Warship of Great Power

Chapter 900: naval training ship

Chapter 900 Naval Training Ship

A Mi-26 helicopter appeared over Coco Island. Its huge eight rotors stirred the airflow and made a whirring sound. The two D-136 engines were roaring, and the sound resounded throughout the island. Many birds were frightened and flew into the sky with flapping wings, far away from this place of right and wrong. They looked at this strange bird and the thing hanging below the strange bird with frightened eyes.

The Mingzhou Group's Mi-26 is here. Its arrival has made many construction projects more convenient. At this time, it is suspending a huge parabolic antenna and heading towards the highest peak of the entire island, where a base has already been built. , just waiting for the arrival of this parabolic antenna.

On the base, some people stood there, looking up at the huge helicopter, their eyes full of envy. This is the largest helicopter in the world. Without such a big guy, I really don’t know how to install such a heavy helicopter. Eight tons of antennas!

If you disassemble the antenna, you can move it up along the path below, but the installation is complicated and the accuracy may not be guaranteed. This kind of overall installation is the best now.

The parabolic antenna was getting closer and closer. The people below took walkie-talkies and began to communicate with the helicopter. After a lot of work, the huge parabolic antenna was finally firmly installed on the base. Just as they were placing the base When all the screws of the base were tightened, the Mi-26 continued to fly with a huge ball, which was the radome.

Within one day, a round ball appeared on the top of the largest mountain on Grand Coco Island. Its appearance once again touched the sensitive nerves of some people.

"The Mingzhou Group installed radar on Coco Island under the guise of tourism. We express strong opposition to this behavior by the Orientals. We also hope that the Myanmar government can immediately change this wrong choice!" Ah San began to exert pressure. .

 Mingzhou Group responded even more quickly. Just half an hour after Ah San expressed his dissatisfaction, Mingzhou Group Starship Company issued a public statement.

"For the development of the aerospace industry, we need to establish a global measurement and control network. We have installed an aerospace measurement and control radar on Da Keke Island. It can accurately determine the trajectory of our spacecraft and has become an important node in our aerospace measurement and control network. , we guarantee that all facilities on Da Keke Island are for civilian use. This radar is also an important basis for our starship company to fly out of the earth and fly to Mars. We believe that Ah San will also need our aerospace measurement and control data in the future. We welcome them to cooperate with us in the aerospace industry!"

 After receiving this answer, Ah San was speechless.

 Civil purpose, aerospace measurement and control?

“Looking at the size and shape of this radar, it may really be an aerospace monitoring and control radar, but they definitely have an ulterior motive. Any ballistic missiles we launch in the future will be under its surveillance!”

“That’s right, we don’t need their aerospace monitoring and control at all. They are contemptuous of our aerospace level! They can build aerospace monitoring and control radars, and we can also build aerospace monitoring and control radars in the Andaman Islands!”

“Hmph, if we have a chance in the future, we must go up and take a look and see what this radar is like.”

Although they are somewhat unwilling, there is currently no other way. After all, aerospace measurement and control is really for civilian purposes. Starship Company has gained support from all over the world because of the persecution. Many rich people are still waiting for Starship Company. The spaceship realizes the dream of flying into the sky.

As a result, they could only watch the development of Coco Island without being able to intervene.


A helicopter similar in appearance to the Black Hawk is slowly advancing towards a warship. This warship looks like a yacht and has many superstructures. In addition to the double-barreled naval gun at the bow and the artillery and anti-submarine rockets on both sides, There is almost no equipment visible. There are two masts at the front and rear, with a radar on the top of each mast. This is all the weapons and equipment of this warship, and it looks a bit shabby.

 The bow of the ship is spray-painted with the 81 logo, and there is a helicopter landing platform at the stern.

At this time, some people on the helicopter landing platform were stopping to watch.

 “Our straight twenties are so beautiful!”

“Yes, the navy will have this kind of helicopter in the future, and its mission will be more flexible.”

While everyone was talking, the helicopter got closer and closer, but faced the swaying deck and could not land.

On the plane, the young female pilot Xu Can looked at the beads of sweat on Zhao Liang's forehead and couldn't help but said, "How about you let me give it a try?"

Zhao Liang turned his head and glanced at Xu Can, and then said: "Okay, I will hand the plane to you. Be careful, don't be anxious. If you are not sure, then we will end this mission and go back to apply for a replacement warship, or hand it over to the Navy." The pilot comes to test the flight.”

The warship with hull number 81 is the Navy's first and a professional training ship. Its appearance has made up for the Navy's history of using old retired warships and even renting merchant ships for training, and has greatly improved the Navy's training conditions. The Naval Ship Academy that equips it will be able to laugh out loud every night in the next few years.

 However, this warship, which was commissioned in 1987, seems to be somewhat outdated now. It only has a displacement of 6,000 tons, is not fast, and most importantly, the helicopter platform at the tail is not large enough.

The domestically produced Z-Twenty is also developing a carrier-based version for the Navy. For the initial test flight, the Navy coordinated with this training ship. Anyway, this warship was originally used to perform training missions. Many carrier-based aircraft pilots made their first flights from It started here, so they thought it would be easy.

However, the two test pilots who were from Army Aviation have still not flown the takeoff and landing of a carrier-based aircraft. Although they have practiced many times on land, they have been able to land steadily within the circular area drawn on the ground. However, the land After all, it is still very different from the sea. Zhao Liang flew several times and was not sure about landing.

 Each aircraft has its own characteristics. Changing between different aircraft is not easy and requires special training. Even if you are driving and switching to a different car, you still need to get used to the power output, the depth of the accelerator and the brake. If you encounter some strange models, you will have to figure out how to release the handbrake for a long time.

Helicopters like the Zhi-Twenty require special training. After all, its cockpit has replaced the previous glass instruments with an LCD screen. Navy pilots who are familiar with the landing of carrier-based aircraft must train repeatedly before they can fly.

Now it can only be flown by the original Z-20 test pilots. I thought there would be no big problem, but I didn't expect that I still encountered difficulties.

 Zhao Liang gave up and handed over the control of the helicopter to Xu Can.

Xu Can pulled up the plane, looked at the shaking helicopter deck in front of him, took a deep breath, then pushed the control stick steadily and moved forward towards the warship.

 Fifty meters, ten meters, five meters, three meters, one meter...the closer the distance, the more nervous the mood will be, but Xu Can relies on the unique caution of women to boldly operate the helicopter and continue to approach.

Ahead, there is a professional guide holding a sign in his hand to guide the helicopter. Xu Can’s hands are slower. Whether he can land or not depends on the final result!

Lowering, continuing to lower the altitude, moving forward, continuing to move forward slowly, she could no longer see what was below the deck, and relied entirely on guidance from the front. Finally, there was a slight impact below, and the landing gear had touched the flight deck!

The next second, the harpoon on the belly of the helicopter began to extend, latched onto the honeycomb-shaped hole below, and automatically locked, completing the landing.

Zhao Liang took a deep breath. He was about to embarrass the Army Aviation. The embarrassment was not terrible. If the landing could not be completed, it would also affect the development of the 20th Navy model! This incident put so much pressure on Zhao Liang that he could not land with peace of mind.

 Now, Xu Can has finally completed the landing, thanks to her!

Thinking of this, Zhao Liang looked at Xu Can, who had already quickly completed all the finishing work after the plane landed, and then opened the cabin door.

Below, Pang Jianwei, the captain of the No. 81 training ship, came up and stretched out his hands to Xu Can: "Welcome, welcome to pilot the Z-20 carrier-based aircraft to land on our Zheng He training ship for the first time. Our training ship And feel proud of it.”

Xu Can saluted first and then came up to shake hands: "We are also honored. Through this landing, we also realized how difficult it is for naval carrier-based aircraft pilots to take off and land. Your skills are the most superb."

“Yes, it is really difficult for our navy’s carrier-based aircraft to land on the small flight deck. Naval pilots are only one in a million.” Speaking of this, Pang Jianwei was also very emotional.

At this time, Zhao Liang also came down. After saluting and shaking hands with Pang Jianwei, he turned to look at the deck behind.

The flight deck is not just a steel plate, but also has a special grille on it. At this time, the harpoon under the belly of the straight twenty aircraft has already locked the honeycomb-shaped holes in the grille, completing the automatic locking and mooring work.

"What we are using now is the harpoon grille assist landing system. When we first introduced the Dolphin helicopter, which is the system we imported from France when we domestically produced the Z-9." Pang Jianwei introduced to everyone: "This system can ensure that the helicopter can It can land safely on the ship and at the same time ensure that it does not fall during the shaking. It is much more advanced than Lao Maozi's system."

The main domestic carrier-based helicopters, apart from the Z-9, are the Ka-27. The Navy first came into contact with the Z-9. It was already accustomed to the harpoon grille assist landing system. Later, after the introduction of Lao Maozi's Ka-27, it began to complain about Lao Maozi. It's rudimentary.

Lao Maozi's helicopter landing is very simple. There are no additional devices installed on the helicopter. It only uses a special landing net on the ship. This is an additional deck device composed of net ropes and a detachable anti-skid net frame. .

It can only increase the friction between the aircraft tires and the deck after the aircraft lands, preventing the helicopter from sliding sideways. If the warship swings too much, there will be no way to prevent the plane from rolling over. Therefore, after the plane lands, it must either be pushed into the hangar quickly, or it must be manually tied with ropes and fixed to the surrounding iron rings. Direct landing in high sea conditions? Don't even think about it, let alone the modern-class ones that take off and land on the high second deck, and the shaking is even worse.

"This harpoon system can only help our aircraft lock the helicopter after landing and prevent it from moving. It cannot provide assistance during the landing process. It is still not smart enough." Xu Can said: "We are already in the 21st century. Yes, there are many advanced technologies, and we can completely use these advanced technologies to reduce the difficulty of helicopter landing."

“Really? Let’s talk about it?” Pang Jianwei also became interested.

"When we landed just now, we already discovered that the most difficult thing is to determine the position. When our helicopter approached the flight deck, the flight deck was blocked by the aircraft body. We couldn't see where the ring was at all. It just relies on feeling and guidance from the front, which tests the pilot's skills. We can definitely use modern technology to improve the pilot's perception."

"Are you talking about using a camera?" Pang Jianwei asked: "If it is a camera, it will indeed allow the pilot to see clearly below. However, you also know that helicopters will encounter many problems during flight, even if it is just sea salt. The erosion of fog may also blur the camera, making it inconvenient for pilots to continue observing the flight deck."

"Yes, our maritime environment is very different from that on land." The person next to him said: "Unfortunately, even the X-band radar has a large error, and it cannot meet the needs of guidance at all."

There are not many that you can think of. Optical cameras are easy to blur, radar accuracy is not high, and there is really no good way.

"Well, there are indeed many problems faced by optical cameras. Radar cannot be guaranteed to be installed on every ship-borne helicopter, let alone the accuracy problem. However, we can change our thinking. For example, we can arrange special sensors on the body of the helicopter. The laser transmitter emits a beam of laser, and two laser receivers are placed on the left and right sides of the flight deck, so that the position of the helicopter can be determined by the received laser signals, and then these signals are transmitted to the helicopter through the data link. so that the pilot can know his exact position relative to the flight deck. If the program is more advanced, the pilot does not even have to move and can completely rely on the program to automatically guide the landing."

 Lasers are very accurate. Just look at the bombs dropped from the air. You can tell that the bombs can be dropped from the chimney. If there are laser receiving devices on both sides of the warship, the two-point positioning will naturally be more accurate.

“Yes, this is a good plan.” Pang Jianwei nodded: “But, can our helicopter fly automatically?”

“Of course, our flight control is by fly-by-wire, which allows the computer to operate autonomously.”

 Compared with previous aircraft, the Z-20 has many innovations, and flight control is one of them. Only fly-by-wire flight control can easily control flight automatically, and nothing else can.

"If this kind of system can be developed, then our navy's carrier-based aircraft pilot training will be simpler!" Pang Jianwei said: "We will report to our superiors and ask them to allocate funds to study this system. Since you are the proposer of this system , can you join this R&D team together?”

“I am willing, I can be the test pilot of this system.” Xu Can nodded. For her, she just likes to take on difficult challenges and solve various technical problems for the military.

Zhi-Twenty successfully landed on a naval training ship for the first time. This mission was of great significance, indicating that the carrier-based version of Zhi-Twenty had taken another important step. The news spread back to Huanglou, and everyone was very excited.

"Currently, the rotor and tail folding system of the Z-Twenty are under development. The landing helicopter is still a land-based model, but there is not much difference between the two. The land-based model can go up, and the future naval carrier-based model can even go up." One person The leader said: "From now on, our navy will use the Z-20 as the main carrier-based helicopter. This will also unify the helicopters."

"Yes, the tonnage of the Zhi-Twenty is just right. A single helicopter can carry radar, sonar and torpedoes. This saves our navy from having to coordinate two helicopters for anti-submarine operations in the past. The Z-Twenty is equipped with the Navy, and our ship-based helicopters The shortcomings are finally being made up for.”

“That little girl Xu Can also proposed to develop a new generation of carrier-based helicopter assist landing system. This project is not bad and can greatly reduce the training work of our navy’s carrier-based helicopter pilots.”

"It's a pity that there are too few training ships in the navy now. There is only one Zhenghe. It is too busy to train the navy's carrier-based aircraft pilots. If we train on other warships, it will be dangerous and will have to be delayed. Normal training on a warship.”

All warships launched now, except for missile boats, are equipped with helicopter decks. The least is one and the most is two. And each helicopter is best equipped with two groups of pilots. In this way, the Navy's ship-borne helicopters There is also a shortage of pilots. After all, the Navy is now ushering in a period of vigorous development.

There are many inconveniences in directly using warships for training. It is like training fixed-wing carrier-based aircraft directly on the aircraft carrier without a land base. It is very dangerous and the effect is not ideal. Many carrier-based helicopters are originally capable of flying. The pilot failed to land on the ship for the first time, leaving a psychological shadow, and he never dared to continue again.

“How about we build another professional training ship?” Someone came up with the idea.

“Build another one? How much will it cost? Our navy doesn’t have that much money now.”

"The training ship is not a warship. It can use civilian standards. This can save a lot of money. Speaking of saving money, you have to find Mr. Qin. Lao Wu, do you want to bring your son-in-law here and let's discuss it? What if? If we can control the budget to 10 to 20 million, we can consider it. The tonnage needs to be larger, if it can be 10,000 tons, that would be great."

 Ten or twenty million? Wu Shengli smiled: "You are more demanding than me. The most you can do with this little money is to build a missile boat. The 056 of 1,000 tons is not enough. You actually want to build a 10,000-ton naval training ship?"

“Others can’t do it, but your son-in-law is none other than our navy son-in-law. He can definitely do it.”

 “Okay, I’ll call him.”

 One day later.

Qin Tao came to Huanglou and listened to the introduction of the navy and nodded repeatedly.

"Yes, a new training ship is indeed needed. There is only one Zheng He, which is too few to undertake the training of naval cadets. The sail training ship cannot take off and land helicopters. Next, the Navy does need to build a second one. It’s a training ship.”

This has something to do with Qin Tao. Under Qin Tao's promotion, the Navy obtained the aircraft carrier as soon as possible and started manufacturing 002 by itself. After all, the Navy's funds are limited, so the 82 Shichang has not been built yet, and the Navy is rapidly expanding its fleet. But the training of naval cadets has become a big problem.

 It needs to be resolved as soon as possible.

"Since we want to train carrier-based helicopters to take off and land, the warship cannot be too small. With a displacement of about 10,000 tons, from the middle to the tail of the ship, it is all a helicopter deck, which expands the deck area and allows the landing of carrier-based aircraft. It’s easier and reduces the pilots’ psychological burden of landing on the ship for the first time, and a chimney can even be built on the right side to simulate the aircraft carrier deck.”

 Mr. Qin’s plan actually coincides with what he wanted! Everyone's eyes were filled with excitement, and one of them continued: "Mr. Qin, it turns out that you have already thought about it. Our navy will not invite bids this time, and it will be built directly at your Mingzhou Shipyard. We are very interested in this project." We take it seriously and have decided to allocate 20 million yuan to you for construction costs."

“A deposit of twenty million is enough.” Qin Tao nodded.

 “No, no, not a deposit.”

 “What’s that? Down payment?”

 “Full payment.”

 The scene became quiet.

Qin Tao looked at Wu Shengli, who smiled awkwardly: "Taozi, you also know that our navy needs new training ships, but we don't have enough funds. We can come up with 20 million." We have the most funds, but these funds are insufficient. You can lower the construction standards and use part of them to meet the standards of civilian ships. Is this almost enough?"

“Dad, do you still remember the national defense mobilization ship I introduced to you ten years ago?” Qin Tao asked.

 Ten years ago?

Wu Shengli thought about it seriously, then shook his head, really forgetting it.

 How can I still remember what happened many years ago?

"I remember that we had some internal discussions within the Navy at that time." A leader said: "This is a modular warship with a displacement of about 10,000 tons. It can be quickly converted into a hospital ship, a helicopter carrier, and a transport ship. It can meet our multiple functions such as ocean navigation training, helicopter training, medical rescue training, national defense mobilization drills and comprehensive training."

With this said, Wu Shengli had an impression: "Yes, we were tempted at the time, but then we looked at our pockets and gave up."

 A penny is too much for a hero, not to mention the huge amount of money required to build warships. How can the navy have so much money to build such a training ship? It will make do with it first.

“Mr. Qin, I remember that your quotation for this warship was 40 million. Now…”

"It's at least 80 million now. You can calculate the inflation rate in the past few years." Qin Tao said: "We support the navy and can only charge the cost price, but it is impossible for us to subsidize the money. Moreover, I It is not recommended that warships lower their standards to become civilian ships."

 Everyone looks a bit ugly. Is it impossible to talk about it?

“Taozi, what do you want to say when you mention this warship?” Wu Shengli seemed to have a reaction.

“Our warship is not only used for naval training, it can also be converted into a mobile hospital at sea, and it can also carry out emergency rescue and disaster relief. Therefore, you can ask relevant departments to provide funds, such as the Ministry of National Development and Reform*.”

 (End of this chapter)

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