Warm Dragon

Chapter 369: My Ideal Self

The war between the snow giant and the dragon has lasted for more than five thousand years.

The snowfield is the snow giant's invincible battlefield, and the radiation range of the volcano is the dragon's absolute home field. If the giant dragon steps into the snowfield, its power will be suppressed; if the snow giant steps into the radiation range of the volcano, the same power will be suppressed.

The battle between the two is to cannibalize each other's home field.

Previously, the Snow Giant Dakobian was in the area where the lightning was triggered, bit by bit eroding the radiation range of the Shadow Flame Volcano and compressing the power of the Shadow Flame Dragon.

The Shadow Flame Dragon had no choice but to go to the border to fight the Snow Giant Da.

Otherwise, if the border is compressed, his power will gradually decline as his territory shrinks. This is a last resort counterattack. Otherwise, if the giant dragon can't beat him, he can just hide in the volcano and wait for the snow giant to come and get beaten.

But the reality is that huddled in a volcano is just waiting to die.

But if the snow giant is stupid and steps into the volcano's radiation range before it cannibalize the volcano's influence.

Then it's the dragon's turn to attack.

The power of the dragon can instantly reach any corner within the volcanic radiation range.

The shadow of the Shadow Flame Dragon falling from the sky before, accompanied by a mouthful of strong dragon flames, is the best example.

Maybe it was because the Shadow Flame Dragon was too seriously injured that it only sprayed out a puff of dragon flame.

Otherwise, with this god-given opportunity, the Shadow Flame Dragon will definitely come in person to completely kill the Snow Giant Da, whose power has been severely suppressed, and eliminate future troubles forever.

"When Snow Giant Da made a sneak attack on me, he was discovered by the Shadow Flame Dragon in time and spit out a mouthful of dragon flame to help me." Russell said slowly, "After this battle, Snow Giant Da probably didn't dare to act rashly again, but just to be on the safe side , I have to report this matter to the Elder Council and alert the flying dragon knights."

The Council of Elders has just issued an order to eliminate demons, and the flying dragon knights must offer twenty ice soul beads every year. However, there are no snow demons in the country, so they can only go abroad to hunt snow demons.

Snow Giant Dar is most likely ambushing the Flying Dragon Knight outside the border.

Therefore, Russell must report the news as soon as possible. In addition, he also wants to go to Shadow Flame Volcano and communicate with the Shadow Flame Dragon in person.

Find out why the Snow Giant dared to cross the border and attack.

He suddenly thought: "Could it be that the Shadow Flame Dragon is so frighteningly weak that it cannot suppress the Snow Giant Da?"

If that were the case, Russell would not be able to sleep peacefully in the Cigar Courtyard.

Only a thousand days to be a thief, how can a thousand days to guard against a thief?

He and Baoli always had time to sleep and relax. If Snow Giant Da attacked at this time, they might not be able to react and be killed by Snow Giant Da in one blow.

"If the Shadow Flame Dragon is indeed too weak, I have to think carefully about whether to run to the Kingdom of Blazing Torrents to avoid the limelight... The Snow Giant Da is obviously targeting me. I don't know if it's because the aura of Little Dream Dragon is leaking or something else. reason."

I have so many thoughts that I need to personally ask the Shadow Flame Dragon for answers.

Russell looked around at his followers, waved his hand, and said, "Okay, it's useless to think too much. Now that I have been promoted to Dragon Territory Lord, I am no longer afraid of Snow Giant Da's sneak attack, and the future will only be more brilliant!"

"What your Lord said is true!" Charles immediately echoed.

"Then, Charles, tomorrow the territory will continue to celebrate according to the Dragon Riding Ceremony. However, the last dragon riding ceremony was a dance. This time, let's spend money and let the people in the territory happily share my glory."

"As you wish, my lord!" Charles said happily, he liked this kind of excitement the most.

However, Russell also ordered: "You can just celebrate on the territory. Don't go to Blackfire Land and Lei Ze during this period, in case the Snow Giant Da suddenly comes back with a killing blow. Wait until I come back from the Red Keep."

Everyone accepted the order: "No!"

That night.

After leaving the Cigar Compound, Grontan Lotus returned to the officials' dormitory building. He is not yet an adult, so he currently does not have any position. He just follows Eric, Grove and others, focusing on study and cultivation.

In the past, he lived in the magnificent Huyang Fort and was cared for by male and female servants. Now, except for the care of a valet and a maid, he needs to do everything himself.

It has to be said that Grontan needs time to adapt to this process.

"But I don't regret following Brother Russell!" Grontan lay on the bed, tossing and turning, unable to sleep.

The scene where Russell was promoted to Dragon Territory Lord tonight had a huge impact on him: "Dragon Knight, Dragon Territory Lord, even if Brother Russell rides on the dragon tomorrow, it will be normal for him."

As a knight, the young Grontan once longed for the family's Bismuth Hualong.

But whether it was the lack of attention from his parents, the subtle suppression of his brother Grongo Baijian, or the cold attitude of Bismuth Hualong towards him, he knew very early that he had no hope of becoming a flying dragon knight, so he vaguely wanted to escape from Populus euphratica. fort.

Until I met Russell, who was visiting for the first time, and I was fascinated to see Russell riding a handsome unicorn.

Then he was shocked by Russell's three-sword style ultimate move.

How he longed to be like Russell and break into the sky as the second son of the family, instead of continuing to be a little transparent.

Especially in that tense atmosphere, Russell suddenly came riding a dragon, instantly making his father and brother change their faces, and his enthusiastic attitude could not be more exaggerated. At that moment, Grontan finally knew what kind of knight he longed to be.

A knight like Russell!

Today, Russell has once again become a legend, promoted to the Dragon Domain Lord that only exists in legends.

If the dragon knight is an unattainable ideal, and the flying dragon knight pays more attention to origin and status, then the dragon domain lord is the ultimate template for ordinary knights, the limit that a second son like him can achieve.

"Brother Russell has done it!" Grontan couldn't help but clenched his fist, "And next is the dragon knight!"

His reason told him that he should not have any illusions about the dragon knight.

But seeing Russell's achievements step by step, he couldn't help but want to place greater hopes: "What if, what if Brother Russell really rides on the dragon, and can be looked at by the Shadow Flame Dragon?" There are not many knights!"

Except for the important ministers of the Grand Duchy, there are really no ordinary knights that the Shadow Flame Dragon has looked at directly - after all, the Shadow Flame Dragon has been sleeping most of the time.

"Perhaps one day, Brother Russell will ride on the Shadow Flame Dragon... I, Grontan Baimaigen, must follow behind Brother Russell and witness this day with my own eyes!" Grontan knew his limit.

So he regarded Russell as his ideal self. Russell could achieve everything he couldn't do!

And that night, Grontan was not the only one who couldn't sleep.

Eric also tossed and turned and couldn't sleep, so he simply put on his coat and walked gently to another room.

The golden and silver wolfhound lives in this room, with two eyes, one gold and one silver, shining brightly in the dark night.

"You can't sleep either, right, Kevin." Eric said softly, "Lord of the Dragon Realm, I thought it was just a legend, but you used your personal experience to turn the legend into a reality... You said, you and me Can you be promoted to Dragon Territory Lord?"

Kevin didn't answer, just blinked, as if to say - why don't you look in the mirror first?

In the courtyard of the officials' dormitory building, Bill, the Windblade Brown Bear, was already fast asleep. Grove, who couldn't sleep and wanted to talk to Bill, scratched the back of his head.

He smiled naively and said to himself: "What am I thinking about!"

He smiled and stroked Bill's hair: "Bill looks like a bear, and there is absolutely no possibility of being promoted to Dragon Territory Lord. I, Grove, am also a mediocre knight, how can I be like Sir and Mr. Baoli?" That way, it becomes a legend!”

Among the three Phantom Beast Knights, Katie also did not fall asleep.

However, she had no fantasy about dragon domain lords, and she had no intention of talking to Jerry, the red-eyed rat king.

But he was thinking about other things: "My lord didn't say it, but the situation at that time was absolutely dangerous... I have never seen the Snow Giant Da, but he almost killed the Shadow Flame Dragon. How could your lord avoid its sneak attack?" "

Although Russell downplayed the scene of his promotion to Dragon Domain Lord, as a woman, Katie could imagine the dangers involved.

"Your Excellency is kind, humble, gentle, kind, heroic, and handsome... The people in his territory live and work in peace and contentment, including me, enjoying your protection... But Your Majesty has to face such dangers alone!"

Katie suddenly sat up from the bed and looked at the fine steel sword hanging by the bedside, feeling no longer sleepy.

"I am incompetent and cannot protect you!"

So she directly took off the stainless steel sword, placed it between her legs, and decided to meditate instead of sleeping tonight.

Practice all night!

Just to catch up in Russell's footsteps and have the opportunity to protect Russell in the future and prevent his beloved lord from facing danger alone.

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