Warship of Great Power

Chapter 903: Vitalia is in trouble

 Chapter 903 Vitalia got into trouble

Africa's backwardness has important historical reasons, as well as many practical problems. They have a large amount of mineral resources, but these mineral resources are not in their hands. To use a typical saying, this is begging for food with a golden rice bowl in hand.

 The northeastern part of the Rainbow Kingdom, the coastal Mo Kingdom.

 There are also a lot of mineral resources here, especially gold mines.

The gold here is mainly produced in the Archean and Proterozoic greenstone belts. The gold produced in the Archean greenstone belt is mainly distributed in the border area with Tianjin in the west. The gold produced in the Proterozoic greenstone belt is mainly distributed in the northwest. of Nyasa Province.

 It is already summer in the northern hemisphere and winter in the southern hemisphere. The weather here is a little cold, but to Lao Maozi, this is nothing at all.

They were wearing a full set of camouflage uniforms, with bulletproof inserts on their chests and backs. They held AK74 rifles in their hands and rode on BTR wheeled armored vehicles, advancing on the bumpy roads.

In the car, a woman was dressed in military uniform like them, holding a pistol on her chest. Her face was excited: "We will not touch the existing gold mines, but new ones have appeared in the Majele area. As long as we control the gold mine there, we will be able to obtain a steady stream of wealth! If we win the gold mine, each person’s annual salary will be increased to one million U.S. dollars! There will also be dividends at the end of the year!”

 “Hurrah!” someone in the car shouted.

Vitalia's face showed excitement: "This is the junction area of ​​the border. From now on, we will use this route for transportation. If the troops here want to deal with us, we will go to the opposite side. If the troops on the opposite side want to deal with us, we will go to the opposite side. We, let’s go here, just like the Golden Triangle, we will also create a Golden Triangle in Africa!”

As long as the gold mined here can be transported to the Rainbow Country, it can be easily sold. After all, their Glorious Years Security Company has developed rapidly in the Rainbow Country. They are just not satisfied with the current situation and want to go further.

 Security company? They can only earn a little money by being bodyguards, so they have to do more!

Vitalia has always liked excitement, and what she is doing now is even more exciting. She is very excited.

 “What if both sides attack us together?” asked a tall middle-aged man under his command. His name is Ivan, he has been Vitalia's bodyguard for many years, and now he is the head of this organization.

“Then we will fight, we will destroy them and let them know how powerful we are!”

The convoy arrived at the area near Majele that afternoon. The person in the front car suddenly shouted on the radio: "There is a war in the gold mining area!"

Yes, it is indeed a war. The two sides in the firefight are shooting at each other across a mineral vein. From the perspective of the old guys, you can see that the two sides in the firefight are very weak.

Some gangsters are holding AK47s in their hands and are shooting randomly without aiming at all. Moreover, they often hit them with one shot. The real three-point shooting has almost never happened. Some people are also using rocket launchers, but look at the rockets. Some of the trailing white smoke almost flew into the sky!

 After fighting for a long time, no one on both sides died.

Vitalia pushed open the hatch cover above her head, stuck her head out, and used her binoculars to take a look at the two sides fighting in the distance. Then she said to Ivan behind her: "Ivan, if we rush up, can we kill them all?" Eliminate it?"

"Of course, but is it necessary? Should we keep one of them?"

“No, destroy them all. We are here to rob the gold mines. These people are also robbing the gold mines. They are our enemies. No rules are the biggest rule here, let’s do it!”

The roar of the engine sounded, and the two warring parties quickly stopped. They looked at the armored vehicle driving from a distance in surprise, with confusion in their eyes. What was going on? Could it be reinforcements invited by the other party?


The 14.5mm anti-aircraft machine gun on the armored vehicle fired dense bullets with high accuracy. Almost every three-point shot would kill a local gunman. When they saw their companions being killed, they immediately panicked. Some people stood up and ran away, and then were Shot down, some people saw this and quickly threw away their guns and raised their hands.

 Their opponents actually invited such powerful reinforcements!

Thinking of this, they looked to the opposite side, and then they were surprised to find that those wheeled armored vehicles were also attacking their opponents, and they were even worse!

Because when these opponents saw the armored vehicles shooting at their enemies, they all stood up and cheered. As a result, the armored vehicles' machine guns came over and penetrated them one by one. Then the armored vehicles continued to drive over, and the wide wheels ran over their bodies. bodies, and hunt down those who escape.

 The battle lasted less than three minutes. In other words, it was not a battle at all, but similar to suppressing bandits.

Vitalia got out of the car and looked at the twenty or so prisoners kneeling on the ground.

These prisoners had fear in their eyes, their bodies were trembling, and they didn't know where the murderous **** came from.

Vitalia walked past them one after another and looked at them: "Do you want to live?"

These people nodded quickly, like chickens pecking at rice.

"But, you are coveting my gold mine, I can only send you to the west!" Vitalia picked up an AK74 next to her and pulled the bolt.

Da da da!

There was no one alive at the scene, and blood dyed the veins under their feet red.

"The gold mine here belongs to us. Anyone who tries to steal the gold mine here will be killed by us!" Vitalia put down the gun, with a murderous look on her face. At this moment, she has completely transformed into a brutal African emperors, in this barbaric place, can only survive through barbaric methods. This is their first battle of expansion. They want all of Africa to know the consequences of grabbing mines from them!

Ivan on the side looked at Vitalia with complicated eyes, and said with some worry: "Then are we still called the Glory Years Security Company?"

"Of course not. That company is on the outside. What we are doing now has a bad impact on the company. From today on, we will be called Wana Company! Now, clean up all the surrounding villages and all the surrounding areas. Landmines are laid, leaving only the passage we control. By the way, the mining machinery and equipment must also be transported as soon as possible!" Vitalia continued to make various arrangements: "This place is too backward, let us improve their mining level. Bar!"


 The gunfire rang out intermittently until the next day. An astonishing news spread here. A company called Varner occupied the gold mine here and began large-scale mining!

 Where does this company come from? No one knows, who is behind this company? No one knows, they only know that this company is very ruthless and will show no mercy. In a short period of time, all the people around him were killed!

 Who dares to cause trouble?

There was also a time when a small armed force tried to sneak up on them under the cover of night, but before they could get there, they stepped on a minefield. After a few booms, the mines exploded, and those people flew up. Heaven.

 Hard, too cruel!

Some people also focused on the transport convoy and wanted to cause trouble for them. They gathered hundreds of people and set up an ambush on the only way the transport convoy must pass. After a battle, they did win. The Vana Armed Forces Abandoning the convoy, he fled in panic.

These people thought they had won the battle and felt that Vana was nothing good. However, just when they were about to drive these transport trucks back and unload the gold mines to their villages, there was a roar in the sky. When we started, we saw two Hinds flying over!

Since when did Varna become so awesome? There is even a helicopter? Seeing the rocket launcher nest under the short wings of the helicopter sizzling on fire, they reacted and evaded one after another, but it was of no use. The rockets covered them and none of them escaped.

After this battle, no one dared to mess with Vana anymore, and it also alarmed the government. The government could not sit idly by, but they felt that they were not that capable, so they asked the Rainbow Nation for help.

Although the Rainbow Nation has fallen from a developed country to a developing country in recent years, they are still very powerful after all. They have Horn tanks and G6 self-propelled howitzers. Once the Rainbow Kingdom sends troops to help, Vitalia will be in big trouble!

 Fortunately, the Mingzhou Group has already developed in Rainbow Country and has many connections in all aspects, so after they learned the news, they quickly reported the news.

After receiving this news, Qin Tao was helpless. He only set up this security company to protect his interests in the Rainbow Kingdom. Vitalia was ambitious enough and actually wanted to be the king of Africa!

It is possible for us to control Africa, but we have to do it step by step. Security companies are the best entry point. They can serve as bodyguards for some big shots, so that we can gradually weave a network of interests and slowly expand. In other fields, where can you find someone like this, who comes up to grab other people’s gold mines?

This Vitalia is playing with fire.

Qin Tao was very helpless, but there was no other way now. He looked at Wu Shengli: "Dad, I have to go to Africa."

"What are you doing there?" Wu Shengli immediately became vigilant: "In the past few months, there have always been conspiracies against you. You should stay in the country with peace of mind. If you have anything to do abroad, you can leave it to others. .”

Zhao Ling also showed concern at the side. Now she has become Qin Tao's secretary again. She is responsible for many things. Today, when the warship was launched, she has been silently by her side, but she has not shown much performance. .

 Hearing Qin Tao's words at this time, she was also very concerned.

"This matter is inconvenient for others to handle, so I still have to go." Qin Tao said: "Our power in the Rainbow Country is still sufficient. With the full protection of the Glorious Years Security Company, there shouldn't be any big problems."

“You should tell me what is going on.” Others also said, “Maybe we can help.”

"No, everyone may be able to help, but the consequences will be more serious. It is some wet work that cannot be exposed to the sun."

Wu Shengli's face became more serious: "Wet work? Let's talk about it."

Since Xu Zhengyang knows everything, he must report it to the navy. However, there are a lot of people around at this time.

 Qin Tao glanced around, only to find that the workers who were eating had all finished eating. They packed up their lunch boxes and left from the exit. The people who packed the meals also left, and they were the only ones left at the scene.

Qin Tao turned to look at Xu Zhengyang: "Secretary Xu, please tell me what happened."

The expressions on the faces of the big guys became rich. They had heard of Vitalia. After all, the first aircraft carrier of the Navy was Lao Maozi's Varyag. It was a green company, and Vitalia was in charge of this company. of.

At that time, they were very interested in Vitalia. They felt that this woman was very powerful and would definitely do great things in the future. However, they did not expect that Vitalia was so powerful and had accomplished so many great things.

Wu Shengli's face became more and more serious as he listened to each incident. When he heard the last word, his brows furrowed sharply.

“We really can’t do this kind of thing, the impact is too bad, but what can you do?” Wu Shengli looked at Qin Tao.

"Me? It's too bad to fight and kill." Qin Tao said: "After all, we love peace. When I go, of course I will help them negotiate with this Vana and strive to get a plan that everyone is satisfied with. ."

 Everything is a benefit. As long as they get enough benefits, they can coexist peacefully.

It's wrong for Vitalia to go grab the gold mine, but as long as the government agrees and issues her a mining authorization letter, that's enough. And Mo Country also has this system, as long as she has that certificate paper, it's legal.

  Mozambique is economically backward. During the Age of Discovery, it was invaded by Portugal and later came under Portuguese colonial rule. It has a large history of black slave trading. It did not become independent until 1974, but after independence, it was still a poor and backward country.

 However, they are a country rich in resources. There are many treasures buried in the ground under their feet, but they have not been excavated. They passed the mining law in 1986, and then the mining industry was opened to international investors and private individuals. The investment law was enacted in 1993 and the mining tax law was passed in 1994, and they began to vigorously encourage mining development.

In other words, it is completely possible to legally mine in Mozambique, but Vitalia’s actions are too rough. It’s the 21st century now. Look at how people in Europe and the United States do it. Why do they have to do things like this? Not pretty.

Qin Tao made up his mind to educate her well after leaving.

Zhao Ling spoke from the side: "Dad, I think it's time to go. Brother Tao and I will go together."

Vitalia is Zhao Ling's best friend, and they used to have fun together. At the same time, Vitalia is also the godmother of two children. No matter from which point of view, Zhao Ling knows that she must go and help. We can't let anything happen to Vitalia in Africa.

Zhao Ling did not use the official title, but directly used the family title. Wu Shengli frowned and finally nodded: "Okay, then you go, but be careful!"

Zhao Ling nodded: "Dad, don't worry, it's nothing serious."

Qin Tao had to be busy with his trip to Africa, so the Navy lost interest in the afternoon inspection. After everyone had lunch, they took a look around the Mingzhou Shipyard, and then set off on the return journey in the afternoon. Qin Tao then After some preparations, that night, we took a special plane to the Rainbow Kingdom.

Although he was very anxious, he still had to be skillful. After arriving, he did not go directly to the Rainbow Kingdom's military to coordinate the illegal gold mining incident in Mo Country. Instead, he first came to the Glory Years Shipyard.

This shipyard was originally built to build civilian luxury yachts, but now it is also building warships for the Rainbow Nation. Some people wanted to cause trouble for Qin Tao, so they gave them a sweetener: to produce an A200 frigate in the shipyard. , but when Qin Tao came, he smashed their conspiracy and got all four ship contracts.

Now, Qin Tao comes to the Glorious Years Shipyard again, of course to inspect the progress of frigate construction here.

Although the A200 frigate was designed by the Germans, in order to bid, various design drawings were sent, and many weapon systems produced by the Rainbow Country were installed on them. It can be said to be a hodgepodge. In addition, Mingzhou Group owns With rich design experience, the production drawings of this frigate were quickly completed.

However, since this shipyard has no experience in building warships, a lot of steel plates and so on have to be transported from China, so the construction speed is not fast. So far, the warships have not yet been launched, which is exactly the same as the Mingzhou Group's construction speed. There's no comparison.

On the slipway, two-thirds of the ship's hull has been completed. When he heard that Qin Tao was coming, Davidson, who rushed to flatter him, looked excited: "Mr. Qin, although the construction progress of this warship is slow, it is a breakthrough. Now, Many units in our country are looking forward to the launching of this warship. When the time comes, I hope you can come to participate in the launching ceremony."

"Of course." Qin Tao said: "I will definitely come when the time comes. The construction progress of this first ship is a bit slow, but as I become more proficient in the future, the subsequent construction speed of the same model will definitely speed up." Qin Tao said: "We Looking forward to the commissioning of this warship!”

 Liu Dashan was also in high spirits on the sidelines. This is a new beginning! In the future, the Glory Years Shipyard will also manufacture warships for other African countries, and they will no longer hold back the Mingzhou Group.

 That evening, there was a private room in the shipyard restaurant.

“Here, cheers!” Qin Tao raised his glass: “Let’s drink to a better future!”

“Here, let’s drink!” Davidson picked up the glass, drank it down in one gulp, and then asked, “Mr. Qin, what are you going to do next?”

“Next, let’s go check out the mines.” Qin Tao said: “After all, the cost of building warships comes from the mining industry. Thanks to your support, our mines are also doing well.”

“If you want to run a mine well, you must have a stable environment. Recently, a group of foreigners appeared in Mozambique and occupied the mines, making a big fuss.” Davidson finally mentioned this matter.

“Really? What kind of people are they?”

"It should be Lao Maozi, the extremely vicious Lao Maozi. We are planning to send troops."

"Sending troops is a waste. If it's an old man, I might be able to help talk about it. I know many old men. Maybe this problem can be solved without fighting."

PS: I recommend a passionate anti-war article written by a good friend. The strongest individual soldier of the Republic returns to the Songhu battlefield and stands on China’s last position on the north bank of the Suzhou River. What should he do? "Rising from Eight Hundred" will give you the answer!



 (End of this chapter)

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