Warship of Great Power

Chapter 902: If you are braver, we will build sixty ships

Chapter 902 If you are braver, we will build sixty ships

 Mingzhou Shipyard.

The recent launch ceremonies are very intensive, which also represents the further development of Mingzhou Group's shipbuilding technology. The technology is becoming more and more mature and the shipbuilding cycle is getting shorter and shorter.

At the beginning, the Navy's 002 aircraft carrier was launched with great fanfare. In comparison, the launch of the Aegis battleship seemed to be less eye-catching. After all, four 052Cs have been launched, and everyone is no longer as interested in the Aegis battleship as they were at first. Looking forward to it.

 However, if you take a closer look, you can find that this Aegis battleship is very different from the previous Aegis battleships.

 The hull seems to be wider and the launch silo seems to be larger.

At the front of the ship, you can see that the launch silo cover has been installed in place. Different from the previous briquette-like launch device, its launch silo cover has become a square, and the side length is larger!

The launcher like briquettes wastes space and seems to occupy a larger area. In fact, there are not many launchers.

Now, there are 32 launch devices in the front, but the square launch silos seem to be arranged more closely, every eight groups, a total of four groups, each group is composed of two columns of four, with a thermal emission exhaust duct in the middle , looks very compact.

  At a rough estimate, the side length of these squares is already close to one meter, and the diameter of the missiles that can be accommodated inside them will be larger, which seems to far exceed the needs of Red Flag Nine. If you actually measure it with a ruler, it is exactly 850 mm.

  This is the new generation of vertical hair of the Navy, and it is also the biggest difference between 052D and 052C!

There are 32-unit vertical launchers at the front and 32-unit vertical launchers at the back. The number of launchers carried by the entire warship has reached 64. Compared with the previous 48-unit 052C, this is a huge improvement!

Moreover, the number of missiles it can carry is not only measured by the number of launchers, because its launch unit is large enough to carry two bombs in one pit, or four bombs in one pit. Different missiles can be selected according to needs. The flexibility has been greatly improved.

Just this vertical hair device is very impressive. If you look up at the bridge, you can find that the position of the four-sided phased array radar has also changed a lot.

It has not yet been equipped with a radar, but only has a cover installed on the outside. This can prevent all kinds of wind and rain from getting dirty during the construction process. This cover is different from the previous arc mask, it is flat. .

Of course, since it has been installed on the 002 aircraft carrier, it can be confirmed that this phased array radar is the same as the one on the 002. It uses advanced liquid cooling technology and does not require an arc-shaped air-cooled radome. Moreover, If you measure it, you can find that its size is larger than the previous air-cooled radar.

It used to be 3.5 meters * 3.5 meters, and now it is 4 meters * 4 meters. The expansion of the size means that the number of T/R components it carries increases, which means that its performance will undergo greater changes: the detection range is longer. , more targets can be tracked and attacked at the same time!

The other changes are quite small. This is of course because it has not yet been outfitted. After it is outfitted, you will find that the meter wave search radar behind it will also undergo great changes, from the former 517B to the current 517C. The radar antenna was changed from a clothes drying rack to a fly swatter, which would not be discovered until after the outfitting.

Now, the hull has been manufactured and is waiting for the launch.

The naval leaders stood at the front of the warship and stopped to watch. Wu Shengli came to the microphone and began to speak.

"A few months ago, we held the launching ceremony of the 002 aircraft carrier here, and now we have the launching ceremony of the 052D! This is a great era. The era of violence for our navy has finally come. We have endured too much. For a long time, now, the motherland is calling us to have strong maritime power! We have launched four 052Cs. The launch of this 052D means that the number of our Aegis warships has reached five. This is just the beginning. In the future, we will Have more Aegis ships!”

"Today, after the launch of the 052D, we will continue the groundbreaking ceremony of the 052DL. The slipway here will be busy again, launching our new generation of Aegis warships. Its design is more reasonable, its technology is more advanced, and its technology is more advanced. Adapt to the needs of our Navy!”

"I think back then, when our navy faced the American Aegis battleships, we were extremely envious, but we could only envy that when our 112th ship was launched, this most advanced destroyer in our country was 20 years behind the world's advanced level. , Now, we have finally caught up. Our warships have reached the most advanced level in the world, even surpassing Aegis! The current Aegis is just a passive phased array, which is an era behind our active phased array. Our vertical launch unit has also been changed to a hot and cold co-rack, which is more advanced than Aegis!"

The adjutant on the side quietly reminded: "Leader Wu, you are off topic!"

 These are mentioned at the groundbreaking ceremony later. Why are you talking about these now?

Wu Shengli came back to his senses and realized that yes, he had digressed because he was so excited that he was recalling the past and imagining the future without realizing it.

"After careful study by the Navy, the 052D destroyer that is about to be launched is named Kun*, with hull number 172! Now, let us watch it launch!"

Wu Shengli pressed the button and the bottle-throwing ceremony began. Amidst the splashing champagne foam, the destroyer named No. 172 slowly launched into the water. When it entered the water, a huge splash of water made everyone applaud.

 The fifth Aegis battleship is launched! The performance of this Aegis battleship is more advanced and represents the highest level of shipbuilding in the East and even the world!

Of course, in terms of advanced technology, the Yankees' DDG-1000 is indeed more advanced than our own, but those warships have not yet been built. They are different from our own warships that have already been launched. They cannot be compared. We can also do some PPT projects. , higher than DDG1000.

  The tugboat began to tow 052D to the outfitting dock. Everyone did not leave. Wu Shengli remained on the original podium and continued to speak.

"Next, we will hold the groundbreaking ceremony of the 052DL. After trying four 052C and one 052D, the performance of our destroyers has continued to improve, and it has developed to the 052DL. Our destroyer technology has been developed and perfected. Next, the Navy will manufacture a large number of these destroyers. The total number of battleships built will exceed 15, fully replacing our existing 051 destroyers!"

Down below, Qin Tao smiled, Dad, can't you be more courageous? Are 15 ships enough for us? At least 60 ships! We want to sail freely around the world, but what if we don’t have enough numbers? The British built the Type 45 and brag about it every day. In fact, the number is only in single digits. With this quantity, do they still want to have freedom of navigation everywhere? It's less than a fraction of our own.

But now, of course, Qin Tao can't expose his father-in-law's low vision to his face. After all, no one dares to make such bold speculations at this time. It would be good to replace the old 051 with a one-to-one comparison.

“Our main warships have ushered in an era of large-scale upgrading, and we will continue to build more advanced warships to protect the maritime rights and interests of our motherland!”

Of course Wu Shengli was talking about the 055. This 10,000-ton cruiser is the most valued by the navy and is a warship that can only be owned by the strongest navy. In the navy's equipment sequence, the 10,000-ton cruiser is indeed the navy's sharpest knife. However, , to say that the backbone of the equipment is still 052DL.

  After all, the 055 large-scale drive is expensive to build and the equipment is limited in quantity. The Navy stopped building it after building a batch, but the 052DL has been under construction. The number keeps refreshing the upper limit, there is no maximum, only more.

Of course, this may also be because the Navy feels that the displacement of the 055's 10,000-ton large drive is still a bit small, and the 112 launch units are still not enough, and it plans to continue to hold back the big move.

 The following applauded.

 Comprehensively develop 052DL and replace the old 051! The navy's warships will also enter the comprehensive Aegis era.

 Everyone is very excited.

“Now, I announce that the construction of 052DL has officially started!”

The familiar process of cutting steel plates, bending them into shapes, and then welding them, amidst the sparks of the arc, the 052DL officially started construction. This warship will create a new miracle. Multiple shipyards across the country have started construction, and the spectacular scene of building more than a dozen ships at the same time, Even in a single shipyard, five ships were built at the same time, which makes people sigh at how quickly the Oriental warships are dumped.

After the ceremony, everyone came to the outfitting dock, intending to take a look at the 052D being outfitted. However, when they saw the 002 aircraft carrier on the side, everyone unconsciously walked towards the 002 aircraft carrier. Compared with the small destroyer, , they still prefer the big guys.

 002 aircraft carrier is still being outfitted.

Although the catapult on the deck has been installed, the work shed has not been dismantled. This will not be dismantled until the final sea trial. There is no need for people there now, so the door of the work shed has been closed. After everyone got on the aircraft carrier deck, First, he went to the work shed and saw General Tie locking the door. Then he turned around and left with some helplessness, and then went to see the ship island.

Scaffolding was erected on the island, and various external equipment was being installed. It was inconvenient for them to visit, which would affect the progress. It was only now that they looked at their feet. Various lines had been drawn on the deck itself, and they took off. Lines, landing lines on the angled deck, parking spaces, etc. Looking at these lines, everyone is yearning for the spectacular scene of this aircraft carrier entering service.

At the rear of the angled deck, the blocking device has also been installed. Looking at the thick blocking ropes, everyone became interested again.

Not long ago, when Ah San was testing a carrier-based aircraft, he broke the blocking cable and broke the legs of many people. However, our own blocking cable has always been stable and reliable.

 When they walked over, they felt some movement under their feet.

 “Is there someone working on it down there?”

“It should be debugging the blocking cable. After all, this is an electromagnetic blocking cable and requires the most advanced technology.” Qin Tao said.

"Okay, let's go down and have a look." The big guy became interested.

Ma Gong and his team have completed the installation and debugging of the catapult, and are just waiting for the final sea test. Since they have completed a full set of tests on land, they are full of confidence. The next hard nut to crack is this electromagnetic interception So.

"Compared with ejection, the recovery of carrier-based aircraft is more complicated." The guys discussed as they walked: "If there is a problem with the recovery device, the carrier-based aircraft will not be able to land on the aircraft carrier, which will cause heavy losses."

"Yes, although the existing hydraulic arresting landing technology has matured, it faces many problems. The structure is complex, the efficiency is low, and the blocking strength cannot be adjusted. In the future, if you want to fly a drone, the hydraulic blocking cable will be too strong. It’s big and easy to break.”

“However, the reliability of the electromagnetic ejection must be ensured. If there is a sudden failure when the carrier-based aircraft is landing and cannot provide high enough resistance, the electromagnetic arresting cable will fail and the carrier-based aircraft will fall into the sea.”

"Our electromagnetic blocking device is being tested over in Wasteland Village. We have conducted more than a thousand blocking experiments with a 100% success rate." While speaking, everyone had already walked below the deck to the position of the electromagnetic blocking cable. They heard Ma Ming immediately spoke out about the leader's concerns.

“Horse workers, thank you for your hard work. How is the installation of this electromagnetic blocking device going?” Wu Shengli greeted him and looked at the huge devices.

The blocking device is on the deck. All you see is a rope and two pulleys, but there are many devices below the deck.

 The arresting cable will catch the carrier-based aircraft and provide deceleration force to stop the carrier-based aircraft, but where does this deceleration force come from? Of course it's the complex setup below decks.

In the previous technical solution, what blocked the cable was a hydraulic cylinder, and then the hydraulic cylinder accelerated and decelerated the force. Through the combination of various pulleys and many cylinders, the decelerating force of the carrier-based aircraft was unloaded, and the huge kinetic energy The heat turned into hydraulic oil is dissipated into the air.

 In this process, all energy is consumed.

 This is not the case with electromagnetic arresting cables, which can utilize the landing energy of carrier-based aircraft.

"The blocking cable is connected to our conical flywheel. After the blocking cable is stretched, the tapered flywheel will be pulled to rotate. The reason why the tapered flywheel is used is to ensure that the resistance is as uniform as possible and allow the carrier-based aircraft to land. Relatively soft, at the same time, the cone-shaped flywheel will drive the hydraulic turbine, and then drive the generator to convert the energy transferred from the carrier-based aircraft into electrical energy. We can adjust the deceleration torque by adjusting the excitation current of the generator, which is completely infinitely adjustable, regardless of No matter how light the aircraft is, it will provide the right amount of drag.”

 “What about the electricity?”

“Incorporate it into our ship-wide integrated power system, or directly provide it to the flywheel energy storage device to meet the power needs of the electromagnetic ejection of the carrier-based aircraft.” Ma Ming pointed to the front.

The previous aircraft carriers still had the characteristics of the steam era. Now this aircraft carrier has used high technology. The addition of these equipment has brought the performance of the 002 aircraft carrier to a higher level, becoming a modern advanced aircraft carrier with a global technological level. First.

Looking at the advanced electromagnetic blocking device, everyone was very interested and looked around this device for a long time.

 After that, I started to wander around the various cabins again, looking at the decoration of different cabins with great interest.

"Our warship has more than 3,000 cabins. In order to reduce the possibility of soldiers getting lost, we divided these cabins into several community-style organizations. Under normal circumstances, soldiers only move in one of the communities to reduce the risk of visiting each other. I got lost." Qin Tao introduced to everyone.

It is really possible to get lost on a warship. After all, it is the same everywhere. Only veterans who have served on a warship for three to five years will be more familiar with it.

"This is the living area for female soldiers." Qin Tao pointed to one of the areas and said: "We definitely need to recruit a group of female soldiers on our aircraft carrier to become a beautiful scenery in the navy."

"This is a photo studio. In the future, a special photo team will be set up on the aircraft carrier to record every bit of life. Of course, it is only for internal use. If the photos are to be taken out, they must be inspected by professional departments to avoid unnecessary trouble. Leak."

“Mr. Qin, you are very considerate.” A leader said with emotion: “The sailors will be proud to serve on this warship.”

Qin Tao smiled: "Of course, even I want to serve on this aircraft carrier."

"Farewell, Mr. Qin, with your current status, you will definitely become the captain of an aircraft carrier. We have too many candidates competing for captain here, so don't join in the fun."

“Isn’t the captain Zhang Zhen?” Qin Tao asked curiously.

“Mr. Qin, do you also support Zhang Zhen? Yes, he is really the best candidate, but there are also several strong competitors. We can’t make a decision until the aircraft carrier is officially commissioned in the future.”

As everyone walked and watched, their stomachs began to growl without realizing it.

"Time flies so fast. It's already noon. It's time for us to go to the Mingzhou Group Guesthouse for dinner. The standard shouldn't be too high, just a normal meal." Wu Shengli said.

"Everyone, aren't we going to watch 052D next? If we go to the guest house to eat, it would be a waste of time to go back and forth." Qin Tao said: "How about we solve it on the spot?"

"Is the restaurant here available? Has the auxiliary engine been ignited and tested? Or should we use the power provided on land?" Everyone immediately became interested.

In the outfitting stage, the decoration of each cabin also requires power supply. When the auxiliary engines are not ignited, cables need to be pulled from the port for use. With power, of course, you can also live and cook.

Except for Ah San who uses gas tanks on the warship, most warships use electricity for cooking, which is safer. There are also several restaurants on this aircraft carrier to cater for the thousands of people on board.

 Is it available now?

“Not yet, but the restaurant has been renovated. We can go to the restaurant to eat, and our guest house will deliver the food.” Qin Tao said.

“Do we, the outfitting workers, also eat on the aircraft carrier?” Wu Shengli asked.

“Yes, in order to reduce the time of walking back and forth, everyone eats lunch on the aircraft carrier.”

“Then let’s eat with them. There’s no need to do anything special. We’ll eat whatever they eat.” Wu Shengli said.

“That’s right, let us have a taste of the daily food of ordinary boat workers in your Mingzhou Group.” Another leader said.

There are four types of restaurants on the aircraft carrier. The best one is of course the air crew kitchen, and the pilots have the best food, followed by officers, non-commissioned officers, ordinary sailors, etc. However, even the most ordinary sailors, at sea, The food is also relatively rich. After all, only by eating well can you have physical strength and ensure your combat effectiveness, especially those who do physical work.

 The closest to everyone is the ordinary restaurant. The entrance is relatively narrow, like a long passage, but the table next to it of the right height allows everyone to guess it at a glance.

“This is a buffet style.” Wu Shengli said, “Everyone comes in and gets a plate, then moves forward and takes whatever they like.”

“Yes, there is a dining area inside.” Following the direction of Qin Tao’s finger, everyone saw the open restaurant, which can seat hundreds of people at the same time!

 Because the warship has to rock back and forth, all the dining tables and chairs are fixed to the ground. The decoration has been completed, and the dining tables and chairs are all fixed in place. The yellow tabletop and blue chairs are a good color combination.

At this time, there were many workers eating inside. When they saw Qin Tao and others coming in, they immediately stood up and waved, while holding their lunch boxes and preparing to get out of the way.

"No, everyone, keep eating. Once you're full, you can work quickly." Wu Shengli greeted, then walked to the cart nearby, looked at some lunch boxes left in it, and said, "Can you give us one box each? "

 The chef quickly took out the lunch box and handed it respectfully to Wu Shengli's hand.

Wu Shengli took it and sat down next to a worker with his lunch box. He opened his lunch box and saw three dishes, one meat, one vegetarian, one shrimp, and one serving of rice. This dish looked appetizing, but the rice was still Long grain fragrance.

“This lunch box is pretty good.” Wu Shengli said, “Do you usually eat like this?”

The worker on the side was flattered. Hearing his question, he quickly replied: "Yes, our usual food standard is thirty yuan per meal. These working meals are free. If there is not enough food, you can get more."

In 2001, a plate of fish-flavored shredded pork only cost ten yuan. A meal of thirty yuan was already a very high standard. This was the food of ordinary workers! The pay at Mingzhou Group is definitely not low, and workers can almost save their wages.

Wu Shengli nodded: "When the time comes, our sailors will have to follow this standard when we board the aircraft carrier."

The assistant sat next to him and felt a little emotional when he heard Wu Shengli's words. Yes, only with this standard can the sailors eat and drink well. However, the navy's funds are still limited. How much money does this maritime giant consume in a day?

Not to mention the take-off and landing of the carrier-based aircraft, the fuel consumption of the engine, and just the meal. There are more than 3,000 people, and each person costs 30 yuan, so a meal is 100,000 yuan!

Qin Tao also sat over with the lunch box. After opening it, he said with a smile on his face: "Dad, I am the best one to open this blind box. Yours has fish-flavored shredded pork in it, mine has boiled fish in it, and that one is better." , do you want to eat fish?"

 The dishes in the lunch box are different, just like opening a blind box, full of expectations.

Wu Shengli smiled: "Fish-flavored shredded pork is better."

At this moment, Xu Zhengyang came over and whispered in Qin Tao's ear: "Mr. Qin, Vitalia is in trouble."

 Qin Tao's expression suddenly changed.

 (End of this chapter)

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