moreover, as Volkswagen uses their electric vehicle technology, Electric vehicle routes will take root in Europe.

 As for the United States? Americans can do whatever they like, but the worst we can do is not make any money from Americans.

“Well, the automobile industry is still very profitable. Only with sufficient profits can we support our project research and development and form a virtuous cycle.”

After finishing speaking, Qin Tao sighed again: "I originally planned to rest for a few days, but there are too many things to do. Next, I have to go to the second design office and go to Mingzhou to arrange various tasks. After a while, See you again when our group holds its year-end summary meeting."

  I am a hard worker myself!

 After leaving Golden Sun Motor Company, Qin Tao went straight to the second design office.

After the aircraft carrier sea trial, Babbage and others were busy summarizing, and they have just got some free time. However, Qin Tao himself is not idle, and of course he cannot let them spend New Year's Day comfortably.

 However, when Qin Tao suddenly visited the Second Design Office, he discovered that the people in the design office did not have a holiday and were actually busy at their posts!

“Zhengyang, did they know that I came to Huating and deliberately worked overtime to show me?” Qin Tao couldn’t help but ask.

"Of course not. After the Navy revealed the news that 003 would be started, I sent the news. Therefore, all the technical staff of our Second Design Office ended the New Year's Day holiday early. They came to work." Zhao Ling Said from the side.

"There is no way to be sure about the navy's affairs, and it's not bad in the past few days. It's easy for everyone to have a rest, so how can we notify him in advance?" Qin Tao glanced at his wife, and his words were reproachful.

Zhao Ling smiled: "Brother Tao, for them, coming here to work is more exciting than going on vacation. The next 003 designed is a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier, which is a sign that we have completely caught up with American aircraft carriers. Don't forget , what is the purpose of establishing our second design office?"

 The second design office is responsible for designing aircraft carriers, designing the most advanced aircraft carriers in the world! Over the years, they have designed many models, but they are still far behind American aircraft carriers. Even if 002 uses electromagnetic ejection and electromagnetic arrest, there is still a gap between it and American aircraft carriers in terms of power system and tonnage.

By 003, this gap has finally been closed. At this time, everyone is working hard. What’s the point of taking a vacation? It only makes sense to build the most advanced aircraft carrier in the world!

Although Qin Tao is the boss of Mingzhou Group, no one looked up at him, and there was no excitement when they saw him. At most, they yelled, and then continued to lower their heads and be busy with work. In their eyes, the boss is far less important than work.

When Qin Tao walked to Babic's office, there was no one inside. There were constant voices in the conference room next door.

"The Navy only said 100,000 tons, and did not say what displacement it is. I think we will design it according to the standard displacement. In this way, the full-load displacement can be increased by 10,000 tons, reaching a full-load displacement of 110,000 tons. Only in this way can we maximize the power."

“Yes, our power system is fully capable of driving, and the electromagnetic ejection is also mature. At most, we can turn on the auxiliary engine during ejection, and the power will definitely be enough.”

“I think three lifts should be necessary, which will make dispatching easier.”

 Everyone is actually having a meeting! Qin Tao opened the door and walked in gently. These people were having a lively discussion. Except for Babbage who was sitting above, no one else paid attention at all.

Babic wanted to say hello, but Qin Tao stopped him with a gesture. Then he sat on an empty seat aside and listened to the discussion of these people.

 (End of this chapter)

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