Warship of Great Power

Chapter 943: Cooperate with the public

 Chapter 943 Cooperation with the Public

This was the situation before World War I. All countries were tightening their belts to build battleships. If you build a 30,000-ton battleship, I will build a 40,000-ton battleship. Your naval gun must be 380 mm, and my naval gun must be 380 mm. 420mm, everyone compared each other, and finally suddenly discovered that it was useless at all and could only drag themselves down. So, the arms race finally stopped, everyone had to limit it, and the navies of each country were maintained at a certain scale and could not continue. Unrestricted expansion is the road of no return.

 The destroyers of the Eastern Navy are limited to the 055, and there is no further increase in tonnage. Of course, this is also due to arms race considerations.

Aegis battleships of more than 10,000 tons are already very powerful. There is no need to tinker with larger displacement ones. This will make some countries that refuse to admit defeat very angry. This is not just a superpower. Some countries have been reduced to second or third. The navies of leading countries are also unwilling to admit defeat. They will also rely on their own capabilities to increase the tonnage to 20,000 tons, regardless of whether it is cost-effective or meets the needs of their country. In short, they must work out something!

 Qin Tao had clearly seen this trend, so he spoke out to stop it.

The Navy didn’t think so much, so what did the Navy think about? In all likelihood, I am envious of the old Kirov-class cruiser that is being renovated in the dock. This large warship can be equipped with a large number of weapons and is a veritable arsenal ship. If we come to such a ship. After going to sea, it can launch hundreds of cruise missiles at one time. What a spectacular scene it is!

 In the final analysis, the navy has expanded.

Wu Shengli also clearly realized this. He nodded: "Yes, you are right. We do not need to develop such a giant ship for the time being."

“Of course, we must also be prepared. If other countries are expanding tonnage, of course we are not afraid. If they can expand, we can also expand, and we have ready-made technology.”

For cruisers, the most direct limitation to expanding tonnage is the power system. In this regard, Dongfang is no longer restricted. For a cruiser with more than 10,000 tons, it can be equipped with four UGT25000s, or one UGT40000 and two UGT25000s, etc. If it is expanded to 20,000 tons, it can be equipped with two UGT40000s. There is absolutely no problem in terms of power, and it can still reach more than 30 knots, which is something that the British would envy to death.

 Even if the tonnage is expanded in the future, nuclear power can be added, but there is a question of whether it is necessary.

All kinds of anti-aircraft missiles, ground attack missiles, and various radar equipment are all ready-made. If you have more water, add surface, and if you have more surface, add water, and you can be as big as you want.

"Instead of building this kind of 20,000-30,000-ton cruiser, we might as well build 075." Qin Tao continued: "Currently, what our navy lacks most is amphibious attack power, whether it is the sacred mission entrusted to us by the motherland we face, In other wars to come, amphibious force will be the top priority." Qin Tao said: "This kind of warship is already owned by the US military. As they develop, we will also develop. This kind of amphibious assault ship will not arouse their vigilance. Our vertical take-off and landing fighters can be used on the aircraft, and their combat effectiveness is not necessarily worse than that of a 20,000 to 30,000-ton cruiser, and they are more versatile in performing tasks."

Wu Shengli nodded: "Yes, you are right. It seems that you can be the think tank of our navy."

"I'm just talking on paper, I'm not a soldier." Qin Tao spoke very freely to his father-in-law: "Dad, think about it, an amphibious assault ship with several 052Ds, and a 055 with several 052Ds, That scenario is different. The former has carrier-based aircraft and can actively strive for air supremacy."

 “That’s right!”

The plan for a 20,000-ton cruiser was deceived by Qin Tao. This is also because it is not needed now. If it is needed in the future, construction can be started at any time.

The two of them were talking as they went home. The room was very hot. Zhao Ling was still sitting on the sofa, waiting for Qin Tao and Wu Shengli to come back. When she saw them entering the door, she whispered: "Are you hungry? There are midnight snacks in the kitchen."


The two of them wolfed down some food and then went back to sleep. Qin Tao was indeed tired and slept until noon the next day. When he woke up, he found that Ma Ming had been waiting outside for a long time.

 “horseman, is there anything else you can do?”

"Mr. Qin, after the meeting last night, I originally planned to go back to Huating. However, after I came out, I looked at my phone and found a message that Volkswagen wanted to buy our electric vehicle technology."

Asan came and was quickly sent away by Qin Tao. Ma Ming found that he still had to rely on Mr. Qin for many things. Now, Volkswagen wanted to buy technology, and Ma Ming didn't know what to do. It's better to come to Mr. Qin.

 Mr. Qin gave an idea, which was much better than thinking back and forth on his own. After he arrived, he heard that Mr. Qin was sleeping, so he could only wait outside.

Zhao Ling also heard about this matter, but she couldn't make up her mind on how to deal with it, so she could only wait together.

Now that Qin Tao woke up, he reported the matter to Mr. Qin.

"This is good news. If Volkswagen follows the same technical route as us, then Europe will definitely follow our route, and the hydrogen energy camp will completely cease to exist." Qin Tao said: "We must Working with Volkswagen.”

"However, Volkswagen doesn't just want us to provide supporting equipment. They want our full set of technologies and give them all the results of our current research and development. Mr. Qin, if we do this, will we cultivate a competitor?" "Ma Ming is engaged in technology and does not know much about these things. He just feels that if the entire set of technologies is sold to Volkswagen, it may not be beneficial to himself.

After all, according to its original policy, it is to supply other traditional car companies, and all battery and electronically controlled motors are provided by itself. But now, Volkswagen is trying to master these technologies.

"Yes, this is a question. We can listen to their plans first." Qin Tao said: "Is it the public in our country or the public in Germany?"

“Germany headquarters. They have arrived at Huating to inspect the Volkswagen there.”

“Well, then invite them to visit our Golden Sun Electric Vehicle Factory and then talk together.” Qin Tao said, “I will also go and talk together to see what agreement we can reach.”

Now Qin Tao has no clue, he can only try to find ways to deal with the situation.

"Okay." Ma Ming was very happy. As long as Qin Tao goes with him, he can completely become the hands-off shopkeeper and leave the entire project to Mr. Qin to discuss.

So, on the second day of New Year’s Day, Qin Tao went to Huating again. It was already midnight when he arrived. On the morning of the third day of New Year’s Day, a group of people from Volkswagen who received the invitation excitedly arrived at the Golden Sun Electric Vehicle Factory.

 The Audi car drove into the automobile factory and stopped at the door of the workshop. A tall German with white hair walked out.

"Mr. Qin, it's nice to meet you. I'm Karl Hahn." The other party stretched out his hand: "Twenty years ago, I decided to cooperate with Dongfang despite all the opinions. This time, I continue to bear the huge burden. pressure, come to Golden Sun Automobile to seek cooperation. I hope we can have a bright future."

Qin Tao suddenly realized: In his original time and space, the German Volkswagen was slow to respond. On the road to electrification, it was one of those car companies that only moved forward after being whipped with a whip. Qi was far behind. This is of course because the vision of their leader is not good enough.

 And now, Karl Hahn is still influential at Volkswagen, so Volkswagen’s route will not be wrong. He is a person with great vision!

 In 1926, Karl Hahn was born into an industrial family in Kemnitz, Germany. Although he was born as a craftsman, he studied a lot of miscellaneous studies. He studied business management at the University of Cologne in Germany and the University of Zurich in Switzerland, and received a doctorate from the University of Bern in Switzerland. In 1954, Hahn joined the Volkswagen Group as head of export and sales operations. Five years later, he served as president of Volkswagen of America and guided the Beetle's rise in the U.S. market.

Unfortunately, in 1973, he and Volkswagen boss Rudolf Ledding had differences over Audi's independence, so he left Volkswagen and served as chairman of the Continental Tire Company in Hannover, Germany. Ten years later, in 1982, Hahn returned to work at the Volkswagen Group and became the seventh chairman of the Volkswagen Group. His experience is similar to that of Apple's founder, who was first ostracized and then returned with glory.

 After returning home, the biggest thing Hahn did was to cooperate with Dongfang.

At that time, Dongfang invited automobile companies from various countries to invest. However, most companies looked down on Dongfang, thinking that there was no market at all in Dongfang. Coupled with the repeated changes in policies, they were full of doubts, and Hahn's full opposition in the board of directors China, firmly chose to cooperate with Dongfang. In 1983, the Santana sedan rolled off the production line in Huating. In 1984, SAIC Volkswagen was established. In 1986, FAW-Volkswagen was established. Facts have proved that Hahn’s vision is unique. Dongfang has become Volkswagen’s profit largest market.

“Mr. Hahn, are you still working at Volkswagen?” Qin Tao was very curious.

"In 1993, I had already retired." Hahn said: "However, when they learned that advanced electric vehicles had appeared in Dongfang, they hired me back as a special consultant to be fully responsible for the electric vehicle project and cooperation with Dongfang. We at Volkswagen If cars want to continue to develop, they must enter the electric vehicle market. Therefore, we want to buy relevant technology from you, no matter how much it costs."

 Asan came to buy because he had price requirements. If the price was too high, it would be unacceptable even if he didn't sell it to us. Volkswagen, on the other hand, was not short of money. They wanted to purchase relevant technology to enter the field of electric vehicles.

“Mr. Hahn, let’s go to the car factory first. After you finish inspecting our car factory, we can talk about technology purchase.”


Qin Tao also came here when the factory was being built, but he was too busy to take care of it after that. Now, the factory has completed construction and is in trial production. This time he came here for an inspection.

 The workshop is clean, tidy and spotless.

The production of automobiles is very similar. They all start with unpacking the steel coils. However, on the production line here, there are not many workers. Only the mechanical arms are stretched out, unrolling the steel coils, and then pulling the steel coils forward. There are only a few workers in the next step-by-step operation, and robotic arms can be seen everywhere.

“Mr. Qin, where did you purchase this production line?” Hahn asked curiously. When the Germans brought Volkswagen to the East, it was equivalent to improving the level of primary industry in the East. In the past, automobile production in the East was based on manual workshops. Only after the Santana production line was built, the modern automobile industry emerged.

The Germans have always thought that their technology is the most advanced, but even Wolfsburg does not have so many robot production lines in front of them.

"We made them all ourselves." Ma Ming said: "Whatever our production line needs, we design it to minimize the use of workers, because the cost of labor is getting higher and higher, and the production quality is easily affected by emotions. "

“You made it yourself? Aren’t you an electric motor manufacturer?”

“Oh, it’s our brother units and the cooperation of some universities.” Ma Ming replied.

When they first manufactured the three-dimensional CNC bending machine, they took the road of factory-school cooperation, and they have continued to do so since then. All kinds of CNC equipment can be designed at the university, manufactured at the Huating Water Pump Factory, and then provided to the automobile factory. It is simply Just a dragon.

Hahn opened his eyes wide, still feeling incredible.

He had seen the welding robot in front of him, but he was still surprised by the delicate movement of the welding robot's arms to weld along complex curves.

Just like that, while looking at it, he was shocked, and while walking forward, when he saw the body in white, Hahn continued to be surprised: "There is no need for sealing strips on the top of the car?"

  If you look down at the roof of a car of this era, you can see a thumb-width sealing strip on each side, from front to back, which seals the roof. It was not until the rise of laser welding that the sealing strips disappeared.

“Yes, we think it is cumbersome, and the sealing strip will age. It is better for us to directly mold it in one piece.”

One piece? Hahn looked back at the production line at the back: "There are only a few stamped body parts that I just saw. How are the remaining parts made?"

“The remaining parts come off the aluminum alloy production line nearby. Several main stress-bearing parts of the body are all made of aluminum alloy one-piece molding technology.”

“Aluminum alloy? Do you use aluminum alloy from airplanes in your car?” Hahn’s eyes widened: “How expensive is that?”

“But only in this way can we achieve lightweighting.” Ma Ming said: “Only if it is light enough, can our electric vehicles have a high enough cruising range.”

Electric vehicles and aluminum alloys are inseparable. As for the repair price after a collision, that is something the insurance company has to consider. We only consider improving the performance of electric vehicles. This is also Max's suggestion, use aluminum alloy to reduce the cost. To reduce the weight of the car body, one-piece molding is used to reduce the number of parts and thereby reduce costs.

 In terms of cost control, Max is still very good.

Hahn’s eyes have been opened.

Continuing to walk along the production line, you can see the installation of various subsystems, especially the installation of batteries. When he saw the flat-shaped battery installed on the chassis of the car, he was surprised again: "Battery Why install it at the bottom?”

 “Lower the center of gravity of the car, which will make it more stable.”

“Then how can we improve our traditional fuel vehicles?”

Hahn finally discovered that it would be a big project to modify the current fuel vehicles. Pure electric vehicles and fuel vehicles have different power sources and different structures!

"The improvement of traditional fuel vehicles is also very simple. We have specially designed components, such as the battery pack, which can be stuffed under the rear seat and occupy some space in the trunk. Overall, it is the space of the original fuel tank, and the front Our drive motor can be placed in the engine part, so there is no need to make major changes.”

“But in this way, the front and rear weight changes, and the performance will definitely decrease.”

“This is what switching from oil to electricity is like, but after all, the cost is low and the results are quick, which allows traditional car companies to quickly switch to electric vehicles. When it develops in the future, we can also build a new pure electric platform.”

Hahn finally figured it out: According to the solution provided by Golden Sun Electric Vehicles, various automobile manufacturers purchase the components they produce to modify electric vehicles. The performance will definitely not be comparable to that of Golden Sun Electric Vehicles. They have always occupied the highest point of technology.

 If you don’t come here to see it, you won’t know it at all!

"We cannot accept the change from oil to electricity. We must be the strongest if we want to do it." Hahn said: "If Volkswagen wants to return to Europe, we must bring brand-new electric vehicles to Europe, and we must also develop this brand-new product. We hope to buy your complete set of technology, no matter how much it costs!”

  Volkswagen is deeply involved in the Eastern market, and the European market is dominated by French cars, so it is not afraid of French cars withdrawing from the Eastern market. It even scolds Easterners for not understanding cars. Look how well I sell them in Europe!

"Mr. Hahn, for you, this investment is quite huge." Qin Tao said: "You not only need new technology, you also need a brand new factory."

Like a bucket of cold water poured on Hahn’s head, can their existing car factories produce this brand-new electric car?

Of course not!

 Because the production process is very different from that of traditional automobiles, it is not cost-effective to transform the existing production lines. A new factory must be built, which is much more expensive! They can still accept it by just buying technology or just building production plants, but doing both together will cost them more than they can afford.

Hahn is only a consultant, not the current president of Volkswagen. Would it be a mistake to ask them to give up their existing automobile business and invest in an illusory electric car?

"For you, using our existing components and starting an oil-to-electricity project should be the safest solution. We promise to give you the lowest quotation. If you want to purchase these technologies of ours, then I'm afraid our asking price will be too high for you to accept." Qin Tao paused and continued: "Of course, we have a new plan."

 “What plan?”

“How about you provide the capital to build the factory, we provide the technology, and each holds a half share, and we jointly develop an electric car with the Volkswagen brand?”

PS: Updates will continue on the 6th. Thank you all for your subscriptions and votes!

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 (End of this chapter)

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