Warship of Great Power

Chapter 901: Shichang number and 052DL

Chapter 901 Shichang and 052DL

Shi Chang is not only a naval training ship, but also a national defense mobilization ship and a medical rescue ship.

Its hull construction is mainly concentrated in the front, with a wide helicopter deck at the back. Because of this design, many people attribute it to a helicopter carrier. In fact, the wide platform at the back is not only used for taking off and landing helicopters. Yes, there are other functions.

For example, a large number of containers are stacked on its wide deck and converted into a container cargo ship. It is a bit luxurious to engage in transportation tasks. After all, Navy warships never consider fuel consumption and the like, and the transportation cost is too high. However, its containers can be Various modules, such as medical modules and ward modules, were modified and transformed into a mobile hospital on the sea.

When rescue and disaster relief is needed, it can also be equipped with housing modules, so that a large number of victims can be accommodated. These modules can turn it into a professional rescue and disaster relief vessel. Since the navy's warships have this role, of course it can be used domestically. Relevant departments will provide money to help build it together so that it can be used in the future.

 Everyone was excited.

Mr. Qin’s suggestion is very reasonable. As long as they are not allowed to pay, everything else is easy!

“Can the relevant domestic departments give us 60 million?” Some people are still worried.

"It depends on how it works." Qin Tao said: "For example, if we set the price of this warship at 120 million, then the Navy and relevant domestic departments will each contribute half of the funds. The Navy It also comes out to be 60 million, but 40 million of them will be transferred to aircraft carriers or other warships, isn’t this a deal?”

As time goes by, the cost of various warships has also increased. Even the most common 054, the cost has soared to 500 million, with a displacement of only 4,000 tons, and a 10,000-ton warship only costs 120 million. The price is definitely not expensive. If we go back ten years, the 054 will cost more than one billion. But even so, it is much cheaper than Western warships.

Converted into U.S. dollars, the 054 is two to three hundred million U.S. dollars. The US military has a similar "Constellation" class frigate, and the cost of a single ship has reached a terrifying U.S. $526 million. This price is the same as the 052D destroyer, but the performance is far worse than that of the 052D destroyer. The cost of the Arleigh Burke III destroyer, which has the same performance as the 052D destroyer, has soared to two to three billion US dollars!

Therefore, foreigners can only watch the Dongfang Navy storming out but cannot catch up, because the price of building one warship of the same type is equivalent to the price of Dongfang building five or six warships. There is nothing they can do about it, but Dongfang has this ability. Everything can be made at a bargain price.

Of course, there are cheap ones, and the F35 fighter jet is one of them, but it is also unique, and most of them are more expensive than Dongfang.

 Now, Qin Tao has provided a perfect solution. The naval leaders present opened their eyes wide and nodded repeatedly: Okay, Mr. Qin’s plan is very good!

 Everyone is excited.

“Mr. Qin, the money problem has been solved. When can you come up with the design plan for this kind of warship?”

“Now.” Qin Tao opened his laptop and plugged in the Internet cable: “Now I’ll ask the shipyard to send over the design drawings and introduce them to you.”

 Send it over?

The guys looked at Wu Shengli in surprise, and Wu Shengli immediately shook his head: "I didn't say anything."

"We made the design drawings ten years ago, when we first proposed the idea of ​​a national defense mobilization ship to the Navy. Unfortunately, the Navy did not make the decision to build it at that time, so we sealed the design drawings and now we are bringing them out." Qin Tao said: "You can put forward any modifications that may be needed. After we modify the original design plan and the funds are in place, we can start construction."

The navy's warships require bidding, but if it is jointly invested with other domestic departments, then there is no need to abide by this agreement. Only the Mingzhou Group can operate these construction funds, so all this is logical.


  Qin Tao turned on the computer, started ICQ, connected with Yang Dawei, and soon started transferring files.

“Mr. Qin, are there any problems with this transmission, such as being stolen?” Some people are worried that this is a confidential document after all. If it is transmitted directly through the Internet, will it be leaked?

"Indeed, but the chance is very small." Qin Tao said: "The entire network was built by us, the software was also developed by us, the hardware was also produced by us, and the database is also under our control. If they want to steal secrets, they will first It was discovered by us at once, and these are all encrypted and can only be opened by specific algorithms."

There are risks in the Internet, but if you don’t use it because of the risks, it would be a bit unfounded. Modern technology will greatly change people’s lives and also change the command of the army.

“Of course, if the navy wants absolute security, it can invest in laying a special military network.” Qin Tao said: “If it is not directly connected to the Internet, it will be safe.”

While speaking, the file has been transferred. Qin Tao opened the file and placed it on the projection screen.

 A 10,000-ton warship appeared in front of everyone. The moment they saw it, many people's eyes lit up: "Isn't this a helicopter carrier?"

 The bow of the ship is similar to an ordinary warship, and the entire back is a helicopter deck, just like a helicopter carrier.

“However, there is an extra chimney on the right side, which I have never seen before.”

General helicopter carriers have their chimneys placed on the bridge at the front. This layout, which is placed at the back and on the side and looks the same as a conventional aircraft carrier, is really rare.

"This is also to allow our pilots to adapt to future aircraft carriers and amphibious assault ships." Qin Tao said: "Moreover, placing the chimney at the back also makes it easier for us to shorten the length of the flue. After all, the bridge is at the front and the engine room is at the end. Now, since everyone is interested here, let me start from here. In order to reduce costs, we equipped this warship with two diesel engines and dual-shaft propulsion."

 Gas turbines are the first choice for high-speed navigation, but they are extremely fuel-intensive. For this kind of naval training ship, a high speed of 30 knots is not needed. An economical cruising speed of 16 knots is enough.

There is no need for high-end integrated power for the entire ship.

 Everyone nodded: "Yes, two diesel engines can be used. The diesel engine produced by your Mingzhou Group is very useful."

Mingzhou Group originally did not have diesel engines. Later, it invested in a domestic diesel engine factory, digested and absorbed Mannheim's diesel engine technology, and used it on submarines. It was also equipped on a large number of surface ships. These diesel engines have also become auxiliary materials for naval warships. Machine, since we want Mingzhou Group to save money, of course we must match Mingzhou Group’s products.

"We then talked about the overall design of the hull. It is planned to be 120 meters long and 18 meters wide. There will be a bridge at the bow of the ship. All the living and work cabins of all personnel will be arranged inside as much as possible, so as to free up enough distance behind. It is enough to plan three wide helipads, but for our daily training, two are enough. The front is reserved and the medical cabin is directly mounted. This is also convenient for requesting funds from relevant national departments." (Displacement of Qi Jiguang) It’s almost the same, but it’s 163 meters long and 22 meters wide. I don’t know if there’s something wrong with the settings of this Shi Chang.)

 Looking at the design drawings, someone frowned.

“Mr. Qin, this design can certainly meet the needs of relevant departments. However, with a medical cabin in the front, our helicopter takeoff and landing training will not be affected, but where is the helicopter hangar located?”

If the hangar is set up on the bridge, with a modular medical cabin in the center, how can the helicopter pass through the medical cabin to the hangar? If there is no hangar, the helicopter will only dock occasionally, and it is impossible to carry it for a long time because it cannot be maintained.

Qin Tao smiled: "Haven't everyone seen Lao Maozi's Kirov-class cruiser? Why don't you have such a vision?"

“Hangar below the deck?” the big guy reacted.

The deck is used to train helicopters to take off and land, and personnel live in the front. What about underneath the warship?

There is a lot of space underneath this warship. This space can be used to transform a first-floor hangar!

Even if a hangar is only installed below the helicopter landing deck, at least five helicopters can be crammed in!

 “In this way, it will become a helicopter carrier!” Someone became excited.

"Well, under normal circumstances, it is enough to carry two or three helicopters, but if you encounter special circumstances, it can be transformed into a helicopter carrier at any time. Under extreme circumstances, it can carry eight helicopters. Whether it is anti-submarine or cross-sea ground attack They have sufficient combat power to attack." Qin Tao introduced.

This is also the reason why Qin Tao does not agree to lower the standards and build it with civilian ship standards. When needed, it can be transformed into a helicopter carrier at any time! The combat effectiveness of eight straight twenty planes is not overwhelming. They don't even need to descend into the hangar. They can just be stacked horizontally from the front of the deck.

“Okay, let me introduce the bridge of the Shichang next.” Qin Tao continued to introduce, but found that everyone was looking at him in surprise.

"What's wrong?"

“Mr. Qin, what was your name just now?”

It was only then that Qin Tao realized that he had just gotten excited and said the name of the ship. This kind of naming task should have been a navy task.

"Our only naval training ship is 81, named Zheng He. The hull number of this second naval training ship must be 82. The naming should follow the above principles. Then name it after a person, Deng Shichang. It should be possible to name it, right? Of course, this is my suggestion. If the Navy has a better choice, it can also use other names, such as Qi Jiguang is also good."

Qi Jiguang never engaged in the navy, but he fought against Japanese pirates and was a famous national hero. Of course, it is okay to use his name, but Deng Shichang is better.

"That's right, it's called Shichang. This is the first time a big girl has got on the sedan chair. We have already thought of the name before we build the warship." Wu Shengli said: "Okay, let's continue talking about the warship design."

Qin Tao is equivalent to repeating the introduction ten years ago. However, ten years ago, he could only talk about it, but this time he has to confirm the construction.

All leaders listened attentively and put forward some suggestions. By the time Qin Tao finished his report, the day was over.

"Okay, this warship is finalized. Let's contact the relevant departments as soon as possible, finalize the construction funds, and start construction as soon as possible. Our navy has a very heavy task of training carrier-based aircraft pilots and urgently needs training ships. Your Mingzhou Group can do it in half a year Was it created within?”

"Half a year? It's almost half a year to make the shell, and it will take another half a year to outfit, at least a year or more." Qin Tao was helpless. The leaders of the navy were too anxious with their demands. Do you think a 10,000-ton giant ship is a small sampan?

“Okay, one year then. We hope to start construction as soon as possible, and then we can go to Mingzhou Group to broaden our horizons.”

“Dear leaders, you may need to pay a visit to our Mingzhou Shipyard recently.”

 Going there recently?

 What are you going to do?

 Soon someone thought of something: "Has 052D been built?"

Qin Tao nodded: "It should be almost ready to be launched into the water and outfitted soon. However, since our Z-20 research and development is going smoothly, we are wondering whether we should build just such a 052D first."

“How can we only build one ship? Just like the 052C, our navy has planned an order for four ships.”

“Next, we need to lengthen the 052D slightly so that it can easily carry our straight twenty. We plan to call this 052DL.”

Since I am here, of course I will introduce the next plan to the navy. After all, these are also the results of the maturity of Zhi Twenty.


"Yes, our Z-Twenty is lower than the Ka-27, but it is longer. So if our destroyer is going to be mainly Z-Twenty, then our hangar will need to be lengthened by two meters. At the same time, the helicopter deck will also need to be extended by two meters." It needs to be lengthened by two meters, so our destroyer will have to be lengthened by four meters, from the original 155 meters to 159 meters, and the displacement will be increased from 7,000 tons to 7,500 tons."

The bow of a warship is relatively narrow and becomes wider toward the rear. Therefore, although it is only lengthened by four meters at the rear, the displacement is increased by 500 tons.

 In the past, a navy destroyer of 3,000 tons was considered a large ship. Now, with step by step development, it has reached 7,500 tons! The 10,000-ton 055 will also be born.

At this moment, everyone present was filled with emotion, and the scene fell into silence again.

 Qin Tao thought these people were unwilling.

“Although the displacement has been increased, no additional equipment has been added. It is just using more steel plates, and the price will not rise too much.” Qin Tao could only explain.

The larger the displacement, the more expensive the warship is. Therefore, when the British built the Type 42 destroyer, they tried hard to control the displacement. When it came to the Type 45, they gritted their teeth and enlarged the displacement to 8,000 tons. However, during actual production, because The finance department wanted to save money, so some equipment was not installed, and the actual full-load displacement was reduced to 7,350 tons.

In other words, the displacement of the Type 45 destroyer that the British are most proud of is not as large as the current 052DL.

Seeing that the guy didn't answer, Qin Tao thought he was unwilling, so he could only say again: "Forget it, it's just an increase anyway, our order price remains unchanged, hey, you guys, I want to say something. ah."


 “Okay, we saved money again.”

This time everyone reacted, with smiles on their faces. Since Mr. Qin said he would not raise the price, he could not raise the price any more! Just now, everyone was just in shock and didn't say anything. As a result, he saved a lot of money and was quite satisfied.

At this time, after hearing what everyone said, Qin Tao felt helpless and acted impulsively.

However, now that I’ve said it, I can’t take it back.

“Mr. Qin, after the displacement is increased, will the speed be reduced?”

It doesn't matter how fast the navy training ship can run, but the speed of the escorting main warship must meet the standard, because it is the **** of the aircraft carrier and must keep up with the speed of the aircraft carrier. Otherwise, when the aircraft carrier sails at full speed, it will throw away the escorting warship. How can this be done if you run away?

“If compared with the 052D, the speed will indeed be slower, but it should be comparable to the 052C. We estimate that its speed can reach 32 knots. As for the actual speed, we will not know until it is built and tested at sea.”

 Verse 32?

The speed of the warships of the Eastern Navy has always been high. The Type 051 destroyer built that year used boiler power, which was very abundant, and the hull was slender and had low resistance, so much so that it once reached a speed of 37 knots during the trial. The later Type 052 destroyer , using two LM2500 gas turbines to drive a warship of more than 4,000 tons, it was still a large horse-drawn cart, and it could reach 32 knots. By the later 052C, the speed was reduced to 30 knots.

This is of course because the original GT15000 gas turbine was not powerful enough and the output power was not high enough. However, for a main warship, thirty knots is already excellent.

At the 052D, the advanced UGT25000 gas turbine was used, and the power was greatly increased. Although the displacement also increased a lot, the final power output was still good.

“If the ship-wide integrated power system is used, will the speed continue to increase?”

In diesel-fuel alternating power, when the gas turbine is started, the diesel engines have to stop and cannot jointly output power, which is equivalent to a waste. If it is changed to electric propulsion, the power generated by the generator will be easily integrated. , which can make the warship travel faster.

“Of course it is possible, but if this system is used, the price will need to increase by another 100 million.”

Just to simply expand the displacement, the Mingzhou Group can pay for it by itself, but if it adds internal equipment, the extra cost will need to be paid by the Navy. The Mingzhou Group can not make money, but it cannot lose money. This is Qin Tao A principle that has always been adhered to.

“Forget it, just use this system on our 055.” Hearing that more money was needed, everyone immediately made a wise choice.

Although the navy now has much more funds than before, it has to build more warships, so the navy has to spend its money sparingly.

“The supporting facilities are basically unchanged, but some equipment can still be replaced if it can be replaced, such as the 1130 close-in defense gun.” Qin Tao continued to introduce.

 (End of this chapter)

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